Dec 22, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

The world was so much better before Internet.

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Poor, lowly morlocks. So far away we can't even see the glory of the Eloi.

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Dec 22, 2021·edited Dec 22, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

As if “elite” experiences are the golden standard. This, plus your Coke story, reminds me of the push by Big Food/Big Gov in the 1950’s to dissuade mothers, particularly poor ones, of breast feeding their newborns. The reasons varied but included that “science-created” formula was superior, breastfeeding was unhygienic, and that only poor, dirty women resorted to suckling a baby.

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Just think how "safe" everyone will be! No more pesky human contact, viruses, insects, wildlife, birds singing... everyone's fears will be whisked away into the ether. No one will ever have to worry about anything ever again. Everyone will own nothing, have no responsibility for anything except getting their bi-monthly "injection" and everyone will be so so so happy.

I choose risky real life over that hellish scenario any day. I've had enough of these monsters. I don't care if they want this for *themselves*, but the problem is... they want it for every single living thing on the earth. I'm saying no.

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Leaving aside the fact that Marc Andreesen sounds and looks like he is severely hypertensive (gee I wonder why, get out into nature much? exercise in, you know, the NON virtual world much?), the level of myopia he evinces is disgusting. I don't have enough bad things to say about this clip, about what he said, about this worldview that writes the bulk of humanity off so casually, that assumes to much, that is so profoundly wrong. What an impoverished soul this clown must have.

But WE are the ones who let these people have power, and WE are the ones who need to revoke their power. However, given the "mass formation" aspect of this scamdemic/scmademic response, I am in doubt about how to 'wake up' that 40% in the middle, how to convince them that Big Tech's latest shiny new toys are, more often than not, actually the road to hell.

I agree with you that there IS a concerted campaign afoot to destabilize our ability to KNOW reality, and to be able to stand firm in our knowing, in our instincts, in the testimony of our senses and innermost voice. I have suspected this for years prior to the pandemic, for too many reasons to list out here, but I am glad to see you talking about it.

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These people get to be leaders of corporations not by skill but by craftiness and connections.

Most of the time they are mental.

Perhaps psychopathic, sociopathic, or narcissistic.

But they could be schizoidal- which is a bigger characteristic of those that claim to know the answer, just like those who peddle religions.

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Oh, Tessa, I was not ready for this.

I just came in from a whole day spent outside working in the barn, doing chores, feeding the hogs, the dogs, the cows, the chickens, milking, prepping for the cold sub-freezing night tonight, etc.

Then I hear this, and this 0.001%er thinks my life is worthless and wants my children to put on some headset and live in a metaverse where we can live his life.

I don't want to live his life.

I want to live mine. I want to struggle for 63 years and build something. I want a family that is generations old building on the same ethos. I want my children to be knee deep in my world and learn from it and grow and live and love and eat and share and keep animals and see green pastures and flower filled meadows and walk thru woods and smell winter and spring and feel summer as if it was a family member and put up food for the cold months. I've worked for years to accumulate wealth, real estate, businesses and I'm quite accomplished by American standards. My generations will be blessed.

I can't even begin to catalog the sheer enjoyment of a life not filled with the metaverse, but I can assure you, this man is not, will not, and can not be the future of my family. With any years I have left, I will fight him.

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Andreesen is clearly speaking from the materialist perspective that only recognizes physical realities and sensations, and denies the reality of spirituality and all human values that are not overtly materialist. If a physical body with sensations is all you are, and if this is the only life you will ever have, and when you die you cease to exist forever, then the materialists are "right". But they don't know that materialism is all there is, and they don't know that spirituality and a spiritual afterlife are imaginary. If we are embodied spirits whose consciousness survives the death of our bodies, then Andreesen's virtual reality is a prison that prevents souls from learning the lessons of being physical beings living among other embodied spirits, lessons that we can take with us into our next life. Andreesen's problem is his "certainty", which is false certainty, because it is very probably the case that the things he knows for sure just ain't so.

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Dec 22, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

"want to take away our physical reality and replace it with nonsensical virtual “reality,”

For many that has already happened.

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Holy Mackerel. This guy talks like a IBM Selectric. No doubt thinks like one too.

I grew up in that .001% world of "privilege". It was cold, dark, oppressive and soul-destroying. Couldn't get out of there and into the streets quick enough. Barely escaped with my life.

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minute supplement shopping is in order as Christmas conviviality meets Omicron ebullience.


Three fairly close family members got diagnosed with COVID yesterday and the day before, one with fever, headache, exhaustion and hurting all over, the usual COVID symptoms. The other two have mild symptoms. One is vaccinated and one was treated for a positive test at hospital screening, without ever getting sick, so we were never completely sure if it was a real positive or a false positive.

Delta-COVID remains in circulation, and most of the hospitalized patients in the US probably have it. Most hospitals will not know what type a patient has. It's not routinely reported that way. I never got such a notification as a clinic doctor.

When I look at Texas COVID statistics here: https://apps.texastribune.org/features/2020/texas-coronavirus-cases-map/? I see that the number of positive test results and percent positive are spiking up, while total tests done have been about steady since the end of October.

Deaths are steady and low, and hospitalizations are down.

That implies to me that Texans are not more worried, but that the new Omicron strain is spreading rapidly during the final Christmas rush.

We are reconsidering the big family Christmas Eve party. Is it OK to go if you just brought medicines to the infected?

There is a spread of attitudes among family members, as there probably is in your family. Some are aghast that anybody "exposed" should go out at all for 10 days after exposure. A test is not useful for 72 hours after known exposure, because it is likely to be falsely negative. After 72 hours from exposure, viral loads in the nose should be high enough to detect if infection has occurred.

That puts anybody who tended to the sick yesterday out of circulation for Christmas and Christmas Eve.

I don't mean to whine. People have plans and feelings. We are more aware of what is going on, the range of views, and the intricacies of disease progression and spread. You are likely facing a similar spread scenario, even if people are not aware of that yet.

Delta is still out there infecting people. Some people will get sicker from any variant. People with minimal symptoms will attend parties, and are shopping and socializing every day. Omicron does make people variously ill. Being miserable, but not needing oxygen, is still being miserable.

In September, while Delta-COVID was rising rapidly, I posted OTC COVID Rxs, Azelastin To Zinc https://www.johndayblog.com/2021/09/otc-covid-rxs-azelastin-to-zinc.html That was not so long ago. The information is about the same.

We have learned that those who have had their gallbladders out might need to double the doses of vitamin-D listed, since fat and fat-soluble vitamins are more poorly absorbed. Take vitamin-D, especially big booster doses with some fatty food like avocado or cheese, please.

We've learned the benefit of a baby aspirin, 81 mg per day, as prophylaxis, is substantial, and that it should continue through the course of illness.

The brief shopping list should include: Vitamin-D 5000 unit pills , baby aspirin 81 mg, or regular 325 mg aspirin, if you only plan to treat yourself when ill, zinc 50 mg pills, quercetin (any form, with or without bromelain) to help the zinc get into the infected cells, and lecithin (granules or capsules) to help the quercetin be absorbed in the stomach. The lecithin is likely to help absorption of vitamin-D, also, but I don't know that for certain.

You might also want to get an antihistamine, like cetirizine. You might want to get some Pepcid (famotidine). You might want to get some vitamin-C.

You might also want to get some ivermectin at your local feed store, if you don't keep it around for man and beast, already.

Here we go with the revised Omicron Christmas last minute rush update:

All of this advice except for ivermectin and aspirin applies to pregnant women. That is a group with a lot of questions.

Ivermectin remains controversial. It is widely used in pregnancy in Africa for parasitic diseases, and disparaged in the west.

I remain deeply disturbed at how expectant-mothers are being treated with experimental gene therapies by the medical machine these days

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Why is he hyperventilating as he speaks about his Orwellian centralized dystopia that discounts “reality” for the 99% of the world. I’m sure what he’s really saying is that FB view of the future is the most profitable for their shareholders, reality be damned

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"Last minute shopping is in order..."

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I get the feeling he is possessed by something of which he has no understanding.

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