Homeschool your children…

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What about the children from other countries which don' t have this system?

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If homeschooling is unavailable, then you have to coordinate with other like minded parents, and pay attention to what they’re teaching your kids. Then refute it. Teach your kids why the teachers are wrong, show them the other evidence.

I think these points are the most important, because kids go off to college and get bombarded with bad messaging, and they aren’t prepared for it, their ego takes over, and they think they’re “smarter” because they’re in college and some Marxist professor brainwashes them.

Teach them the classics, teach them skills, keep them physically active and off the fake foods designed to weaken the population.

Teach them that the news, and entertainment is all designed to wear them down and make them compliant consumers.

Animal nature is to challenge the pack leader for dominance, almost all social animals do it, give them an outlet to rebel against, before someone else teaches them to rebel against you.

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Thank you for your time and advice. I already taught, educated mine at the right time, they are adults now and I am proud of them. Still I am convinced that even the children are given a good education at home, which is a must in the traditional healthy way, when is in total or sometimes partial contrast with the new society's "norms and rules", the children are suffering, are frustrated, are discriminated and bullied. We just in a way ask them to continue our war, our suffering and disagreements instead us to fight and change the world in a better place for them. Opening their eyes on truth, morality, culture and values and then let them go out there in an upside down world for which most of the parents voted for is not the answer. Is not the answer because all of these doesn't offer any protection for a life, innocence and fragility of a child. Sorry, I am angry and desperate for the children's present and future, the path that the world took is so so wrong in all the ways posibile.

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All the more important to teach them. Unfortunately,the reality of life is that children DO fight our battles, and they always will. Nothing can change that.

Better to have them fight with their minds and voices while they can, before their only option is the sword.

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I work in education....that Numb video is soooo powerful.......

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Yep. So heartbreaking, too!

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That was going to be my comment (heartbreaking).

On a positive note, do you happen to know who provided the soundtrack? I'm expecting the new Tangerine Dream album any day now.

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I don't know about the soundtrack... it's very fitting!

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I found this online and archived it again


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Thank you!! Something weird is happening with the 2012 link. The one that was working just a few hours ago (with or without the facebook thing at the end) no longer works but works at the web archive. But then from your 2016 link there is another 2012 link.


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Yes, that's the link where I found it.

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Wow! What a great video.

Slight non-sequitor.

I just watched a documentary on the propaganda of the American medical system, cancer and covid and the war against 'alternitive' medicines. Some great new-to-me information on the suppression of natural cancer cures going back to the 1950s.


It includes something to add to your 'What to tell your anti-conspiracy friends' list.

In 1987 the AMA was convicted of conspiring to destroy chiropractics with lies and other tools of propaganda. The ruling was upheld by the 7th US Court of Appeals.

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Thank you Guy! I will check it out!!

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Sadly it’s been going on for years and years! One of the many rabbit holes I went down out of desperation with autoimmune issues and insurance dictated doctors ignoring & gaslighting me& denial of treatment. A personal antidote, my primary care doctor used to treat Lyme successfully. The medical mafia bullied him and he stopped. Since lockdown, I can barely talk to him, went to a walk in clinic yesterday because he & his office are so brain dead now. By God’s grace, I see an integrative medicine doctor who is actually helping me heal & have a tiny bit of quality of life again after 20 years of neglect and humiliation. Essiac tea, Jim humbolt , so many others got shut down practicing healing.

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I watched while my ex went from one horrific treatment to another for a variety of autoimmune issues. Each time she tried another treatment plan, after the failure of the previous one, I asked her to try another way: naturopath, diet, acupuncture, homeopath, anything. Nope. Didn't trust them, as her body become more and more sick with the poison medicines. In the last two or three years, I've seen several of the drugs she had taken, some for years, being removed due to ineffectiveness and/or harmful side effects. The one turned the skin of her legs black! Her doctor, an arthritis specialist she trusted, retired and the next doctor she went to told her that that his having prescribed that drug for years was criminal negligence and caused the discolouration and associated disease. And yet, she continued without even looking to try an 'alternative' path. Amazing.

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I’m very blessed my husband of 2&1/2 years is bending over backwards to help me work with an integrative medicine doctor. Insurance dictated doctors had me going in circles for years. They’d call me non compliant if I refuse the drug of the week. Very humiliating and frustrating.

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similar experience here.


read everything possible and study everyone you can

these guys are good


find one in your area if you can

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Your primary care doc who stopped treating Lyme...can you share what state s/he practices in?

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I signed up for that video series too! Haven’t watched part 1 yet though, and unfortunately they’re only free for the first 24 hours. Bummer.

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Yes. They might extend the free time(?). It was worth the watch. At the start it looked like it would be a bit soft. They really did get down into it with some great references that expanded my knowledge. Even now, after a full year + of daily 2-4 hour research, so much to learn.

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try a look at careoncology.com and also mycancerstory.rocks

Thomas Seyfried and Dominic D'Agostino have done wonders supporting #metabolictheory.

Otto Warburg was right. Mutations are result of cancer not a cause.

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Thank you.

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Thank you, Tessa, for that video. How heartbreaking. It's painful to imagine all the millions and millions of kids that lived through that torture. It demonstrates so much for all the struggling young people I know. I cannot say that I know of one who has recovered yet. From anxiety, depression, severe stress, suicidality, to completely dropping out of school (High School and college). And that is only thinking about this country. I cannot cope with thinking of how other countries' young people have been affected.

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The adults have lost their minds!!! So many adults have gone bonkers!!! So so wrong!!!

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We were all locked down for political reasons and I know it's harder on our youth. They miss their friends, socializing, doing the things that make them happy, being and feeling free. It's the adults who have caused the problems we have today and it's they who should fix them. Instead, they isolate us and alienate our youth from those they miss. And they abuse them by making them think it's their fault. It's not. It couldn't be. Young people just don't have the means, desire, or even the knowledge to ruin the country they live in. They don't even have a voice of their own, because they're praised for repeating the dystopian message they're taught and censored when they don't. Whatever they're going through now, it won't last. And when they become an adult, they'll be there for the rest of their life. I wish I could tell her, "be at peace, ignore those who hurt you, live your own life, and you'll be free and even happy again so you can enjoy your youth. The hard work comes much later, and you'll be prepared and ready for it. Be safe and stay strong. You are loved. That never goes away no matter where you are."

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And another add for your 'conspiracy' list: The Fitzgerald Report, 1953:


"In 1953, the Fitzgerald Report, commissioned by a United States Senate committee, concluded that organised medicine had "conspired" to suppress the Hoxsey therapy and at least a dozen other promising cancer treatments. The proponents of these unconventional methods were mostly respected doctors and scientists who had developed nutritional or immunological approaches."

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Thank you!!

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Not enough money in actual healing! So criminal! & the cancer “ treatments” available are torture, they rarely integrate any holistic therapies to help the “ treatment “ be successful. ( my sister in law recently died from leukemia treatment, Moffitt cancer center declared her cancer free and she had kidney failure a few weeks later. They would not let me give her healthy smoothies,” it may interfere with her treatment “. They got more funding since she was a “ success story “. All about $$$$.

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I am so sorry about your sister-in-law, Rosalind! God bless her soul!!

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Thank you.💌

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For sure. The documentary notes that the development of 'chemo' therapy began with mustard gas exposure causing a change in the blood.

My condolences to you regarding your sister-in-law.

And the documentary refers to death by medical intervention as being the 3rd leading cause of death in the USA. Dr. Mercola did a post on that. Depending on the measure, iatrocide is the 1st leading cause of death by Americans.

Yes, all about the $$$$, not about health. And that includes the AMA's dietary guidelines!

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Addendum. Super strange synchronicity re mustard gas as chemo therapy.

Today I went into town and by random met a man at the Oaxaca Lending Library. He left and then after I left I went to a small organic shop. While there the man from the library walked in. We began to talk. It turns out he is an American covid refugee.

He explained how his wife died after having been treated with mustard gas as cancer treatment in the 1970s. That 'treatment' triggered his awakening to the poison as medicine that allopathy actually is.

Last night was the first time I heard of the link between mustard gas and chemo for cancer and today I met someone with direct experience....


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Thanks for sharing this!

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Totally heartbreaking, more impresive than thousands of words ....what a sad, stupid, ugly, evil world we are living in and how much autodestructive we are ... In a world where most of the parents would love more the children, their children, care more about them and would have the brain and the heart in the right place, horrible things wouldn't be let to happen to children, they shouldn't happen.

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I agree. And the heartbreaking part is also that people have been broken for generations, passing their confusions and hurt to their children, and they to their children, and so on. 2020 would not have been possible without pre-breaking people for some time, and all this mess required straightening out and snapping out of the entire big soup of confusion!!

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I agree! All the generations had their challenges and their problems, nothing happend over night...but now we had a huge historical exam and we failed for all the generations from the past. And we had more resources than them. And more many tools. And more many informations, we had more peace, we had actually everything and more than any other people in the past would dream of. Maybe this wasn't so good, this saturation and infatuation. Nothing worthy left to fight for, that's another thing, for so many not even the life....Like "the soup of confusion"...a lot are enjoying bathing in it.

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I had forgotten about that video. So heartbreaking that years were stolen from these poor kids lives, and for no good (and possibly nefarious) reason...

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The video is so heartbreaking, just awful, all this.

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Hi Tessa,

Sitting here in a Japanese Jr. High, about 3 pm, after classes ... and with a meeting ahead of me, sharing experiences and advice to a 1st year Japanese colleague. I saw the video, and before the 3 minute mark, my eyes began to tear up. I had feared something worse ... homage to the death of a sibling or classmate. But on reflection, the long term effects of redefining education as 'pretending to socialize a social primate through digital contact only' ...may be just as traumatic That video was a compelling statement.

I haven't had the pleasure of chatting with Charles ... and as a working stiff without even enough time to keep up with my reading, much less writing, may never have that chance. So I am looking forward to listening in on your chat with him.

Just thought I'd send you a heads up about a comment regarding Charles' latest post, but in another context ... https://bailiwicknews.substack.com/p/jonathan-couey-and-mathew-crawford/comment/10361919.

Cheers from Japan Tessa.


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Wow. Moving video. If I saw correctly from the screen shots, she is/was a visual arts student at Etobicoke School of the Arts - they’re one of the better arts schools. I can’t imagine trying to do a program like that remotely. And consider - that girl is still one of the more fortunate ones, with the tools to be able to at least try to learn online. The past few years have been an unmitigated disaster for our children. I will never forget or forgive. #NoAmnesty

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I think that when it comes to the relationship between the children and their adults, it will have to be all about forgiveness, for everybody's healing. https://tessa.substack.com/p/children-of-pandemic

But then when it comes to the ones who orchestrated it knowingly, there needs to be justice and big balancing. They are not the first ones in history doing horrible things to children but they certainly bear the full responsibility for their evil deeds!

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I’m a mental health therapist and this video could have been made by all of my teenage clients. The restrictions destroyed them. Here we are, 2.5 years later, and they are still struggling.

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So sad!!!! You must really see it first hand...

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Every. Single. Day.

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This film is a reminder that the pandemic was easy for me. As a diagnosed schizoid, I'm the opposite of this girl. I didn't go mad, I watched the world go mad. I'm kinda always numb.

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discusses Emily Oster's take on the safety of living near powerlines, cell phones and brain tumors. (don't worry be happy) There are many academics receiving money and support from various industries and there are many translators working for them to suppress evidence of harm from the public. For the seventh time, an Italian court just ruled that RF probably caused a brain tumor. https://www.naturalblaze.com/2022/11/italian-court-mobile-phone-and-brain-tumor-again-vs-u-s-historical-denial.html This is an Age of tremendous deceit. Whether Emily is lying to herself or lying to the public I can't say, but she is misinformed.

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Oh wow, I didn't realize she had opined on the safety of cellular radiation, I have not come across it when I was looking. I will check it out!

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Powerful video. A whole lot of effort, every day, for a long time, went into the making of that human time-lapse of the suffering of solitary-confinement by a normal socially oriented teenage girl.

She did a great service, at her own expense.

My wife, a school-librarian observed that kids could not stay engaged in online-classes, and a lot of the younger kids came back to school with feral, disruptive behaviors (barking, squealing, shouting, crawling around, etc.), unable to coordinate with the other kids. A lot of second and third graders reverted to kindergarten, and younger kids had never developed group social-skills.

Getting the kids off video games was impossible in lockdown, she kept observing.

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Holy crap!!!! This is horrible!!!

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I mean the kids with disruptive behaviors... but also the rest of it. So much trauma created by a combination of bad intention of the few and lack of balance of many!!!!

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Many kids are only-children or have one sibling. Parents were not prepared to take care of them at home. These are critical developmental times for socializing.

If families were larger, with more children and adults, it would be different.

Some kids found very unusual forms of behavior at home got them what they wanted, so they became habits.

Most of the teachers are having a very hard and stressful time even maintaining order in a classroom, so that they can teach. Some classes got an especially disruptive mix, and the disruptive kids will play off each other, so the teacher can't do anything but keep trying to calm them down.

Classes have been made bigger, and so many specific things are required of every teacher every day on a timeline, by the state legislature, and the school board. All of this keeps changing with politics, but it never gets less, just more demanding.

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I'm not emotional...it is extremely rare for me to become emotional over something...

this video made me weep...

what have we done...



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The Harpers article on election rigging can be seen here: https://harpers.org/archive/2012/11/how-to-rig-an-election/

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Thank you Wayne!! Yes, it looks like they either moved it, or moved it behind the paywall, or something along those lines. The original link that worked for me yesterday stopped working. I had a browser tab open where it was loaded, and then tried to open it in another tab, for example, and wouldn't work. So..

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