I wish I could remember who originally shared your work with me so I could thank them.

Yet again you point to the bruises without blame, and instead with a clear eye on healing.

Your words are sage as ever and beautifully timed. Thank you 🙏🙏🙏

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Thank you so much for your kind words! I think we really, truly need each other and depend on each other's strength, courage, honesty, good will, and kindness more than ever now!

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Might have been Dr. Mercola? He posted a number of Tessa's articles on his newsletter. I think I found Tessa though Mercola.

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If there is one good thing to come out of this false plague, it is finally finding the path to spiritual healing. I was never one to dwell upon the importance of the Creator, and all that has been bestowed upon us, 4 years ago, but now I understand the power of prayer, especially for those who have passed and their souls might not yet be in a safe place, and for those close friends and family members who are going through their own unbelievably horrible crises (yes they are hypnotized). I will admit I am finding it hard to forgive, but maybe that will eventually happen. I try not to dwell on that disappointment and bitterness. Tessa - you always invoke love and I didn't understand at first, but now I do. Love is the strongest power. Thank you. You were there as I finally opened my eyes.

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Thank you, Sunshine! You have no idea how happy your words make me feel. Big hugs to you!

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Hugs to you too Tessa! Thank you for all you do!

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it is a natural human reflex to help others in times of distress. if we see someone out on a ledge or about to jump off the bridge, whether we know them or not, we do all we can to encourage them not to take the plunge. so doesn't it make sense that we would want to wake up the hypnotized to keep them from walking straight into the fire?

on the other hand there is a persuasive argument that if we do others' spiritual work for them, we become codependent in a sense. like if you always hold a child's hand when they're walking, they'll never learn to walk by themselves - and they'll always need you to be around to hold them up while they stumble around.

speaking personally, i think there's never been a more important time to have a spiritual practice and to connect as strongly as possible with whoever/whatever you consider to be your source. i am 100% convinced that we have help and it's there if we ask for it. not trying to be doctrinaire here, my opinion is that all sincere prayers rise to the same place

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I think it's impossible to do spiritual work for any other person, and it serves no good. But it is possible to send them good energy and pray for them from a position of balance and calm (which is usually a lot easier when one is removed from the situation a little, as opposed to intimately impacted). What is harmful though is writing them off as a permanent fuck-up (.e. "judging"), and it is also inaccurate, people have the ability to come alive, and honest loving prayer of many people has the power to bring the healing with more ease.

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that's a good point, we can't do spiritual work for anyone other than ourselves.

hoping that we see more people we may have given up on making a quantum leap - even if it takes a miracle. something beyond a sheepish "sorry i bought into the lie and made your life so miserable."

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What I have found is that it's easier to see how other people get played, and much harder usually to see what happens in the first person. The most productive way and useful for the world that I found so far is to focus on own clarity about "facts" and pray for clarity for all good people, personally I always pray to know what is actually true, whether it is exactly how I see it now or not. I have changed my mind about a number of things over the past four years, and I will probably do it again many times. :) The condescending prayer ("I know what's true, so let them see the world I how see it") is somewhat less effective, I think. It also falls into the same thing, everyone can only legitimately do their own work. It is very common (and I have done it many times) for people to focus on what "others should do" and neglect one's own job, while being VERY busy with thinking about what others should do. None of it is a formula of course, but it seems the most productive to leave all judgement to the Creator and pray to do one's job well and in a gratifying manner!

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very easy to call bullshit on others, but not so easy to look in the mirror and call bullshit on ourselves! i have changed my mind many times over the last 4 years as well...but i guess that makes me movable with data :)

i didn't go into this to judge anybody. it was just brutal to stand there helplessly and watch in horror as people i loved with all my heart, people i would have taken a bullet for, walked straight off the cliff. guess that's when you turn everything over to the creator.

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I hear you!!! xoxoxo

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Tessa, somehow the Creator speaks and you write. I will read this many times over. If there is Divine intervention certainly you have a tap to it. Maybe I should have said because there is Divine presence and you are tapped into it. Ask and receive. If I heal, my hurting loved one may as well. I think that’s what you are saying. It’s as if their pain is so deep and if we take it too deep ….it is an obstacle to healing? Being an empath has also been being a bit of a door mat, a trauma magnet. Hmm, lots to think and pray about. You could be an angel in disguise.

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Thank you Cynthia!!! You are so kind

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Blessings to you! Love is the most powerful healing force in the universe and THE CREATOR IS LOVE, the CREATIVE LIFE FORCE ENERGY OF THE COSMOS!

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Thank you, Amy!!

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"I put a spell on you..." https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=KWxDGQm2hKk


Tessa: "We are dignified participants in Co-Creation."

Imagine ways for things to work out better as a form of prayer.

We all imagine things, anyway, right?

Tessa sure got this right:

"I am of a strong opinion that when people who don’t impact us super-directly fall prey to hypnotists and act badly, we are in the position to pray very effectively, and our most productive and spiritually useful choice is to give energy to healing, to pray for their healing with love and respect for their souls."

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Thank you, Brother John!!!

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"in a way that kisses our heart"...... what a beautiful phrase! xx

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Thank you, Chris!

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Thank you Tessa, inspiring post.

very true statements:

… judgement is an energy that comes with its specific properties, and one of its properties is to create obstructions to healing.”

The intellect judges, the heart loves. Judgment bring suffering and illness.

“ Healing is a mysterious process that comes from the spirit world.”

“See, there is nothing that happens without the approval of the Creator. There is nothing wrong with you.”

The spirit world (and our own soul) will place in our path people and circumstances for our spiritual growth and healing, suffering is one of them.

Joy and happiness is in our heart, not the intellect.

I feel we (humans) are here on this earthy school for one thing only: To learn how to not judge and love each other.

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Thank you, Vaios!!

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Oh Tessa, could we get together over lunch and discuss how I "resemble" this complete scenario? And then I could hug you and give you a gift of LOVE from my heart and soul. I have spent 40 years with a person who constantly mirrors back to me the good, the bad and the ugly of what has been playing out here in HELL to get us all stuck in our places of dysfunctional relationship: enabled instead of empowered, enslaved instead of sovereign, and in conflict instead of LOVE.

I am so tired and you remind me, that choosing the "loving way" will always come from inside and I just need to shut up!! The sound of my own voice has become obnoxious even, as I go over and over the same "talking points" that have not worked and can never work with my partner! You are right! Only Father Mother God can assist me with this, and I must keep in mind that I am so much better connected to my heart and inner guidance than I ever have been because of the suffering and struggles this relationship has inspired me to be with and struggle with.

It is good my dear one, to know I am not alone out here in the cosmos and in this dimension and I have already climbed the hardest part of the mountain to a higher place perhaps, where I can see from a higher perspective and remember why I came here to be here in this Spiritual War at this amazing time in the Awakening of the human race to LOVE, which is our true nature as we evolve together and focus on becoming the best versions of ourselves.

Mostly I need to be reminded: "I am here to know and completely accept that I am never alone" because my GOD PARENTS are always with me and ready to LOVE me. We are a family once more!

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I am so touched by your words, Sharon! Thank you!! Big hugs to you!

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Herman loves Tessa. Spiritually Transformative Experiences must have helped to elevate her deep insights.

Virtual hugs

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I'll be the one to ask, Tessa, which video do you refer to? Or anyone?

Gossip do serve a purpose, to keep each other informed.

Other than that totally agree with your beautiful post, I'm so thankful to have stumbled on your work in 2021.

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Thank you, Raphael! There is a reason I didn't include it, and I am sticking to it! :) If you are of the opinion that gossip has positive value, we disagree on its value. :) My opinion is that its value is negative. There is a point to trying to understand a conflict in the community with wisdom and prayer for healing it but it is near impossible to do so in the real world on Substack. People just like to know the gossip, and make judgement, and decide who is right and who is wrong, and it helps nothing, if the parties involved are sincere just temporarily misguided. So I am not going to include the video, as much as it would bring a lot more clicks! :)

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I respect your decision, and I understand your reasons. That is why I found you such a beautiful voice of today's world.

Still, I find a bit sad that you think it would not be possible to know something and still hold back any judgment. I am just a human being, and I'm not perfect, but I do think it is possible, and I do try, to welcome events, news, people,... with an open heart as well as an open mind.

But anyway, if I am not meant to know about it so be it :)

Enjoy your day all

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“There is no worse harm for a person with a strong intellect than the temptation to make witty remarks that blame and mock his neighbors. …

Making jokes and blaming and mocking others is like covering a dead body with a nice sauce and presenting it as a meal. Without the sauce, you would turn away, but with it, you find you can easily eat this distasteful meal.”

Leo Tolstoy (the great spiritual master).

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Natural mRNA DNA is the key to Heaven and all life forms on this planet were born with that key. ModRNA DNA is synthetic patented and created in a laboratory and once injected with it, as a vaccine, according to The US Supreme Court Law with World Wide Applications 2013, the Human body is changed to Trans Human after 6 hours from injection according to a Swedish Study and according to that Law, Trans Humans are a new species from 2020 and zero Rights have been written into Law for them, so they have the same Rights as black slaves, prior to the end of your US Civil War 1864, now.

The problem I see is that ModRNA DNA is not natural to nature and does not provide the key to Heaven when the vaccinated die - how can it - so their Souls don't return to Heaven and Heaven is emptying of Souls to be born in kids, who are dying in the womb or soon after birth, because they no longer have a Spirit or Soul to make them work after being born - it is how it is.

If interested, read the story on my substack about the boy who could remember his last life as a snake.

Not only are these vaccines deliberately exterminating our species, but also wherever our Spirit or Soul goes to, after we die and since that is not "our" Heaven, but somewhere else, there is no "coming back" ever again - and - there is no escape, once vaccinated from your eventual death, then you will find out wherever your Spirit goes and from a few who have foreseen where that is, they appear to have been terrified - thank your politicians, the people you put into politics for that, starting with Trump, the "Father Of Vaccines" as he proudly calls himself, although he has never been seen to have one, he who signed the supply contracts to last to 2027, Biden who picked up with them after Trump and the Banks and the Elite behind this extermination of us "Human Garbage", deliberately and for a reason. Best thing you can do is inject them with their vaccines and hang onto them for 6 hours afterwards, to give their vaccines time to go past their Blood Brain Barrier into the inner workings of their bodies, where it can't be removed and they get the same fate as you, rather than deriding you as they exterminate you, without any come back on therm at all. Better a new species inhabits our world after our species is extinguished, than these evil bastards.

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I did not see any video this morning. But I like judgement Tessa. Good judgement that is. I'm not fond of poor judgement. I wonder what it is you are referring when you say to not judge, or that it does not help. If someone has caused you pain, do you not reflexively start erecting a judgement barrier. If you find the action that caused the pain was intentional, how would you not consider that you were a victim. I'm puzzled. As for forgiveness, to forgive would be divine. I want to forgive wrongs as I want to be forgiven. But if there is no sincere apology made, there is no healing by forgiving an intentional wrong. More likely a vicious cycle unless some kind of judgement is made. Less chance of being hypnotized and more chance of avoiding future pain. I'm not following very well.

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Thank you for speaking your mind, Paul! As far as how forgiveness works in my opinion, here is a story about that. I think in an ideal world, it is healthy to wait for an apology but in this current state of the world we are in, we can often wait and wait and wait till cows come home, so there can be another mechanism to let go, and hope that one day, in this life or another, an apology or a closure will come, and that it will make things sweet for real https://tessa.substack.com/p/anatomy-of-forgiveness

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In an ideal world an apology may not be necessary. Or maybe it would, that is consideration to ponder if creating a universe or a world. Maybe worthwhile in an eternal perception. Maybe another day. We also have this world, now, where we can wait and wait and wait. And when ones talking point becomes less popular, something that has the appearance of an apology may become evident. The loving spiritual beings may want so much to forgive and heal that there seems a possibility that a travesty of justice could occur without good judgement being exercised. Judgment may be like a double-edged sword, though. If mercy and justice were ever to meet, and they might never quite meet, but if they do, maybe we will have a conclusion. And that point may only be the beginning.

The article on the anatomy of forgiveness article is well considered and there is no argument from me. You have such lovely insight.

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Thank you, Paul!

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As there are no problems outside the human mind, it behooves us to observe how nature resolves.

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