Beautifully written. I find it highly ironic that the people who claim to be all about saving the earth are the same ones poisoning it with chemicals and pharmaceuticals. Just go look up what drug waste (expelled from everyone's urine) does to the eco-system.

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What a beautiful read. Thank you.

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Well said.

The late David Graeber once concluded that money is debt and debt is guilt. It is the institutionalization of this guilt that is holding us down.

The Catholic concept of the original sin, debt slavery and climate guilt in the end it is all the same thing.

At the same time it explains why psychopaths (people without guilt) can thrive in our profoundly sick world and yes, they are using our guilt against us.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Well, this came in for me to read - at a very despairing time. I feel like we are all playing a game we can't win - and fighting a fight against thousands of enemies ( how to direct our energies?) - which prevents focused fire.

I'm a writer-director of TV, Film, and theatre - and I feel like stories are almost pointless right now - we have learned almost NONE of the lessons from a world history full of them - both fiction and non - and the lessons have been lost on all but the smallest percentage.

I've totally shifted into survival mode: planting food, learning to shoot, investing the little bit I have into a property and some assets in the hopes I can survive the great collapse....

but to what end?

This onlslaught by psychotic, soulless machines is only going to ramp up, sucking all the joys out of living.

I will fight whatever I can whenever I can - but it feels both overwhelming and shapeless - which makes fighting something I will do - whenever the target stays still.

And it never does.

This is a beautiful and ultimately optimistic piece you have written - and my downtrodden spirit is shitting all over your attempt at uplift.

I'm sorry for being an albatross - this isn't my typical energy/mindset.

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Beautiful, Tessa, I share your sentiments in almost all that you write. Thank you!

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Thank you for writing this 🙏❤️

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Travelled to Russia 1992 - 1996. I was asked to help on environmental restoration. Had friends there. Brought them to the US. You know your history. Most people there do. Despite being born to the home of the free and there brave, it's people like you, Tessa, that we we need to remind us of the gift that is America. I agree with your comment that if we can find each other, connect, then we have a chance of saving this precious experiment.

Read a piece by Jack London about the leper colony at Molokai. He had voyaged to the island expecting to find an unhappy, isolated people. He found the opposite. Maybe a third of us will remain unvaccinated, but if we can find each other, form our colony, then there is hope for the world.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Inspiring piece. Thank you.

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It seems a tragedy on all levels. I feel deeply sorry for the oppressed and the oppressors. Why the latter as well? Because they too are operating under a false assumption. An assumption that if they can control everything they will be happier. And the oppressed also buy into this narrative in thinking they need “leaders” and that more laws, more shiny things, bigger houses, longer lifespans etc etc … will make them happier. They admire the elites (for want of a better word) in this regard. Nearly everyone is operating under this false premise and it’s a tragedy because no one seems able to conceive of a different way (Capitalist Realism - see Mark Fisher), a way you often elude to Tessa when you speak of love and community. Once one realises the promises of globocap are devoid of value then the whole charade falls away. The keystone removed, the entirety of the propaganda, the need for economic attainment and growth, the conflicts over resources, the imprisonment of people, the mass media, whole shit show that is the Western human experience looks laughable and quite frankly, very dull. It’s no ones fault. People are hardwired to think in these terms and we are so susceptible to group think. A conscious effort to move towards a more “enlightened” state is unlikely to succeed because it’s just not how humans work. We do what is easy and fun and then ultimately what is the bare minimum necessary. Eventually it is this necessary component that will turn culture into something different. It’s a tragedy because we must fall victim to appalling circumstances before we change direction. But truth is truth and what we are living through at the moment doesn’t even come close to the truth of our being.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

"Why Bother Speaking the Truth" because we are NOT to bear false witness; especially to future generations!

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Nov 20, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Some incredible truth-speaking from a member of the Russian Duma. Translation assistance appreciated!


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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you for writing. Thank you thank you.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Very strange: my wife loved this and posted a link from her FB page. Her link has a beautiful image of fiery light streaming into a cave. But the article on substack doesn't show me an image.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

"And the answer is, it’s for my truth and for my ancestors. It’s also for the people around me and for the future generations." Very moving.

Future generations hope and expect us to leave our best to them. That means being truthful with them. Otherwise history is bunk; and likely to repeat.

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Nov 19, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena


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Have more unvaccinated children and homeschool them!

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