Of course we can never know the whole God, as you put it — that’s really the whole point of our existence: always discovering a bigger and bigger concept of the Creator and coming to grow our personal relationship with the Heavenly Father. God is infinite, eternal and universal and consequently infinitely complex.
The “real” world is, in fact, the spiritual reality that we nurture and evolve in the form of our individual souls. The material world, a short human life, is transient and ephemeral; the spiritual reality that emerges from the relationship between the material mind and the Divine Gift, that essence of the Heavenly Father that has been so lovingly given, with no strings attached, to each of us, and which goes with us through every triumph and tragedy, every joy and disappointment, every one of our successes and failures, is the more enduring, indeed potentially eternal, reality.
I have been reading a book on Near Death Experiencers...and the vast majority of those who have experienced NDE state that 'death' is actually the REALity we come from and belong to
For one these spiritual works are lovely, so keep on with these.
Another thing I like to see is comparisons with what you experienced under soviet communism and what is happening here. You have a perspective that many of us don't.
Orwell wrote that 1984 was influenced by two books, one from 1920's soviet union and the other from 1910's america. Huxley wrote that Brave New World was a future where communism and capitalism had merged. In this developing surveillance technocracy, we sure seem to be heading that way.
Those are my picks, although really I want you to write about whatever moves you. That's when you really sing.
Imagine what could be reached and achieved by some of us (most of us?) if our lives were not burdened by the drudgery of having to make money to pay bills?
Some might claim that their work is meaningful and fulfilling...it might be, but is it really when it becomes repetitious, when a professional becomes highly specialized and has to do the same thing day after day, year after year? This reminds me of a teacher who commented that he repeated the same jokes to new classes of students for decades.
Life is precious and short. Imagine finding yourself in the spirit world, and when asked what you did with this gift of life, your answer is: "I went to school, worked, paid all of my bills on time and worked until I died". How sad would that be! And yet this is the script we are given, especially men, traditionally, who were and in some instances are still expected to be the "providers".
Monks and nuns have always separated from society in order to concentrate on what is important. So have Yogis, Zen monks, etc...
Because the world has always demanded that humanity sacrifices most of its time to "contribute" to society and sells its time for money and material goods, those who want to concentrate on spiritual learning have had to escape society in order to reclaim possession of that most precious of commodities: their own time.
Society, the "system" is a vampire that sucks your time and energy and leaves you empty and bewildered at best, in despair at worst. It uses you and spits you out. It does not respect you or your life, it is heartless and soulless and transforms almost every human interaction into a meaningless business transaction, even and occasionally marriages and relationships.
It is a spiritual wasteland, or worst, a spiritual black hole. There is however a deeper cooperation at play here, between victims and victimizers, between the dominant and the submissive, between the sheep and the shepherd. Society, the vampirizing system came to be because a majority of people accepted it, they accepted living under the authority and control of others, of the rulers. They came to demand to be led, and they got what they wanted. Those who did not (such as some Indigenous Americans) chose to fight rather than submit. Those who submitted accepted their fate.
But there is another reality. The spirit world is very much alive, more vibrantly alive than we, who are in physical form, are at this point. And it is our essence, what we have always been and will always be. We are only here temporarily, passing through, visiting. What we do and say, and think and feel here matters, but we should never forget who we are; we are spirit, we are eternal.
You may find this useful, at least it was to me. This perspective provides a very powerful framework for viewing what is going on with us and in the world today. Since it is somewhat based in science, it is actionable. https://youtu.be/dFs9WO2B8uI?si=v11iwYm82r_M9u6R
"I believe humanity's foray into fiction began with the breakdown of the bicameral mind, and the insertion of meaningless symbols in between the subject and the seer. In short, back when people used pictographic alphabets, we were limited to discussing things we could actually see in the real world. The invention of phonemic alphabets like this one, which are comprised not of representative pictures but of meaningless letters, provides the opportunity to invent an endless stream of non-sense, the greatest of these being spelled with just a single capital letter."
Awesome book! I have been asking for a very long time where would we be at in our evolution if 'words' or even language had NOT come about....would be be more empathic/telepathic?
"In our current configuration as humans, most all of us exist from moment to moment, day after day, with a subliminal existential discomfort – a hidden longing for the Divine Love that surges forth from the Heart of hearts that is meant to connect one another everywhere. Yet it remains hidden – as precious few of us are truly aware of this Love – within us all at all times – no matter how sincerely we mouth the word ‘love’. We endure each day with a subconscious hole in us begging to be filled.
This longing renders many of us as hungry ghosts – interminably trying to fill that hole with blind faith, token relationships, possessions, greed, power, and all manner of indulgence – empty impotent substitutes for the Divine Love our heart ceaselessly aches for. As a humanity groping through metaphysical darkness, we distract ourselves endlessly in vain efforts to anesthetize the perpetual longing – like rats in a cage all suffering from the same deprivation, we mindlessly turn on each other too often in desperation when our distractions fade or dissolve.
Upon its discovery, Divine Love resolves our longing – thereafter manifested within us as well as in our presence."
I played this game that threw me into the perspective of a nun questioning her sanity in an insane time. This is a video someone made playing through the game. https://youtube.com/watch?v=MamBvGvrIt0
It might help you see that you're beautiful the way you are and life is wonderful, not this war like crap humans invented!
In the chaos, love prevails. The predators are scrambling to regain control that they lost by pushing us too far.
I think we are naturally heading to a state of balance.
Is it the divine order? No clue but balance is what brings peace and that's what we need. Then, the empathetically damaged psychopaths that we see on TV pretending to be saviors or gods will no longer have power. The only power they had was to make us feel like being human is a subscription based model.... Religion, scientism, obsession.
Near Death Experiences give a great insight into how different people see God when they go to the 'Afterlife' Some of them have simillar events and some have unique experiences, They have varying abilities to describe what they see and feel, some are very descriptive. Some are non believers before they died, as well as some being different religions, it's hard to stop watching. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nde+experience
Nothing is set in stone, either here or in the afterlife. Everything is an experience in consciousness, and each consciousness is unique and creates its own experiences. Those who believe in angels might see angels in the afterlife. Those who have a history (past lives) of Christian beliefs (even if atheist in their latest incarnation) might see Yeshua. Those who believe in "happy hunting grounds" will see just that, and a large circle of teepees full of happy Indigenous people, relations. Those who love beautiful cities will find themselves in one. Those who love and appreciate nature might find themselves walking (floating) in a prairie full of beautiful scented flowers with colors unknown in this dimension.
I actually saw the spirit world, several times, years ago. I saw what resonated with me, where I belonged. I won't say more, expect that the spirit world is, to this physical reality, as the sun is to a light bulb. It is beautiful and good beyond what we usually imagine. I did not want to come back...
We see what we believe ("believe and you will see" as Fool Crow said), until we are ready to move beyond beliefs, in this dimension or the next...but it can be bewildering to instantly manifest your beliefs in the afterlife, especially for those who believe that demons and the devil actually exist, and think that they deserve condemnation.
Every thought, every feeling has power, the power to create, and we should be mindful of what we feed our hearts and minds, of the seeds we plant within ourselves, because the harvest always come, good or bad.
Humans not being able to perceive the REAL GOD is handled impressively in Graham Hancock's Entangled.....We may be able to 'see' the creator of this solar system but not "THE CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS AND IS NOT".....
Id like to see you write more on new ways of understanding some of the 'mysteries' of our world A continuation of the parasites and philosophy of medicine!
A deep dive into frequencies of all kinds...the ones we swim in for all of our gadgets, the ones likely used for weapons, the ones that we emit , the ones used for control, and from electronic or acoustic sources....A whole new level of BUSY. lol
Of course we can never know the whole God, as you put it — that’s really the whole point of our existence: always discovering a bigger and bigger concept of the Creator and coming to grow our personal relationship with the Heavenly Father. God is infinite, eternal and universal and consequently infinitely complex.
The “real” world is, in fact, the spiritual reality that we nurture and evolve in the form of our individual souls. The material world, a short human life, is transient and ephemeral; the spiritual reality that emerges from the relationship between the material mind and the Divine Gift, that essence of the Heavenly Father that has been so lovingly given, with no strings attached, to each of us, and which goes with us through every triumph and tragedy, every joy and disappointment, every one of our successes and failures, is the more enduring, indeed potentially eternal, reality.
I have been reading a book on Near Death Experiencers...and the vast majority of those who have experienced NDE state that 'death' is actually the REALity we come from and belong to
What would I like you to write about?
For one these spiritual works are lovely, so keep on with these.
Another thing I like to see is comparisons with what you experienced under soviet communism and what is happening here. You have a perspective that many of us don't.
Orwell wrote that 1984 was influenced by two books, one from 1920's soviet union and the other from 1910's america. Huxley wrote that Brave New World was a future where communism and capitalism had merged. In this developing surveillance technocracy, we sure seem to be heading that way.
Those are my picks, although really I want you to write about whatever moves you. That's when you really sing.
Thank you, Jeff! I am so touched by your response!
Thank you, Sister Tessa.
It is very distracting to inhabit a human body. One may forget who one is...
especially when distractions are created specifically for that purpose...
And thank YOU, Brother John!
Imagine what could be reached and achieved by some of us (most of us?) if our lives were not burdened by the drudgery of having to make money to pay bills?
Some might claim that their work is meaningful and fulfilling...it might be, but is it really when it becomes repetitious, when a professional becomes highly specialized and has to do the same thing day after day, year after year? This reminds me of a teacher who commented that he repeated the same jokes to new classes of students for decades.
Life is precious and short. Imagine finding yourself in the spirit world, and when asked what you did with this gift of life, your answer is: "I went to school, worked, paid all of my bills on time and worked until I died". How sad would that be! And yet this is the script we are given, especially men, traditionally, who were and in some instances are still expected to be the "providers".
Monks and nuns have always separated from society in order to concentrate on what is important. So have Yogis, Zen monks, etc...
Because the world has always demanded that humanity sacrifices most of its time to "contribute" to society and sells its time for money and material goods, those who want to concentrate on spiritual learning have had to escape society in order to reclaim possession of that most precious of commodities: their own time.
Society, the "system" is a vampire that sucks your time and energy and leaves you empty and bewildered at best, in despair at worst. It uses you and spits you out. It does not respect you or your life, it is heartless and soulless and transforms almost every human interaction into a meaningless business transaction, even and occasionally marriages and relationships.
It is a spiritual wasteland, or worst, a spiritual black hole. There is however a deeper cooperation at play here, between victims and victimizers, between the dominant and the submissive, between the sheep and the shepherd. Society, the vampirizing system came to be because a majority of people accepted it, they accepted living under the authority and control of others, of the rulers. They came to demand to be led, and they got what they wanted. Those who did not (such as some Indigenous Americans) chose to fight rather than submit. Those who submitted accepted their fate.
But there is another reality. The spirit world is very much alive, more vibrantly alive than we, who are in physical form, are at this point. And it is our essence, what we have always been and will always be. We are only here temporarily, passing through, visiting. What we do and say, and think and feel here matters, but we should never forget who we are; we are spirit, we are eternal.
Yes🩷To bless…to pray for healing ….for all of us to see more clearly…to repent and turn toward the Light….the Light always waiting to Welcome
You may find this useful, at least it was to me. This perspective provides a very powerful framework for viewing what is going on with us and in the world today. Since it is somewhat based in science, it is actionable. https://youtu.be/dFs9WO2B8uI?si=v11iwYm82r_M9u6R
Thank you, James, I will check out the link!
Oh yes he nailed it! So did another guy...
"I believe humanity's foray into fiction began with the breakdown of the bicameral mind, and the insertion of meaningless symbols in between the subject and the seer. In short, back when people used pictographic alphabets, we were limited to discussing things we could actually see in the real world. The invention of phonemic alphabets like this one, which are comprised not of representative pictures but of meaningless letters, provides the opportunity to invent an endless stream of non-sense, the greatest of these being spelled with just a single capital letter."
Alphabet vs the goddess lecture by Leonard Shlain
Awesome book! I have been asking for a very long time where would we be at in our evolution if 'words' or even language had NOT come about....would be be more empathic/telepathic?
A nice little video.
"In our current configuration as humans, most all of us exist from moment to moment, day after day, with a subliminal existential discomfort – a hidden longing for the Divine Love that surges forth from the Heart of hearts that is meant to connect one another everywhere. Yet it remains hidden – as precious few of us are truly aware of this Love – within us all at all times – no matter how sincerely we mouth the word ‘love’. We endure each day with a subconscious hole in us begging to be filled.
This longing renders many of us as hungry ghosts – interminably trying to fill that hole with blind faith, token relationships, possessions, greed, power, and all manner of indulgence – empty impotent substitutes for the Divine Love our heart ceaselessly aches for. As a humanity groping through metaphysical darkness, we distract ourselves endlessly in vain efforts to anesthetize the perpetual longing – like rats in a cage all suffering from the same deprivation, we mindlessly turn on each other too often in desperation when our distractions fade or dissolve.
Upon its discovery, Divine Love resolves our longing – thereafter manifested within us as well as in our presence."
Interesting timing about the nun thing.
I played this game that threw me into the perspective of a nun questioning her sanity in an insane time. This is a video someone made playing through the game. https://youtube.com/watch?v=MamBvGvrIt0
It might help you see that you're beautiful the way you are and life is wonderful, not this war like crap humans invented!
In the chaos, love prevails. The predators are scrambling to regain control that they lost by pushing us too far.
I think we are naturally heading to a state of balance.
Is it the divine order? No clue but balance is what brings peace and that's what we need. Then, the empathetically damaged psychopaths that we see on TV pretending to be saviors or gods will no longer have power. The only power they had was to make us feel like being human is a subscription based model.... Religion, scientism, obsession.
Near Death Experiences give a great insight into how different people see God when they go to the 'Afterlife' Some of them have simillar events and some have unique experiences, They have varying abilities to describe what they see and feel, some are very descriptive. Some are non believers before they died, as well as some being different religions, it's hard to stop watching. https://www.youtube.com/results?search_query=nde+experience
Nothing is set in stone, either here or in the afterlife. Everything is an experience in consciousness, and each consciousness is unique and creates its own experiences. Those who believe in angels might see angels in the afterlife. Those who have a history (past lives) of Christian beliefs (even if atheist in their latest incarnation) might see Yeshua. Those who believe in "happy hunting grounds" will see just that, and a large circle of teepees full of happy Indigenous people, relations. Those who love beautiful cities will find themselves in one. Those who love and appreciate nature might find themselves walking (floating) in a prairie full of beautiful scented flowers with colors unknown in this dimension.
I actually saw the spirit world, several times, years ago. I saw what resonated with me, where I belonged. I won't say more, expect that the spirit world is, to this physical reality, as the sun is to a light bulb. It is beautiful and good beyond what we usually imagine. I did not want to come back...
We see what we believe ("believe and you will see" as Fool Crow said), until we are ready to move beyond beliefs, in this dimension or the next...but it can be bewildering to instantly manifest your beliefs in the afterlife, especially for those who believe that demons and the devil actually exist, and think that they deserve condemnation.
Every thought, every feeling has power, the power to create, and we should be mindful of what we feed our hearts and minds, of the seeds we plant within ourselves, because the harvest always come, good or bad.
Cool! Afterlife is the book I'm just reading now as well! I just posted above on NDE experiencers stating that 'death' is actually our Reality.
Humans not being able to perceive the REAL GOD is handled impressively in Graham Hancock's Entangled.....We may be able to 'see' the creator of this solar system but not "THE CREATOR OF ALL THAT IS AND IS NOT".....
Id like to see you write more on new ways of understanding some of the 'mysteries' of our world A continuation of the parasites and philosophy of medicine!
A deep dive into frequencies of all kinds...the ones we swim in for all of our gadgets, the ones likely used for weapons, the ones that we emit , the ones used for control, and from electronic or acoustic sources....A whole new level of BUSY. lol
Thank you, Michael, and you are giving me many good ideas! :-)
Excellent article!! I need to hear this as im struggling with me. However a bit deeper would be great.
Balance love and harmony
May every mind and heart indulge Love at the same moment. Look! We are making all things new!
You always leave me almost speechless. I suppose in a pragmatic way we always have to make the least bad choices.
Thank you, John! I so enjoy hearing from you. Bowing
Your words ground me again and again Tessa! Much Love to you!! Lets share more about gathering and energy and circles of Love!!
Thank you Lisa, yes, love and love and love, and hugs to you!
This is a very beautiful, powerful and uplifting post. Thank you Tessa for your wisdom and light.
Thank you, Den!! Thank you for your kind words!
Beautiful thoughts you’ve shared. Thank you.
Thank you!