Oh, by the way, I do think that keeping animals in a city apartment is utterly unnatural. Keeping people in city apartments is not particularly natural, either, but at least people can leave the apartment. "Pets" in the modern sense is a very new concept, it has existed for barely a century. Prior to that, in villages, "house" cats were free roaming, and dogs were somewhat free roaming. Also fed very minimally but free roaming. What I find abusive is depriving the "house" animals of their sexuality. Like, what fun is it to live one's life as a castrated living being? Not much fun, and "security" is not worthy compensation. And I do think that they is done to animals is eventually done to people (see, The Chip). Anyway, just thought I would add that!
Yes. The vaccines, that can screw up their immune systems .. and leave guilty pet parents and expensive vet visits for the rest of their lives ... How easy it would be with the WHO's "OneHealth" to make digitally sure every dog and cat were "up to date" with whatever they want to inject into them. Hell. No.
Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena
Yes, agree completely. My cats are free roaming. I find this push to castrate animals weird, and it's pushed by animal advocates too, some even go so far as to say "they're happier that way." FFS.
Hi Tessa, city apartments are unnatural for all, I agree .. Although I think what matters most is how loved the pets are, and of course time spent outside. City animals can still be deeply loved ...
My dog isn't spayed, it felt wrong to take out her organs(!), but at the same time, she doesn't go to dog runs when she's on her cycle, because there are so many homeless dogs in the world, and if there's any decent points in that horrifying Guardian (of course) article, it's that at least pets should come from rescues, some situation where they already exist and are in need of a home.
That said, I'd love to have seven or nine little pitbull puppies! In a parallel universe where I have hundreds of thousands of dollars. And lots more time. Or know they will go to good homes - but if people want to adopt dogs, shelters are full of them already. That's why it seems wrong to let dogs breed. (Unless it's the only way to find a healthy dog that won't have a damaged immune system for life, is to go to a responsible breeder and get an unvax'd dog). Or do enough research in the first place, which I neglected to do, my dog was rescued from not being wanted in another city apartment, but had not yet gotten shots. I regret that decision every day. (Altho I wish there was a safe parvo vaccine.)
Hmm .. training the male dogs to pull out first? Um, no that's not going to work ... Sex OK when the female dog is not in heat? But would she not want it then? Do female dogs ever enjoy sex? (Had to do quick search, not definitive of course - mixed results, some things said no)
But actually really curious, how do you envision a world where they are not deprived of their sexuality but there also aren't millions more homeless animals out there and crowding shelters? It's nearly financially impossible to take care of one (likely vaccine injured) dog. They don't even have one or two puppies at a time, they average 5-6, sometimes more.
Seems like they are gearing up to blame pets for climate change. And put bugs in dog food. HELL NO. Have you seen this from James Corbett - carbon "pawprints" - article in the UK comparing private jets to the carbon "pawprint" of dogs -https://www.corbettreport.com/carbon-pawprints-and-the-rationing-of-life/
Animals do not ponder the philosophical details of life. Cats and dogs don't yearn to be trad animals. They are not like detransitioners who think about their lost sexuality...But they are in danger, just like us, from health tyranny. Where are the excess mortality charts on dogs? No where.
I agree. After the system that tries to force horrific covid shots collapses, and the system that forces ridiculous amounts of childhood vaccines collapses, I hope (and would like to help in some way, that I realistically could have time for), the system that forces / coerces dogs and cats to have unsafe vaccines collapses.
But really, really, I wish there were a safe parvo vaccine!! Dr Vanden Bossche, if you're not too busy, can you help create one??
excellent attention to detail! my sister, the dog nut, who is generally against extra shots and stuff like that, was pretty distressed that her neighbors puppies died with parvo because she didn't get them the shots...
You're right. Whatever is done to animals will be done to people.
The people at the top of these creepy-ass global cults don't value human life above animal life. Humans are "resources." They talk like creepy IT managers. They don't direct their workforce, they direct "resources."
Yuval Harari has said so openly said so (he's the "science guy" for the WEF). They want people chiped, tracked, and controlled.
Which will be the "New Normal" if people don't catch on in time.
Right, if it appears in the guardian, The MSM, it must be softening us up to accept an agenda, just like all the global warming BS. why would they want us to stop having pets? take away the limited mammalian contact that we have with remnants of nature? prepares for the final push so that we would rather be robots than mammals with feelings?
I have a dog sleeping on a couch next to my bed right now. We live in a suburban home with a fenced backyard, so he is free to go outside in the fenced area. They are not human, so questions of freedom and agency should not be considered from a human centric viewpoint. A pretty good life overall. My dog even has a Twitter account @TotallyCanc3l3d , which he used to post vaccine-related materials when I was suspended ;-)
Sep 17, 2023·edited Sep 17, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena
in april 2020 here in nyc i strangely became a magnet for dogs and toddlers. the dogs were all looking up at me with sad eyes, but their owners would invariably pull them away. the toddler situation was especially weird - 2 year olds trying to climb on me when i'd be sitting in the park. obviously, parents don't typically let their children interact with strangers. this mystified me until i realized it was because i wasn't wearing a muzzle.
Thanks, Tessa. Those dog and cat haters are ridiculous and disgusting. I met Leslie Manookian and her husband about 2015. Good people. Her 2013 film, "The Greater Good," started me on the path to becoming a full-blown anti-vaxxer. I now consider vaccination to be worthless, dangerous quackery, in all cases. But it has made gazillions for such criminals as Pfizer, Bill Gates, and many others. Nothing more evil than targeting and hurting babies and children.
In the same issue of The Guardian in which we are groomed to begin thinking that we should not have pets, there is a piece claiming that cats are healthier if they are fed a vegan diet. This is the level of their thinking, that a diet an animal (or human) evolved eating might not de facto be the ideal diet for that animal. It is just another instance of the mass delusion that is the climate/health industrial complex.
Linda: Exactly. Cats are obligate carnivores. Many humans can do well and even thrive on a vegan diet in the short term, but long-term they will fall apart (there are more ex-vegans than current vegans), especially considering the alarming reductions in nutrients in crops grown today compered to fifty years ago. I have spent decades building the health of the soil in my garden, and I occasionally fallow it, and it is remarkably productive.
I saw that too! I think my diabetic cat is on the same page, since he was raised on kibble, he much prefers that and I have trouble getting him to eat meat out of a can or anything else.... so sad that people will buy into this BS.
That article is infuriating!! And they quote one person who has only had a Hamster, and another who feels "joy" at seeing a dog dressed as Wonder Woman. (I do not feel joy at seeing dogs in costumes. For the reasons the article claims to be talking about.)
If we went back a few thousand years, and dogs weren't so naturally dependent on humans, including for love - sure, hang with a dog for a little while, find food together, then let the dog into the wild and move on, maybe the dog will be fine.
But the title, is it time to Give Up our cats and dogs? - That implies more than Think Carefully Next Time You Seek a Pet ... If a dog is bonded to people and then is just given up, they are often heartbroken. Devastated, that their people are gone. Cats would probably feel the same, if deeply connected.
Another reason to despise The Guardian. (The Guardian was the presenter of the Naomi Klein insulting Naomi Wolf event the other night). Guess we'll be seeing more about the "carbon pawprints" of dogs. And how they should be eating bugs. And how OneHealth will keep us safe from those pesky germs our beloved animals are carrying.
I love my dog, but now I don't know about the ethics. Just yesterday, when he barked it wasn't the normal "woof woof" sound, but closer to "woke woke."
Yes, I know, thank you for watching out for Sayer and for me as well! Typos keep me humble, they sneak in at the loftiest moments. :-) I fixed it shortly after I sent it out.
Thank you for including my cartoon in the very thorough piece you did on the WHO, Tessa! I have just printed it out to read. Thanks, too, for including the cartoon I did about Bobbie Anne Cox in the piece you did about oral arguments against NYS quarantine camps. You may recall that it was inspired by the interview you did with her. :-)
Thank You, Warrior-Sister for getting the word out about the new layer of global hierarchical tyranny, which "legally" invalidates the constitutional rights of Americans and othe peoples.
Also thanks for outing the attack on the last little relationships that some isolated and minimized human-cogs-in-the-machine are permitted to have in their otherwise compartmentalized lives.
We should all live more naturally, more vigorously, and more "fundamentally" to the roots of our species. This facilitates developing our full humanity and spirituality.
The psychopathic WEF globalists don't want do have to deal with anyone's pets when their "willing executioners" and "Good Germans" are tasked with rounding up and hauling away the "dissidents" from their high-rise prison apartments in their 15-minute cities. I saw too many cellphone videos posted online from people recording what was happening to their neighbours in the highrises in Shanghai during the weeks upon weeks of Covid lockdown when people couldn't even go outside to try to obtain food. The operatives would kidnap the people from their own apartments (supposedly because they tested positive for Covid), and then their pets would be beaten to death and thrown out to the street in plastic bags. One video showed a see-through plastic rubbish bag of kittens, one of which was still alive (for a short time longer), with obvious broken bones.
“For the greater good”: the phrase that always precedes the greatest evil.”
Understand this -- then everything else comes into focus:
In September 1991, David Rockefeller, in an address to Bilderbergs & TriLateral Commission, said:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” -David Rockefeller
40 years brings Rockefeller's vocalized banker's plans back to at least 1952! But we know it dates further back!
It is of record that John D Rockefeller Jr donated the land the United Nations sits on. And the above statement admits the world government plans were kept secret from the public by Mainstream Media, even though it was admitted they had continuing & total knowledge of actions taken by Rockefeller, bankers, etc. toward admitted plutocracy ("supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers").
All banker's debt, including all student debt, "national debts" (all countries), could be canceled today without damage to anyone as the US Constitution Article 1.8 Clause 5, allows creation of money & setting the value thereof, with NO interest (which only benefits bankers). Nearly all countries have similar provisions to "create" money.
But the bulk of humanity, including even intellectuals, doesn't know the real story about money because the public narrative was/is ALWAYS controlled by, as Rockefeller admitted, Main$tream Media (M$M) in complicity with the past/ present minions of complicit politicians, bankers, partnered big biz and king/queen wannabees, with almost no one the wiser.
But since 2020 (really the push starting in 2001), this cabal is making its move to consolidate power openly - unworried about whether people "find out" and with M$M still obedient as puppy dogs.
Personally, I think that the "masters" at the Guardian are the ones that ought to be neutered and maybe it's time to get rid of our lamestream media pundants by not listening to the crap that they publish. Stop clicking and they'll all go away.
Also, when I left my cat at home to go for a walk she would cry out to me as I was leaving her. She's gone over the Rainbow Bridge, and now I'm the one that's crying out to her.... But she won't be coming back. God, I wish it was 2017 again.
Oh, by the way, I do think that keeping animals in a city apartment is utterly unnatural. Keeping people in city apartments is not particularly natural, either, but at least people can leave the apartment. "Pets" in the modern sense is a very new concept, it has existed for barely a century. Prior to that, in villages, "house" cats were free roaming, and dogs were somewhat free roaming. Also fed very minimally but free roaming. What I find abusive is depriving the "house" animals of their sexuality. Like, what fun is it to live one's life as a castrated living being? Not much fun, and "security" is not worthy compensation. And I do think that they is done to animals is eventually done to people (see, The Chip). Anyway, just thought I would add that!
Don’t forget the vaccines . . .
Yes. The vaccines, that can screw up their immune systems .. and leave guilty pet parents and expensive vet visits for the rest of their lives ... How easy it would be with the WHO's "OneHealth" to make digitally sure every dog and cat were "up to date" with whatever they want to inject into them. Hell. No.
nyc dog tags are electronic and gps enabled. so the mayor's office knows when and where all the dogs are peeing.
That is so Orwellian, I can't even.
Yes, agree completely. My cats are free roaming. I find this push to castrate animals weird, and it's pushed by animal advocates too, some even go so far as to say "they're happier that way." FFS.
Hi Tessa, city apartments are unnatural for all, I agree .. Although I think what matters most is how loved the pets are, and of course time spent outside. City animals can still be deeply loved ...
My dog isn't spayed, it felt wrong to take out her organs(!), but at the same time, she doesn't go to dog runs when she's on her cycle, because there are so many homeless dogs in the world, and if there's any decent points in that horrifying Guardian (of course) article, it's that at least pets should come from rescues, some situation where they already exist and are in need of a home.
That said, I'd love to have seven or nine little pitbull puppies! In a parallel universe where I have hundreds of thousands of dollars. And lots more time. Or know they will go to good homes - but if people want to adopt dogs, shelters are full of them already. That's why it seems wrong to let dogs breed. (Unless it's the only way to find a healthy dog that won't have a damaged immune system for life, is to go to a responsible breeder and get an unvax'd dog). Or do enough research in the first place, which I neglected to do, my dog was rescued from not being wanted in another city apartment, but had not yet gotten shots. I regret that decision every day. (Altho I wish there was a safe parvo vaccine.)
Hmm .. training the male dogs to pull out first? Um, no that's not going to work ... Sex OK when the female dog is not in heat? But would she not want it then? Do female dogs ever enjoy sex? (Had to do quick search, not definitive of course - mixed results, some things said no)
But actually really curious, how do you envision a world where they are not deprived of their sexuality but there also aren't millions more homeless animals out there and crowding shelters? It's nearly financially impossible to take care of one (likely vaccine injured) dog. They don't even have one or two puppies at a time, they average 5-6, sometimes more.
Seems like they are gearing up to blame pets for climate change. And put bugs in dog food. HELL NO. Have you seen this from James Corbett - carbon "pawprints" - article in the UK comparing private jets to the carbon "pawprint" of dogs -https://www.corbettreport.com/carbon-pawprints-and-the-rationing-of-life/
Animals do not ponder the philosophical details of life. Cats and dogs don't yearn to be trad animals. They are not like detransitioners who think about their lost sexuality...But they are in danger, just like us, from health tyranny. Where are the excess mortality charts on dogs? No where.
I agree. After the system that tries to force horrific covid shots collapses, and the system that forces ridiculous amounts of childhood vaccines collapses, I hope (and would like to help in some way, that I realistically could have time for), the system that forces / coerces dogs and cats to have unsafe vaccines collapses.
But really, really, I wish there were a safe parvo vaccine!! Dr Vanden Bossche, if you're not too busy, can you help create one??
excellent attention to detail! my sister, the dog nut, who is generally against extra shots and stuff like that, was pretty distressed that her neighbors puppies died with parvo because she didn't get them the shots...
You're right. Whatever is done to animals will be done to people.
The people at the top of these creepy-ass global cults don't value human life above animal life. Humans are "resources." They talk like creepy IT managers. They don't direct their workforce, they direct "resources."
Yuval Harari has said so openly said so (he's the "science guy" for the WEF). They want people chiped, tracked, and controlled.
Which will be the "New Normal" if people don't catch on in time.
Right, if it appears in the guardian, The MSM, it must be softening us up to accept an agenda, just like all the global warming BS. why would they want us to stop having pets? take away the limited mammalian contact that we have with remnants of nature? prepares for the final push so that we would rather be robots than mammals with feelings?
I have a dog sleeping on a couch next to my bed right now. We live in a suburban home with a fenced backyard, so he is free to go outside in the fenced area. They are not human, so questions of freedom and agency should not be considered from a human centric viewpoint. A pretty good life overall. My dog even has a Twitter account @TotallyCanc3l3d , which he used to post vaccine-related materials when I was suspended ;-)
:) Your anti-vax dog is pretty smart, just like his owner!! It's almost like he displays a sense of freedom and agency!! :-)))
it has been said that animals and their human companions grow to resemble each other :)
Dogs and their humans look so much alike, so often. That was less clear when people were wearing masks outside. What a tragedy that was.
in april 2020 here in nyc i strangely became a magnet for dogs and toddlers. the dogs were all looking up at me with sad eyes, but their owners would invariably pull them away. the toddler situation was especially weird - 2 year olds trying to climb on me when i'd be sitting in the park. obviously, parents don't typically let their children interact with strangers. this mystified me until i realized it was because i wasn't wearing a muzzle.
"A magnet for dogs and toddlers" is a good name for a 2020 album :)
if i make it you have to sing on it
and bring anais too ;)
Thank you for standing against the mask.
For deaf people, too, it was such torture for them to see everyone masked.
thanks transcriber b you are doing important work!
well said
Pats to your dog! Glad he could tweet!
Thanks, Tessa. Those dog and cat haters are ridiculous and disgusting. I met Leslie Manookian and her husband about 2015. Good people. Her 2013 film, "The Greater Good," started me on the path to becoming a full-blown anti-vaxxer. I now consider vaccination to be worthless, dangerous quackery, in all cases. But it has made gazillions for such criminals as Pfizer, Bill Gates, and many others. Nothing more evil than targeting and hurting babies and children.
Thank you, Gary! And yes, Leslie is a spectacular human being. So pure, and so fierce.
How exactly do pure and fierce people steal non profit donations and still get celebrated? Confusing.
In the same issue of The Guardian in which we are groomed to begin thinking that we should not have pets, there is a piece claiming that cats are healthier if they are fed a vegan diet. This is the level of their thinking, that a diet an animal (or human) evolved eating might not de facto be the ideal diet for that animal. It is just another instance of the mass delusion that is the climate/health industrial complex.
Linda: Exactly. Cats are obligate carnivores. Many humans can do well and even thrive on a vegan diet in the short term, but long-term they will fall apart (there are more ex-vegans than current vegans), especially considering the alarming reductions in nutrients in crops grown today compered to fifty years ago. I have spent decades building the health of the soil in my garden, and I occasionally fallow it, and it is remarkably productive.
Feed your cat vegetables and he will give you the cold shoulder.
I saw that too! I think my diabetic cat is on the same page, since he was raised on kibble, he much prefers that and I have trouble getting him to eat meat out of a can or anything else.... so sad that people will buy into this BS.
That article is infuriating!! And they quote one person who has only had a Hamster, and another who feels "joy" at seeing a dog dressed as Wonder Woman. (I do not feel joy at seeing dogs in costumes. For the reasons the article claims to be talking about.)
If we went back a few thousand years, and dogs weren't so naturally dependent on humans, including for love - sure, hang with a dog for a little while, find food together, then let the dog into the wild and move on, maybe the dog will be fine.
But the title, is it time to Give Up our cats and dogs? - That implies more than Think Carefully Next Time You Seek a Pet ... If a dog is bonded to people and then is just given up, they are often heartbroken. Devastated, that their people are gone. Cats would probably feel the same, if deeply connected.
Another reason to despise The Guardian. (The Guardian was the presenter of the Naomi Klein insulting Naomi Wolf event the other night). Guess we'll be seeing more about the "carbon pawprints" of dogs. And how they should be eating bugs. And how OneHealth will keep us safe from those pesky germs our beloved animals are carrying.
Don't worry, humans. We will not abandon you.
(edited for clarity)
I love my dog, but now I don't know about the ethics. Just yesterday, when he barked it wasn't the normal "woof woof" sound, but closer to "woke woke."
You Spelled Sayer Ji's name wrong. It is not Li, but Ji.
Yes, I know, thank you for watching out for Sayer and for me as well! Typos keep me humble, they sneak in at the loftiest moments. :-) I fixed it shortly after I sent it out.
Thank you for including my cartoon in the very thorough piece you did on the WHO, Tessa! I have just printed it out to read. Thanks, too, for including the cartoon I did about Bobbie Anne Cox in the piece you did about oral arguments against NYS quarantine camps. You may recall that it was inspired by the interview you did with her. :-)
Thank you, and thank you for being so wonderful, Anne! Your cartoons are therapy for so many. xoxo
Thank You, Warrior-Sister for getting the word out about the new layer of global hierarchical tyranny, which "legally" invalidates the constitutional rights of Americans and othe peoples.
Also thanks for outing the attack on the last little relationships that some isolated and minimized human-cogs-in-the-machine are permitted to have in their otherwise compartmentalized lives.
We should all live more naturally, more vigorously, and more "fundamentally" to the roots of our species. This facilitates developing our full humanity and spirituality.
Thank YOU, John!! I fully agree
The psychopathic WEF globalists don't want do have to deal with anyone's pets when their "willing executioners" and "Good Germans" are tasked with rounding up and hauling away the "dissidents" from their high-rise prison apartments in their 15-minute cities. I saw too many cellphone videos posted online from people recording what was happening to their neighbours in the highrises in Shanghai during the weeks upon weeks of Covid lockdown when people couldn't even go outside to try to obtain food. The operatives would kidnap the people from their own apartments (supposedly because they tested positive for Covid), and then their pets would be beaten to death and thrown out to the street in plastic bags. One video showed a see-through plastic rubbish bag of kittens, one of which was still alive (for a short time longer), with obvious broken bones.
“For the greater good”: the phrase that always precedes the greatest evil.”
― Jakub Bożydar Wiśniewski
I knew that pets would be next. After all, they’re part of nature, and we’re supposed to be afraid of nature
Thanks Tessa, and especially for posting about Leslie Manookian's lawsuit. I so appreciate her courage and her tenacity in fighting for our freedom.
Understand this -- then everything else comes into focus:
In September 1991, David Rockefeller, in an address to Bilderbergs & TriLateral Commission, said:
“We are grateful to the Washington Post, the New York Times, Time Magazine and other great publications whose directors have attended our meetings and respected their promises of discretion for almost 40 years......It would have been impossible for us to develop our plan for the world if we had been subjected to the lights of publicity during those years. But, the world is more sophisticated and prepared to march towards a world government. The supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers is surely preferable to the national auto-determination practiced in past centuries.” -David Rockefeller
40 years brings Rockefeller's vocalized banker's plans back to at least 1952! But we know it dates further back!
It is of record that John D Rockefeller Jr donated the land the United Nations sits on. And the above statement admits the world government plans were kept secret from the public by Mainstream Media, even though it was admitted they had continuing & total knowledge of actions taken by Rockefeller, bankers, etc. toward admitted plutocracy ("supranational sovereignty of an intellectual elite and world bankers").
All banker's debt, including all student debt, "national debts" (all countries), could be canceled today without damage to anyone as the US Constitution Article 1.8 Clause 5, allows creation of money & setting the value thereof, with NO interest (which only benefits bankers). Nearly all countries have similar provisions to "create" money.
But the bulk of humanity, including even intellectuals, doesn't know the real story about money because the public narrative was/is ALWAYS controlled by, as Rockefeller admitted, Main$tream Media (M$M) in complicity with the past/ present minions of complicit politicians, bankers, partnered big biz and king/queen wannabees, with almost no one the wiser.
But since 2020 (really the push starting in 2001), this cabal is making its move to consolidate power openly - unworried about whether people "find out" and with M$M still obedient as puppy dogs.
Personally, I think that the "masters" at the Guardian are the ones that ought to be neutered and maybe it's time to get rid of our lamestream media pundants by not listening to the crap that they publish. Stop clicking and they'll all go away.
Also, when I left my cat at home to go for a walk she would cry out to me as I was leaving her. She's gone over the Rainbow Bridge, and now I'm the one that's crying out to her.... But she won't be coming back. God, I wish it was 2017 again.
I can't wait for all the other candidates to participate in the digital town hall.