Kissinger 99, Schwab 89. Fauci 84, Gates 68. Let them start.

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and I don't see any of them rationing their intake of anything. Gates collects, among other things, private jets. F**k them.

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I agree.


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I see you are as dedicated as I am to stopping the carnage happening in Canada and most parts of the Western world.

But I must ask, are we getting somewhere?

Does our writing get results in stopping these evil people?

Though I write on another level (https://www.researchgate.net/profile/Luc-Lelievre) on similar topics, I feel that the Gates & the Schwabs are far better equipped than we are to render our lives still more miserable before our lives get to be better.


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Luc - I concur. These writings on Substack are great, but my sense is that it’s a narrow silo...only a very small number of people are reading this stuff, and ignoring the evil propaganda from the corrupted corporate media.

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I'd rather give them clubs - may the fittest win.... and then we can club the winner :P!

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He can be allowed to live. On a diet of crickets and bugs lockdowned in a 300 sqf apartment with a view towards a garbage field, monitored 24/7 and required to wear a mask at all times.

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These people are exactly like the central planners of old, interested in only divvying up the loot instead of expanding the pile so that we all live comfortably.

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It's all about the loot... you are right!!

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Food, water, energy, land -- it's just one giant loot pile for these people. And if you need to starve/freeze/go homeless in order for them to have a heated toilet in their 4th bathroom of their 7th mansion, that's what you'll do.

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That's what they wish we all did but I think there are more of us and IF we refuse to betray our own dignity and our neighbors, the maniacs will have a lot less power than they want to have!

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I'm 70! I don't have much time left on Earth.

I intend to resist digital ID...

Indeed some of us will end up murdered.


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Feb 21, 2023
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"Give me FREEDOM or give death!"

I agree it's a tough choice to make.

But we're here now.

So be it.


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Hence Chesterton's famous words.

"The poor have been rebels, but they have never been anarchists; they have more interest than anyone else in there being some decent government. The poor man really has a stake in the country. The rich man hasn't; he can go away to New Guinea in a yacht. The poor have sometimes objected to being governed badly; the rich have always objected to being governed at all. Aristocrats were always anarchists"

― G.K. Chesterton, The Man Who Was Thursday: A Nightmare

As true when he first wrote them as today.

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Today I’m finishing up a professional review of the following book that goes into great detail about this very issue; scientists/doctors being targeted/destroyed for Trying to do Real Science, then called conspiracy theorists nuts. I recommend it to everyone who’s searching for a clear, intelligent understanding of this pandemic and why [they] call people nutty conspiracy theorists: Ending Plague: A Scholar's Obligation in an Age of Corruption (Unabridged) — Dr. Francis W. Ruscetti, Dr. Judy Mikovits & Kent Heckenlively, JD

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That was a good book.

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....MAiD in Japan.....not just Canada......

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It's in many countries. If you read the article I wrote a couple of months ago (linked in this story), it's everywhere in the West, and it's disgusting

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I believe that societies that go down this path will self destruct.

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Did you see John Campbell's video about it in the UK? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=GEwktv-AGEw

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Yes, I have read it and am aware...just like you, I am disgusted and shocked how normalized this is becoming in writing about it lin MSM like it's nothing serious.....

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Love how these randoms wish they were God and think they know best. Earth has enough for all of us. The more these ideas are allowed... the more damage they do. Somehow putting earth over human lives. What’s the point of earth and protecting it, if we kill humans to “make it better?” They’re never right.

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They’re not *really* putting earth over human lives. That’s just a ruse to guilt people into depriving themselves and losing yet MORE individual rights and free will.

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Greed at its finest

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These crazies are so in to controlling us. Eat less meat? Nah. Eat plants? Nah. Fly less? Nah. Who are they? They haven’t been right once with their models. No thanks

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Anyone in a position of power who stands in favor of euthanasia needs to forget about mandates or laws requiring it, and simply lead by example: they can shuffle off this mortal coil and few if any will miss them.

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Also... who decides what the right amount of calories are? I can eat as many as I wish... and I exercise daily. I don’t need help with this.

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The usual bullshit. Meaning, everything is blamed on individual citizens, when all the elites do whatever they want. And the petroleum industry is building lots of gigantic factories to manufacture all kinds of plastic junk which ends up in the ocean and landfills. Also the chemical corporations build huge factories to produce yet more toxic chemicals. But, we should turn off our lights, eat less, turn down our heat, etc. On and on. I’m not falling for any of it. And that Japanese guy, talking about getting rid of old people...so much for the culture honoring and respecting our elders. Why can’t people open their eyes and see?

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That kid knows what time it is

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These fuckers preach and preach and preach.

Sad thing is, they're trying to reach outer space or the metaverse or whatever, which is why they're so antsy about their precious resources. What they don't know is that they will be miserable pieces of shit in space, in jupyter, in a black hole or in the metametawhatever. Why? Because life isn't about having shit, it's about appreciating what you have.

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WSJ just pushed a way of saving money: go without breakfast.

Not a bad strategy if you’re doing intermittent fasting, but somehow, I don’t think that’s what they were after.

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Oh yes, I saw it, I forgot to include it into this article!!! Thank you

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Doesn't anyone realize that we can reduce consumption by stopping slave and grossly underpaid labor? The only reason things are so cheap most people can afford way more stuff than they could ever use is because labor costs are low or nonexistent. Small farmers are also underpaid via price controls and other market tomfoolery. Pay people what they're worth, allow farmers a living wage, and the price of goods would rise considerably, which would slow and limit consumption considerably. There are SO many things that could be done to clean up the planet and make our us far less wasteful of resources, but the media guides us to worry about climate change ONLY. War? Nukes? Massive chemical explosions? Microplastics in our bodies? Glyphosate making everyone sick? Nothing to see here, please move on...

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Big thumbs up!

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"The climate is changing why aren't we?" sign reminds me of just how misguided these people are. I'm glad to see they care, but the people out screaming and protesting about "climate change" don't direct their concern in the right direction. The people at the top that are telling *us* that we need to "change" are the very ones creating the problems. The corporations, the war machine, the government... all the biggest polluters on the planet. As far as I can see, NONE of those screaming at *us* are doing anything to change their lives. They are flying around on private jets, sitting down to 15 course meals of rare delicacies, driving around with a motorcade of SUVs for their "protection" and I could go on and on and one. We would be wise to remember that as a people, we have done pretty much *everything* we've been asked to do. We changed our lightbulbs, we replaced our appliances (and now walk around with dirty clothes most of the time because our washes don't actually get our clothes clean), we have 20 bins to put our "recycling" in, we got low flow toilets that don't flush, we got low flow shower heads that don't rinse us off and, again, I could go on and on about the things that we have done as a populace to "save the planet". Yet, somehow, the climate continues to change. Hmmm.... wouldn't we think by now that it's not human beings that are causing the climate to change? Are we more powerful than the sun itself which drives most of the weather on the planet? If there is really a way for human beings to stop the climate from "changing" let's start with the fat cats, corporations and governments that are actually doing all of the polluting, wasting and damage. How about they set the example? How about the next time the MONSTERS like Bill Gates, Klaus Schwab, George Soros, the heads of industry, etc meet at one of their famous meetings of the minds that they publish the menu and let there be cricket stew, grasshopper croquettes and other things like that on the menu instead of Ostrich Steaks, Divers Scallops, etc.? And how about they all "jet pool" and all get on the same damn plane. Sorry to you, lady holding the sign, we have *already* changed about as much as we can. Wake the hell up.

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Great 2:20 video by the 12 yr old Brit. She gets 100, Greta Thornburg (sp?), negative infinity.

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Thunberg. "Thun" is an alternate spelling of "tun", meaning the bare crest of a hill and berg means mountain. So you could read her name as "bared mountaintop".

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Thanks for the clarification.

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University of Leeds was where I got my degrees, and held my last academic position. Working there was a big part of why I became chronically ill.

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