I'd like to add an observation I had long ago, that what people impose on us they end up imposing on themselves. The ancients understood well the boomerang effect of magic. Our modern world controllers, not so much.
For example: clock time was introduced to make people more efficient factory workers. Today though, the managerial class is every bit a slave to clock time as the rest of us, Perhaps more so. And they might not even know what they're missing.
Similarly, the people who want to make us forget who we truly are? They have forgotten who they truly are.
In my view, unconditional love is the only true love. Every other kind of love is part of a trade, of a commerce, of a transaction, and its currency ("I will give you love-meaning that I will act loving-if you give me what I want, or do what I want, or be what I want you to be").
I once talked to a psychic, who told me something that shocked me. She said that love was very important to me. My jaw dropped. I had never thought that it was something worth mentioning, as I assumed it was important to everyone.
But it is not, not in this world. For too many, other things take precedence over love: money and careers, reputation and status, bare survival in many cases and a constant struggle to make ends meet, the ever present and stubborn ego, appearances and looks, dominant power, control, authority, and things, endless material possessions and the latest gadgets to be had.
Love might be the icing on the cake for some, but it is not the cake. That's too bad...as it makes for a very sad world, a world that has lost its focus, its anchor.
Another magnificent piece of writing. i just started following you- not sure how i found you but i am very glad that i did! Nothing is random so i feel spirit led.
Chris Griscom has written some excellent books on the releasing of energy memories that block and cause negative looping and stagnation. Thanks for reminding me to stay on my purposeful journey through this life time.
Thank you Tessa for your contribution to the infinite field of Love and Light.
you call it unconditional love, I call it divine Love, is all the same and is the great mystery in the words “God is Love” in combination with the revelation “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”
When are we going to realize that we are divine beings made of LOVE?
“ … the Truth will set you free ..” is written, but as Anastasia (the high priestess of the Siberian taiga) said “ we must live the Truth, no talk it”
Healing comes from within, and pain is a message from our divine Self for self-correction.
and yes, nothing is random or by chance in our lives, all is in the plan WE made before being born, but we are co-creators and we can create our future (on earth) as we wish.
Nice to read this. I have not reached the point of unconditional Love. I can't. Why? Because it was unconditional Love that my people had when they helped strangers on this land that were digging up their dead and eating them because of starvation. It was unconditional Love when we taught them to farm on this land, how to grow corn, squash, beans, tobacco, rice, sugar cane, catch fish, hunt and sundry other things. It was unconditional Love when we even offered our women as wives. It was unconditional hate when they "wanted it all" enslaved our people, exterminated us whole cloth, deracinated us, took our lands and tried everything they could to make us invisible. Now, comprehend, I don't "harbor" bitterness and hate. Never that, but it is impossible, on a sane, pragmatic level, to have unconditional "Love" for devils masquerading as human beings. It's like saying, "I love covid." They don't deserve Love. At least mines. I "Love" everything beautiful.
This is powerful Tessa.
I'd like to add an observation I had long ago, that what people impose on us they end up imposing on themselves. The ancients understood well the boomerang effect of magic. Our modern world controllers, not so much.
For example: clock time was introduced to make people more efficient factory workers. Today though, the managerial class is every bit a slave to clock time as the rest of us, Perhaps more so. And they might not even know what they're missing.
Similarly, the people who want to make us forget who we truly are? They have forgotten who they truly are.
So sad. The mainstream media has been politicized. Divide-and-conquer tactics are so transparent now that real people are waking up to that fact.
We now rely on the "Tessas" of the new media world to give us a balanced, "from the heart" point of view.
I am honored, Malcolm! Thank you, and yes
In my view, unconditional love is the only true love. Every other kind of love is part of a trade, of a commerce, of a transaction, and its currency ("I will give you love-meaning that I will act loving-if you give me what I want, or do what I want, or be what I want you to be").
I once talked to a psychic, who told me something that shocked me. She said that love was very important to me. My jaw dropped. I had never thought that it was something worth mentioning, as I assumed it was important to everyone.
But it is not, not in this world. For too many, other things take precedence over love: money and careers, reputation and status, bare survival in many cases and a constant struggle to make ends meet, the ever present and stubborn ego, appearances and looks, dominant power, control, authority, and things, endless material possessions and the latest gadgets to be had.
Love might be the icing on the cake for some, but it is not the cake. That's too bad...as it makes for a very sad world, a world that has lost its focus, its anchor.
We are on the cusp of awakening. Once spirit supports a movement, there is little effort needed. Thank you for your part!
Another magnificent piece of writing. i just started following you- not sure how i found you but i am very glad that i did! Nothing is random so i feel spirit led.
Thank you so much, Den! I am so glad you found it somehow. :-)
Chris Griscom has written some excellent books on the releasing of energy memories that block and cause negative looping and stagnation. Thanks for reminding me to stay on my purposeful journey through this life time.
Thank you Rita! I have not heard of him, will check out!
Chris - her 😉
Thank you :-)
Thank you Tessa for your contribution to the infinite field of Love and Light.
you call it unconditional love, I call it divine Love, is all the same and is the great mystery in the words “God is Love” in combination with the revelation “Ye are gods; and all of you are children of the most High.”
When are we going to realize that we are divine beings made of LOVE?
“ … the Truth will set you free ..” is written, but as Anastasia (the high priestess of the Siberian taiga) said “ we must live the Truth, no talk it”
Healing comes from within, and pain is a message from our divine Self for self-correction.
and yes, nothing is random or by chance in our lives, all is in the plan WE made before being born, but we are co-creators and we can create our future (on earth) as we wish.
Long Time Gone, Crosby Stills & Nash, about the assassination of Robert Kennedy https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8upSqYPxPXE
multiple (negative) clouds
Nice to read this. I have not reached the point of unconditional Love. I can't. Why? Because it was unconditional Love that my people had when they helped strangers on this land that were digging up their dead and eating them because of starvation. It was unconditional Love when we taught them to farm on this land, how to grow corn, squash, beans, tobacco, rice, sugar cane, catch fish, hunt and sundry other things. It was unconditional Love when we even offered our women as wives. It was unconditional hate when they "wanted it all" enslaved our people, exterminated us whole cloth, deracinated us, took our lands and tried everything they could to make us invisible. Now, comprehend, I don't "harbor" bitterness and hate. Never that, but it is impossible, on a sane, pragmatic level, to have unconditional "Love" for devils masquerading as human beings. It's like saying, "I love covid." They don't deserve Love. At least mines. I "Love" everything beautiful.
Humans with wings are a long way off.
Same message, but with astrology
adrienne elise is good!!!
Thank you, Ro, I will check it out! xo