Flying After Our Wings Have Been Cut Bleeding Off
We are all in the middle of the task of regenerating our wings that are even more stunning than the wings that were taken from us a long time ago
In the past couple of weeks, I had a striking revelation. I got a new understanding of how "divide and conquer" works.
See, one of the thing that the people who want to control the world do is metaphorical (or literal) bad magic. Here is a way to de-spook this so that we can talk about it without adding to it. Remember that everything is energy? So what they do is create energy clouds of sorts, charged with various unhelpful things, and send them out.
There is a flavor of a negative cloud for every demographic, for every group. And because every person currently living on Earth likely comes from a lineage that at some point (recently or a long time ago) was subjected to massive robbery, murder, degradation, humiliation, and rape, there is also a large amount of energy of ancestral pain. 1
Unhealed pain is an "interface" for the negative clouds. A human being who is not carrying large amounts of hidden or unhealed pain is harder to control. A human being who is carrying unprocessed pain is easier to control.
There is a reason why the people who want to control the world generate so much insult and make sure that the news cycle draws us into the perpetual ‘anticipation of insult. In fact, they do both—they create real violence (in which the pain of the violated is added to the world in the form of pain energy clouds—and then they issue more "negative clouds" to enhance the blinding pain. When human beings are in that state, we are not very effective at fighting back. Fighting back requires a cool head, a cool state of mind. It requires a healed heart.
In my own experience, healing comes easier when you start understanding the nature of reality, which (again, in my personal experience), is unconditional love. I am speaking for myself. That is what I see. Once you start operating on that frequency, when you look at people sincerely trying to do their best, you no longer see "morons" and "useful idols" or "covidians" or "antivaxxers" or "racists" or whatever, you just see people who are swimming through differently flavored subsections of the sewage that the people who want to control us all have built for all of us, hoping we will never figure it out.
The aspiring thieves (who are on their way out) are painting "negative clouds" with colors that are designed to get a rise out of a targeted psychological / ethnic / theological group, that aredesigned to hit specific interfaces or current and ancestral pain. The stories attached to the clouds are different, the mechanism is the same.2
It's been a long time swimming through sewage.
It is time to clean ourselves up, look up, breathe deeply—inhaling freedom and exhaling crap, leaving the old pain behind for good.
All of share a common challenge—the fact that a long time ago, somebody has screwed us all up, stole our memory of being powerful from the inside, reoriented us toward being perpetually hurting or angry or angry or hurting, and perpetual waiting for our lives to be fixed by eliminating the "bad guys," without doing the internal work of remembering who we are.
Those who want to control us all hoped that we would forget how to be free for real, based on our timeless nature and our direct relationship with the divine.
Freedom has been a long time coming.
I don't know about you, but I am tired of all this nonsense.
Freedom is yours. Freedom is mine. It is ours.
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I would like to share my personal, experience=based understanding of ancestral healing. The thing about unhealed ancestral pain is that it gets resolved when we put our hearts to getting it resolved, when we express a desire to hear our Ancestors, and when we heal them inside us, which means, healing ourselves. If we ignore the task, the energy of ancestral pain keeps hanging around, creating a circumstance for us to start paying attention to them and to figure out a way to heal our lineage backward and forward. We may wonder, why is this happening again and again, and it may be that we are ignoring something that we need to heal. We may not be aware of our roots, we may be conditioned by the controllers to ignore our roots or to think that we are so cool and modern that it doesn’t matter what happened in the olden days—but it matters. The energy doesn’t disappear. And if our ancestors suffered, and it wasn’t resolved while they still walked the Earth, it could be our job to feel them, hear them, and release the pain (in ourselves, which also heals them.)
In my opinion and experience, the Spirit allows for us to temporarily suffer because, for one, our souls have chosen to learn specific things before coming to this Earth, and two, the Spirit is trying to get our attention in terms of remembering where we come from, honoring our roots, getting curious about the nature of reality beyond institutional dogma, and respecting our power. In my experience, absolutely nothing that happens in our lives is nilly-willy. The Spirit is precise in delivering the experiences to expand our consciousness and has our back at all times. Sometimes, it feels very painful because we are overdue to regenerate our wings. It is time to start remembering and asking better questions. It is time to focus on healing from the inside. It is time to remember how to take back what’s ours and how to fly. That time, by the way, is now.
This is powerful Tessa.
I'd like to add an observation I had long ago, that what people impose on us they end up imposing on themselves. The ancients understood well the boomerang effect of magic. Our modern world controllers, not so much.
For example: clock time was introduced to make people more efficient factory workers. Today though, the managerial class is every bit a slave to clock time as the rest of us, Perhaps more so. And they might not even know what they're missing.
Similarly, the people who want to make us forget who we truly are? They have forgotten who they truly are.
So sad. The mainstream media has been politicized. Divide-and-conquer tactics are so transparent now that real people are waking up to that fact.
We now rely on the "Tessas" of the new media world to give us a balanced, "from the heart" point of view.