As a male lesbian I resent the exclusionary language used by Unwomen, I mean @UN_Women. This is more than a mere microagression; by failing to create a safe space for me within their paradigm they have chosen to colonize my personhood and place the heavy boot of oppression upon my class, culture and male-womanhood. This is deeply problematic; they can go interpolate themselves.

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Your response is perfect!!

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I too am a lesbian trapped in a mans body, it is horribly difficult to try and explain to the cult of the binary gender sanity crowd.

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See comment to Daniel, above.

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There is no such thing as a "microsggtssion", and when it comes to aggression, y'all practice much more of it than straight, normal folks do. You have a learned mental illness, and you need help to recover from it, but you neither need, nor have the right to expect others to accept and participate in your illness. Rejection of your beliefs is not aggression or rejection you as a person creatn in the (spiritual) image of Yhwh God. But respect of your personality is not what y'all are expecting and demanding of others.

As a survivor of over a decade of childhood sexual abuse, I learned a lot of behaviors I also had to unlearn, too, so I understand the difficulty of coming to terms with the real problem is between your own ears, not your legs, and getting to the roots of why you learned them, so you can unlearn them. Find a psychotherapist who can help you do that; don't expect it to be easy, or comfortable, it will not be, but if you do the work, it is worth it. In the meanwhile,stop expecting others to go along with the delusions you have built up for yourself, to ease your cognitive dissonance between the reality of your male body and the belief you hold that you can somehow be a female. That can never happen. Cosmetic changes are the best you can hope for, if you proved with that belief, and lifelong medical issues.

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Sanda, I believe Daniel was joking. :)

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Of course.

Sandra--I'm so terribly sorry for what you experienced as a child.

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I was also abused as a child and it cost me much. Although I did understand you were joking.

It feels that most pieces that are being pushed forward are meant to scramble our brains, I call it a twisted brain because that's my physical experience of it.

Although there was an interesting article someone wrote awhile back who wondered if this particular agenda is meant to hide 'vaccine' injuries, as they might be causing gender confusion.

I do think humor is a wonderful way to untwist a twisted brain!

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I might think that except I remember "Christine" Jorgensen, an American man who went to Sweden for reassignment surgery in about 1952, well before there was a long list of vaccines, let alone mandated early in infancy. He was "big news" back then. There were others who followed, but he was the 1st I as aware of.

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Sandra I don't think it's so black and white.

I'm speaking to the incredible push right now. It is an incredible exaggeration of what was before.

It also wasn't my article, nor do I or can I know if it's true.

Yes people have been struggling with their gender identity for many many years and for a whole host of reasons. Which I can guess and wonder at but not know.

You can go on Toby Rogers page and ask him about it if you are interested. I don't believe he knows or said he did, if it's true. It is something he was wondering about.

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The key word here is wonder.

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Some speculate that the pushing of all this aggressive "trans" stuff is really a sort of trojan horse for transhumanism to get a foothold in the mainstream.

Here one example of that perspective: https://www.corbettreport.com/qfc082-trans-humanism/

I also had to do some untwisting and healing from childhood abuse, I appreciate you commenting and sharing your thoughts.

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Thank you so much for your acknowledgement Gavin. I'm sorry you too understand this, but glad you do as well.

I'll bookmark your link.

Thank you.

It feels to me that everything right now is meant to twist our brains, stifle our speech (shunning, banning, blocking, masking... endless etceteras.) and thus limit our ability to think freely, independently.

But we are so much more. 🙏🏻❤️

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Humor yes, brainless jokes no.

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What are you referring to?

Humor is such a subjective thing.

Often I find something another finds humorous feels a bit offensive to me.

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Thank-you. It wasn't just me. I came out on this end in better shape than others, and use it to educate or help others now. The whole extended family was very dysfunctional.; it produced 2 homosexuals, a transsexual, a sociopath and a number of unipolar depressives. By the grace of God I got the help I needed, and recovered.

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Daniel I don't think Sandra will see your comment here. Even though it's in the same thread.

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Sarcasm is dead. I will miss you old friend.....

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Sarcasm is so deep it sounds like people will fall into it... :)

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I don't know Daniel well enough to know that he might have Ben, but I do know what happens when your reality gets scrambled at an early age and what is going on these days with the laws and aggressive behaviors of the "activists".

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Sandra, Daniel replied to you, if you go back and read the thread.

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it was a joke. don't let abuse kill your sense of humor.

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Daniel may well have been joking but the abuse that most often leads to such ideation is no joke.

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now I am really confused. I don't think I understand any of this.

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Whet is it you don't understand? I will be pleased to try to help you understand it, ifI can.

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Hi Sandra, thank you for asking. Daniel's comment about being a male-lesbian made my head spin a bit. I guess it was sarcasm or joking. I'm so thankful to read you have found freedom and wholeness after all you went through. Such a gift. Did you read, "The day I met Jesus", by Viola and Demuth. A very touching book.

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Thank you for your kind words. No, that isn't a book I have read. I met Him in a poison laden bean field while rescuing the crashed crop duster pilot, however. I don't recommend that method.

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I too was trying to figure out if it was a joke. I often think now a days that person could not believe such crazy things, only to be proven wrong.

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Seems I'm in good company, anyway. 😏

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Cosmetic changes so that a person can pass as the opposite sex is the beginning of a transition; decades being perceived as the opposite sex will help to complete that person's socialization. That is the best that someone with gender dysphoria can hope for.

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I understand what you're saying, even why you are, but it's not true. I have a sibling 30+ yrs past reassignment. I went a different route, got help to work through the root causes and recovered. There are some sars still, of course, But I am the woman Yhwh God created me to be, and can use the experience and lessons to help others. That's the best you can hope for.

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Your sibling can speak to what is and what is not true themselves.

Why am I saying this on behalf on trans individuals? It doesn't appear anyone else is.

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That happens often, in fact. Unlike unborn np but live babies, they don't need an advocate; they need healing.

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Oct 10, 2023Edited
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Gender dysphoria is disliking your body because other people see you as male when you would rather they see you as female. Or vice versa.

"You look like a girl" is not an issue for 99.9% of girls. But it is an issue for a girl who wished other people saw her as a boy.

Can you imagine how distressing that would be?

I'm only repeating what I have read in the past. Trans people should speak for themselves.

Here is an old website that's still up, written by a MtF under the pseudonym of Sherry:


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Oct 10, 2023Edited
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We identify people as male or female subconsciously, from their physical appearance to their voice. It's only when we can't, or misgender someone, that we notice what our brain is doing.

To be a girl, to begin to know what it is to be female, you have to be socialized as a girl. So you have to look the part. You don't have to be conventionally attractive.

Stereotypes contain an element of truth to them, and they are key to the socialization process. Trans people who have gender dysphoria are focused on obtaining the latter. Autogynophiles are likely focused on the stereotypes, which they find sexually arousing. They will create their own fantasy of what it means to be female, without requiring any input from female peers.

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I would praise you for well crafted parody, but it's more important to caution against unwittingly encouraging other people's pathologies.

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Isn't it colon ize as it is all a load of sh1t?

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I prefer being a feminist to being a lesbian I could never be.

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"colonize my personhood" is unacceptable language. you're cancelled :-)

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You aren’t supposed to understand, no one is. It is intentionally unfathomable because the movement is designed to disrupt normalcy. It isn’t a social revolution that is driven by LGBTQ people who are seeking equality or equity or whatever. It is an agenda being driven by the same forces that start famines and wars and racial tensions. It is World War 3, the system against the humans.

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I agree. There no substance to the notion that this is a grass-roots driven agenda. It's totally top-down. It's always top-down.

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That sez it all right there. Go Dale!

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It's inversion world. It's woman-hating world. It's do what you're told world. It's lie or be punished world. It's cater to the perverse male sexual deviancy world. It's a groom the children world. It's a violate female boundaries world.

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Oct 9, 2023
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One of my favorite phrases.

Although sometimes I hear 'Calgon take me away' (not that I would ever take a bath in Calgon!!!

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You'd have to be small to fit in the dishwasher...

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"For over 70 years, Calgon™ has been dedicated to creating uniquely exhilarating bath and body experiences that stimulate the senses, restore the spirit and take you on a special, fragrant journey to the place you want to be."

(not a product I would use)

Although being beamed up by Scottie has certain risks as well.

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Yeah, I wouldn't soak in that either. And maybe I will get small enough to fit in my non-existent dishwasher. Might be headed that way.

No links for me, thank you.

No transgender conversations either. I see no humor there.

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Yep, because "there's s no intelligent life here"! as the tee used to say!

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To baldly go where no man has gone bald before! That's me anyway.

Of course in Star Trek they were trans ported. Poor Ted, I didn't know he was trans.

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It is described in the book 1984 pretty well.

Double think - the power of holding the power to think 2 contradictory beliefs simultaneously & accepting both. Playing tricks with reality but by the exercise of double think, reality Is not violated. This is done consciously & unconsciously. To tell deliberate lies while genuinely believing in them to forget inconvenient facts & then when it becomes necessary again just so long as needed to deny the existent reality all the while that one takes the reality that one denies. The lie one step ahead of the truth.

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That's actually called compartmentalization, and it quells the cognitive dissonance and it's attendant psychological discomfort, but over time it usually grows less and less functionally useful. The barriers weaken and the conflicts slowly impinge on one another. Remember , Orwell was looking to escape the realities of WW I, and the horrors he'd seen (PTSS, formerly PTSD, formerly battle fatigue, formerly shell shock, etc). And he was writing a dystopian novel, not a therapeutic text. That was his way of dealing with it. Imagination or fantasy is a useful tool for many, for recovery. It provides a safe place to work out those conflicts. But n the real world, as a psychological defense, it has a limited life span, before it starts coming apart. To paraphrase the Jeff Goldblum line from "Jurassic Park", like life, reality finds a way.

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Or as PK Dick said, “Reality is that which, when you stop believing in it, doesn't go away.”

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Oct 9, 2023
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That's great - thanks for putting the link - I'd love to get one.

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So--a trans lesbian would be a man who thinks he's a woman who is sexually attracted to women. In other words, he's a cis man, just as he was all along, but now he gets to think he's cool and "other," and his rank goes up in the society of the woke. We all know that's what counts in life.

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But if you use the term ‘cis’ you are using the trans language. No one is cis- it’s meaningless and I won’t play.

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Sounds about right...

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I think the whole trans thing is a war against the WOMAN.

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Oct 9, 2023Edited
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Oh, he won't get an operation. Because he's not really serious--he just wants the boost in status. For example, my very woke son-in-law has taken to referring to himself as "neurodivergent," or ND. He is no more neurodivergent than my Aunt Fanny, but he gets to raise his status in woke society while talking about how his neurodivergence makes it difficult for him to communicate with others. This is an extremely popular, extraverted, articulate guy who is a high self-monitor, but he gets the ego-stroke of his peers sympathizing with the fact that he can't communicate, and he's able to abandon his privileged white-guy status, which would put him at the very bottom of the heap. The whole thing is a game.

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plus, lesbian-with-penis can commit penitentiary level crimes and go on to rape actual women in prison. this is real and tragic. make it stop.

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Too true.

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But in truth so many have difficulty communicating with others. We are being so played and have been for generations.

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Oct 9, 2023Edited
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Awesome--you will zoom right to the top of the social heap. All you need is a furry watermelon costume to wear to protest events.

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Bonus points for spitting seeds as you stutter...

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I don't think lesbians like frankenginas. They smell awful and are full of hairballs.

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Killin me with that one...

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Beyond the beyond

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Except that’s not possible cause he’s still male.

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If it wasn’t so tragic it’d be very funny.

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Pretty simple, really. And pretty stupied. The UN would have us believe that a trans woman (i.e. a biological male) is really a woman and therefore can be a lesbian. Has there ever been a better reason to treat every policy this corporate-owned globalist NGO propounds with extreme suspicion and hostility.

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Notice how they're using cartoon imagery in that graphic. They daren't try to show actual people, because that would complicate the issue and force the conversation to be more nuanced by default.

People use language to communicate. All the demons know how to do is distort language, but they do this for a specific purpose: to subvert natural human culture with the aim of destroying it. Another way of saying is that they want us dead.

Human culture does not perpetuate itself by yammering on about translesbianism or any other artificial construct. You won't get another generation of humans with that kind of talk.

But talking that way will surely get all of the following: triggered actual humans who don't go for the latest SovietSpeak being peddled; confused humans who haven't grown up in a nurturing environment or who otherwise tend to look to fake authority for their cues of how to respond; and enthusiastic cheering from robo-Suzy and robo-Robbie, your latest incarnation of indoctrinated fools (whether or not including once-and-former, possible humans).

It's a mixed bag, what one can expect to come from all this top-down manipulation.

But I would be inclined to revert to your initial thought, Tessa Lena, which is to live and let live.

Now if only robo-Suzy and robo-Robbie and their masters at the United Nutshells would just leave us alone!

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United Nutshells .... 🤣😂🤣😂

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First use of the term. (I never heard it elsewhere. As far as I am aware, I am the one who came up with it.)

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*head asplode*

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No kidding

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Sooo....how do we tell the difference between a relationship between two gay men in drag and two trans women lesbians? And let's say the two gay men in drag wear long wigs but the two trans women lesbians prefer the more butch lesbian style than the lipstick lesbian style, so the two trans women lesbians look more....male...and more like a gay male couple than the two gay men in drag?

My head hurts. Yeah, I give up, too. And will stick with God's original design and call all four of them males.

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The hurting head is what I call a 'brain twist'. It actually feels like my brain is twisting. I was making myself laugh the other day as I untwisted my brain and came up with a strange absurd sound for the experience. A twisted brain equals the result of a psychological manipulation. Many are adept at it whether they do so consciously or not. (but I'm referring to the 'common man'.

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I'm getting to the point where I'd prefer for things like this to be part of some coma-induced fever dream. I mean, this raises far more questions than it answers:

Is a trans lesbian male or female?

If male, is this some sort of psychological buffoonery to sleep with lesbians?

If female, then isn't this just standard homosexuality?

Maybe this is some weird nonsense for people who decided to not be made or female?

Yea, no idea. This maber no sense and is giving me a headache.

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The DNA tells the tale: in this case, it's XY, so male who thinks he can be a female and therefore ease the cognitive dissonance of being attracted to women, perfectly normal for an XY male. It really is a binary world. Even plants are binary.

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All of life on earth is binary. Anything else is distortion (to sound nice)..

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Indeed,except for some of the lowest life forms that are asexual.

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asexual yes, NOT Homosexual, and humans are not the lowest life forms (apart from the ones that think the Creator made a mistake).

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Nearly all the asexual life forms are microscopic, and reproduce by cell division, not multiplication and specialization. Homosexuality, in all it's forms, including trans', are sin tests, temptations we are meant to resist, not yield to, let alone drag others into with us. But, of course, "misery always loves company"...

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I agree, but ... We take things too seriously, we are here (incarnated on earth) for a very short time to act with love and compassion. " .. misery always loves company" how true!

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The sex determination system in humans results in a bimodal frequency distribution, which we perceive as male or female.

And yes, there are females who are XY (Swyer syndrome) and males who are XX (La Chapelle syndrome).

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They are a vanishingly small part of the population. Most MtF's are regular men with average gonads.

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Most MtFs used to be middle-aged men. And in order to transition, they had to go through a long therapeutic process including psychological assessments.

What "gender affirming care" has done is politicize a personal issue. So we see unprecedented numbers of teenage girls wanting to transition, and sexual predators declaring themselves women to get themselves transferred to women's prisons, or access women's spaces.

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Both those syndromes (new name,old problem)are so rare they didn't even come up in mapping of the genome, the report on which was published over 2 decades past. It does not, cannot, drive general rules set forth for a society. They barely made a footnote in my text books.

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The sex determination system shapes fetal development, beyond the pop science claim that gender is binary. Details matter if one is to have an accurate understanding.

Obviously, when someone is found to have these rare disorders, society doesn't label them according to their chromosomes. They were socialized according to their physical appearance, and there's nothing wrong with that.

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WRONG! Fetal development, according to its DNA determines the child's sex. Sex (gender is a linguistic tool applying masculine or feminine traits to INANIMATE objects; it has nothing to do with life forms, plant or animal) is binary, and that "pop" science has been well known and recognized for millennia. Except some microscopic and a small number of small, life forms that are asexual all life is binary. Genetic anomalies do not change that..it's only since the post WW II yrs that this insanity has crept into society and corrupted science, along with money!

Yhwh God gave each of us free will to choose how we will live our lives; He did NOT give us carte blanche to demand others agree with our choices, or to evade the unpleasant consequences of our choices. You need to recall that until 1953 no one even knew what DNA was, let alone what it does or how it works, all we had to "work with" was the presented characteristics and behaviors. That is within my personal memory span. In fact, I had encountered my 1st group of trans' before that discovery.

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The pop science explanation of chromosomes is wrong; it's explanation of DNA while ignoring the influence of epigenetics and mosaicism is wrong; and only recently has the public learned that the body is a biome.

Sex and parthenogenesis are reproductive methods. Humans reproduce sexually, there's no disputing that. To that end, fertility is a binary. Pregnancy is a binary. But male and female are bimodal distributions. Our genitalia, our facial features, our skeletal structure, and our height are also frequency distributions.

Genetic abnormalities are evidence for how biology works. It turns out that it is complicated, but pop science doesn't address this. People's attention spans are limited.

The theory of evolution challenges the existence of a creator. Instead of god, there is a blind process that is said to produce diversity by trial and error over hundreds of millions of years.

Before the discovery of DNA, we did just as we do now: judge a person's sex by their physical attributes. Scientific knowledge didn't change human social behavior.

How people feel about themselves, and their bodies, has been an issue since prehistory. The only time it wasn't, was when we had to struggle just to stay alive.

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Maybe it is a coma induced fever with an aching head as the most outstanding symptom.

And a desperate desire to wake up. (don't confuse that with the idea of woke or you'll slip back into a coma!!!)

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It’s the so-called cotton ceiling that makes want to ‘penetrate’ and conquer.

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The Butterfly:

Chuang Tzu said, “Once upon a time I dreamed myself a butterfly, floating like petals in the air, happy to be doing as I pleased, no longer aware of myself! But soon enough I awoke and then, frantically clutching myself, Chuang Tzu I was! I wonder : Was Chuang Tzu dreaming himself the butterfly, or was the butterfly dreaming itself Chuang Tzu? Of course, if you take Chuang Tzu and the butterfly together, then there’s a difference between them. But that difference is only due to their changing material forms.”

—Chuang Tzu. (Chinese Fairy Tales & Fantasies, by Moss Roberts, copyright 1979.

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A butterfly landed on my window screen the other day. (I had never seen a butterfly land on my window screen before) I think it was a swallowtail, but it was so shredded and badly beaten it was hard to know.

It could still fly.

For a moment I thought I was looking at myself.

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Oct 9, 2023Edited
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if all life is essentially a dream, (in every dimension, wow!) then this certainly explains why we never seem to wake up. there is no such thing as "awake". we are all forever sleeping, all is dream-- "the creator" itself being the grandest, most magnificent sleeper/dreamer of all.

life's meaning (whatever imaginary crap that was) is hereby dissolved by the permanent dream-state where nothing actually matters because nothing is actually real and all is not to be taken seriously. or "too seriously", anyway-- we each get to decide what level of imaginary seriousness we wish to tolerate. so hey, now that we are awake (or rather, imagining that we are awake by means of realizing that we are dreaming) why not create totalitarian hell on earth & turn ourselves into robots, you know, just to see what it's like? let's kill off 90% of humans 'cuz it's all essentially a dream and the dream goes on and on and on anyway and you can't actually kill a dream-person. we are all being dreamt by the great dreamer and nothing is ever lost because there is nothing to lose in a dream-- nothing was ever real in the first place. sure seemed real though, didn't it?

this certainly makes things easier. but also crushingly absurd too. i mean, why are we even here on Tessa's sub discussing things? why bother to care about our lives at all? or each other? what is the point of existence? wait, existence is an illusion right? we only dream we exist. the creator dreamed it all up and ultimately whatever we do is the act of the creator dreaming our behavior and not at all our fault. we are one with the great dreamer and all is dream.

so then, here we sit on our computers endlessly talking about things that mean essentially nothing. and we do this with great passion and intellectual zeal. is this not the height of ridiculousness? to take the dream as real and get all hot and bothered about it? whoa. i think i'm starting to figure all this out.

this is why we are all drinking and drugging and murdering and warring and ruling and governing and punishing and imprisoning and poisoning ourselves en masse every single day. it's because deep down we know that we, everything-- it's all unreal & pointless. there's nothing to care about, life is a dream no matter who, what, where you are in the cosmos. we are all part of an imaginary nothing created by some creator either too stupid or too cruel to realize that creating a seemingly real dream full of seemingly real people whose lives and passions and sufferings do not mean anything is to create a perpetual imaginary hell of eternal emptiness. but where there is no existence, there can be no suffering so nobody is actually suffering, ever, which makes everything okay. let 'er rip humans! rape kids if you like! no problem! pack up your cares into your ol' kit bag, we are not really here & this is not really happening. it's all a big, crazy dream.

so then, once we've done every imaginable thing a million times over, you know, for kicks 'cuz kicks is all we ever have, then what? hmmmm......well, not sure about that except to speculate it will be a condition of eternal boredom that does not matter nor will it mean anything because we are not here and it isn't really happening.

damn, this all makes sense now. we are trapped within an absurd dream-void of consciousness notable only for its' endless meaninglessness. and so here we are, in an absolutely understandable & justifiably perpetual act of defiant revenge, we set out to not only destroy our dream-selves and our dream-environment, but to do so in the most painfully long and drawn-out manner as possible ensuring that the "great dreamer/creator" evil bastard that it is, experiences as much horror as we can deliver for having dragged all of us into it's random pointless dream sh*thole of boredom.

what a relief! thank you, Chuang Tzu!

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Oct 28, 2023
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yes sir, ee cummings indeed. although where he did it as a poetic expression of humbleness/self-deprecation, i do it as a lazy, rebel bastard who can't be bothered to obey punctuation rules.

all that above was extremely long-winded sarcasm intended to puncture the "all is dream" exit strategy balloon, which of course didn't work because, of course, the balloon is just a dream in the mind of Chuang Tzu who is dreaming that he is Raphael, who might actually be a butterfly dreaming it is a man all of whom are actually being dreamt by the great dreamer who must be, quite absurdly, dreaming that everything it dreams is something more than a dream else what would could possibly be the point of dreaming if nothing is really happening?

speaking of balloons, did you know "Black Water" is a heroin song? Harry Dean Stanton-- i saw him do a blues gig in LA way back when (he sang lead, played harmonica and generally gave his poor back-up band continual hell by having no sense of rhythm/meter) & during one "between-songs chat" he gave the room a quick rundown of many popular hits that were actually heroin songs. (another one was "Everybodys Talkin' at Me" from the midnight cowboy movie. only junkies know these things, which may tell us something about ol' HDS.)

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Oct 10, 2023Edited
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seems clear enough to me that energy is real and not the product of mental imagery that occurs inside our heads while we sleep.

what the word "dream" means-- this is where we differ. i haven't been able to find a definition of that word that says anything about it being anything other than purely mental imagery. you (or anyone) is certainly free to create their own definition for any word they like but then this makes for total loss of the whole point of communication. gotta walk away when someone i'm talking with loses touch with what any given word means and makes up their own definition. maybe you can find a definition of the word "dream" that means "real" or "tangibly existing outside the realm of personal mental imagery"?

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Oct 10, 2023Edited
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kinda funny, all this, Raphael-- i am totally being confronted with myself here! 30 years ago i would have said these exact things back when i was reading anything and everything i could get my hands on in the interest of sorting out/putting my mind at ease. i latched onto new age-y stuff like this and it made me feel better-- for a time -- kinda the same way more conventional/typical religious beliefs "opiate" the mind against our deeper painful realities that exist within our body/mind. my hammering away at this kind of thing here, not just you personally but others all over the place saying the same thing, is really me deriding my past foolish self for being taken in by all that.

but it's none of my business, really, what someone else needs/does inside their head to reach some point of inner peace with it all. in the end, for me, all that spirituality stuff ran its' course as it failed to satisfy my deeper need for real presence of powerful spirit/sense of being alive on a deeper level within my body and i chucked it all and turned my boat toward unknown waters. certainly this was/is a stormier and more difficult tack but it wound up making all the difference. i wouldn't say that i am a happier person now, only that i discovered that what i really wanted was not so much inner peace/happiness but to be simply and authentically what i am, warts and all, pleasure and pain, light and dark, facing & accepting my (mostly) f-ed up inner world and not cheesing-out with comforting notions, concepts, ideas, and such. ("life is essentially a dream" is no different from the old christian standby "let go and let god". these notions sound cozy and nice, i admit to being seduced/comforted by them for a while but in the end they just wasted my time and got me nowhere.)

for me, pursuit of spirituality turned out to be just another symptom appearing on the surface of things, obscuring and compounding the deeper issue and not at all any kind of cure. i totally get where you're at and why you are there so if that works for you, great. we are all different. more folks like "the dream" better than the reality and this is why the world of human affairs is the way it is. oh well, can't say i blame them-- reality, the deeper truth of things, both within and without, is certainly far more distressing and difficult to live with. for me to remain in contact/relationship with it takes everything i got, but, for better or worse, here i am and here i shall stay.

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I had a tranny as a roommate. She had a man's body and was attracted to women. She didn't consider herself a lesbian, but a tranny who was attracted to women.

All of them were programmed as children by the NSA as part of the Montauk Project. The goal, according to Cathy O'Brien, was to "stop human procreation and create a generation of genderless children."


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Oct 9, 2023Edited
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She was 64 years old at the time, so it's more out of respect for her age. She really was a decent person, but our lifestyles were incompatible.

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So if a man puts on a dress and a wig and still likes women they are now a lesbian and deserve special rights? Sign me up. LMBO. The insanity continues...

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UN is weaponising lesbians once more.

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I think it’s like being stood up.

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