This is not a post intended to hit any talking points. I don’t have a problem with anyone doing their thing without imposing their thing on others. I am cool with other adults perceiving themselves however they wish and making personal choices regarding their own selves. Their selves are theirs, mine is mine, this is how, to my senses, freedom works. I just really don’t understand what the United Nations meant by this. I spent a few minutes trying to understand the technical side of this and gave up. Help?
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As a male lesbian I resent the exclusionary language used by Unwomen, I mean @UN_Women. This is more than a mere microagression; by failing to create a safe space for me within their paradigm they have chosen to colonize my personhood and place the heavy boot of oppression upon my class, culture and male-womanhood. This is deeply problematic; they can go interpolate themselves.
You aren’t supposed to understand, no one is. It is intentionally unfathomable because the movement is designed to disrupt normalcy. It isn’t a social revolution that is driven by LGBTQ people who are seeking equality or equity or whatever. It is an agenda being driven by the same forces that start famines and wars and racial tensions. It is World War 3, the system against the humans.