I'm a Doctor , and I approve of this message.


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10 years ago I was bitten by a tick and unfortunately, I got Lyme disease (borrelia bacteria), the official treatment is 3 w of low dose antibiotics even though most of the patients don't get rid of the disease with this protocol which in time becomes chronic and leads to auto-immune diseases like MS, fibromyalgia or chronic fatigue. Not even today the allopathic medicine doesn't want to admit that there is chronic Lyme and that some patients that currently are diagnosed with an autoimmune disease from "unknown causes" might be in fact infected with a bacteria (borrelia burgdoferi for instance). I saw so many patients with MS stopping their demyelinating lesions after following antibiotherapy. Still, no one from the medical system wants to admit there is chronic Lyme and that some auto-immune disease can be stopped and cured if we look for bacteria as a cause for the immune system to go crazy. Why? because while taking antibiotics for a few months stops any treatment, the drugs for the autoimmune disease are very expensive and they are permanent. This is the sick world we live in and I hope it will someday crash and burn for a completley new world to emerge.

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Costin, so sorry to hear that!!!! Hope you feel better now!! And yes, modern medicine can be life-saving in acute situations but it is largely driven by the pharma industry.

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I wonder if you have encountered the work of Ivan Illich ("Medical Nemesis"). I attach a lengthy (but fascinating) read which David Cayley wrote early in the pandemic, concerning how Illich's insights into the medicalisation of society feed into what we now see happening. Even though I had read Illich's work before, I found Cayley's exposition fascinating. Because one of the difficulties patients have faced for a very long time, in the doctor's office, is that their doctor is not trained or hired to see them as a person, but as a statistic, and the doctor has increasingly to select a treatment from a bureaucratically decreed "standard of care", again compiled based on statistical reviews of those treatments. I knew all this, and could discuss it at length, but what Cayley's article highlights and blows my mind with, was Illich's insight that this "statistical risk management" model of health has not only invaded the doctor's training and experience, it has also invaded the patients. In many cases, patients have taken it upon themselves to see themselves as a bunch of "risk factors" which it is their own highest duty to "manage". In this light, many of the pre-disposing changes in the concept of the person that were introduced to society by statistical, risk management based medicine*, were also taken on by so many people that Covid was easily accepted as a new risk that it is everyone's job to help "manage."

Link: https://www.davidcayley.com/blog/2020/4/8/questions-about-the-current-pandemic-from-the-point-of-view-of-ivan-illich-1

* I refuse to call this "evidence-based" medicine - its better known moniker - because evidence is actually what this style of medicine has managed to lose down the back of the sofa, and hopes will stay lost. Statistics are much easier to "game" than evidence.

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Thank you for the link, looks very interesting!!

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Yes, and see John McKnight's The Careless Society for a similar critique in social services. Professionalization of care is the nemesis. Only a revolution and a market collapse can stop it.

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Hey Tessa, love your stuff. Something to think about, you are probably now aware how FORBIDDEN is the word CURE in modern medicine: http://healthicine.org/wordpress/disappearance-cure/

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Thank you Tracy, and thank you for sharing your article! Very interesting!

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A "one shot cure" as suggested in the Goldman Sachs article, assumes that the disease has not caused any damage. When a disease causes damage, more than one cure is generally required. One to address the primary cause, and as many as necessary to address the damage done. Most medical diseases cannot be diagnosed until damage has occurred.

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This is one of the measures of the depth of corruption: the corruption goes so deep that those involved in it aren't even aware they are corrupt. Doctors who give vaccines without proper informed consent, give drugs that are not properly safety tested, advise people to do things that have little benefit and much risk, doctors who fail to recommend simple helpful interventions because they are not "the standard of care" believe they are "good doctors" because they are doing what they have been trained to do. They appear to have no clue that they are pawns of a system that enriches itself from their willingness to participate in a corrupt system that advances health not a whit.

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Great article! Your coda of doctors ending up in sick buildings out of ignorance seems like just desserts when you consider that statistically the greatest number of deaths in the American medical system are iatrogenic.

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Thank you Cat!! (And also thank you for your note!! xoxo)

As I was writing this, I stumbled upon this very interesting presentation by Marcia Angell, whom I am quoting in the story. This presentation is about dying in America, and how it changed over time. I didn't include it in the story because it's on a different topic but it is fascinating.


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The Western medical establishment is totally dominated by Big Pharma. The way Big Pharma does that is simple. Money!

As a result, it has turned the vast majority of Doctors who are supposed to be healers, into prescription writers who prescribe drugs that only treat the symptom, not the cause.

Treating symptoms is where all of the money is made in the Western medical establishment. Look no further than the massive multi-billion dollar a year cancer industry and chemotherapy and radiation.

Eastern medicine treats the cause. Which is why my two primary Doctors are both Chinese. One is a specialist in Chinese Herbal Medicine, and the other is an Acupuncturist.

But first and foremost, both of them are Healers who accurately diagnose and treat the cause.

A Holistic and Homeopathic approach to treating people is constantly under attack because it represents a major threat to the Western medical establishment.

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thank you for this positive take on contributions to our society from China.

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All of our institutions have been corrupt for a long time now, including the institutional churches.

Re the medical establishment the former long-time editor of the New England Journal of Medicine told us that much/most and even all of the research and the results there-of reviewed in the Journal was questionable

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Such a wealth of knowledge and insight in this article, Tessa. Fight those robots, my girl!

Thank you for republishing. I have forwarded to people who desperately need to know.

Like my brother who is fully, heavily vaxxed, had a major stroke and was diagnosed with a brain tumor a week ago and underwent emergency surgery. Now they are talking the same ol' game of surgery, radiation and chemo. Which has a slim to nothing chance of success in the face of turbo cancer, but makes the hospital a lot of moola and destroys my brother in the process.

I know. I watched both my parents undergo their "treatments" years ago and witnessed both as they were whittled to the bone and died of cancer anyway.

Now my family says I'm delusional. I hope your article helps them to see. Quality of life matters.

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Thank you, Pirate Studebaker! I am so sorry to hear about your brother's troubles!! I hope he starts listening to you with an open mind and treating himself well!!

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To each his suff'rings: all are men,

Condemn'd alike to groan,

The tender for another's pain;

Th' unfeeling for his own.

Yet ah! why should they know their fate?

Since sorrow never comes too late,

And happiness too swiftly flies.

Thought would destroy their paradise.

No more; where ignorance is bliss,

'Tis folly to be wise.

—Thomas Gray

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Thank you Tessa for your work! Last year I read an interesting book that gave me exceptional insight into medical corruption. It's called The Virus and the Vaccine: Contaminated Vaccine, Deadly Cancers and Government Neglect by Deborah Bookchin & Jim Schumacher. https://tinyurl.com/sx42bamu

The book is about the polio vaccine contaminated with carcinogenic monkey virus, known as SV40. It was not until decade or so later people vaccinated with the SV40 polio vaccine (some 90 million shots) started getting cancer and other diseases. Researcher Bernice Eddy was ignored when she discovered this in the early 1960s. But later scientists started replicating her work and discovered she was correct.

To this day the NIH will not accept the conclusions of SV40 infected polio vaccine studies (which is why so many today think the polio vaccine was a holy grail). There were about 200 solid studies that backed up Eddy and about a dozen that repudiated her and the other SV40 studies. The latter were funded by Big Pharma friendly researchers.

Here is one way the federal regulators deceitfully duck the truth about the contaminated polio vaccine. The NIH says that it is inconclusive whether that vaccine was contaminated because there are studies on both sides with conflicting conclusions. As if 200 solid studies are rightfully equated with a dozen compromised studies.

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Thank you!! And wow, what a sad story!! If only the industry cared about our health...

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Oh, they care a lot, all right. They care a lot about the profit they make from our health... or rather lack thereof.

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I fear you are right!!!

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Tessa, many thanks for this! It's an excellent resource.

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Thank you James! xo

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Lets focus on the corruption part of this (excellent) article a bit.

A local academic wrote a fascinating dissertation about corruption in my Netherlands (considered to be one of the least corrupt nations in the world). Her conclusion was that a lot of very real corruption is being whitewashed by the system in a clever way so as to appear benign and non-corrupt.

[Note - I used to be in politics so I know firsthand how true that statement is]

Her warning was dire "The problem is not that there are a few bad rotten apples in the basket - the entirety of the basket is thoroughly rotten". Then the Covid hysteria engulfed the globe and pretty much proved her point.

The Dutch main stream media used to give her something of a platform to convey her message. Unsurprisingly she was one of the many voices who were cancelled by the Covidians.

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Thank you!! Sadly, not surprising at all!

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My husband has been in and out of hospitals for the past six months due to various medical issues. I see how so often one hand doesn't know what the other hand is doing and the problems it causes.

One of the hospitalists that was assigned to us during one hospital stay was a doctor from Romania who mentioned that medicine in the USA is so fractured. He said it offhandedly, but it has really stuck with me. My husband's cardiologist and oncologist are both from Pakistan, and a second oncologist is American, and they literally text each other with updates on his condition, often while we are with one of them. This has impressed me so much, how they work with each other on his case.

My hope is that with the many physicians immigrating to the USA, they will be able to affect our healthcare system positively bringing with them experience and knowledge from their own countries' healthcare systems.

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I hope your husband feels better soon!!! And I agree, the system is so broken that it often boils down to the conscientiousness of the doctors, and their willingness to go out of their way to do the right thing!!

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It’s so hard to get people to understand that although the medical/healthcare system is corrupt (and faulty, and inefficient), that doesn’t necessarily mean that individuals within it are. Great article! ✨

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Thank you, Sane Franciscan!! That is a very good point, and thank you for pointing it out! xo

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Modern medicine, in all layers, from doctors to clinics, to hospitals, to governmental organizations, pharma organizations, and the medical media, suffers from a severe curanoia - a fear of cures, due to a complete failure to study, much less understand the basic concepts of cures, curing, and cured.


This is a very profitable condition. Of the three four of medicines, symptomicines, preventatives, forever medicines, and antiparasitic medicines, only antiparasitics can legally cure - and only some of the time. The other three medicines, symptomicines - which address signs and symptoms, preventatives - which purportedly prevent illness statistically, and forever medicines - those specifically designed to "not cure", are all more profitable than cures. Profit, not health, rules the medical systems.

to your health, tracy

Author: A New Theory of Cure

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