This story is a very quick and indignant outpour about two foundational “pandemic” lies.
And while I accept the ability to turn pain into love as a part of the journey—I don’t have amnesia, and I viscerally remember those lies as they were rolled out and forcefully shoved down our throats—and I remember the shameful, shameless shaming of the people who used their eyes, hearts, and brains, and who dared expose them.
Please don’t tell me that the shaming was accidental or organized with good intentions. (I am looking at you, Rachel Maddow, with your honest-looking blinking.)

For the record, I would like to point out that this tweet of mine is from November 2020.

Also this, from February 2021.
And the second lie makes me even more indignant because I am a New Yorker, and I do remember the onslaught of abusive fear porn unleashed on my people from a sewage stinkhose, with the purpose of turning their beautiful brains into trembling self-betraying slush. That was warfare!!!! I remember the empty streets, the sirens, and the curfews. I remember!
And I remember how any curious soul who dared film not particularly overwhelmed hospitals and share it with others was quickly and forcefully smeared. Grandma killaaaaaaaaaas!!! Shame on grandma killaaaaaaas!!!! Surely, it was done out of care for the people. (And if it was, I am sure, the apology is coming any minute. Right, Rachel Maddow?)
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I'm all for people suing Rachel Maddow, but the fastest way to deal with her it to ignore her into career oblivion. She earned it as did many others (Colbert, Noah).
Karma is coming, and she's a total bitch.
The truth is slowly coming out while the monsters try to move on and scare the heck out of everyone with new (but old) threats like nuclear war, a "worse" pandemic, financial collapse, etc. Regardless of what is unleashed in the not so distant future we must be remember to stay courageous and also remember that the very ones who are threatening all of these new (but old) threats are the same ones who've been lying to us over the last 2+ years. Life is scary and the unknown future may sound scary, but a world with these evil monsters at the helm of global affairs is even scarier and we must never forget what they've done and we must demand they all be held to account. The good news? I think they know that we aren't forgetting like they hoped we would and that's why they keep pulling these new rabbits out of their tyrannical globalist hats. Thanks for another passionate post Ms Tessa.