What's in the Vials? A Conversation with a Team in New Zealand About Mystery Objects They Found
Science and law are under attack in New Zealand.
This story is an interview with three very brave people in New Zealand—a doctor and two lawyers—who are trying to get the health officials in New Zealand to investigate and explain the nature of the weird-looking microscopic objects that they (and several other teams) have observed when looking at the contents of the vials under an electron microscope.
(There is a lot happening in New Zealand right now; just the other day, the police brutally attacked the Wellington protestors and injured a number of people. I will send out a separate update about that.)
The brave people I interviewed are Dr. Matt Shelton, Sue Grey, and an anonymous human rights lawyer who is an active participant in the New Zealand freedom movement but who at the moment cannot publicly disclose her name due to her career situation.
The gist of the story.
A vial was obtained, and its contents were observed under an electron microscope. The findings turned out to be bizarre: the injection seemed to contain microscopic square and rectangular shapes, weird-looking structures that showed up with regularity, objects that seemed to possibly “organize” into more complex structures over the course of several days, etc.
Besides observing the mystery objects with his own eyes, Dr. Shelton also connected with another group of scientists in New Zealand who had followed a similar process and ended up with similar findings (in addition to a group in Spain and a group in the UK). In our interview, Dr. Shelton shared images and videos from that other group as well.
At no point did Dr. Shelton, Sue Grey, or the anonymous lawyer claim to know what those weird objects were. They did, however, become concerned—and so they made their findings available, and they have been very passionately asking the health authorities in New Zealand to please investigate the mystery objects and provide an explanation as to what they are.
The health authorities of New Zealand showed no interest in investigating the vials—but Sue Grey and Dr. Shelton, on the other hand, found themselves under investigation by respective industry bodies! Dr. Shelton’s medical license was suspended as well.
In the interview, Sue Grey made an excellent point. If a mysterious contamination were found in any other product, say, milk, the product would be immediately pulled off the shelves, and an investigation would take place. So why is this particular product being treated like it cannot possibly be contaminated? Why is it anathema to look?
We also talked about the anti-mandate protests in Wellington. At the time when we were recording the interview, the protests were festive and joyous—but just the other day, they turned into mayhem after the police attacked, used tear gas, and injured a number of people so badly that they had to be hospitalized. This violence is disgusting and heartbreaking—and as I mentioned, I’ll send a separate story about the protests.
Without further ado, here is the interview—and then some additional details that I think are important.
A few philosophical thoughts and a practical question.
The suspicion is of course that the mystery objects discovered by the New Zealand team (and other teams as well) could be potentially related to the development of the Internet of Bodies. At this moment, the IoB hypothesis as it pertains to the COVID injections has not been either proven or disproven—and furthermore, the veil of secrecy and the wall of censorship around these products are so thick that we really don’t know what’s in those vials in earnest. We don’t know! We don’t know! How weird.
The immediate issue is that there seems to be a mysterious contamination, and authorities don’t seem to care—even though the number of adverse events associated with this product is unusually high.
Let’s conduct a thought experiment and assume that the vials contain a thoroughly tested, super clean product, that adverse events are most certainly unrelated to injections, and that all concerns over this great life-saving product are pure peasant paranoia. Wouldn’t then looking into the supposed contamination and showing that there is no contamination of any sort be a wonderful way to reassure the silly, hesitant, grandma-killing yokels? And while we are at it, wouldn’t allowing proper scientific debate serve the same noble purpose? Okay, I digress (and seemingly dream).
Now, the broader issue—and this is something that concerns me a lot—is that regardless of the actual deal with these COVID injections, the people in positions of power seem to be actually obsessed with the goal of connecting people to the internet in a physical manner and replacing our natural biological functions with commercial, controlled, mechanical ones. What insanity! They either believe that they are smarter than nature—or they view us as humble meatbags whose life mission is to help them fulfill their doll-playing dreams! But we are not dolls!
The idea is so bad that there does not even have to be an evil intention to make it a disaster (there is probably some bad intention in addition to standard ignorance and corruption—but there really doesn’t have to be). Their robots are an elephant in a china shop. Our bodies are mysterious and complex. Our bodies have been trained by nature for possibly millions of years to do what they do and coordinate all the moving parts—and the idea of sticking tiny robots into our bodies and expecting them to do things better than nature is hubris.
Even with traditional vaccines, it has been shown that they often decrease the risk of that one illness but increase the risk of other illnesses, especially in the long-run. Under our “move fast and break things” framework, scientists often do a great job at fixing one thing for right now—but they rarely have any idea about what else in the body their fix may impact over a person’s lifetime.
And yes, there might be situations where sophisticated sci-fi nano-superbots are a godsend for somebody with a rare disease. I would be all for that! But we are not really looking at just treating rare diseases—we are looking at the prospect of a sweeping “systems update” for every man, woman, and child—and that is an idea from hell, absolutely regardless of everything else.
And while we still don’t know what’s in those vials, I am pretty sure that the hysterical state-sponsored hoopla around this product is step one out of one like a thousand other steps down the road. The sci-fi nano-super-bot technology already exists, as I will show in a second—and so does the ambition to connect human beings to the internet—and if the COVID injections are just a regular low-quality, poorly tested product contaminated with God knows what, as opposed to a deliberate concoction, the IoB will come at us from somewhere else, with a whip or—even more likely—with a carrot. Like, to “help us fight being infected with HIV” or something like that.
And I suspect that the reason why the authorities don’t want to talk about it just yet is because they are still waiting for the official “launch,” for the moment when this crazy tech is rolled out with fanfare.
So the question is, how do we preserve our health and dignity in a world where we are on our own, and the bureaucrats are traitors? Perhaps, now is the time to talk about it demand our answers from health authorities … before they are themselves replaced with robots?
Now, the exhibits.
Manufacturing disruptions delay Covid-19 vaccine distribution
Japan halts use of 1.63 mil. Moderna vaccine doses over contamination
F.D.A. Tells J.&J. to Throw Out 60 Million Doses Made at Troubled Plant | The New York Times
Manufacturing Problems Baltimore: Janssen COVID-19 Vaccine EUA FDA review memorandum 06112021
Pfizer’s Newest Vaccine Plant Has Persistent Mold Issues and a History of Recalls
Pfizer’s Vaccine Plant Has History of Recalls
US officials: Pfizer having manufacturing issues with Covid-19 vaccines | Dhaka Tribune
Pfizer facing 'various challenges' in COVID-19 vaccine manufacturing, dosing: feds | FiercePharma
Believe it or not but notions like “nanotech in vaccines,” “self-spreading vaccines,” or “graphene oxide in vaccines” are not some crazy, embarrassingly stupid conspiracy theories—but well-documented, dry, existing notions that are talked about in official studies and documents—just not necessarily in the context of the COVID injections.
Please see for yourself (but first please allow me a tangent.)
In September 2019, two very interesting documents were released. Both talked about a pandemic threat and a need to modernize the existing vaccine technologies pronto.
The first document titled, “The World at Risk,” was issued by Global Preparedness Monitoring Board, of which Fauci is a member. On its cover, it featured what looked like maybe a coronavirus.
Here are some more images from this document (September 2019):
And a quote:
“In addition to a greater risk of pandemics from natural pathogens, scientific developments allow for disease-causing microorganisms to be engineered or recreated in laboratories. Should countries, terrorist groups, or scientifically advanced individuals create or obtain and then use biological weapons that have the characteristics of a novel, high-impact respiratory pathogen, the consequences could be as severe as, or even greater, than those of a natural epidemic, as could an accidental release of epidemic-prone microorganisms.”
The second document was an Executive Order issued by Trump (in September 2019) titled, “Modernizing Influenza Vaccines in the United States to Promote National Security and Public Health.” His Executive Order also talked about the need to invest in new vaccine technologies as soon as possible.
So it seems like a push for new investments in the field of hi-tech vaccines was really important in 2019.
Of course, even earlier, in 2015, Peter Daszak famous said the following:
And now let’s look at the super futuristic-sounding vaccine tech.
Here is a 2018 brochure by the NIAID Vaccine Research Center (PDF). They are talking about self-assembling nanoparticles as a mechanism used in new influenza vaccines.
Here is a 2019 “Testimony before the House Committee on Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Oversight and Investigations’ by no other than Anthony Fauci (PDF). He is talking about .. self-assembling nanoparticles vaccines! I’m just sayin’…
Here is from Rice University (not in the context of vaccines though): "Nanotubes assemble! Rice introduces 'Teslaphoresis.'"
"These nanotube wires grow and act like nerves, and controlled assembly of nanomaterials from the bottom up may be used as a template for applications in regenerative medicine … There are so many applications where one could utilize strong force fields to control the behavior of matter in both biological and artificial systems."
A 2019 article, titled: "Aerosolized Nanobots: Parsing Fact from Fiction for Health Security — A Dialectical View."
"Nanoscalar robotics can be used as both sensors and receiver-delivery devices, and the controllability of these technologies enable their directed activity in biological organisms. Such devices — either operating in tandem as distinct sense-and-engage systems, or as single devices with both sense and delivery modes — could be employed to assess, respond to, or modify molecular and chemical characteristics of a biological target.
As recent studies have indicated, these approaches can be used in clinical care to more precisely monitor tissue, organ, and overall bodily states and to alter the structure and function of biological tissues and systems at a variety of scales, from the subcellular to the systemic and organismic."
A 2015 paper out of Forth Institute of Computer Science in Greece, titled (I kid you not) “CORONA: A Coordinate and Routing system for Nanonetworks.” The paper is about a topology of nano communication networks potentially for use inside living beings:
“Advances in nanotechnology enable the development of tiny machines from nanoscale components, namely nanomachines. Composed of a power supply, a memory, an antenna and a CPU module, nanomachines are entirely autonomous nodes which are able to perform simple operations and communicate in short distances.”
“Currently, miniature graphene based antennas are introduced giving nanomachines the ability to achieve high transmission rates over very short distances when operating in the most promising operating spectrum of Terahertz Band. Such networks are expected to be widely deployed in a variety of fields, such as biomedicine, industry, environment and the military.”“Communication among nanomachines is evolving in the direction of ad-hoc networks due to their characteristics: the ability to be reconfigurable and self-organized. However, the severe restrictions of nano-nodes in terms of computational power, memory and energy, combined with the expected high number of nano-nodes per network, give rise to different protocols and networking design issues. The key challenge in nano- architectures and protocols is to maintain simplicity without compromising the connectivity and lifetime of the nanonetwork.”
And here’s a Harvard Magazine article from 2011:
”Imagine being able to signal an immune cell to generate antibodies that would fight bacteria or even cancer. That fictional possibility is now a step closer to reality with the development of a bio-compatible transistor the size of a virus. Hyman professor of chemistry Charles Lieber and his colleagues used nanowires to create a transistor so small that it can be used to enter and probe cells without disrupting the intracellular machinery. These nanoscale semiconductor switches could even be used to enable two-way communication with individual cells.”
And here’s from Science:
”More recently, Lieber's Harvard lab has shifted gears to integrate nanowires with biology. In 2017, for example, he reported creating soft, flexible 3D nanowire mesh that could be injected into the brains or retina of animals, unfurl and wrap around neurons, and eavesdrop on the electrical communication between cells.”
A 2019 article in “Science Daily” called, “Graphene can hear your brain whisper”:
“A newly developed graphene-based implant can record electrical activity in the brain at extremely low frequencies and over large areas, unlocking the wealth of information found below 0.1 Hz.”
A 2021 paper called, "Intranasal vaccination with influenza HA/GO-PEI nanoparticles provides immune protection against homo- and heterologous strains” that talks about a new investigational intranasal influenza vaccine with graphene oxide:
"Two-dimensional (2D) graphene oxide (GO) nanoparticles have great potential as a novel vaccine platform due to their extraordinary attributes."
Also, in the article I wrote for Mercola, there is more on the toxicity of graphene-based materials.
Self-disseminating vaccines for emerging infectious diseases | NIH
We now have the technology to develop vaccines that spread themselves (New Scientist)
We also can look at Pfizer’s own trial documents (for Pfizer COVID injections!). I wrote about it a few months ago, you can find the info here.
You get the idea. Those technologies are not a conspiracy theory! The only thing we don’t know in a factual manner (Pfizer-sponsored programming doesn’t count)—is whether any of that tech or those synthetic materials have been without much fanfare introduced into the COVID injections.
So let’s please applaud Dr. Matt Shelton, Sue Grey, and the anonymous New Zealand lawyer for being heroes. Their courage is a blessing to all of us.
This is freaky shit
Gavin, it's happening.... The Federal Reserve is now bankrupt, Blackrock and Vanguard are now bankrupt, and WEF is finxing to fall too. We have a new QFS Quantum Financial System already onboard where people's money can't be stolen from them, and it is freedom for everyone and we are gaining back all the money that has been stolen from up by the parasites you're talking about. The "Great Reset" the elite's plan for Global Enslavement isn't going to happen.... Why? Because we choose the QFS and Freedom and NOT WEFfer's You'll own nothing and be happy enslavement system. This will become visible soon. Heads Up..... IF anyone has valuables in a safe deposit box at a bank, get them out NOW.... in Beverly Hills, the FBi did this....FBI: In a recent contested FBI raid in Beverly Hills 86 million dollars was confiscated from depositors who were not under investigation. The FBI just went in and wantonly pillaged the “safety deposit boxes” of all bank customers, taking family wedding rings and college funds and whatever else they found. This kind of lawless activity on the part of the private security “agencies” is on the rise and unless public action is taken, will continue.