May 28, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

this isn't over til the people who did 2020 to us are out of power.

children are being murdered, the cdc wants to make that official next month. and there's other monkey business going on. but this time we know the drill.

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This is definitely not over. I even think that this is not the biggest part of the battle at all. But.... it is still one of the battles, and this is good news!!

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lots of distractions (like brush fires) while the main event is famine.

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...stop being an arrogant, algorithmic civilization,"

Without a doubt Ms Tessa. I think we have a ways to go before we become humbled but I do believe that's coming. We all lament difficult times, but it's only in difficult times that we are challenged to become better versions of ourselves and find our humanity. This is one of the reasons I don't think this insane "great reset" is going to go exactly the way they are planning. The smarter plan would have been to spend all of the trillions of dollars they've printed all over the world to keep the populace fat, lazy, distracted and wallowing in materialism until their plan was complete. Instead, they went for oppression, fear, hatred and division which, historically, causes populations to wake up. As terrible as things seem, I truly have hope for an amazing era for future generations as long as this generation can use everything thats been going on as a learning experience and a catalyst to bring in the *true* reset and that starts in our hearts, minds, and souls. IMHO

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I agree!

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I agree. Without these people we consider to be our enemies the majority of people would still be asleep to what has been going on. Instead we have a global community of people waking up and getting to know one another. Always going to be good when it comes to solving international and local problems and finding new ways to live more harmoniously and sustainably with one another. I started to think in terms of 'sacrificial souls' many years ago. The first that caught my eye was Judas. It was crucial he performed his role in the story of betrayal and the crucifixion. Without his identification of Jesus, there was only a story of a beautiful Jewish man who went around talking to people and healing the sick. I then started to notice how we often learn important things about ourselves at the hands of a deceiving or nasty family member or friend if we learn to put aside our outrage. It has made me feel a tenderness towards those who have been unkind to me in the past. I think the answer could well be to feel more love for our oppressors and definitely to keep speaking up truthfully about what is going on.

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Stockholm Syndrome 🙄

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Great point.

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Thank you Rob D for writing your comment. I beleive what you have written also. A reset that starts in our hearts ♥️ minds and soul

Thank you

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Excellent point.

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I heard the African knew better, having seen WHO and related medical-experiments go down in their neighborhoods for a looong time...

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May 28, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

We won that battle 🥂🥂Now to win the war🇺🇸

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I read somewhere that the upcoming “treaty” is the really bad thing.

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Yep. I wrote about it earlier. My feeling is that they will try to sneak it in this way or another. But it does feel good that at least this thing didn't succeed (as of this moment).

That said, they also don't mind breaking laws so..


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A slight sigh of relief.

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Just two points from me today: One, "we" are not the ones that are making an "arrogant, algorithmic civilization," except when we concede and allow these psychopaths to tell us what to do and who we are. Americans are excessively compliant, it seems to me, except for, thankfully, their unwillingness to give up their guns. And two, per the Constitution, ANY attempt to undo the freedoms guaranteed in the Constitution are on their face ILLEGAL. The idea that a corrupt government, or a cabal of interlopers, could simply change the Constitution without the agreement of the PEOPLE was considered by the Founders and Writers of that document... Yeah, they thought about it!! IT CAN'T BE DONE. An illegal undoing of the Constitution is... ILLEGAL. So, unless we just sit on our fat butts and comply, this is a moot argument, that psychotic mutant powermongers could undo our rights, or our Constitution. Our rights are not "given" to us by govt., they are given to us by GOD, whatever that word may mean to us, it clearly implies power beyond Human power. We don't need to "fight for our rights," we need to work toward stopping anyone who wants to try to skirt them.

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Yes, thank you, I’m totally in agreement.

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Temporary stay of execution.

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Hearing the round table today lightened my heart a bit. I know we are not out of the woods, but it has been so long since I felt a glimmer...I was on the edge of my seat as Jim spoke. I am trying to count blessings. He is one, doing so much sharp investigative work. I am thankful for him and all the others, whether I know of them or not. Thank you!

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wtf? the WHO is a globalist tool, a creation of big pharma/big money and will continue to do as it is told. like "democracy", that the "sovereign entities" of the world have any say in anything the WHO does is illusion, craft, pure theater. all power machinations/maneouvers are occult theater, folks-- try to keep from drifting back asleep if you can. rest assured love is not going to charm the wounded deer out of the mouth of the wolf. power is a stalking, vigilant predator & is not at all moved by love.

power invented the game. power made the rules. power owns the teams, populates the judges, the referees and all the players. we are just the suckers in the stands thinking that all these psychos are our friends and neighbors.

free your mind, find your soul-- none of this psychotic crap playing out on the world stage means anything.

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NEW WORLD ORDER addressed by Dr Mahathir former prime minister of Malaysia (2015) https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BUE0ZqUBY3w

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Hi Tessa, The 'compassionate' death cult email came through without content.

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