Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I would not be surprised if this social credit system is tied in with your cell phone. Its how they can track you and monitor you. We may need to seriously consider going Luddite and dropping cell phones to retain our autonomy.

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Right on, Tessa. This is the nightmare scenario that will never end. I hope people will see that they must reject these WEForum schemes outright, and refuse to participate, or they're all going to get trapped. Same with the metaverse. You said lead with our hearts, I so agree. I keep asking God for guidance, and a little while ago when I was thinking about the metaverse, I heard God saying to me, "Don't Even Go In There." This is the rest of that story. How are we going to stop the onslaught of this digital ID, digital (centrally controlled programmable) money, social credit scores, and the metaverse prison? It seems most will go quietly to their own enslavement and slaughter, or is there perhaps still hope for humanity? https://steemit.com/metaverse/@evantalks/why-i-m-rejecting-meta-and-you-should-too-if-you-believe-in-god

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They need to work out the kinks of dissenters, protests, and revolt. Let’s hope Europeans hate it, and them as much as we do.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Breaks my heart. I love Italy. Would go at least 1 a year.

Have lots of friends there. Now to have the demonic Globalist take over… may the WEF filth rot in hell soon.

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Apr 23, 2022·edited Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Instead of government transparency and individual opacity, we're moving toward government opacity and individual transparency.

This is part of the movement toward authoritarian control and this movement requires a world-view (Weltanschauung) that's the opposite of the Enlightenment ideal of self-reliance on one's own reason and perceptions, and puts faith and trust in authority instead. But the problem that many who place trust in authority seem not to recognize is that we should always be suspicious of authority and always be vigilant of the abuse of power by organizations and institutions; this vigilance is foundational to the idea of political "checks and balances."

In my view, the root cause of our current condition and susceptibility to authoritarian rule lies not so much with the WEF and authoritarian regimes themselves but with our collective selves and our largely unconscious defense of, and reliance on, authority, which allows authoritarians to grow and prosper. Instead of questioning everything, too many of us tend to an ideology and Weltanschauung of obeying everything. This is what we've been taught and is what's reinforced almost daily as we're warned off questioning the supposed authority of science, for example, or we're chastised for promoting "misinformation" that doesn't spring from authoritative sources.

I call it "auctorphilia." It's what makes authoritarianism possible.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Mussolini of technology

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

the heart has cognitive cells. to a lesser extent so do the intestines and reproductive system. so when we say gut feeling, that's because it really is a gut feeling

some scary news here in the us - jb pritzker of illinois who is up to his eyeballs in this insanity is behind this orwellian scheme https://standforhealthfreedom.com/federal/this-is-your-warning/

forewarned is forearmed - more of us than there are of them!

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Of course they start this up in Bologna

Rapt in liverworst...ha ha

Ah, being vegan...

Now, about this starting things in iTAly like, oh, I don't know Gladio

I am so Gladio to hear about the CIA infestation of all creatures

Ah, and the scamdemic ramped up in iTaly too, I bet it used to be a great place in the old days before Christ

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Yes! Think with our hearts. I believe following such guidance will never fail us. It may seem hard to understand at tmes, but I have found understanding and clarity often emerges gradually. Sort of like the "hind sight is 20/20" idea. From my experience, the knowing, after "heart following moments", emerges with sincere intensity and typically tears. Despite the strength of the response, I find it comforting... soothing... reassuring. A confirming feeling/ response. Yes, follow the heart ❤️. Thanks for the reminder, Tessa!

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I actually watched and read those WEF links. What's disturbing is the # of times they use "rules" and "rulemaking" and "regulation". This is all about NOT testing new tech, all about the ends justifies the means, all about demonizing appropriate regulation as standing in the way of the holy 'innovation' and 'progress.' So we can have a lot more things like 'untested mRNA jabs--because PANDEMIC!!' and 5G (which in 2019 had not been tested for health effects at all (https://youtu.be/ekNC0J3xx1w )). Scary stuff--thanks for pointing it out.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa Lena! The world that we find ourselves in, reminds me of the movie scene where a train is roaring down the tracks right at us, and somehow our foot has gotten stuck in the train tracks and we are desperately trying to free our foot and escape before the train gets here.

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I understand what you mean by "thinking with our hearts"... I truly do. But we have way too many people who think with their *emotions* and believe they are thinking with their hearts. I believe that true "thinking" includes one's mind, heart and emotion and knowing how to determine whether the problem at hand requires a solution that comes from the mind, the heart, or our emotions. Another beautiful post Ms Tessa.

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it'll have a terrible impact

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Canada, Denmark, Italy, Japan, Singapore, UAE and UK -- you're first.

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Apr 23, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you for another great post.

As someone who has been watching this unfold for over 45 years, seeing it happen is both exciting and terrifying at the same time.

I do however, feel compelled to respectfully disagree with your statement:

'Perhaps the most important thing we can do to stand up to the Great Reset is to remember how to think with our hearts, to allow our hearts to guide our choices, whatever it means for each person in each circumstance.'

I think the WEF and their band of control freaks ARE 'thinking with their hearts'! That is the problem! Their hearts are as black as coal.

Scripture says that the heart of man is evil in all its ways and, regretfully, I would have to agree. Christians like to use the excuse, "HE knows what's in my heart." to minimize their transgressions. Every time I hear them say that I want to reply, "Yes, HE does and that ought to scare the crap out of you!"

To quote a famous book, 'The perverse wish to hide a bad motive underneath a good one, permeates human affairs from top to bottom'.

I cannot see what is in your heart anymore than you can see what is in mine. When I have a crazy feeling or idea it seldom feels or seems crazy. When I verbally express that idea to another person, I frequently get a negative reaction or strange looks. However, when I write down my feelings or thoughts on paper it is only then that I realize my 'good idea' is a class one felony in all 50 states!

This phenomenon between what is written and mental retention and comprehension has been documented in the educational community and explains why students who take written notes retain more information.

It is only when something is written down that feelings and ideas can become guiding principles. The fundamentals ideas that promote the health and safety of this planet are not too numerous to codify. God Almighty gave me 10 simple instructions. Christians, Jews, Muslims, and Hindus put their rules in books. Governments have put their laws in libraries of books.

It seems that the fundamental problem is that few people are really doing what they say.

I think we ARE doing what is in our hearts... and so are they!

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Yes, that 'diverse' panoply of corporate luminaries all speaking with one globalist voice. They urge us to adopt their "innovative solutions", while all they are really doing is distracting us from the "innovative problems" that they themselves create. Don't they have another script? It's becoming tedious.

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