Restoring the Divine Order
What is our relationship to reality and how do we create change?
I will start with, ummm, a trigger alert. I believe that we, human beings, while we are in this human form at least, cannot know the whole God. We can form our best opinions, we can feel things—but we cannot know the whole God. For that reason, I believe that when human beings make huge claims along the lines of “I heard the voice of God, and the voice of God told me how you should pray,” such claims are a little hypocritical when made by one peasant to another—and much worse than hypocritical when made by controllers with sharp teeth who want to steal stuff.
We, human beings of today, have been so starved of a real connection to the Spirit that we often just want to hear our theological talking points uttered back to us—and we think that hearing our talking points out of other people’s mouths is Divine Order restored.
And herein lies the psyop.
Why am I talking about theological matters while there is so much going on in the “real” world? I am talking about theological matters because I am tired of us walking in circles. Our true nature is light, we are energy, and the events in the “real” world are a reflection of what happens in the invisible world. Understanding our nature is required for us to change things in the “real” world—and that is exactly the reason why the people who want to control us are putting so much effort into the keeping us focused on “others”—while ignoring our main source of our own power, our timeless light.
Let us turn some tables. To my senses, we are starved of the real connection to the Spirit on purpose, and addiction to theological dogma is a major tool in the hands of the thieves, the biggest psyop.
Here’s how I personally see the world and why. First, the why.
To me, understanding how the world works in theological terms and who I am in this world has been the number one desire ever since I was a kid. As a teen, I was trying to figure out what would be the best expression of unconditional love—becoming a sad nun in a Russian convent or meditating on the life of a sad templet prostitute out of Hermann Hesse’s book (that every lofty teen in my circles read).. My feeling was that the latter path was more challenging and more loving because, somehow, those fictional temple prostitutes were humbler than nuns,, weren’t uppity, and didn’t judge others like nuns do.
At the end of the day, I did not become a nun, and my encounter with a sex trafficker during my trip to Tibet and China became a rude awakening to the fact that daydreaming has power.
The reason I am telling you these stories is to say that theological and philosophical matters have always been very important to me. I have been thinking about it all my life. I have been working to understand it all my life—and here is how I think about it now, as a result of many things I’ve lived through.
Human beings—all of us—have tremendous God-given power to create change. We have real, tangible power. It is not just words. We have real power. Our power is of spiritual nature first and foremost. It requires a pure, healed heart and a relatively accurate understanding of reality. And because it is so, the aspiring masters do everything in their ability to make the majority of people of this Earth spend their entire lives with their hearts hurting, their heads down, angrily addicted to their preferred talking points—and pressing “snooze” on their God-given power.
Dogma is a psyop. We are free beings.
When we go beyond our perception of ourselves as a clumsy union of a suffering soul imprisoned inside a meatsuit, we are pure light. All parts of us are pure light. In fact, there is nothing besides unconditional love and pure God’s light.
However, in order to see it, a human being needs to literally vibrate on a higher frequency, which requires release of all trauma and a lot of work. The way I see it, all human beings can do this and be miracle makers. However, a world in which all human beings understand their nature as messengers of God’s unconditional love is undesirable to the small collective of those who understand energy well, and who want to steal stuff.
And so they create pain, sell theological dogma, and use fancy energy tricks to keep the human organism in chains and in the dark.
Those who want to control our world are like “cancer cells” of the human organism. They are in a troubled state. Their method of feeding themselves is through mining energy from everyone else--which they do by creating violence, trauma, anger, dogma, dead-end theology, divide and conquer stories, and so on--which are all ways to insert straws with pumps into innocent people's energy—and then, the unhealed, blind to what’s going on, work the pumps and deliver their own God energy to the thieves on a silver tray. And the saddest part of the psyop that sometimes, they work the pump as they think that they pray.
There are many charlatans blowing smoke, juggling sacred words like "love," "understanding," "healing," “God,” "Christian values," etc.—while what they are really doing is stealing energy from innocent people who are hungry for Spirit and addicted to being validated and “right.”
This is not an ideal situation. We are literally light. Even the vampiring individuals, in their true nature, are God's light, but in this game we are playing now, they are playing the role of charlatans and addition dealers, planting seeds of pain, watering seeds of confusion, and making a lot of effort to hide our true nature from us, using the name of "God."
Now what?
It’s a challenge. A couple of years ago, I was very disappointed once I started uncovering machinations by some of the MFM household names, machinations that go way beyond the usual, somewhat gossipy, "controlled opposition" talk. In the process, I saw how sacred topics get hijacked, how those in high chairs allow or even promote whatever serves their long term-goals, and how the control is subconscious—where innocent people sincerely think that they are speaking their truth, and the audiences feel that “this time we got ‘em,” that "we are winning," etc.
I was rather shaken by it. I did not write any fiery articles because I was hurting, I was very disappointed, and I went in—and now I am back out.
And I want to ask you, my readers, what would you like to me to write more about?
And here is my prayer. I pray that anyone who was confused in the past becomes unconfused, very sweetly for them and for me.
I pray that our suffering gets elevated sweetly. I pray that those who betrayed us wake up and bring their honesty and their love to us. I pray that any pain that any of our ancestors felt gets elevated sweetly and transmutes into clarity, sweetness, and joy. I pray that the thieves go through something elevating and forget how to steal. I pray for peace. I pray for peace. I pray for peace.
I say so.
A note to readers: If you are in the position to do so, I very much encourage you to become a paid subscriber or donate. I love you in any case, but it helps A LOT, and I am in a dire need to get more donations and paid subscribers while keeping my posts free. Thank you from my heart for your support!
Of course we can never know the whole God, as you put it — that’s really the whole point of our existence: always discovering a bigger and bigger concept of the Creator and coming to grow our personal relationship with the Heavenly Father. God is infinite, eternal and universal and consequently infinitely complex.
The “real” world is, in fact, the spiritual reality that we nurture and evolve in the form of our individual souls. The material world, a short human life, is transient and ephemeral; the spiritual reality that emerges from the relationship between the material mind and the Divine Gift, that essence of the Heavenly Father that has been so lovingly given, with no strings attached, to each of us, and which goes with us through every triumph and tragedy, every joy and disappointment, every one of our successes and failures, is the more enduring, indeed potentially eternal, reality.
What would I like you to write about?
For one these spiritual works are lovely, so keep on with these.
Another thing I like to see is comparisons with what you experienced under soviet communism and what is happening here. You have a perspective that many of us don't.
Orwell wrote that 1984 was influenced by two books, one from 1920's soviet union and the other from 1910's america. Huxley wrote that Brave New World was a future where communism and capitalism had merged. In this developing surveillance technocracy, we sure seem to be heading that way.
Those are my picks, although really I want you to write about whatever moves you. That's when you really sing.