This is about my commitment to stand unvaccinated as a conscientious objector, and to soon be fired for it, suddenly divorced from all the people I care for, and they from me. I will be unemployable, also, I think. I cannot morally be in any other, more favored by the machine, group. https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/08/in-crosshairs.html

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You are so brave. Thank you for being you!

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Aw, Gosh, Maam...blush..

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Who are “the powers that be”?

In the USA, some believe in a “deep state” conspiracy involving intelligence agencies, corrupt politicians, military industrial complex, Big Pharma agency capture, etc. Yet, they can’t explain how this “USA deep state” also works in synchronicity, within hundreds of countries, where there’s no FBI, CIA, HHS, etc. Clockwork coordination of COVID genocidal response proved the existence of a “global deep state”, despite there is no global government!

There are no political or economic structures “formally” supporting such global governance. Then, who could run a government in the shadows without no mainstream media exposing it? Who controls global media in order to guarantee global censorship? Who has the network to pay political parties and political careers in hundreds of countries to control global politics?

In all countries, worship still had restrictions when everything else was opened in full. Casinos were packed in Vegas while churches lock-downed. Why were churches the last to recover freedom in every single lockdowned country without any exception? Is there a secret war between the city of Satan or the civilization of God?

Most people still doubt that Freemasonry (which worships Lucifer) was behind the scenes. Why? masonic secrecy. Why do they need secrecy to the extent of murdering those who violate it? What do they need to hide? Good deeds or crimes? Not goodness but evil needs secrecy in order to grow unchecked!

More here:

The full PLAN exposed:


16 laws we need to exit Prison Planet

Politics got us in, politics is the way out ... after prayers!


Gates-WHO: vaccines can’t reduce population, except by murdering

Proof: they were never for reducing mortality, only for murdering!


The threat of the WHO sovereignty-grab by the 2023 IHR and 2024 International PLANdemc Treaty: we’ve got until November 2023 for Congress to repeal IHR modifications!


FREE “wake-up” MOVIES !

15 million watched the first one in 3 days!

Watch as if your lives depended on it: literally!


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BlackRock and massive asset-management corporations "direct" everything which they own financial stakes in.

Who directs the directors? The "owners" and their representatives do...

The owners avoid being named in lists.

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Right on spot! I had this in mind (corrections?):

Real ownership law

Every single asset (especially land and patents) must have a real person owning it. The aggregated ownership of listed corporations, critical corporations and NGOs should be public: media, health care, pharma, government and military contractors and suppliers, etc. The rest should be accessible to representatives, DAs and judges. Even anonymized with distinct codes, people should be informed the relation of each asset kind to tax paid of each such individual.

If off-shore and foreign entities should be banned if they don’t allow real ownership compliance.

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Thank you, for your diligent work. You have some wisdom.

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Who are the PTB, you ask? Upper echelon Freemasons, to be sure, but also the banking houses of Europe, especially the Rothschilds family, and the order of Jesuits in the Roman Catholic church compris the innermost circle of Satan's s power structure at present, as they have done for nearly the past 5 centuries! That will ruffle a good many feathers, since it attacks "golden calves" many hold sacred and believe are innocent. Specific names, I can't tell you; we only learn those after they're dead, if even then...

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True, except there's no evidence at all against the Jesuites, mere gossip/slander.

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I'm a R.C. and I'll say this...the Jesuits are bad.

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I am in agreement. I have spent over 30 years in forestry, gardening and permaculture design and I can tell you complex systems will buckle or degrade heavily with the simplistic systems of management and control even AI is capable of. We are a part of that complex natural system and it is buckling and degrading.

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You are so right! They think AI is complex, and it could be but it cannot possibly math the wisdom of nature!! Of course, they are not trying to match or even aspire wisdom, they want asset management and domination!!

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And asset management and domination require additional energy inputs surplus to the system itself. Energy externalised is energy not adequately accounted for and is symptomatic of a 'leaky' boat. It will sink. I just hope it doesn't take too long. Thank you for such well considered writing - I very much appreciate it.

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May 29, 2023·edited May 30, 2023

What a heartfelt and uplifting message you have written upon a backdrop of despair and potential loss of our humanity.

But what they really want is your gooey grey CPU. It is our biggest asset after all. To control the 6 inches between your ears; is to crush the soul.

The would-be totalitarians of today, no longer need firing squads when they can rain down thousands of digital bullets. They know their "reign" and our soul are separated by crossing a Rubicon of half a foot.

Our state of mind is the only thing that separates us from the chains they have prepared for our brains.

What state of mind do we need to avoid shackles?

Courage, love, connection with our fellow men/women and wisdom.

We will defeat them, but it will not be cost free. That must be accepted. It must be remembered that freedom is not free - nor is it the "default" position of mankind.

It is priceless, precisely because of that, therefore worthy of its price.

Strengthening our souls (no matter your definition) is the bulwark against being a subject to dominion.

There is nothing that Power fears more than an empowered public; because powers true asset is nothing more than the fear of losing power.

To recognize this; is the same as recognizing our future is our decision; not theirs.

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Thanks Sister Tessa.

I am practicing generating a strong, comforting loving-feeling and channeling it towards others in my meditations. I feel like this is a "special power" that has been granted to me, and I need to learn to channel it fully and freely.

Love dissolves fear.

This succinct video summarizes the work of Hannah Arendt and Carl Jung, who intimately lived through the process of creation of totalitarianism through directed-fear.

"Mass Psychosis"


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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Just to let you know I am doing the same John each morning in meditation. Focusing on joining lights over the world, to bring realisation of truth to those who are lost in the lies being perpetrated. Manyh blessings.

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Tessa, you write with such wisdom, strength, beauty and LOVE! I am immensely grateful for each article you post and the good vibes you bring to this moment. Thank you!💖

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Thank you!!! And yes love is the very essence of everything in this world!!! We shall prevail! xo

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Well wrtitten.. Gets right to the heart of the matter and was very moving. You grandfather was of my father's generation and whilst I have no experience of the Russian way of life, the way it was back then, I could see clearly in my mind's eye what you were portraying and it is of concern to me about this slow tiptoe into this great reset that they are talking about. It is not for our good at all. I am in my 70s but it saddens me to think that future generations are being programmed and are sleeping-walking into a soul-less way of life. I can't see there being any room for creativity or aspirations.

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Thank you Derek! And I think they are trying to murder all creativity but it's impossible, they will fail!!!

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Look forward to your essays Tessa. Very informative with lot's of food for thought.

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Thank you Richard!!

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

re: digital money and controls, I highly recommend the Stanford Prison Experiment docudrama


It's ugly

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Thank you!!

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Amazing stream of philosphical unconsciousness.

Not an existential assertion of the way out or the portrait of a plan for action or even the suggestion of a theory of survival, but rather an intuitive assertion of the need to resist proceeding from felt necessities.

Struggling to connect the pointilist dots is rationally possible, but at best the struggle would create an impressionistic overview, not a pattern, not a map, from which to begin la resistance.

From your verbal impressionism I quote these clear words of historical observation as a moral rallying point:

"I am disgusted and appalled by the havoc that the bolsheviks brought upon the people by weaponizing jealousy and trauma, by dividing families, and by turning people into snitches—and this is not a statement about isms. It is a statement about people destroying other people’s lives for material power and control and ideological domination—while lying about their true motives and pretending to be about “the people.” The lying was unjust and cold-blooded and inhumane, and I am glad the tower eventually collapsed. And yet, on the ground, there were all those sincere and broken people…"

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Because it was difficult for me to comprehend the complexity and subtlety of your essay, I just re-read it, and after the 2d reading I am even more impressed. True, nit-picking would say it's too long, a bit rambling, and it lacks clarity at times, but it's a poignant, prescient article about totalitarianism. It's Solzhenitsyn-like in the depth of its wisdom. I've learned that America's invaluable defenders of freedom are those with the strength of character and moral insight which they inherited from their own ancestors who survived tyranny. Their love of freedom seems to have become engrained even more deeply as they were forced to flee their native homelands, like Russia, Iran, Cuba and Red China, where there is no freedom.

"You don't always know what you've got 'til it's gone."

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Aug 23, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena


Thank you so much, one of the best essays on Totalitarianism I have read.

You have a heart, you have a soul. This always results in true eloquence.

Perhaps they will defeat us for a while on this plane, they are certainly feeling triumphant now, and what they, clearly, plan is horrific; but the mystics -of every faith - assure us that Love and the Heart triumph, and I'm betting on that.

By the way, it might be good for you to talk to, or look at, James Delingpole in the UK, and Alison McDowell in the US - the later has been doing deep research into the Transhumanists and their plan for domination, although she sees it as a kind of colonial predator drive turned inwards. Lots of energy of the right sort there.

All the best


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Thank you Xabier!!!

I think the battle is really about remembering that mystery and the feeling of being alive that the modern society is trying to make us feel is not real... but it is real, it is who we are underneath all the fuss!!

And yes, I know of both people you mentioned. In fact, earlier this year I introduced Alison to the work of Steven Newcomb who had been writing for many years about the Doctrine of Domination. Steven is truly amazing, by the way! A real intellectual giant, I love his work so much.

I interview him some months ago. https://makelanguagegreatagain.com/episodes/steven-newcomb-language-of-domination/

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Aug 27, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I'm glad you're aware of James - I came to this valuable piece of yours via Mark Crispin Miller's newsletter, and I became aware of Mark only recently through James's very good (and lengthy) interview of him.

Container theory says that, at the level of individual non-compliance with the onset of totalitarianism, isolation and the feeling of powerlessness are the weapons used against it. On this basis, the links between articulate and able commentators like yourself, Mark, and James, are every bit as important as what they/you are saying. It is the creation or erosion of a network of mutual awareness that matters.

Tommy Flowers, the British Post Office engineer who constructed some important machinery for the Bletchley Park decryption operation, was prescient in this regard - he alone, as far as I know, understood that the significance of digital computing was in its ability to transform communication - he was the first one to foresee computers as communication devices, decades ahead of anyone else, although their use even then in cryptography should have made it obvious to those other bright people.

It is about time we rescued the infrastructure of free communications, which either proxies or obstructs not only freedom of speech, but freedom of assembly. Invention must come to our rescue and lead us out of the current system of tapping on the pipes running through our cells..

Thank you for your service to truth.

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Very moving-you write well-Cyrano 829 approves, along w/King Lear and PM

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"On the other hand, a society that masks the boot and applies the boot selectively—especially if it focuses the boot on the people outside its borders and allows for a zone of respectability on the inside where the boot is velvety—and also allows people to walk from under the boot and into the zone of respectability—that society is a democracy."

Perfecto! Claro! As perfect a definition of democracy as I've read.

Great article.

How to fight? Claim our soul and know that it comes from the Joy that is the great spirit, or God, or however that is defined. Laugh in the face of evil, and it shrinks faster than those cocksure bullies who think they own the world. Nothing a bully hates more than to be laughed at.

Thank you Tessa. I feel honoured to be in this process of exposing the light within in order to dissipate and dissolve the ostensible darkness without.

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Thank you, Guy, and you put it really beautifully!!

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To be a-muse(d) is to be inspired. Your heart is alive and beating, and that is inspiration, meaning, of course, both breath and spirit. Namaste.

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May 29, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Beautifully said. Your background serves you well in these times and serves as a lighthouse for the rest of us with different backgrounds. Thank you!

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Thank you Elizabeth, and also for your own courage and wonderful work!!

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May 29, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Historical evidence shows that no Western totalitarian regime has been able to maintain its power permanently. This is evident from examples such as the fall of Rome and events from the 20th century. Currently, there is a significant amount of misinformation and efforts to hide the truth. I concur with this observation. In my country, the government led by Trudeau has put in place policies that include the seizure of firearms.

Just to confirm, are you discussing different time periods in which individuals have differing levels of freedom?

Drawing from past events, I notice certain parallels between the current situation and Germany during the 1930s. The experiences of the Ceausescu duo and the closing moments of the Nazi regime serve as illustrations. Nevertheless, the collapse of the Berlin Wall and the Soviet Union provide a glimmer of hope that liberty can be regained (albeit temporarily). Regrettably, such changes frequently entail significant human sacrifices.

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I think it is not permanent, it will go away. But it has been thousands of years, with the Roman tradition lingering very actively right now. Comparing to the millions of years we have been around, it's a tiny speck on the timeline of human history but of course from the human perspective, it's been a very long time!! But it will go back to healthy one day. Maybe thousands of years from now but that is where we are going!

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I just got my hands on a new book. Additionally, it could be beneficial for you to conduct interviews with the following two individuals.

If you haven't already done so, I suggest getting a copy of this book as soon as possible.

And go ahead and read the... "Epilogue: Ugly Truths"

Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy

Claire Provost, Matt Kennard

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If you haven't already done so, I suggest getting a copy of this book as soon as possible.

And go ahead and read the... "Epilogue: Ugly Truths"

Silent Coup: How Corporations Overthrew Democracy

Claire Provost, Matt Kennard

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There is a steadfast possibility that we may become casualties in the near future. Nevertheless, we are the Resistance of today!

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May 29, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

this is one powerful essay. grim too.

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Thank you, Margie!! Interestingly, I am feeling a lot more at peace with the world now than I did in 2021 when I wrote this. I have since accepted the fact that we are doing our but in shaping history, and we are doing our absolute best (hopefully) but the trajectory is very big, and the world will probably get back to healthy a long time from today. But "making it" to the healthy state whenever it happens requires us to do our job today. It is fascinating, this is so long-term!!

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Dec 2, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Have any of you read An Unlikely Peace at Cuchumaquic by M. Prechtel? It is quite important to me, what he says in that book. It speaks to your last 3 sentences with great beauty.

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No, I am now curious, thank you for letting me know about it!!

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Nov 17, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Dear Tessa,

You are a rock of truth, in the surf of lies!

Thank you for your educational texts.

People who have experienced totalitarianism in the form of communism seem to recognize it more easily. My grandparents and their children fled to West Germany when the Wall was built in the GDR and left everything behind.

As a teenager, I was able to observe how the lives of those who stayed there changed for the worse at annual family get-togethers.

Now history seems to be repeating itself. It is to be crazy.

Fortunately, there are fighters like you who write wonderful, albeit frightening and warning texts about it.

Martin Armstrong (the forecaster) is also one of these courageous warners.

I pray for my children that people will wake up and put an end to the madness together.

Greetings from Germany.


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Thank you Stephan!! History seems to be repeating itself, and it is so unnecessary and strange!!! I pray that people come back to their senses before it gets too deep into degradation of human dignity!

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