Glad you thought so Tessa. On another note - and while I have your attention - I left a link to this little ditty on another of your posts the other day. You may not have seen it. But I would go so far as to say you should have a conversation with this guy. He is an amazing prodigy pianist and unparalleled satirist. The song in question …
Glad you thought so Tessa. On another note - and while I have your attention - I left a link to this little ditty on another of your posts the other day. You may not have seen it. But I would go so far as to say you should have a conversation with this guy. He is an amazing prodigy pianist and unparalleled satirist. The song in question was this - I'm sure you'll find it tremendously hilarious.
Glad you thought so Tessa. On another note - and while I have your attention - I left a link to this little ditty on another of your posts the other day. You may not have seen it. But I would go so far as to say you should have a conversation with this guy. He is an amazing prodigy pianist and unparalleled satirist. The song in question was this - I'm sure you'll find it tremendously hilarious.
The Parasite Pill 2.0
But I can't help but add these as well.
mRNA (Speed of Science) - ORIGINAL SONG
Anxious Axolotl Rag (2013)
Saw it now, thank you Neo! And thank you again for the essay link!