An important correction of the comment about seven clan mothers in Europe: I did not mean that all life originated from there, which I realized it sounded like when I listened back to the interview. I meant all life in Europe, according to that theory.

Here is an article I wrote more than ten years ago about Bering Strait theory (debunked) that mentions theory about seven clam mothers:


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This country is run by mind controlling parasites…

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Indeed! And not just this one! That was why I started looking into it, and then it was just too fascinating.

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Poly - many

Ticks - blood feeding parasites.

Yea, you so right

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Germany plans China-style color code vaccine passport upgrade with multiple tiers of “rights”

Those who aren't "freshly vaccinated" will be subject to restrictions.


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Great discussion on rounding the Earth! 👍🏽💕

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Thank you!!

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hola, tessa.

do you read charles wright? https://substack.com/@charleswright1 today April 13th, 2024?

In a kind of synchronicity (now a double synchronicity), he posted about joe tippens' video had been made unavailable by youtube for service usage violations. the video was about how tippens successfully cleared himself of cancer using fenbendazole and, when i found your post here i see that your linked video above is no longer available. (don't know why.) so possibly you can make it available elsewhere if it was your video or you have a copy of it. that is the original 2nd synchronicity, although it is the first that i've mentioned here.

the 2nd synchronicity, which began as the first and why i came to back into your parasite efforts is about, tada, parasites! yesterday in the philosophy club you referred back to your great parasite article — which i first read via mercola — and suggested doing a talk about it. in today's article by charles wright he made the following comment on fenbendazole, ivermectin being successful cancer fighting agents **because they remove parasites well enough for the body to then successfully heal itself from cancer:**


here is my take on fenbendazole, ivermectin, lactoferrin, and other substances which have been reported to cure cancer. These substances work to varying degrees, but they may not be the best choice to cure cancer. Concerns about Ivermectin mutating sperm cells in a Nigerian study have been reported, and concerns about high liver enzymes levels associated with Fenbendazole have been reported. Likely to me, the best anticancer choice will likely be a natural herbal substance that contains multiple anticancer compounds, as is likely contained in information sequested by the Rockefeller Institute, Sloan Kettering, and the National Cancer Institute.

The significance of Fenbendazole and Ivermectin to me is that they all point to a similar method of action- to destroy some type of “parasite,” whether bacteria or fungus, which becomes a critical component within cancerous masses, forming a shield or biofilm that the immune system cannot penetrate. After removing the parasites, the cancer cells can be more readily attacked by the body’s immune system, and/or true anticancer compounds. I describe true anticancer compounds as those compounds that actually destroy cancer cells, not the parasites. The substance which most readily destroys cancer cells is Lactoferrin, to my knowledge at this point. end quotation. —— "The video of Joe Tippens discussing how he cured "terminal" cancer with Fenbendazole has been removed by Youtube for violating Youtube's Terms of Service." CHARLES WRIGHT APR 13, 2024


hmmmm. parasites? possibly a leading cause of cancer? from other information in the article, it might be interesting to see if the 35 years of free ivermectin donations to african countries, ostensibly for the river blindness parasite (although i now believe it was 'free' to reduce fertility), had a skewing effect on cancers - what kinds, amounts, etc. (where's steve kirsch the data cruncher? or maybe better, is matthew crawford might be up to the task?)

thank you tessa, another tertium quid - argue virus, no virus, or venom, no venom, or whatever and the 'real' things relatively easily fixed / healed continue to be the hidden in the open behind the smokescreen screeds and killers.

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Thank you, Guy,, and sorry that it took me a few days to respond!

No, I did not read Charles, thank you for the link. The idea that cancer is linked to parasites is actually very old. When I was researching for the recent article that I posted about parasites https://tessa.substack.com/p/parasites-and-antiparasitic-vaccines, I stumbled upon a published paper from late 1800s, and it is just one mention. Then there was Hunda Clark who passed away some years ago. She was the "brand name" for the topic of parasites and how parasites cause all sorts of diseases. I have not formed a decided opinion on her work as of yet. I read about it years ago, then forgot about it, then looked at it again a few days ago, and I have not made up my mind yet what exactly I think.

I am a bit wary of sources who heavily promote one or two cures. There are herbalists and alternative doctors who come up with various things, and it is beautiful, there is usually complexity and a lot of work put into that. I also trust personal experiences of people especially when long-term picture can be observed (as sometimes, even alternative medicine can merely suppress symptoms, and there are times when that is a great achievement, but long-term picture is important.)

I think it is true that IVM, for example, works against some fungi and parasites and maybe some other not-so-beneficial microbes. I don't think it works against everything in 100% of the cases, and each case is individual. But I do think that a lot of the "severe COVID" was various other infections that were kicked into high gear by a combination of factors, from stress to 5G to not-so-well-intended spiritual efforts, and maybe there was an actual bioweapon in the form of "the virus" but I really don't know this way or the other. There are many factors that can lead to creating an imbalance where the person's body becomes weaker, which makes any prior infection more "successful."

Also the fact that "COVID" hit elders tells me that that it was about prior conditions mostly in 2020, by the time one is older living a typical western life, prior infections become bolder, many elders get "demented" without any "COVID," which in my opinion is often a symptom of a brain infection (inflammation, a microbial war inside the brain, etc.)

Anyway, a long response. :)

PS. There is also a very good book called "A World Without Cancer," It is full of interesting information.

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As to mind controlling parasites...If one can call an organism such as a fungus (they vary such a lot!) a parasite...Candida for example...then, without the help of any mad scientist, Candida, a yeast infection, asks the body for MORE sugars, carbohydrates in order to proliferate...it sends messages to the brain, saying 'feed me'...Definitely mind control by a parasite, as those suffering Candida definitely obey...until they decide enough is enough, they then set about getting rid of the nuisance!

If mad scientists decide they can make pathogens to control the mind, they'd better not think it will work for long, they'll be so disappointed...we'll get rid of them!!!

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One thing to add/remember to any such discussion is this (the following contains rather unpleasant truths, so the tone may seem very harsh despite my intent which is increased understanding and mutual respect between different peoples):

No race (culture, ethnicity, people) has an intrinsic or unalienable right to exist. (For one thing, because rights do not exist on their own in reality, they only ever exist via human interaction.)

That is not to say any race (etc) should be exterminated or made extinct through other means, absolutely not - all the other issues and aspects aside, once gone it is gone forever never to exist again.

However, that also means no race (etc) has any obligation to help another ti survive, especially if the endangered one a) is guilty of endangering itself, b) persist in attacking its neighbours.

In all other eras of our existence as humans rather than apes, this has been pretty much self-regulating, and all races (yet again: etc) realised these truths as being grounded and founded in this: that's the way the world works, no matter your opinion. (Also the original purpose of philosophy as opposed to religion: figure out what mechanisms are manmade and which simply are, perfect and eternal truths in and of themselves. In religion the answer is always given: will of the god[s].)

But western greater discourse on any topic, in which Russian must be included at least from after its industrialisation, for some 400-500 years now presupposes western dominance and hegemony as a natural and given condition of life/existence. (The one exception to this being Nietzsche's writings.)

Which it is not; it is a blip in time unless continuously defended and renewed, just as it is for all others.

None of this means one must hate xenos, rather the opposite: one must understand and respect xenos. One must endeavour to understand the other as the other understands himself, and one must respect that his customs no matter how abhorrent and anathema still are the highest good for him. Which in no way means endorsing or even accepting their practice on territory you control - nor is he required to accept yours on his turf. Knowing and understanding is not endorsing or being understanding.

I write this because all the variants of freedom preaching people always forget this, since we all are conditioned from birth to equal sentiments like blood and soil with fascism and worse, which is simply false - all races centre on blood and soil, are all races then fascist? Is the very concept of culture fascist? Ridiculous, as is the eternal misuse of terms like collectivism and marxism, socialism and so on by libertarians - it's like old communist propaganda in reverse. "All we like = good, all we dislike = wrongbadevil". Libertarianism needs mature from its eternal puberty.

We, as westerners and the russo-slavic sphere belongs there if seen from outside, must accept this: we are fewer than 1 000 000 000, and have the lowest nativity figures. China or India alone are more than us and more prolific, and are also when compared to Africa relatively homogenous.

Life and land belongs to the tribe that succesfully uses force to take and hold it. All religions, philosophies and ideologies must acknowledge this as true, else they are disasters in the making. Ignore it, and someone else will move in and take over, via war or via nativity.

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Time we looked at what we can find of unadulterated history and learned from it and set about doing things differently...if we continue with the mindsets we've accepted as tried and true, we will carry on creating war, disaster and misery...the 'eternal puberty' you apply to libertarianism I apply to the whole of humanity and if we do not hurry up and 'grow up', god (won't) help us!

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Yes, it would be very good to learn at least something about the unadulterated history (if we can)!! By the way, I also meant the whole humanity, thank you for pointing that out!!

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I still live a simple life with blackberries coming on, kale waving their fronds.

Paul explained our war isn't with people, although people are complicit.

My mate and I were thrown up against witchcraft immediately after baptism, and it hasn't stopped for long.

You're explaining how so much unseen is real, happening: viruses,

mind controlling parasites and more.

Well, the Bible's true also and ahead of its time. Believers put on

Spiritual armor. Until recently, that would have been dismissed as

metaphor, as if Paul couldn't write properly.

The armor protects believers from what's now known really happens.

One time, many years ago now, I caught satan's agencies out.

I was waiting for a transit train. About 30 yards, almost outside my peripheral vision, but not really much in sight was a young man with long, blond hair.

Remember this was long ago now. Clear as day, a voice in my ear said 'jerk',

clearly referencing this young man.

Ah, but satan isn't perfect, timing was off. I DIDN'T have time to SEE

the young man let alone THINK poorly.

I IMMEDIATELY rebuked the evil spirit saying 'I have NO IDEA about this

young man'.

He was turned away but as SOON as I THOUGHT this, he turned back

around and SMILED directly at me! I slightly nodded, he turned back to his friends.

For sure he couldn't see me, but he KNEW.

As Tesla said, it's vibrational. The Secret Life of Plants, amazing book explained how plants pick up your thoughts. Lots of experiments proved this.

Plants love my mate, tolerate me.

Further, an old man explained to me how he BLESSED all his appliances,

how all his friends laughed 😅, but how all his appliances totally

outlasted their's. I think our fridge may be celebrating entering

senior citizen, is a trooper, and I beam that.

We've all heard the song, 'The hills are alive...'. Everything is.


God only knows. My mantra.

Gotta go positive, Tessa this time.

Blessings to all.

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Aug 11, 2022
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Why is that? Personally, I am a big fan of Mathrew's mind and his work. So I definitely disagree on that!!

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Aug 11, 2022Edited
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I don't know what happened on Mathew's story but I can only say again that I am a big fan of his thinking and his work. As far as the conversation about the nature of viruses and whether they exist, I think it's a valid debate to have but personally, I refuse to argue about it either way because in my opinion, it's a major distraction from the life-critical issues at hand that we need to deal with. Viruses could be real, not real, or a singing rainbow, but the tyranny is right here, staring at us, and I think it is more productive to set the hostilities aside and focus on what matters right now, and we can get back to arguing about the true nature of viruses when the timing is better.

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Right on Tessa!!

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Thank you!!!

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I agree with sir isO. If we don't deal with the 10 million pound beast in the room (that we're being lied to about "viruses" and almost every aspect of the medical industrial complex), then humanity remains full-on slaves in the waiting, eager to do whatever the "experts" and "authorities" say in order to feign "normal."

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Aug 14, 2022
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We know so many of the details of the BS being spread around regardless of whether it's the plandemic, the implementation of dangerous 5G, political and medical fraudulence, etc., or whatever...the important thing, to my mind is for those who have observed the negative effects of all the BS picture, to stop focusing too much on the details and maybe we can set our minds to finding creative, compassionate, wise (?) ways forwards towards a world in which we can all enjoy our living, instead of perpetually repeating the acts that lead to misery for people, animals and the degradation of that which give us life.

Each of us has talents, let some of us use those talents to spread the negative info...yes., because not enough people yet know the chicaneries being practiced, but also we need those with the ability to look for imaginative solutions to propound them, so there can be general discussion on solutions and the possibility of implementing those that feel good...such as the already promoted getting together of a few, to plant food locally, which not only gives physical sustenance, but also emotional support. We need to be very imaginative and very flexible and not shoot each other down with the old arguments of...'Things will never change, its human nature', et., etc., etc., BS that the powers which shouldn't be have been repeating ad nauseam for centuries to hoodwink us into thinking we can't change ourselves in any way! What the heck do they know about human psychology other than the very crude knowledge of how to manipulate it to their own ends, which they have effectively used against the majority also for centuries...let's turn the tables on the fools who think war and strife make life worth living.

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Aug 12, 2022Edited
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Bingo. And you didn't even have to play a silly game to get to the truth which is so obvious.

Like 6-7 years ago after I read about the [not] Spanish [not] Flu and the buried genuine medical experiments proving that "we don't get each other sick," plus the fact that radio towers were being erected all around the world at an astounding rate, putting out toxic EMFs and causing horrific effects on all organic life, plus the vaccines filled with poisons wreaking havoc and taking lives, I knew that the entire medical industrial cartel was based on lies. I saw the Covain't coming as soon as they started the BS Hollywood-manufactured campaign in China.

But people are too afraid to admit that they were duped. So the fuck what? We've all been lied to about almost everything since being born. It's about time people grew up and found their courage.

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Aug 14, 2022Edited
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Aug 10, 2022
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Thank you!!! And hopefully, the pendulum doesn't have to swing to another extreme, from the "American" kind of exceptionalism to the "Russian" kind of exceptionalism. They are both imbalanced because they are so extreme!! The American one punishes people for not being "successful" enough, and the Russian one punishes people for even desiring to be successful. It's a bit of a mess :)

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Aug 10, 2022
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Thank you!!!

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Aug 10, 2022
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Aug 10, 2022
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Yes! Fungi are amazing.

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