the heart has cognitive cells. to a lesser extent so do the intestines and reproductive system. so when we say gut feeling, that's because it really is a gut feeling
some scary news here in the us - jb pritzker of illinois who is up to his eyeballs in this insanity is behind this orwellian scheme…
the heart has cognitive cells. to a lesser extent so do the intestines and reproductive system. so when we say gut feeling, that's because it really is a gut feeling
the heart has cognitive cells. to a lesser extent so do the intestines and reproductive system. so when we say gut feeling, that's because it really is a gut feeling
some scary news here in the us - jb pritzker of illinois who is up to his eyeballs in this insanity is behind this orwellian scheme
forewarned is forearmed - more of us than there are of them!
Scary. Thanks for the info.