When you learn of the gentle way of healing , for say, my torn rotator cuffs and herbs, and cleanses, that exist, see: Shoulder pain 5th edition by john kirsh, the surgeries they use on people seem barbaric and savage. I'd be ashamed to do that to someone.
When you learn of the gentle way of healing , for say, my torn rotator cuffs and herbs, and cleanses, that exist, see: Shoulder pain 5th edition by john kirsh, the surgeries they use on people seem barbaric and savage. I'd be ashamed to do that to someone.
Just in case, be careful with stem cells. What I know is anecdotal but I heard that when stem cells became the rage, which was a while ago, some Russian celebrities jumped on it when it was not widely available, ad then I believe the long-term outcome was not so great. But again, anecdotal. I don't know exactly what they did.
Thanks, i will investigate this, they are out of my price range anyway, so. in a way being dirt poor, is protective. my main concern is to get well enough to evacuate this coming fire season. last year it was deliberate, and very close. everything else is secondary.
When you learn of the gentle way of healing , for say, my torn rotator cuffs and herbs, and cleanses, that exist, see: Shoulder pain 5th edition by john kirsh, the surgeries they use on people seem barbaric and savage. I'd be ashamed to do that to someone.
PRP injected via ultrasound guidance into my shoulder healed my torn rotator cuff and frozen shoulder within 90 days
cool. i was looking at stem cells , myself. if this other stuff fails, it is going well so far tho.
Just in case, be careful with stem cells. What I know is anecdotal but I heard that when stem cells became the rage, which was a while ago, some Russian celebrities jumped on it when it was not widely available, ad then I believe the long-term outcome was not so great. But again, anecdotal. I don't know exactly what they did.
Thanks, i will investigate this, they are out of my price range anyway, so. in a way being dirt poor, is protective. my main concern is to get well enough to evacuate this coming fire season. last year it was deliberate, and very close. everything else is secondary.