Jul 22Liked by Tessa Lena

You hit the nail on the head! And the wonderful thing is that, for me, once I started going deeper into myself (not just thru the head, but thru the body and heart as well) my life became richer and I wasn't so prone to get caught up into things I couldn't do anything about anyway.

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you are right Brother, we all have the power within, and must connect the head with the heart to find the answers we seek.

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Yes getting a spiritual flow in the body snd out of the head

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Funny, we must be in sync about this... I just wrote a piece about The Need for a Savior. Basically, no one can save us. On a deeper existential place, we don't need saving. Anyone who says they can is, well, not our friend.

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Yes!!!! Do you have a link to your piece?

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Here you go, Tessa: https://navyoericsen.substack.com/p/the-need-for-a-savior

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Thank you, Navyo!!

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I don't agree with your total take but I really resonate with the fact that a SAVIOR is why we are in the horrible situation we have allowed to take place in our lives as a collective. WE THE PEOPLE of the world must turn this around by going inside and connecting with our idea of Source and our reason for being here at this time during what I believe to be, the Greatest Story Ever Told, which will shock us all as our history is rewritten as it really happened.

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Jul 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Excellent post. And so very true! I’ve actually said as much to myself and repeated it to friends. We are triggered because of our own stuff.

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Jul 22·edited Jul 22Author

Thank you, Kittykat!! I completely agree with you!

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“people’s insecurities and a deeply rooted sense of being unseen and unloved “

Just think how much of this is and has been the result of‘civilization’. Breaking up communities to create states and empires. Leaving lost people scrambling to hold their lives together. Organizing power around the desperation.

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That's an excellent point, Peter!

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Yes totally… destruction of families, society in favour of materialism, career, narcissistic tendencies… all to create childhood trauma to keep us fearful and alone…. Evil

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Jul 22Liked by Tessa Lena

I love it! Thank you Tessa!

I observe on a daily basis that people don't know how to think anymore. They basically ask me to think for them and tell them what to do. We need to return to the "old" days where most people knew how to think...

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Jul 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Definitely is a spiritual battle. I think being detached from worldly events is very helpful during these times.

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Jul 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Like you, I am a stranger here myself. My physical birth took place in Massachusetts but I am from far, far away. Venus? Mars?

Dead or alive? A dead issue.

I thought today that he who has nothing and he who will be happy about it are two different people. And I bet my hat they don’t even know each other.

Rats, yes, more likely than turtles.

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100%. Thank you.

I used to feel a little guilty about not caring about the headlines, but I now realise I cannot care about something that may or may not be represented correctly.

I have to save my energy for making other decisions.

And yes, it is spiritual in nature

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I agree!!! And in my opinion no reason to feel guilty about not caring about headlines, headlines are designed to pull you in emotionally! I have worked in journalism (a Native-owned publication that was relatively big for a few years) and I know it for a fact. Even when you want to do good, if you don't design headlines in an emotional matter, your entire team loses jobs because people then go elsewhere for their news. And, at least in my experience, even when readers complained that the headlines should be more neutral, they didn't read the stories with neutral headlines but instead, read the stories with emotional headlines and then complained.

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Jul 23Liked by Tessa Lena

Spot on Tessa! It's so difficult to explain this to people though. Everyone seems to demand that we must "take a side" in all of this... while I scream... "I don't need a side! I don't need (or want) to give my consent for one person to have the power to "rule" me!" and "The person who stares back at you in the mirror is the only person that can save you!" It falls on deaf ears every time. What a great post. :)

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Yes!!!! Yes!!! Thank you, Rob!

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Jul 26Liked by Tessa Lena

If one more person on social media declares, "I stand with xyz!" I'm gonna hurl.

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Don't hurt, they are not worth it. But I hear WHY that would be the first reaction that comes to mind... :-)

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Jul 23Liked by Tessa Lena

A colleague of mine remarked yesterday about how numb he's become to the constant barrage of news and events. He mentioned how he has become completely desensitized to everything. As we discussed this further, he said he had gone into this state ever since the "pandemic", almost as if he were suffering PTSD. I have to agree on that last bit. I think there's just too much going on and if we don't heal ourselves and address our problems, we will wallow in more of the same PTSD-like state many if not most of us are living in. I woke up this morning and, believe it or not, fully expecting to read some new Earth-shattering news of the potential departing of one of our leaders. This is no way to live our lives. This post is a timely reminder that we cannot live our lives in a healthy fashion by being sucked into all this.

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I agree, Srinavas!!! The barrage of information, especially the information that is meant to, in a way, hijack your neuronal circuitry and make you a slave to it, is on purpose. At the mid-level, it's just a way for journalists to survive, and by now the culture is in such a decay that many don't even know any other way. At the high level, it is purely by design, as a vampiring method. Your friend's reaction is very natural, he is registering the presence of the predatory energy that is actually there. There is no sin in turning off the news. The world is not going to disappear when the TV is off. :)

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Yep and the reason why they keep spinning uncertainty around things now, like they did with covid and past bullshit is to keep us worrying.

And then there's the deep lies told to us by science, trying to make humanity look like a violent, yet weak and vulnerable race that needs medicine to survive.


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Bingo! That is exactly why!

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Jul 23Liked by Tessa Lena

I generally feel a sense of serenity when reading your stuff and am grateful for that.

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Thank you, Howard! I am so happy that my humble effort to do what's right helps you feel a sense of serenity! That sense of serenity comes from your own self, my words bring out what's in you!!

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It's a gift you have.

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Jul 22Liked by Tessa Lena

Thanks for putting the latest news cycle in perspective for those of us that have lived in the U.S. for all of our lives. My world has been relatively stable until about the last decade, and so your post gives me hope that we'll survive this. :-)

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I'm honored, Sister.


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The honor is mine, Brother John! :)

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“ I started writing a series on healing childhood trauma for a reason. I realized that the real battle is happening around people’s trauma. It is people’s trauma that the aspiring masters with not-so-good intentions (aka “globalists”) weaponize up the wazoo and exploit through the roof. It is people’s insecurities and a deeply rooted sense of being unseen and unloved that they use to divide and conquer, and keep us distracted, stuck in the never-ending act of pointing fingers at somebody else while not looking at the ONE thing that they are afraid we start looking at, which is our unhealed parts.”

They gaslight us ⛽️ 😠😔

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Jul 23Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa. Many people need to read this. . I remember Osho saying, "The politics is within you" and thinking how true this is. Bliss is not knowing as it cannot trigger an imagination based on past conditioning and constantly projecting 'hope' into the future. Hope is not a good antidote once you are stuck between past and future and only 'operate' there.

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Thank you, Derek!!

I think hope is good if the meaning of it is "belief in the ultimate benevolence of the universe toward you and being willing to do the work required to be in a good place." But if it is just hoping that somebody will come and save you, especially if that somebody is a politician, that hope is likely misplaced. :)

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Thank you responding Tessa... :) Yes, that is what I meant, although I see it as trust. Trust that our life experience is taking us where we need to go, it may not be exactly the way we would be wanting to go as my life has proved that so many times during my 75 years of life here.

I was a musician/vocalist back in my 20s, but everything started to go 'wrong' with gigs around the mid 1970s. It culminated during one Xmas season...

I was getting changed in the dressing room when I heard some drunks were messing about with our mics and equipment on stage. I rushed out and stopped it and went back to the dressing room but had left all the cash I had earned over that period on top of a water heater in there and went back to the accommodation before I realized all of it had gone.. I had worked for nothing. I went back the next morning and the cleaners were in the building, but said they hadn’t seen anything in the dressing rooms! The thing is, is that I knew where I had left the cash but could prove nothing. There was a row with my partner and we split up. To cut a long story short, I gradually left the entertainment business whilst retraining in psychotherapy, and later got into Zen practice.

Without that crime that wouldn't have happened. Live entertainment in the UK soon all but disappeared and what few jobs there were around had massive competition as stage and TV turned to canned music, karioke and the like and sacked many musicians.. I had ‘hoped’ always to be in the music business, but it wasn’t to be. I had to trust that I was going in the right direction, I had no hope for anything left in my mind. It was only that experience showed me that I put my trust in what I was doing, but there was no guarantees, but it worked. That may be a play on words, but I love doing that too! ;)

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