Thank you, Tessa. It was once a very fine and liberal institution so we had so much hope...time to pave new paths and forge ahead...putting a lot of faith in prayer these days...! hugs to you in return.
Thank you, Tessa. It was once a very fine and liberal institution so we had so much hope...time to pave new paths and forge ahead...putting a lot of faith in prayer these days...! hugs to you in return.
Thank you, Tessa. It was once a very fine and liberal institution so we had so much hope...time to pave new paths and forge ahead...putting a lot of faith in prayer these days...! hugs to you in return.
The liberal part is the problem. We need to get back to conservatives values to save our country. Liberalism, in my view, has corrupted everything!
San Francisco is the home of the Church of Satan.
Satanism is a Jewish Cult . . .
“So, remember, every picture tells a story, don't it…” ― Rod Stewart