I'm all for people suing Rachel Maddow, but the fastest way to deal with her it to ignore her into career oblivion. She earned it as did many others (Colbert, Noah).

Karma is coming, and she's a total bitch.

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Oh, I didn't even know about her existence until a few years ago, in the middle of Russiagate. And then I couldn't tolerate her style, and mostly ignored her. But if somebody chooses to sue her for damages, I will not be sending any prayers in her support. :)

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Her career seems to be circling the drain, so we're trending in the right direction. ;)

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cmpalmer75 we are on the same page BIG time. would love to see that back of that one, forever. just grating.

although ... would love to get hold of the kickback payments list of all the talking heads, influencers, actors, etc. to see just how much (or little) they sold their souls for.

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I wonder if Heather McDonald was on the payroll. This was surreal.


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She fractured her skull.

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LOL I mis-read your antecedent. Karma. You meant Karma. haha

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It works for both. ;)

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Ah, yes... There is some ambiguity, but we all know that first impressions are most often correct. If the shoe fits...

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At first I mis-read it as “Kanye is coming”

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You make an important point, but litigation allows for discovery and presentation of evidence that very well could become available to the public.

Ignoring her will allow her to fade from the limelight, but that won't undermine the systemic use of demagogues. She only has a career because there are corporations and producers looking to hire demagogues as the attractive and charismatic faces for the narratives they need told. Someone will step up and take her place; people already are. Loss of advertising income has already been hurting these infotainment corporations posing as news/opinion channels, but civil actions can increase the pain more.

Alex Jones is the face of a corporation and a means for circulating information. Targeting him targets that alternative information flow. Taking out a pawn, a rook, a bishop: these are all moves to go after the one beyond the board, not the King who still needs a guiding Hand.

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Yes, ignore her professionally, let her career of lying and gaslighting fade into oblivion. However, NO, NO, a thousand times NO! to ignoring the harm she caused intentionally. If the Alex Jones decision, as disgraceful as it is, can be used as a precedent, she (and all those enabling her) should be sued for at least twice as much. The harm she caused is immeasurably greater than anything Jones may have done. That is in addition to prosecuting her criminally.

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Lawsuits? Really? How about hanged to death after a trial for Crimes Against Humanity, or possibly torn to shreds by an angry mob?

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Please compare the actions of the Nazi journalist propagandists prosecuted during the Nuremberg Trials with the actions of Rachel Maddow. It's pretty clear which caused more harm. Hint: it wasn't the 1940s Nazis. Some of the Nazi journalists in question were hanged to death.

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The truth is slowly coming out while the monsters try to move on and scare the heck out of everyone with new (but old) threats like nuclear war, a "worse" pandemic, financial collapse, etc. Regardless of what is unleashed in the not so distant future we must be remember to stay courageous and also remember that the very ones who are threatening all of these new (but old) threats are the same ones who've been lying to us over the last 2+ years. Life is scary and the unknown future may sound scary, but a world with these evil monsters at the helm of global affairs is even scarier and we must never forget what they've done and we must demand they all be held to account. The good news? I think they know that we aren't forgetting like they hoped we would and that's why they keep pulling these new rabbits out of their tyrannical globalist hats. Thanks for another passionate post Ms Tessa.

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Thank you, Rob!! And yes, the truth is coming out!!! They surely are coming up with a hundred new scams for each truth that is coming out but sooner or later, their house of cards will collapse, based on natural laws. I pray that it happens in the kindest way for us!!!

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Tessa, thanks so much. For this, and all else.

It is quite something to now be watching what seemed so obvious, a couple and a half years ago, now coming full exposed to the eternal blue sky.

So many moments of, 'I am really seeing this right?'

So many friends lost because of refusing to back down and many more taking on the ghost, quiet as a wee mouse.

Speaking for myself, at least.

On the other hand there is your sweet self, and so so many others that have also stood fully strong and at some level we all knew that we had friends, not ever met, to stand strong with and it made all the difference.

There's a terrible beauty in it all, if I may use the Irish expression.

Love and warm thoughts.

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Thank you Cat!!!! Love and warm thoughts to you!!! xoxo

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I share your feelings from the beginning of the pandemic. I paid attention in science class. Once I knew that the virus was respiratory and spread in aerosols from the deep lung, only visible with an electron microscope, it made NO sense that a mask could prevent this germ from escaping. The I learned about Dr. Vladimir Zelenko. I knew about early TREATMENT, and watched the entire Frontline Doctors Summit. My huge mistake was that I NAIVELY believed my compatriots were impervious to totalitarianism because they lived in the land of liberty. (My stint in the USSR taught me to appreciate my nation, and its Constitution, and the priciples upon which it was founded in a gigantic way.) I had not realized how far our rights and freedoms had eroded, nor how corrupt our institutions had become. "Rotten to the core" has never been such an apropos expression! Until. Now. Thank you for all your insights and your decision to stand and speak for truth and freedom.

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Are you able to talk about your stint in the USSR?

Have your views been affected by any research or study of the events before, during, and after the September 11 2001 destruction of the Twin Towers and portion of the Pentagon?

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I was a student, a junior in college at the time. I was there to study Russian language at a language institute in Moscow. I lived in a dorm of exchange and graduate students. I really had no world view. So to speak. I was surprised how indoctrinated young soviets were against capitalism and against America and the West. There were times that I wished I had been better informed politically but debating soviets with facts and evidence would have proved pointless and cruel because they were prevented from leaving. My experience there may me suspicious of My research has introduced me to a variety of digital soldiers, some more believable than others. I pray for discernment daily. What I know to be true is that I had no idea of the depths of corruption in my beloved nation, and how it might have extended to every "s-election" in my adult voting lifetime. Some of the 9-11 info I have learned from the digital soldiers causes me to tremble and weep. I now believe everything is part of a mis- and dis-information war so, I do not know what is true. So I "devote myself to prayer, being watchful and thankful." (Col 4:2) BTW, I met many wonderful genuine souls in the USSR with whom I exchanged gifts, and shared stories, laughter, and friendship. Lovely people.

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Was there more to this sentence: "My experience there may me suspicious of ..."?

Have you kept up with your Russian studies, and have you branched outwards to other languages since? I wish I had studied Russian and other Cyrllic languages during my lifetime, although I could get a small inkling, I guess, by keeping up with Duolingo.

Thank you for your perspective, and for being open with who you are. I think there are a great number of genuine souls trapped in various kinds of prisons, real or virtual, spiritual or social, and it takes that cultivated and discerning heart to know how to reach out past one's own bars to send a (sometimes cryptic) message to another prisoner's heart. Emerson writes in his short essay "The Oversoul":

"We owe many valuable observations to people who are not very acute or profound, and who say the thing without effort, which we want and have long been hunting in vain. The action of the soul is oftener in that which is felt and left unsaid, than in that which is said in any conversation. It broods over every society, and they unconsciously seek for it in each other. We know better than we do. We do not yet possess ourselves, and we know at the same time that we are much more. I feel the same truth how often in my trivial conversation with my neighbours, that somewhat higher in each of us overlooks this by-play, and Jove nods to Jove from behind each of us."

I appreciate also the point you make about the cruelty of debating with people unable to address the situations in their lives. That's a very compassionate perspective I don't often see made in online debates or discussions. Having an agnostic perspective regarding what's true is helpful at times to not get rutted or canalized into a viewpoint, but it also reads to me, and so seems to me, that you're as much guided by heart as mind. Very important!

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Ah, yes! Had an interruption... suspicious of the MSM starting in the 90's when "reporting" became so one-sided, agenda oriented, reminiscent of the 1 channel. 1 radio station, two newspapers, each one with paradoxical titles. "There is no truth in The News and no news in The Truth" used to be humorous to me.

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Thank you, Sal_Peenx!! The world needs all of us to stand up and speak for truth and freedom!

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Yep we knew the shots weren't stopping transmission shortly after they came out...

Why are the rest so slow on realizing this?

Same with why McCullough etc get banned on Twitter but Dr Aseem can say what he's saying.

They're trying really hard to hold onto the narrative and will pretend like pharma lied, when it was actually the media that did legal propaganda. Yes Obama signed the 'Smith mundt modernization act' which legalized propaganda to our own citizens.

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Even before they rolled them out!! It was known!!

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Here is the opening of an article I'm working on. The article will go on to pose a myriad of questions with sourced links that provide insight into each question illustrating that in fact all facets of the Covid Con are lies.

The bigger question to my mind is how can we get these pieces to a wider readership.

“In a time of universal deceit, telling the truth is a revolutionary act,”

-George Orwell

The original Covid Story told to us by the health ‘experts’, government officials and mass media was of a particularly virulent pathogen which came onto the planet in 2020 started spreading like wildfire, infecting, terrorizing and killing people en masse.

It was the story of a “pandemic level event” in which people were told to stay indoors, entire sectors of society were forced to shut down and humans were told to do everything possible to avoid contact with others.

It was a story of closed down schools, closed down businesses, closed down churches, face coverings and soon-to-be overwhelmed hospitals.

As it progressed the Covid Story morphed from ironclad certainties, “Follow the Science” to ever changing definitions, “The Science evolves.” Countless aspects of the “official” narrative changed overnight. Gradually the tale became fraught with pages of questionable statistics, dubious data and ever shifting storylines.

What was one to make of all of these contradictions?

Soon the only certainty within the Covid narrative became its uncertainty- the moment the Covid story “you thought you knew” was on solid footing the sands shifted yet again. Today's doesn't make sense with yesterdays. What will tomorrow make sense with today?

Attempting to navigate the Covid conundrum soon required navigating through a complex labyrinth of deceits, manipulations, and obfuscations. Separating fact from fiction became more difficult each day amidst these ever shifting story lines.

While most continued to go along with the media storyline and government edicts some began to take notice of the numerous anomalies and started asking some questions.

One of the most glaring questions in the face of the countless Covid contradictions was ,“Why wasn’t anyone asking any questions?" Once this Pandora’s Box was opened a temming multitude of questions came tumbling out.

Why wasn’t the media asking any questions? How were they all operating in lockstep?

Were we alerted to this "pandemic-level event" by our direct observations and experiences?

Were we surrounded by sick people, in our homes, neighborhoods and workplaces who were succumbing to a quick-spreading and dangerous virus?

If we were truly in a pandemic of biblical proportions would there be so much discussion of the epidemiological minutiae?

As various threads of the Covid Story began to unravel it seemed less and less a story about an epidemiological emergency and more closely resembled a convoluted tale of labyrinthine manipulations and concealments.

Gradually most of the accepted narrative began to unravel begging the larger question, “Was the entirety of the official Covid narrative a lie?”

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"Separating fact from fiction became more difficult each day amidst these ever shifting story lines." So true!!! Thank you for saying that.

We dig, and under a lie of the past few days, there is another lie for past few months, and then another lie that is decades old, and then another lie that is centuries old, and now is our chance to unwrap the lies and find a more accurate feeling and understanding of the world, for ourselves at least.


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Yes. It was.

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It truly was. Vile.

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I remember that one!!!!

On my end, I have not walked into any official music venue in New York since pre-pandemic. They pooped on the whole reason why arts exists!!

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guardedly optimistic that we're in a transitionary phase where the old venues are dying off and new artist-friendly/artist-run venues will replace them. most venue owners are either laundering money for the mob or exploiting both artists and their fans

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They are still trying kill us....

Good news... Soon we will actually take war to them

Middle approach on all is normal/ 24 hour a day terror.

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Sad n' true. I hadda friend (ex friend now due to us buckin' the covidian religion...) that held her book and new zine release party there--jabbed only, no exceptions so we didn't bother... couldn't. Ditto that scene for many other venues where we used to see friends play an' perform includin' my own kid bein' banned from joinin' her singing group (cabaret venues were also so e/a-ffected) and even from tryin' open mic. Dee-skusted with all these venue owners cavin' never questioning... and not makin' exceptions by using their brains (not to mention the entire theater world which gleefuly fist-bumpingly banned the unjabbed ) Too many in the Ahrts become Fharts! Anyway, poots fer Pete's!

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daisy you did such a great piece on that. awful what happened with your daughter and her group.

word on the street is that pangea is now letting the jews in, so to speak. like tessa, i've been avoiding all the places that betrayed us.

a lot of them took cares money which came with vague wording about compliance - they're terrified that if they get busted for some minor infraction, the govt will call the loans. what i had the hardest time wrapping my brain around is how the compliant venues expect to stay in business if they're complicit in killing off their own customer base! but there's no logic to a plandemic i guess...

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Well thank ya kindly--yes, it all was so awful and it's still so hard on my younger daughter (always tougher on the kiddos), things are yet n' still not the same as ya know. What I didn't know was about this "cares" money but it's sad that the entire "ahrts" world was bought off so cheaply--relatively speakin'. No scrappy NY middle finger to stick it to "The Man" ?!

The cut off yer nose 'ta spite yer face behavior is indeed mystifyin' in the land where underage kids were quietly an' regularly allowed into concerts (I had a fake ID once too!) and many things code-wise were always fudged (some for the better, others not so much a'course...)

I think nobody complyin' so aggressively (fearfl r' not) thought ahead. They still aren't doin' so. Self-preservation is (I guess) a higher level of thinkin' and these folks was in fight r' flight mode so they "ran with it!" (Logic went out the "winda"!) Maybe karma will come to them? Who knows?

Mr Global of course will rake it in no matter what but so many little places that "enacted the bans" will go under despite bein' "Good Germans" and excluding the unclean (who were fully willing to pay cover!).

Yup, I won't comply or patronize these places even once they lift the restrictions (unless of course there IS some reckoning...). As of now, far as I can see, there is no recognition or apology or understanding...so it just ain't right. Boy golly, we've all been through the ringer!

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you do such a great minnie pearl. do you go back as far as the old rodeo bar...or hanks around say 04-06?

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Steve Kirsch asked his readers what was the biggest lie they saw. For me it was 'We are in a pandemic.' All the rest fall out from that.

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Hi Tessa, Thanks for the post. Then of course there was the equally damning report from a couple of days ago: “Former French Presidential Candidate Shocks the World: 'Macron and Most MPs Are Not Vaccinated'”. (See link below.)

The outrage most of us have felt throughout this manufactured crisis at the lies, the propaganda, the gaslighting, the threats, the corruption, the unadulterated hypocrisy and the unprecedented absence of transparency and accountability for the criminals and cowards is once again justified. We actually need to up the ante in that outrage. This recent revelation from the Pfizer corporate criminals—shocking only in the admission thereof—is what many of us who dared challenge to Covid gospel have suspected all along. And what will result from this? Will we see any arrests? Indictments? Etc. I’m not holding my breath! Will on the other hand people who’ve thus far embraced the narrative finally awaken to the fact that this is only one of countless lies which have been perpetrated upon us? Will people begin to notice the odour of rodent? One can only hope.


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Thank you Greg!!!! I was trying to dig deeper on this one, I think it is very likely that it is true, and that Macron did not get the magical injection. But I would love to see more detail, too. We have that interview where the vaccine-injured politicians makes the claim, and I think, again, that the claim has a high probability of being true. But I have not found anywhere where he says how he knows. Have you seen any sources? I would love to see!

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On the other hand as Francis Bacon, vexxer of Nature wrote, "What is truth?" asked jesting Pilate who would not stay for answer." I am unemployed. Jobs I want require injections. If I want entertainment the Symphony and Opera ask that the audience is injected. Religious entities demand fully boosted because it is said to be safe. Very few who went all in with injection Nazism are moved by evidence. My Governor not only insists on punishing medical dissent from mass murder but demand all children in school must be injected. Are there lawsuits? As far as I know, I hope I am wrong, none. Teacher Unions are adamant about jabbing. The gap between adherence to evidence based truth and emotional ignorance is mind numbing.

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My church. They were fully, militantly against it all from start.

Old sermons, old bulletins proof.

My priest didn't miss one mass... Flying Cincinnati to Texas once a month.

Bishop Dolan mocked those that closed doors.

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A Chabad Rabbi in MA is under assault for the same. Now Child Protective Service is sicked on him for not complying.

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On all these bullshit charges... Find a jury with zero patriots, zero independent thinkers

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War on the fake virus and casualties mount but no surrender to truth. The entire planet is embroiled in total war. And total war is the health of the state.

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Damn, starting to read, very interesting.. Ty!

The non herd gets sullen!!!

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Total war, worldwide.

My brain is fried

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You fu..ed up, you trusted us. "Animal House"

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Is there anyone in the MSM who should not be dragged to court over their relentless lying which has led to the death of millions and the maiming of probably a billion people by now? That's collusion in a criminal conspiracy leading to mass murder. They are no better (although probably a lot more stupid) than Goebbels.

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Here's my rule of thumb: Whatever these lying sacks of s*** say, I believe the exact opposite, and then I have the truth.

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A reckoning is due. I can feel it coming...

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Let's hope!!!

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Two of many, many, many, many lies is TOO MANY! 😣

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Too too too many lies!!!

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Too too too many many many Lies Lies Lies ("yeah"- ala Thompson Twins)) - ;)

It's time to stop- past time. Very disturbing.

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So fill me in. What DID the supposed trials test for?

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Quoting from memory from two years ago, they claimed to have tested for prevention of one or two mild symptoms from the arbitrary list of mild symptoms. That was what they released before the EUA, and that was the grounds for the EUA.

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For a period of up to two whole months...

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Such an obvious farce!

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There was some info in the linked post from that old tweet, too.


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To see how much $ they could make.

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