This is freaky shit

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Gavin, it's happening.... The Federal Reserve is now bankrupt, Blackrock and Vanguard are now bankrupt, and WEF is finxing to fall too. We have a new QFS Quantum Financial System already onboard where people's money can't be stolen from them, and it is freedom for everyone and we are gaining back all the money that has been stolen from up by the parasites you're talking about. The "Great Reset" the elite's plan for Global Enslavement isn't going to happen.... Why? Because we choose the QFS and Freedom and NOT WEFfer's You'll own nothing and be happy enslavement system. This will become visible soon. Heads Up..... IF anyone has valuables in a safe deposit box at a bank, get them out NOW.... in Beverly Hills, the FBi did this....FBI: In a recent contested FBI raid in Beverly Hills 86 million dollars was confiscated from depositors who were not under investigation. The FBI just went in and wantonly pillaged the “safety deposit boxes” of all bank customers, taking family wedding rings and college funds and whatever else they found. This kind of lawless activity on the part of the private security “agencies” is on the rise and unless public action is taken, will continue.

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I don't believe these people are humans.... it seems they are reptilians and some hybrid reptilian/humans. They are complete psychopaths and do not even have the emotions that humans do. They just see humans as something to be harvested, like we harvest cows for their meat. They do actually eat humans. There are way more humans than there are these creatures, and we need to pray and ask God to completely take them out and eliminate them from the world. We MUST fight and keep them from obtaining their nwo global enslavement. They have a bunch of minions working for them, and they operate with a hive mind like a bunch of insects. We must NOT EVER Obey them or Do Anything they want us to do. We MUST resist and eliminate each and every one of them. Stay focused on the positive, stop watching their negative news "programming" which is how they enslave people, one mind at a time. INSTEAD focus on the positive things we want and how we want our world to be and move towards achieving it and disregard everything they say. They do NOT own us, we are bought with a price by Jesus and His father God. We MUST protect all that God has created.

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What a load of old bollocks. Tessa just makes it up as she goes along.

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Please specify what in your opinion I have made up! :)

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The idea is an increasingly more common one, and has been proposed many years ago in Brave New World and Brave New World Revisited by Huxley as well as in the inappopriately named 1984 by Orwell. Perhaps the idea was not new then. What is alarming is that the technology has been developed to do just that, should there be parties rich enough to both want and do that. For most of us, then, the question is how to avoid it, given the growing pressure for people to live in the Internet. A "convenient" tool has become a threat, and for some, addictive. Can we live without the technology? Can we successfully regulate the use of the technology? Can we learn to think critically, even if that is not "convenient"? Maybe. Maybe not.

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It is too late to make reasonable questions as if we are dealing with honest and rational people here. Much too late.

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Great article minus the like use of the word like, like to make points.

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Thank you for this excellent interview, and your post with all the links. I like your rational approach, this is something that I can share with others who haven't woken up to this possibility yet. 👍🏽💕

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While I applaud and laud your efforts and those of many others, the sad truth remains that one can lead a horse to water but one cannot make it drink.

I have shown various alerts and findings to fellow academics, some with nice titles and doctorates and such. They dismiss it out of hand as paranoid conspiracist nonsense. When showed that the sources are official governement agencies of various nations or even the pharmaceutical companies' own data from trials and applications for approval, they instead dismiss it with "If it actually was dangerous they would have said so on the news, and the politicians in charge would have acted." ("They" who?)

The incogruity inherent in "If it was dangerous it wouldn't be allowed" totally escapes them.

But I learned long ago from working with addicts that you cannot save people from themselves. Sometimes, you just have to accept that most humans rather believe and do what they are told, and would much rather watch Emerdale Farm or Coronations Street than spend the same time reading about something which actually affects them - making it very hard (at least for me) to feel empathy for them when they later develop problems. "You pissed in the bed, now lie in it" comes to mind.

The ones responsible on the other hand... are no words I want to use in mixed company about what should be done to them.

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Where can I find the research papers from Spain and UK documenting the presence of these graphene particles in the injections?

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Hi Tessa, what you've put into this missive is stuff I've also come across and feel we have arrived at a totally insane set of circumstances.

Scientists, probably often quite young ones, merrily get into experimenting and creating very interesting things. The insanity comes from the funders, people and organisations who do not necessarily have the populations well being at heart...as we have already seen with the likes of pesticides, tobacco, surveillance tech that emits harmful radiation, to mention very few.

It would seem to me, that so many of the bright minds inventing all manner of possibilities are amongst those most in need of awakening to the fact that unscrupulous people often utilise these new ideas and tech to make profit, regardless of any possible side effects (nasty ones) on various species of life and the environment.

I wonder how one could get the concept across to a large number of these genius minds, that they need to look and think before they accept funding? I think one also needs to get across to them, that regardless of how clever they are, allowing the use of their great minds and inventions to the detriment of life on earth makes them just as guilty or ignorant of the harm they might help put into being as the funders themselves... both seek profit. Both need to take responsibility for the effects of their actions on life.

As every single one of us now needs to learn to take responsibility for all the decisions and actions we make and take in order to be sovereign beings and in order to steer life on earth towards a good future for us all, so too do we need to reach (fast) those who have chosen to 'specialise' in any particular field, as specialisation appears to blind people to the rest of life.

The system of specialisation, without the addition of education as to how these specialities have a part and place in the vast field of life has the same destructive effects as the system of 'divide and rule'.

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Scary stuff Tessa, but taking it all into consideration and applying it to what has come from the mouthpiece of the World Economic Forum, Bill Gates, Fauci, Daszek and various others on this sci-fi cloud cuckoo land comic book path to dystopia for all, it fits in perfectly... Turn as many people as one can into antennas to enable control or whatever other dastardly plans they have in mind; never mind the 'collateral damage' (plenty of that kind of mentality amongst the teenage game minded types) etc, etc, etc!!! Thank you Tessa for spreading so much information and so succinctly.

To whomever reads Tessa's stuff, make sure you pass on as much of it as possible. Also go to Edward Dowd.com (I think), He is an ex portfolio manager who has revealed quite a lot of stuff he found really disturbing when he still worked for....Blackrock! Onwards and Upwards and no comic book stuff unless it's benign, creative, compassionate and exciting.

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This is all straight out of "The Singularity is Near" by Ray Kurzweil, a good buddy of Bill Gates.

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Just watch





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thank you Tessa!

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