Despite all of the obvious distressing outward circumstances in our world today, I am quite confident that there is something almost unimaginably good, in the best sense of the word, in store for us as Human Beings. Whether or not we choose to participate in this 'Great Good Thing' is still entirely up to each one of us depending upon our Intelligent or Unintelligent use of things, but the fact that it exists and is available to us, that I have no doubt of.
There is a Larger Consciousness than our own individual consciousness that we can have a symbiotic and synergistic relationship with.
This Larger Consciousness, although it is the source of all Knowledge, Wisdom and Power, when we encounter it, does not overwhelm or obliterate our own entirely unique and individual sense of self.
Instead it completes and fulfills it in the most obvious , natural and satisfying manner possible.
To the degree that we enter into relationship with this Larger Consciousness, the limits that we have become familiar with of Time/Space and the Laws of Physics begin to recede until they become the loosest of frameworks at best, if at all applicable.
This world is meant to be a 'stepping off place' into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
As we begin to grasp this lever of consciousness, all the mechanisms we have built to compensate for its lack will automatically fall away.
Our inner state becomes our outer environment both individually and collectively as a society.
The very limited false persona that we have relyed on up until now has become untenable and is in the process of collapsing in on itself.
This is a crisis, an emergency; but also an opportunity for an expansion of consciousness and the possibility of psycho-somatic healing for us as individuals and society as a whole.
The outer circumstances of our lives, if properly understood and capitalized upon, may inspire and encourage us to finally become more fully, who and what we are meant to be as Human Beings.
The Spiritual Life begins for us when we get a sense that there must be more to life than meets the eye, more than the 'Official Narrative' that we have been force-fed:
"Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something.
What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. That there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about?
Neo: The Matrix?
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind….
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes… Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more…"
Tessa of all your articles that I have read and I believe that is all of them, this is definitely my favorite. I have believed for a long time now that for me the most important lesson in how to stay optimistic and learning is simply to accept full responsibility for everything you encounter in life with no regard for blame or fault. Those two words are no longer in my vocabulary. By doing so you completely free yourself to learn the lessons you need to learn and grow, and by doing so it reflects a deep love and concern for your own soul and of others. Anyway thank you for this masterpiece and I pray that you will be richly blessed. May it be so.
Thank you, William!! i am very grateful. And may you, I, and all the good people be richly blessed with love, acceptance, and a good life. May it be so!
You always write beautifully, aiming for meaning. In this case, you do so in defiance of every zombie movie, serial, spin-off and mini-series :) You make me want to believe, make me want to applaud even though it doesn't make me weak to not forgive deliberate cruelty. As for the zombies, I removed them from my life cause it makes no point fighting or loving them. I'm getting older, time is valuable.
I'm not commenting on anyone in September, part of a strict program for myself, but I will read, and hope you find happiness in a grain of sea sand, or several million between your toes.
Your words are wise and I thank you for them. Verbalizing this is challenging and what you say reaches me. Maybe because I sing, for me the Best protection you offer is the sound of your voice. My wish for everyone is that they learn to use the sound of their own voice to heal, and set the autonomic nervous system back on track, as part of regular self care. The sound of one’s own voice is a great healer.
Thank you!!! And yes, the sound of our own voice is a great healer. And it is not one bit silly to tell yourself that you fully love and accept yourself, and hear it back, and accept the healing.
"And at all times, decline any poison offered to you. You will be tempted to feel dejected, angry, completely alone. You are not alone. You were born to do this. The entire universe is with you when you allow yourself to be a dignified, even-headed messenger of your soul."
Best ending ever. :') Thanks for all you do Tessa.
Thoughtful and thought-provoking, as always. Your comment that "there is no other way to be useful to the world than to respect and love yourself completely" makes a lot of sense. It is in a way a remarkably simple conclusion in light of the fact that we should be able to manage ourselves better than trying to manage anyone else's life. Yet the human race is chock full of people trying to control other people. Unfortunately, our world is messed up enough that many of us do not love ourselves, or at least struggle with that every day. So maybe a follow-up is to write about how people can get better connected to their own soul (?). It sounds simple but evidently it isn't simple, since people seem more disposed to want to rule the world than to rule themselves.
Thank you, Patrick!! I think our entire society is designed to disconnect people from their souls. It is very difficult to be connected when there is a lot of pressure to disconnect, and the real nourishment of the soul is treacherously replaced by "approval of other people who are broken," and the latter really channel the messages of the proverbial Bad Witches, or are confused, etc. I think the higher powers arrange for people to have circumstance that help them connect to their souls. Sometimes it comes in the form of challenges so that people get a chance to get rid of wrong ideas or bad habits. I think it all happens mysteriously, and every person goes through their own, unique version of awakening to his or her soul.
Thank you for your thoughts. I tend to agree, but I think most of us need to understand better how and why "our entire society is designed to disconnect people from their souls." While it matches experience, I think this is vastly counter-intuitive. We aren't naturally born into native ideas that it would be a "good" experience for children to be thrown into a pit to do battle with witches, vampires, or technological befuddlement. And just as we don't think this would be good for children, why would it be spiritually educational or uplifting for any of us as adults to spend a lifetime battling evil, ignorance, gaslighting, and the propensity of our fellow men to "work overtime to falsify reality in a leaderless" world (quote from James Howard Kunstler). Or so at least that appears to be the immediate reality as it resents itself. The pseudo leaders (think Klaus Schwab) don't appear to be automatons in a training video. Instead, they appear to be agents of a rather powerful agenda, even if ultimately flawed and destined to fail. They will reek havoc for a long time regardless of a destiny to fail. I would love to be optimistic, but I feel there are thousands or millions who won't find optimism easily amidst a world absent of moral leadership and dizzyingly hypnotized by imagined technology and imaginary heroes. So where to we look or dream from here? I'm uncomfortable realizing or accepting that millions of apparent human beings around me are bad witches or worse, part of some designed horrible training-scape to shock us into self-soul realization. Maybe that's true. But at the very least, if we are having a public dialog about this, it's a painful deep dive into some rather weird and uncomfortable crap. I'm not seeing any arrow of love or justice or light around the corner with respect to this framework.
It seems more and more to me that this reality is some kind of a "soul polishing" procedure...
Similar to the forging of a blade, you need to put it in the scorching furnace until it can't take any more heat, then you pound the heck out of it, repeat... 😅
Thanks for the sweet words, Tessa, they gave me the chills. Blessings!
I think it is a very similar principle!! And probably more mysterious than with a blade but a similar principle. I think what people do sometimes is become "addicted" to the difficulties, something like that happened in the Russian culture where happiness and ease are considered an aberration. That is another extreme. It seems like everything ends up being about the "middle path," everything in just the right balance, etc. Easier said than done but I think we are wired to figure it all out in the process of doing it.
You are a part of the prayer energy uplifting the world! I am very happy and joyfull to be alive with you in this part of the up ward moving world. Fantastic.
[I spotted a couple of small typos: in the first paragraph there is a 'do' that is really a 'so.' 'unescapable' is meant to be 'inescapable.'. "And your become" ——> you become. "good heath" ——> good health.]
I appreciate what you point to Tessa.. yes .. this to me is the School System Earth and for some of us its the final go around... desires now satiated.. there is but One job One desire left.. reduce suffering daily.. so while we are still dancing on the Earth we find a way everyday to reduce suffering in our little corner..
it can be challenging with so many of our Brothers and Sisters asleep.. Zombies as you say wasting this Incarnation.. so we work around them.. no forcing them to awaken .. unconditional acceptance as they are.. Not making a big deal out of anything.. they say or do.. We were in their confused state once.. in a past life so we have compassion and forgiveness for them even Fauchi, Gates, Bourla, or someone who just insulted you..
no reason to let them make you a thing of Thought trapped in time..
beyond a very limited context thought cannot help...
May you be Blessed with wonderful financial independence! You Deserve it!
I think it is very important to protect ourselves however it makes sense but without losing our minds to fear or anger. In the end, the Creator makes everything right. And it has nothing to do with any institutional dogma, I do think that this entire universe exists for love.
Tessa - the spiritual and intellectual perspective that you unabashedly share with the world is a gift from God that I am eternally grateful for (tears of love & appreciation fill my eyes as I feel so deeply with you & for you). Thank you for always following your intuition and harnessing your inner strength to persevere and teaching others to do the same. The energetic vibration of love is the most powerful in the universe and the more we all forgive (not forget) and love the better off Humanity will be. Sending you healing vibes for wherever healing is needed and may you be at peace.
God damnit Tessa Lena, go on stage! Your voice is truly superb!
Indeed, all this is about the abuser and the abused. And both are very wounded. It takes two to tango. It is a question of healing your own drama and stepping out of this permanent 'emotional blackmail': 'Yes, it is binding, it is the law, OUR LAW and you will COMPLY or we'll kill you!' It is the most toxic emotional blackmail ever...We are stepping out of this 'abused' position as we are not taking it , never! Of course it is difficult when children are slaughtered and incinerated. But if we would give in, it will only get even worse. The core of the Universe is about love and the innate intelligence for the homeastasis of all. Therefor they do not stand a chance of winning this; They are wounded. We are healing.
I stopped going on stage in 2020 when they started demanding things I didn't want to do. :) And after that, I lost the desire to return to those venues. I should figure out an honoring way, it's very much on my plate!!! xoxoxo
Wow...very hard. isn't it? / The same with me, I was an artist, doing well. Also writing and illustrating children books and now I feel as though there is no place or opening for beauty in life...Writing children books seems so hypocrite when you consider what is happening to the children in the world. Although I know for sure that our minds and fantasies will be the things which most likely will save us! Please keep it on your plate!
Despite all of the obvious distressing outward circumstances in our world today, I am quite confident that there is something almost unimaginably good, in the best sense of the word, in store for us as Human Beings. Whether or not we choose to participate in this 'Great Good Thing' is still entirely up to each one of us depending upon our Intelligent or Unintelligent use of things, but the fact that it exists and is available to us, that I have no doubt of.
Our forgotten Birthright as Human Beings:
There is a Larger Consciousness than our own individual consciousness that we can have a symbiotic and synergistic relationship with.
This Larger Consciousness, although it is the source of all Knowledge, Wisdom and Power, when we encounter it, does not overwhelm or obliterate our own entirely unique and individual sense of self.
Instead it completes and fulfills it in the most obvious , natural and satisfying manner possible.
To the degree that we enter into relationship with this Larger Consciousness, the limits that we have become familiar with of Time/Space and the Laws of Physics begin to recede until they become the loosest of frameworks at best, if at all applicable.
This world is meant to be a 'stepping off place' into another kind of reality altogether where whatever we Intend comes into being instantaneously.
As we begin to grasp this lever of consciousness, all the mechanisms we have built to compensate for its lack will automatically fall away.
Our inner state becomes our outer environment both individually and collectively as a society.
The very limited false persona that we have relyed on up until now has become untenable and is in the process of collapsing in on itself.
This is a crisis, an emergency; but also an opportunity for an expansion of consciousness and the possibility of psycho-somatic healing for us as individuals and society as a whole.
The outer circumstances of our lives, if properly understood and capitalized upon, may inspire and encourage us to finally become more fully, who and what we are meant to be as Human Beings.
It's always darkest before the dawn.
"You say you want a revolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
You tell me that it's evolution
Well, you know
We all want to change the world
But when you talk about destruction
Don't you know that you can count me out (in)
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right?
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right))
Don't you know it's gonna be
All right?
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
You say you got a real solution
Well, you know
We'd all love to see the plan
You ask me for a contribution
Well, you know
We're all doing what we can
But if you want money for people with minds that hate
All I can tell you is brother you have to wait
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
You say you'll change the constitution
Well, you know
We'd all love to change your head
You tell me it's the institution
Well, you know
You better FREE YOUR MIND instead
But if you go carrying pictures of Chairman Mao
You ain't going to make it with anyone anyhow
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
Don't you know it's gonna be (all right)
The perfect allegory:
What makes all this possible is a certain experience we can have in the 'Here and Now' - an experience of being a Divine Vessel of the All-in-one.
We are not waiting for the 'End of the world', but rather, running towards it!
'The World' can end for us at any moment and we can enter into another world which is already everywhere present if only we know it...
"In all these religious circles, the groups became
tighter and tighter by developing their own symbols,
terminology, life styles, and, gradually, simple cultic
practices, rites, often involving music and art, all of
which grew out of the new experience and seemed
weird or incomprehensible to those who have never had
At that point they would also ...
"develop a strong
urge to extend the message to all people."
... all people ...
Within the religious circle, status
was always a simple matter. The world was simply and
sheerly divided into "the aware," those who had had the
experience of being vessels of the divine, and a great
mass of "the unaware," "the unmusical," the
unattuned." Or: you're either on the bus or off the bus.
Consciously, the Aware were never snobbish toward the
Unaware, but in fact most of that great jellyfish blob of
straight souls looked like hopeless cases—and the
music of your flute from up top the bus just brought them up tighter.
But these groups treated anyone who
showed possibilities, who was a potential brother, with
generous solicitude ...
What they all saw in... a flash...was the solution
to the basic predicament of being human, the personal
I, Me, trapped, mortal and helpless, in a vast
impersonal It, the world around me.
one!—flowing together, I into It, and It into Me, and in
that flow I perceive a power, so near and so clear, that
the whole world is blind to.
All the modern religions,
and the occult mysteries, for that matter, talk about an
Other World,
—that the rational work-a-day world is blind
to. The—so called! friends—rational world.
If only
they, Mom&Dad&Buddy&Sis, dear-but-square ones,
could but know the Kairos, the supreme moment..."
Electric Kool-aide Acid Test
The Spiritual Life begins for us when we get a sense that there must be more to life than meets the eye, more than the 'Official Narrative' that we have been force-fed:
"Let me tell you why you’re here. You’re here because you know something.
What you know you can’t explain. But you feel it. You’ve felt it your entire life. That there’s something wrong with the world. You don’t know what it is but it’s there, like a splinter in your mind driving you mad. It is this feeling that has brought you to me. Do you know what I’m talking about?
Neo: The Matrix?
Morpheus: Do you want to know what it is? The Matrix is everywhere. It is all around us, even now in this very room. You can see it when you look out your window or when you turn on your television. You can feel it when you go to work, when you go to church, when you pay your taxes. It is the world that has been pulled over your eyes to blind you from the truth.
Neo: What truth?
Morpheus: That you are a slave, Neo. Like everyone else you were born into bondage, born into a prison that you cannot smell or taste or touch. A prison for your mind….
Unfortunately, no one can be told what the Matrix is. You have to see it for yourself. This is your last chance. After this there is no turning back. You take the blue pill, the story ends, you wake up in your bed and believe whatever you want to believe. You take the red pill, you stay in Wonderland, and I show you how deep the rabbit hole goes… Remember, all I’m offering is the truth, nothing more…"
Neo meets Morpheus - The Matrix
I, for one, would prefer not to wait until I'm in the post-human-being stage!!
To become 'post human' is to miss the point that we have yet to become fully Human and, in fact, to deny that such a thing is even possible...
Tessa of all your articles that I have read and I believe that is all of them, this is definitely my favorite. I have believed for a long time now that for me the most important lesson in how to stay optimistic and learning is simply to accept full responsibility for everything you encounter in life with no regard for blame or fault. Those two words are no longer in my vocabulary. By doing so you completely free yourself to learn the lessons you need to learn and grow, and by doing so it reflects a deep love and concern for your own soul and of others. Anyway thank you for this masterpiece and I pray that you will be richly blessed. May it be so.
Thank you, William!! i am very grateful. And may you, I, and all the good people be richly blessed with love, acceptance, and a good life. May it be so!
Comes the Dawn
Veronica Shorffstall, 1971
After a while you learn the subtle difference
Between holding a hand and chaining a soul,
And you learn that love doesn't mean leaning
And company doesn't mean security,
And you begin to understand that kisses aren't contracts
And presents aren't promises.
And you begin to accept your defeats
With your head held high and your eyes open,
With the grace of a woman, not the grief of a child.
You learn to build your roads
On today because tomorrow's ground
Is too uncertain for plans, and futures have
A way of falling down in midflight.
After a while you learn that even sunshine
Burns if you get too much.
So you plant your own garden and decorate
Your own soul, instead of waiting
For someone to bring you flowers.
And you learn that you can really endure,
That you really are strong
And you really do have worth
And you learn and learn ... and you learn
With every goodbye you learn.
Half the battle is knowing the witches have no power over me.
Don’t let them scare you!
You always write beautifully, aiming for meaning. In this case, you do so in defiance of every zombie movie, serial, spin-off and mini-series :) You make me want to believe, make me want to applaud even though it doesn't make me weak to not forgive deliberate cruelty. As for the zombies, I removed them from my life cause it makes no point fighting or loving them. I'm getting older, time is valuable.
I'm not commenting on anyone in September, part of a strict program for myself, but I will read, and hope you find happiness in a grain of sea sand, or several million between your toes.
Thank you, Mike!!! And I will know you are reading then. :)
Your words are wise and I thank you for them. Verbalizing this is challenging and what you say reaches me. Maybe because I sing, for me the Best protection you offer is the sound of your voice. My wish for everyone is that they learn to use the sound of their own voice to heal, and set the autonomic nervous system back on track, as part of regular self care. The sound of one’s own voice is a great healer.
Thank you!!! And yes, the sound of our own voice is a great healer. And it is not one bit silly to tell yourself that you fully love and accept yourself, and hear it back, and accept the healing.
Thank you for pointing it out!!
"And at all times, decline any poison offered to you. You will be tempted to feel dejected, angry, completely alone. You are not alone. You were born to do this. The entire universe is with you when you allow yourself to be a dignified, even-headed messenger of your soul."
Best ending ever. :') Thanks for all you do Tessa.
Thank you, Rob!!!! It is also true. :)
Thoughtful and thought-provoking, as always. Your comment that "there is no other way to be useful to the world than to respect and love yourself completely" makes a lot of sense. It is in a way a remarkably simple conclusion in light of the fact that we should be able to manage ourselves better than trying to manage anyone else's life. Yet the human race is chock full of people trying to control other people. Unfortunately, our world is messed up enough that many of us do not love ourselves, or at least struggle with that every day. So maybe a follow-up is to write about how people can get better connected to their own soul (?). It sounds simple but evidently it isn't simple, since people seem more disposed to want to rule the world than to rule themselves.
Thank you, Patrick!! I think our entire society is designed to disconnect people from their souls. It is very difficult to be connected when there is a lot of pressure to disconnect, and the real nourishment of the soul is treacherously replaced by "approval of other people who are broken," and the latter really channel the messages of the proverbial Bad Witches, or are confused, etc. I think the higher powers arrange for people to have circumstance that help them connect to their souls. Sometimes it comes in the form of challenges so that people get a chance to get rid of wrong ideas or bad habits. I think it all happens mysteriously, and every person goes through their own, unique version of awakening to his or her soul.
Thank you for your thoughts. I tend to agree, but I think most of us need to understand better how and why "our entire society is designed to disconnect people from their souls." While it matches experience, I think this is vastly counter-intuitive. We aren't naturally born into native ideas that it would be a "good" experience for children to be thrown into a pit to do battle with witches, vampires, or technological befuddlement. And just as we don't think this would be good for children, why would it be spiritually educational or uplifting for any of us as adults to spend a lifetime battling evil, ignorance, gaslighting, and the propensity of our fellow men to "work overtime to falsify reality in a leaderless" world (quote from James Howard Kunstler). Or so at least that appears to be the immediate reality as it resents itself. The pseudo leaders (think Klaus Schwab) don't appear to be automatons in a training video. Instead, they appear to be agents of a rather powerful agenda, even if ultimately flawed and destined to fail. They will reek havoc for a long time regardless of a destiny to fail. I would love to be optimistic, but I feel there are thousands or millions who won't find optimism easily amidst a world absent of moral leadership and dizzyingly hypnotized by imagined technology and imaginary heroes. So where to we look or dream from here? I'm uncomfortable realizing or accepting that millions of apparent human beings around me are bad witches or worse, part of some designed horrible training-scape to shock us into self-soul realization. Maybe that's true. But at the very least, if we are having a public dialog about this, it's a painful deep dive into some rather weird and uncomfortable crap. I'm not seeing any arrow of love or justice or light around the corner with respect to this framework.
It seems more and more to me that this reality is some kind of a "soul polishing" procedure...
Similar to the forging of a blade, you need to put it in the scorching furnace until it can't take any more heat, then you pound the heck out of it, repeat... 😅
Thanks for the sweet words, Tessa, they gave me the chills. Blessings!
I think it is a very similar principle!! And probably more mysterious than with a blade but a similar principle. I think what people do sometimes is become "addicted" to the difficulties, something like that happened in the Russian culture where happiness and ease are considered an aberration. That is another extreme. It seems like everything ends up being about the "middle path," everything in just the right balance, etc. Easier said than done but I think we are wired to figure it all out in the process of doing it.
And thank you, Matias!!
Beautiful! Thank you.
You are a part of the prayer energy uplifting the world! I am very happy and joyfull to be alive with you in this part of the up ward moving world. Fantastic.
[I spotted a couple of small typos: in the first paragraph there is a 'do' that is really a 'so.' 'unescapable' is meant to be 'inescapable.'. "And your become" ——> you become. "good heath" ——> good health.]
Thank you, Guy!!! I thought I got all the typos out but evidently not!
Ahh! Almost impossible to catch our own typos! You did a fine job in a challenging and well written essay.
Thank you again :)
I appreciate what you point to Tessa.. yes .. this to me is the School System Earth and for some of us its the final go around... desires now satiated.. there is but One job One desire left.. reduce suffering daily.. so while we are still dancing on the Earth we find a way everyday to reduce suffering in our little corner..
it can be challenging with so many of our Brothers and Sisters asleep.. Zombies as you say wasting this Incarnation.. so we work around them.. no forcing them to awaken .. unconditional acceptance as they are.. Not making a big deal out of anything.. they say or do.. We were in their confused state once.. in a past life so we have compassion and forgiveness for them even Fauchi, Gates, Bourla, or someone who just insulted you..
no reason to let them make you a thing of Thought trapped in time..
beyond a very limited context thought cannot help...
May you be Blessed with wonderful financial independence! You Deserve it!
Thank you, Curt!!
I think it is very important to protect ourselves however it makes sense but without losing our minds to fear or anger. In the end, the Creator makes everything right. And it has nothing to do with any institutional dogma, I do think that this entire universe exists for love.
Thank you Tessa, you always come straight from the heart ❤️
Thank you,, Heike!! Hugs to you
Love, Tessa.
Tessa - the spiritual and intellectual perspective that you unabashedly share with the world is a gift from God that I am eternally grateful for (tears of love & appreciation fill my eyes as I feel so deeply with you & for you). Thank you for always following your intuition and harnessing your inner strength to persevere and teaching others to do the same. The energetic vibration of love is the most powerful in the universe and the more we all forgive (not forget) and love the better off Humanity will be. Sending you healing vibes for wherever healing is needed and may you be at peace.
Beautiful work...I truly needed to read this today. Thank you 🙏🏻
Thank you, Erika!!! xoxo
God damnit Tessa Lena, go on stage! Your voice is truly superb!
Indeed, all this is about the abuser and the abused. And both are very wounded. It takes two to tango. It is a question of healing your own drama and stepping out of this permanent 'emotional blackmail': 'Yes, it is binding, it is the law, OUR LAW and you will COMPLY or we'll kill you!' It is the most toxic emotional blackmail ever...We are stepping out of this 'abused' position as we are not taking it , never! Of course it is difficult when children are slaughtered and incinerated. But if we would give in, it will only get even worse. The core of the Universe is about love and the innate intelligence for the homeastasis of all. Therefor they do not stand a chance of winning this; They are wounded. We are healing.
Thank you, Piki!!
I stopped going on stage in 2020 when they started demanding things I didn't want to do. :) And after that, I lost the desire to return to those venues. I should figure out an honoring way, it's very much on my plate!!! xoxoxo
Wow...very hard. isn't it? / The same with me, I was an artist, doing well. Also writing and illustrating children books and now I feel as though there is no place or opening for beauty in life...Writing children books seems so hypocrite when you consider what is happening to the children in the world. Although I know for sure that our minds and fantasies will be the things which most likely will save us! Please keep it on your plate!