Mar 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

I read this after a dinner two hours ago with my parents and crazy, fearful siblings - erupted into WW3...

and after reading this... I started crying...

I just moved to Florida to be closer to my parents (81 years old) so I could see them more, moving from INSANE Fauci-land - aka as Los Angeles.

When I kissed my parents hello and sat down to eat with them - my siblings told my Mom and Dad to sit at a different table - to not be EXPOSED TO ME...

I drolly said " Don't worry, not a vector of anything - as 99.5% of the population isn't, either."

My idiot siblings believe there is such a thing as asymptomatic spread - and that the masks actually do something ( 3 of my 4 siblings are actually leeching off my parents the last two years - my sister moving in with them last March to "protect them from covid". ). My sister said " Didn't know you were a Doctor - Monte ( my brother) why don't you tell them what we heard Fauci say today.."

I lost it on them, called out their ignorance, Fraudci's ignorance and corruption and track record, and let them know their abuse of my parents - masked as "love and the desire to protect them" was typical of every abuser, everywhere...

It was horrible: my father irate, my Mom crying, my brothers and I almost coming to blows.

I don't know how much more I want to take of cowed sheep dominating all the spaces we want to be in ---and I've fully realized that my four siblings are, in fact, some of the ugliest human beings I know - and I don't want ANYTHING to do with them. Ever.

And if they push my parents to get the vaccine - then hell will hath no fury like mine.

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Mar 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

You, Tessa, are a bright light in the darkness that is this dystopian curtain being drawn on us.

I read in the alt media widely. Yours is a much appreciated perspective., among many. Sadly, there are few I can forward your musing to as most of those in my life are sheeple... it is so distressing to watch people I care about so taken in by the propaganda and narratives. No one is willing to consider alternative perspectives. I am the black sheep nut bar. Wearing that proudly too - maybe I should get a t-shirt printed up!

Keep doing what you do. You get it. I get it. Many others here get it. Together we have to keep working to help the sheeple get it - if it is not already too late. [and I am not sure about that].



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In spite of all this ugliness that has descended on our planet -- seeing our fellow humans so afraid of dying that they've stopped living -- there has been a veritable renaissance of artistic, spiritual, and political voices coming to fore. You are a prime example, Tessa!

It's unfortunate it is taking such a vicious "stick" to get humanity to change (couldn't all this shifting be done with compassionate "carrots"?), but the vibrant among us are finding ways to be our most transgressive, creative selves as a result. The flowering output takes my breathe away, leaving me with inspired hope that the best among us will flourish, while the ovine lemmings will have all run off the cliff.

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Mar 18, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

So, the fourth churning it is to be. Dr. Bossche stakes his career on a declaration of likely forthcoming worldwide medical emergency caused by the vaccines due to COVID-19 immunity escape, Dr. Tenpenny explains that the mRNA vaccines will cause suppression of the cleanup part of an individual's immune response over the next months, Joewraithbiden says open the borders but don't come in while also hootin' that Putin has no soul so will pay, and dollars for a doughnut may soon become literal.

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Mar 16, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, thank you all of the work that you have done. You are a light in the darkness

I have to admit....the guy with the lint brush/removal was the best!!!! I should not say this but I needed a good laugh. It is sad, I know, that most people have become human robots at this point. Whether things will change for the better is anyone's guess.

I am also having more internal strength now and I am getting ready to speak up for what is right. I am also ready to point out the wrongs that are and have gone on for the past year. I think it will feel good to speak truth to power and I hope it may make a difference in someone's life. One thing is for sure......If I commit myself to the truth it will make a difference in my own life. Peace to everyone who cares to speak for truth.

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Google censored my 24 year old breathing.com site and so I created a special site related to all the Covid BS. michaelgrantwhite.com pass it around please.

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Spot on as usual, Tessa. My dearest friend, graduated with highest honors, is once again buying this new endless war on viruses hook, line and sinker... just like he did with the "war on terror".

"Why is it that otherwise perfectly intelligent, thoughtful and rationally minded people baulk at the suggestion that sociopaths are conspiring to manipulate and deceive them? And why will they defend this ill-founded position with such vehemence?"


Watch this while you can:

Can you trust the media? https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=ZPazn1XNDQI&t=729s

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Hi Tessa,

In May of least year, I wrote a letter to a small circle of friends, expanding on an earlier piece on the 2020 Saturn-Pluto return. Jungian astrologers were making good points about the archetypal significance of this planetary configuration, and, as it turned out, much of what they warned about has come to pass.

We are in a cycle of human experience where hard lessons are being learned. And while there is every reason to mourn what we have lost, and fear what may lie ahead, I'd like to share what I wrote to my friends and loved ones at that time:

* * *

Fear serves only those forces who wish to keep you in fear. Yes, there are times when survival needs warrant an authentic fear response; however, this paralyzing emotion usually arises when we allow ourselves to be overcome by mass-inculcated narratives of death and destruction that never come to pass.

Love Always!

And always remember that destructive energy can be the engine of creation. Let the end of your present worldview -- a metaphorical death – be the ground from which a magnificent new life arises. Like the Phoenix, you, I, and our entire civilization can emerge, triumphant and ascendant, from the ashes of the former world, which really wasn’t serving human advancement, or the planet, very well.

Love is the root vibration. Hold to that, and everything will be fine.

* * *

As I have posted here before, my mantra remains Love Wins! Let us all remember to affirm this great truth, in the face of all evidence to the contrary.

With love,


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Mar 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

In any event, my sad little story aside - we have bigger things to fight - uhm, someone calls them Robots - and in this video, there are a few action steps to take to fight these robots:Behind the Green Mask: U.N. Agenda 21


Rosa Koire Twitter


America 2050


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Mar 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

Right, we're now past 1st anniversary of two weeks to flatten the curve! Rejoice!

EU introduces the vaccine passports, and today I read that The Netherlands puts vaccination on hold because of... right, large number of nasty side effects! Who would have guessed?


But it's just "a pause", dear citizens. In the meantime, enjoy your curfews!

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Mar 15, 2021Liked by Tessa Lena

The video linked after my comment pertains to the deliberate destruction of the familial-social fabric.

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I was listening to George Gammon's Rebel Capitalist podcast. George has a sister who lives in Texas, where the mask mandate was rescinded a sort while ago. George asked her how much things had changed. She said, not at all. Masks still everywhere. Wow. This is another one of those "I shoulda seen it coming" things. It so fits, doesn't it? Hook, line and sinker. Mission 1 accomplished. On to propaganda Mission 2. A word of advice to the good folks at the ministry of truth, however. Make it at least appear to be a bit of work or you will find your budget axed.

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Exactly. Money and power. Populists versus elites. Visit michaelgrantwhite.com

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I remember how I looked at the world pre-Covid Remember the good old days when all assumed Trump and his supporters were the bad guys? Now we know the ruling elite are all bad guys &have been for a long time. Science and even the concept of objectivity is being weaponized and used against us. But these trends didn't just begin in the last year & they aren't likely to end anytime soon. The spectacle is unified and global in its reach and its elaborate deceptions. I'm glad to be free from its illusions tho. Today I look for ppl like you and others who aren't afraid to be real ,genuine human beings. We fight against alienation by ceasing to be alienated ourselves. And by learning to make honest connections again.

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