studies connecting parasites and cancer are fascinating to me...

that would really upset the Big Pharma apple cart!

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Tessa you're not crazy.

You cut processed sugar out of your diet and yeast overgrowth diminishes. Then all of a sudden your athletes foot disappears.

Another thing I've found which is creepy, you use a natural organic oregano oil on such athletes foot, and it melts the infection away like it's plastic.

Wake up with sinus blockage in the morning, most people take an anti histamine, supposed hay fever allergy. I get oregano oil out, inhale it through both nostrils, within 60 seconds sinus opens up. Its like those nano plastic fibres just melt away...

Biological synthetic plastics, that behave like a cross between a fungus, yeast, bacteria and a parasite. It causes acidosis in the blood, in precursor and assembled functionality.

Bifidobacterium, noted to have taken a dive in peoples gut microflora after injection with C-19 counter measure. Bifidobacterium break down polymers in the gut. Coincidence I think not.

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"as a somewhat spacey philosophical child, I have a very curious mind that wants to connect philosophy and health, and…" haha you just described me perfectly!

I completely agree that modern doctors don't want to see how the body works on a very basic level. Which is funny because for thousands of years up until about the 20th century, doctors DID know the basics of the body.

If you have time, look into Traditional Holistic Medicine. It's fascinating when you understand the basics... who knew ;)

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Apr 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa. Nope not crazy. Actually there is a holistic physician that has had considerable success with autoimmune diseases by working with the assumption that one casual factor is either bacterial or viral. He determines what infection there is (no easy chore) and then gives abbreviated antibiotic or antiviral therapy. Followed up with any needed bioidentical hormones, vitamins, minerals, etc... Dr. David Brownstein. He's written several books. https://www.drbrownstein.com/

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Could not agree more. Also not a doc. Had similar thoughts when an esteemed doc told me my body was hiving “for no reason”.


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Apr 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Every few centuries (if not decades) the medical practices and ideas of the past seem ignorant.

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Apr 22Liked by Tessa Lena

I have come to entirely the same conclusion in much the same way, an interested observer who is not gaming their conclusions.

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In asking these questions, you, Tessa, are doing what doctors have been trained quite thoroughly to not do -- critically evaluate the empirical information provided by the clinical data. Having trained myself as an M.D. in the 1980's, I can attest to the fact (which has been also been observed by A MidWestern Doctor, a prominent substacker) that doctors are systematically trained, starting in their pre-medical years, through medical school itself, and extending into residency, to accept the received wisdom canonically. To question is viewed sometimes at least an act of impudence, reflecting the naïveté of one inexperienced in the lessons of the clinic. The task of the trainee is to absorb the lessons of their wiser elders and to improve upon only by integrating the new data made available through scientific publications and randomized controlled trials.

The result of this is the mess we are now in. Doctors follow slavishly what is perceived to be the "standard of care" often out of fear that deviation from it will result in loss of licensure. Like so many soldiers mindlessly following orders, theirs is not to reason why, theirs is but to do and die, to paraphrase Tennyson. In following the research, like moths to the flame, they ignore the now accepted fact that the journals are hopelessly corrupted by pharmaceutical interests and most of what is printed in them will ultimately be proven incorrect (the research of Ioannidis has shown this and it has never been challenged).

But above and beyond this, the mindset of conformism discourages creativity, critical thinking and the exercise of intelligence, or even compassion. Conformity is a god that brooks no challengers. Doctors and those who teach them know little of the diseases they treat, but much about the algorithms for how to treat them pharmaceutically or surgically and for using diagnostics to guide their decision making. They truly prove Voltaire's point, made in the eighteenth century that "Doctors are men who prescribe medicines of which they know little, to cure diseases of which they know less, in human beings of whom they know nothing".

It is also fair to say that many diseases are iatrogenic or toxicologically based, and there is far less money, and potential lawsuits involved in researching these causations. Hence these are stones no-one (except for the sick patients and the few doctors who have some shred of curiosity and creativity surviving the extinction process) wants overturned. There are deliberate efforts made to turn the curious minded away from such ideas ( your must be anti-vaxxer,or anti-science to ask such questions!) that are used as weapons of mass deception against anyone who still can rub two brain cells together.

I long ago turned away from the allopathic model towards homeopathy, functional medicine, herbalism, and energy medicine, realizing that the culture of medicine was stultifying and constricting intellectually. I was literally suffocating with algorithms, none of which seemed to get my patients very far, and certainly not healthier. I commend you for asking the questions. Half of understanding is the process of asking the questions that need to be asked. Answering the questions is usually anti-climactic, but sometimes can lead to true healing. Thanks for your thoughtfulness!

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Prescient. My 27 year old son was injected with Pfizer's C19 "vaccines" in late 2021.

In 2022: he waited 6 months for an ultrasound scan only to be told that the debilitating pain in his testes and the "growth" discovered via ultrasound discovered was "not cancerous"...

In late 2023: my previously healthy boy was misdiagnosed with "conjunctivitis".

The "conjunctivitis" was not pink-eye: it is an autoimmune disease.

"Necrotizing Scleritis".

He was finally correctly diagnosed in late February of this year, "in the nick of time". His opthalmologist told him he would probably have lost his eyes had he not been emergency referred by a telemedicine nurse.

Prednisone (high dose) was prescribed and he's been on that immunosuppressant drug for 6 weeks now.

He finally saw a rheumatoid arthritis specialist today: he'll be self-injecting a new drug into his stomach for the foreseeable future.

It's an immunosuppressant chemotherapy drug manufactured by Pfizer. Used to "treat" cancer patients:


Another Pfizer drug.

He is not connecting dots. Nor are his "specialists".

I have. He was Pfizered. 😭

I sent him this article which he won't read....

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Apr 23Liked by Tessa Lena

One thing that supports the immune system is listening to classical music. Short version: Mozart instrumental music will give you energy and even out the autonomic nervous system. One you are in this state of equanimity, you body is in the best condition to carry out self healing. Singing and meditation are also helpful.

We have retroviruses on board and sometimes we “catch” them. If you are out of whack they come out to play and we get autoimmune conditions.

Myself I love the horn concertos. But to calm down there is gregorian chant. You begin to breathe with the singers.

There is a lot more to this and I have stunning anecdotes. The ANS ( autonomic nervous system) is your best friend.

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Very Clever Tessa!

As a person who was extremely and dangerously ill from mold in the house, I completely agree with everything you write here!

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Apr 23Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes , I think you are on the right track. I hope to hear more.

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Autoimmune is a catchall phrase for mycoplasma bacterial intercellular infections, wherever they occur. There are also other "body-less" intercellular infections that evade detection and treatment by the body's immune system, so the body attacks the cells they inhabit; e.g., rickettsia bacteria (numerous species) - infects the endothelial cell lining of blood vessels and causes all kinds of havoc. Look at these little intercellular critters if you want to dig deeper. There was also a line of thinking that mycoplasma bacteria were used as bioweapons at one time, but that's disappeared from everywhere you can search, last I checked (maybe one ref. below). I'm just a proletariat too but I slept in a Holiday Inn Express a few times. Here's some references to get you started.




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Apr 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Not crazy at all

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Apr 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Sadly - or gratefully! - I live in NZ, otherwise I would have you (your 5 year old self) as my doctor. But alas, your approach would not help the economy 'grow', and we have to make our priorities!

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Apr 23Liked by Tessa Lena

Great article Tessa! We need more curious people like you to connect the dots. One thing I would add is that fasting is one of the absolute best ways to heal from almost all things. I used to have terrible pain in my lower back, but after a couple of 5 day water fasts I feel 30 years younger.

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