"The authors declare that they have no competing interests." ... always good for a giggle

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That, too!!

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He just cannot stop his obsession with bats, can he?

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No he can't!

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People in the middle ages already knew that bats are to be kept away from. The dung is alright, it is good for the yard, but the beast needs to be avoided. I remember pictures of bats nailed to church doors!

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I don't know Ms Ingrid, after what Gato posted today, bat guano in the garden might lead to heart attacks, strokes and death. 😅

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Very spooky.

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I can tell you right now it's complete BS. These people are shameless and criminal.

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"They" will merchandise it. There was a reason why they published it.

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Good point!

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Wow...check this criminal out.... Fed Chairman blames inflation on the unvaccinated…


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Wow. Do you know if this is the original video? It sounds like it might have been edited but I have not looked into it, it could be just poor recording quality.

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I am not sure where I found it but I am sure that in the feed someone posted the original video...I will keep looking.....not my Twitter account....

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So, everywhere I look, it's the same video.......I am sure the original exists but haven't been able to find it..... https://redstate.com/mike_miller/2022/07/01/watch-team-biden-stoops-to-new-low-blames-unvaccinated-americans-for-inflation-n587328

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Thank you!!

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"Hedgehogs are widely kept as pets and are commonly found in areas of human habitation.

Our finding of a novel bat CoV, likely able to infect hedgehogs, suggests the potential for hedgehogs to act as intermediate hosts between bats and humans."

Dude is trying to prove it didn't have to come from a lab. However, he did not even prove that the bat CoV could infect hedgehogs, just that it had some characteristics that made that look possible.

Also, I think it was Daszak, or it would have been an associate, that had a company in the 1990s to early 2000s, locating and hiring Russian scientists who had been working in biolabs, especially "dual-use" biolabs. I don't know if these Russian scientists are some of those Russian scientists, but it seems very likely.

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It could be... the cynicism of it is astounding. We are told there is this big standoff, we are told to be afraid of one another, and yet they are happily collaborating on potentially very shady research!

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Certain human-assets can be "weaponized".

Where they originate matters little if they can "produce".

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American bio-labs near Moscow, what do you know!

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I think Russia has actual American biolabs like like other former Soviet republics, I have not spent much time looking into it due to the entire thing being such a mess that it hurts. But I think that is the case!

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"thanks for the boost, tessa! from now on i'll be writing under the pen name stepan bandera!"

sincerely, peter daszak (son of bodhan, born ukraine 1926)

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If you don't challenge Germ theory this is where you end up......

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Let's face it this is where you end up when you don't challenge Germ theory.....a never-ending cycle of fake 'variants' of fake 'viruses'. Please don't tell me it isn't important to challenge the very fundamental principles of Viroliegy. It is.

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I believe we have discussed it. I also replied to Kyle in detail. It is absolutely important to strive for truth and not be dogmatic about it in either direction, yes. But this abuse we are dealing is only fleetingly dependent on virus definitions. Climate lockdowns might be around the corner!

Oh, and here is an exosome COIVD vaccine candidate.... :)


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What do our enemies say Purpose of gain of function is?

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to get a paycheck.

Same with the green energy people.

No grants, no money.

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I think on the lower level, yes, just to get a paycheck. Scientists always hustle for grants and publications, so it could be any combination of those things!!

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Jul 5, 2022
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Hoosier, it's been too dam long!

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It's what Vince Salandria, the famous JFK researcher, called a 'false mystery'. The Kennedy assassination is a false mystery. It was conceived by the conspirators to be a false mystery which was designed to cause interminable debate. The purpose of the protracted debate was to obscure what was quite clearly and plainly a coup d’état. Simply stated, President Kennedy was assassinated by our U.S. national security state in order to abort his efforts to bring the Cold War to a peaceful conclusion.

—Vincent Salandria, 2016

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More propaganda from the archons to reinforce the phony idea that viruses exist and are causative. Gotta keep that fear lever engaged to keep the profits flowing in for big pharma.



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Thank you for your thought-through analysis, Kyle! On my end, I have firmly decided to not argue about the true nature of viruses with anyone. I am familiar with different sides of the debate, and my mind is not made up. In fact, I have my own theory according to which the terrain and the germ theories co-exist quite peacefully. But right now my focus is on the existential battle, and I set the virus debate aside. Science is never final, there are many ways the same thing can be expressed, and who knows, maybe in five hundred years it will all be described as sound. So I am not sweating it, reading different viewpoints, and focusing on what I think matters the most right now! xo

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I believe it's wise not to debate either Ms Tessa. Debating these theories is on par with debating on the flat earth theory. Or any other theory for that matter. We should stick to what we know for sure right now. We really don't have the luxury of feeling out theories when we have enough factual truths happening right in front of our very eyes.

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I can appreciate your position Tessa. You're right, the science is rarely clear. But in this case it seems important to me to differentiate between science that's clearly being manipulated to instill fear for profit and harm and science that's being used to truly heal. Dr. Cowan and the others I mention in the two pieces are true healers. The authors of this paper are not.

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By the way, Kyle, I really like your article you shared. I heard different opinions, all from people I respect, on whether this particular virus (or whatever it is) was isolated, and I set that issue aside for right now since the nature of the battle lives in the realm of the existential and spiritually driven, so I focus on where I think I can be the most useful and the most happy. But it's a very well-written article, you did a great job!

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I agree that it is important to differentiate between science and "around science" matters, such as politics, commerce, egos, etc. etc. So far, I have not seen any convincing proof that there is no such thing in nature (not at all, does not exist, etc.) as a bit of genetic material that can order another cell to make copies of itself, which would be a definition of a virus. Now, there have been a lot of fraud, bullying, and career building in virology, like anywhere. I agree that it is wise to watch out for it, and to separate that kind of human hustling from known or hypothetical science. But I still have not seen any proof that this kind of biological relationship does not exist, and sometimes people get all worked up over germ vs. terrain and to me, it is a horrible dislplacement of energy at a time like now (not the opinion, which we all form however we like) but the angry sentiment. Again, to me, subjectively, there is no contradiction between germ and terrain, I have a theory of my own that I like as of this moment and believe to be close to reality, so I feel at a loss every time somebody wants me to adopt their point of view and abandon mine. Why would I do that? I have looked at different information, that is what I think right now, and in the end, everything that exists can be interpreted as energy, which makes it more alive and in a way different from germ or terrain, and.... in any case, it is interesting to me to understand it like it is interesting to me to understand many other things, to understand life and the world. But I don't think that the abuse we are facing is married to the germ theory. For all we care, they can scare us with aliens tomorrow... and then will everybody argue about whether aliens exist? I:)))

And you are wonderful, I enjoy this exchange, thank you.

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Jul 5, 2022
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Unfortunately, the Russian COVID shot, although not mRNA, is more or less AZ with a different label (the rumor is that it was simply stolen, who knows). Born and raised in Russia, I am on the opinion that the bureaucrats are a tad more cruel over there than over here, but only a tad. And when it comes to the military-minded people, they are like twins, so...

It's on us to protect ourselves from all their doings!!!

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Handing out umbrellas

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Jul 5, 2022Edited
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Alas!!! Who is saving anybody? Geopolitics is about money and control, not about saving anyone. Both of my homelands are empires, driven by similar interests, etc... very cynical, all of it! And people everywhere suffer!!!!

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And domestic policies? Especially domestic policies toward senior citizens? Dear Lord, they are cruel and despicable!!! I don't know why some people in the West think that the Russian administration is somehow noble. They are predators just like any other administration and don't care if we live or die!

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Amen Ms Tessa. I love when someone calls me "anti (fill in whatever country here)". I always reply, "I am not anti the people of the country, I hate the government of said country, and right now there isn't a good government in any country. I hate them all equally.". But I'm not necessarily anti-government either. I'm anti giant murderous out of control government. Which is exactly what they've all become. IMHO

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I agree! And I don't hate them, I have no respect for them and I want them to be as far away from me as possible. Cruel treatment of others is a trait that gets no respect!!!!

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Jul 5, 2022
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To my senses, the war is an atrocious geopolitical maneuver, in which both Russia and the West are complicit. We will never know to which extent it is or it is not done with the tacit approval of Klaus Schwab and his masters but people are paying the price in any case, in the East and in the West. I have friends who cry every day because their families are in Ukraine, and they are terrified. it's all cruel from every side. it's politicians and military contractors on one end, people on the other.

As far as pensioners, there was a significant toll as a result of COVID measures, and even prior to that, many old people lived in abject poverty, including war veterans, while patriotic rhetoric was used for nonsense. And the actual war veterans lived in abject poverty. Very cynical!!

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Jul 5, 2022
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They will continue until the train derails. It will happen sooner or later. I just hope they don't take half of the world population with them. Thinking of it, they might have taken at least a tenth already.

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i also hope they don't take too many people with them!!! Such a sad situation to be dealing with!!

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Have to fully agree

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