One thing we must retain is our hope

Just as the Palestinians have unired and stood up to their bully occupiers, we must do the same. The time is coming in which people won't work in a system in which they have no hope. The American Dream may have an illusion but rob ppl of that illusion and ppl have no reason to prop up that system We need more ppl like you who remind us of the things like touch love and courage. We are being dispossessed from out humanity so let's remind one another of what it means to be human

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So true. And it's important to remember that there is no one person who is going to save us, and that it is a collective task. I believe that the result will be glorious if people really take this take responsibly and with a sense of having power to make a difference. I believe, from my heart, that the biggest challenge is for people to embrace their power for good. If that happens, everything else is less challenging. That is what we need to pray for and insist upon. Having the right to do good!

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So many forces for bad trying to influence us and yet ultimately we have the choice and to let others know they have a choice too BTW, great interview on Kevin Barrett's podcast. Kevin is a weird dude who often has extremely disagreeable guests but that's exactly where we need to be looking for kindred souls. One day the right of human touch and body autonomy will rank high on any true revolutionary demands. And if we believe that we only can talk to professional Leftists, we are very deluded.

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As an employee, I disposed of the bullying, gaslighting senior directors of two different local councils who came after me. I faced up to them, did it steadily and methodically, then put my tools away and retired so I could better look after my wife and children. I soooo wish that intelligent doctors would drum up the courage, the desire, the empathy I know they have and do what I did. It is doable, and your reward would be individually to save not just yourself and your families but collectively the entire human race. https://wirralinittogether.blog/2019/11/06/are-you-being-bullied-at-work-heres-some-detailed-advice-that-worked-for-me-and-helped-me-to-retire-aged-50/

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Your story is so beautiful. I applaud you.

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Thank you so much Tessa! I went through a similar process to Mark C-M, but succeeded in turning the tables on my employers, who'd abused their positions and their power. Mark's employers' policies and procedures may well come to his rescue. My full story is in this vid: https://wirralinittogether.blog/2020/06/01/video-i-was-banned-for-life-from-making-freedom-of-information-requests-and-personal-data-requests-by-a-council/

Despite the oppressive Covid lies and the prevailing fear, the last eleven years has been the happiest time of my life. Because I've had the time and space to care properly for my family 🤗

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Good for you!!! Thank you for sharing your story!

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Thank You, Tessa.


Love is our connection to each other, and to God, Universal Mind.

Wisdom comes from our experiences, and learning our lessons from them,

and deeply desiring to be guided to help this world heal and grow.

We can take one action at a time. We may be compassionate to one or more living beings.

We may desire to heal this planet, and desire to be guided in the right way of that.

That's what I'm working on, as are you. Klaus Schwab and the boys have no fear at all of us doing this.

Nor should they, but if they thought that we all live within a creation dream of Universal Mind,

then they wouldn't be who they are.

Like I said once before, I'm working on compassion for Henry-the-K.

I'm working more than that, but it makes an example.

The universe, as it realizes shape going forward, will bebetter if 99 year old Henry Kissinger realizes the suffering which he has been instrumental in creating, and deeply regrets it,

wishes he had not. Longs to have not been that instrument.

I think Our owners are floundering and grasping desperately at straws, as things fall apart,

because they must fall apart as this power and economic structure can't continue.

It's too inefficient, even if it were not horrible.

Being a good human, a good example, a vegetable gardener, a student of love and wisdom, a husband, father, bicyclist, etc, helping create a universe that flows better into love

is what I can keep working on.

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Thank you John!!

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