On my end, I first and foremost applaud the reader for sticking his neck out and sharing his dilemma. That takes courage! And I pray that it is resolved in the kindest and wisest way for all!

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Beautiful response Tessa.

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Hidig Abdi is channeling Adolf Hitler’s evil soul.

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Thanks Kat! Good luck to your Mum in teaching the world what's really been going on since they engineered Covid to ell injections (with absolutely NO LIABILITY???) and with the added bonus = of depopulating the planet. It's Mick not Nick! No the first to make that error! Cheers! MICK.

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You are so observant and objective in your kind-hearted sharing in this exchange, Tessa. With relationships, it sure helps to have an objective perspective shared.

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It's so difficult to read this without judgement. I'll just say that as someone who has worn masks *for the right reason*, the right kind of mask for the environment, and had yearly training on mask usage along with being properly *fitted* for them, I find it utterly insane that people who are totally ignorant on the effectiveness of masks for any kind of "virus" continue to hold to these practically useless items. That being said my argument has been, and will continue to be, if you are visibly ill with *symptoms* (gurgling and coughing with obvious phlegm) and you absolutely can't stay home, in today's world it's probably a good idea to put on a face diaper only because if you cough in public you may get mobbed by the frightened masses NOT because you will somehow magically keep others safe from a partical so many times smaller than the holes in the mask. If a person is perfectly healthy they should not wear a mask thinking it's going to somehow keep them from catching an illness. There's just too many variables. There's a reason that scientists wear fully contained suits with incredibly filtered air pumped in...our eyes and even our skin can take in contaminates. Again, all of that being said, if a person wants to wear a mask because it makes themselves or someone else artificially "feel safer", more power to you. Just don't *ever* *demand* that someone else wear one just because you feel uncomfortable or afraid. If the mask actually works, then you are protected. You police your *own* health, and I'll police mine. That's what a real free and tolerant society does. Excellent post Ms Tessa

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Something is missing in this letter. Does his best friend have other friends, or a social support network other than her parents?

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I love your role playing analogy Freedom Fox!

Maybe I've always questioned things too much? Maybe I've suspected authority for looking after their own interests before the general public? Maybe I've always been rebellious?

The Covid story first became suspicious in early March 2020 when, along with Bob & Trish (his Wife) we were vacationing until, we thought, until mid-April.

Then the Covid shit hit the fan! First on TV, then with previously unheard of restrictions - like you must avoid people and NEVER Go to the beach???? Our beach, post hurricane Ian, was remote. But after the hurricane destroyed the handful of Rangers houses and Park offices, our island State Park was closed to the public. Our beach is 9 miles long and with around 30 vacation houses it was not unusual to visit our beach and see another person there.

It must have been around 10th march 2020, I went to the beach and was surprised to see Dave and his son enjoying the sunshine on our quiet beach. i shouted greetyinmg to them and sat on tghe beach to enjoy the tranquility.

Unbelievably, after about 1 hour, we saw a Police patrol boat in the distance. We assumed he was on route between the other 'inhabited and developed islands. We assumed it was a routine check, which had to be checked by passing our island. But no! The cop came towards the beach and used his loud hailer to remind us that "BEACHES are FORBIDDEN" by law.

I told Dave to ignore him. Dave said, "He'll take my driving licence away". That simply doesn't happen in England!

Dave hurriedly left the beach and, because we were flying back to the UK in a day or so, I retreated a few yards to the dunes where I sat watching the cop using his binoculars to let me know he was not pleased with my technical move 'OFF the beach - but still visible - into the dunes'! A stand-off!

That was my first reason to suspect the Covid story was being artificially exaggerated as deadly!

Upon returning to England, the rules were sdtacking up with masks, social distancing, no contact with other households, no shopping unless absolutely essential. it all seemed like BOLLOX!

I decided to go to the shops every other day to see if I caught the deadly disease or not. Well, after many shopping trips I never caught Covid - or Flu, which miraculously seemed to disappear as Covid, apparently took it's place. (In my confrontational mind).

At the end of 2020 the news revealed that a miracle injection had been invented "at the speed of science" as Fauci pretended. I realised Vaccines took decades to perfect and I'd heard of other pre-existing meds, like ivermectin, that dealt with viral diseases. My son-in-law ordered us supplies of IVM from India. I've never used mine because I've not had Covid (Flu) since 2018. My Wife had Flu/Covid or maybe a 'common cold'. (We refuse to test with a test that is flawed and inaccurate) She didn't use IVM until day 4 but got better anyway stating the IVM she took did nothing (maybe forgeries?) or maybe they might have had an impact if she'd taken them on day one???

After disowning my shopping mask in late 2020, I decided that Covid was a con. I had no idea the miracle Experimental injections were dangerous until I read about other Conspiracy Theorists suggesting that post-COVID injection 'Heart issues' were commonly occurring, particularly with high-impact sports activities. Several top soccer players had heart issues but none admitted their Vax status.

The devastation upon human health continued but was never mentioned by the media. The dishonest BBC seemed to avoid all negative stories about the injection they pretended the vaccine was essential.

I bought 6 tee-shirts with printed messages like 'Covid Vax kills' and 'UJnvaxxed to live longer'. My favourite for doctor and hospital visits (don't panic = blood test and audiology) are 'Unvaxxed to Live Longer' (front) and 'Covid Unvaxxed Club' (back).

Apart from the occasional compliment about my Covid & Vax messages, nobody ever says anything critical or aggressive. I'm a prime target for abuse at 78 y/o and standing 5 feet 6 inches I look 'easy'.

I spend a lot of time reading about the Great Covid and DEADLY VAX Con, but don't let fear porn impact my life.

I believe the complete Covid & Vax fiasco was/is part of the (WEF) New World Order's take-over plan to depopulate the planet and to dominate those of us left as Slaves for the super-rich elite.

If I were younger I'd be more active in getting the truth out there, but I have to satisfy myself by telling the world what I believe and suspect.

Hopefully, more of our would-be 'Controllers' like Kissinger of the WEF, will perish and the world can return to some state of normality.

Bill Gates's World Health Organisation is now terminated as they are now influenced by Gates with his insane ideas for mankind! We the people hereby declare the WHO is finished.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed and warning the world of impending tyranny = SLAVERY!

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I'm right there with you Mick, from Australia. Talk about being locked in the sheep pen down here! I spent most of my lockdown time on the beach, unmasked and unjabbed, not complying with the corporate policy officers masquerading (no pun intended) as police. Lost my job etc... but kept my soul, my wits and my heart. The WHO, WEF, UN, Banksters and all their corporate subsidiaries can all go to the very hell they are creating - I wish them Fair Winds and God Speed!

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I applaud you Nick from UK! You sound a lot like my mom Joanne from US!

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Thanks Kat! Good luck to your Mum in teaching the world what's really been going on since they engineered Covid to ell injections (with absolutely NO LIABILITY???) and with the added bonus = of depopulating the planet. It's Mick not Nick! No the first to make that error! Cheers! MICK.

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Tessa- you are so patient!!! ….and loving...

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Thank you, Peter!!! It is very kind of you to say that. Life is better that way:)

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Tessa, you are such a wonderful and compassionate person and I will use this story to help others, if I may. The picture is exactly what the CABAL has orchestrated for us for decades. The conflicts created between and within those who attempt to dance this dance, creates food for the energy vampires who feed on pain and suffering, dislike and disrespect for self, and manipulation and control of our relationships with others. I had to go into the wilderness by myself to deal with this sociopathic interchange and get away from my blindness and co-dependencies with those I loved and still love. I realized that connection comes from connecting in LOVE to the Source of LOVE and treating myself as the magnificent being I am was not feeding me, and helping me to attain my goals. I spent 6 months healing my own woundology and getting out of the boxes I had been put in. Then I came back with new boundaries and a new respect and reverence for ALL LIFE.

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"...I have never worn a face mask for my own sake because I was concerned about getting sick. And yet, I did wear a mask almost every time I was in public. And still do much of the time...and even in my own house..." Tessa you are too kind. Bless you. I stopped right there. Anyone, who for any reason is conducting themselves in that manner needs more mental health support than I am able to give. Sadly, I have tried, against my better judgment, "in the past" to counsel people against such irrational, insane, insalubrious, unscientific, dangerous, television induced, social media cultivated delusions, all to no avail. Now, I look at masks like "hats" or scarves. People were different hats. That is not my kinda hat. Have fun with it, wear 2, 3, 4, or 5 "hats." I'm over it. p.s. I NEVER WORE A MASK, EVER!

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@Reader-with-question: You are doing everything "right", because you are doing it out of sincere thoughtfulness, and only when necessary to show your consideration of the feelings of others. You are following the Golden Rule, treating others respectfully, considerately, and without a hassle, as you would like to be treated.

You can pray for their well being, but your actions are already such a "prayer", and your intention to nurture the needs of your friend and your coworker are the core of "prayer" (IMHO).

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Dec 7, 2023
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Well one "hears" what one "hears". It is like taste. I can't argue with your perceptions, though I assure you that I am a flesh-and-blood human.

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I object to calling Dr. Day a robot, he is one of the kindest, most compassionate people I know! This must be a misunderstanding?

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Aw, shucks, Ma'am!


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My compliments were very sincere, and you deserve them, Brother John!

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Hitler Abdi, raises her EGO, by stepping on others so she can feel superior.

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Dec 7, 2023
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Jesus, Hidig, what are you trying to do here?

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She is passing judgement, “cow farts."

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I have a friend of 50+ years and he's vacationed at our Florida island holiday home many times. He's a (small-time) local politician (Councillor) and blindly follows central Government policies. He avoids investigating political or health issues related to Covid and the dubious (dangerous 'EXPERIMENTAL') injection they pretend is a 'VACCINE'.

In 2020 we all had to prematurely return to the UK from our Florida holiday home before all future flights were cancelled due to the pretend Covid Scamdemic. ((Look at what happened to Flu in 2020?)

We totally disagreed about the (man-modified) Covid Scam, the (DEADLY) injections peddled as Safe and Effective 'Vaccines', lockdowns, social distancing, masks and all the other B/S that was designed to imprison us along with our thoughts, beliefs and FREEDOM.

We reunited earlier this month and were both careful to avoid the hot topics that caused a 4 year rift.

After considerable restraint, and the conversation turning to world affairs, I had good reason to say "I'm not allowed to discuss EXCESS DEATHS".

We then established that politician Bob has no idea what the World Economic Forum is. He has never heard of Klaus (Adolf) Schwab, nor that there has been thousands, maybe millions of Post Covid injection DEATHS.

I asked Bob what he thought about a Conservative Politician and Member of our UK Parliament, Andrew Bridgen MP, being sacked from the Conservative Party for trying to get 'EXCESS VAX DEATHS' brought up for discussion in our UK Parliament. Bob (a local Conservative Councillor) has no idea who Bridgen is, nor the story of his demise.

We talked about a fit and healthy mutual friend, Roger, who 'died suddenly' recently and I couldn't help asking - was he Covid Jabbed?

Bod can't explain why Big Pharma Vax makers enjoy IMMUNITY from LIABILITY for Vax Injuries and Vax-related DEATHS. Bob says the deaths are "extremely rare" and to be expected with all/any injections.

Bob then stated "I've had four jabs so far and I'm very pleased with the outcome".

I think there's no hope for the minority that suspected the stupidity of taking an EXPERIMENTAL injection that magically appeared just a few months after the 'man-enhanced virus' was released.

The majority of 'Vax lovers' are totally convinced their decisions were for the best. They are incapable of investigating the Conspiracy Theories that we 'idiots' continue to reveal.

We have no hope when, even the 'supposedly connected', local politicians don't have a clue about what has been going on since last we met in March 2020, when Bob told me I was irresponsible and was likely to be "KILLING GRANNIES" by remaining unjabbed.

Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed because I saw the dots and joined them.

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Yep. Bob sound like some of my extended family members. They're brainwashed, happy about it because they don't have to strain to use the cells between their ears. Everything - and I mean everything - frightens them, especially zen and dying.

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Trying to place myself in Bob's shoes, all like Bob.

"The world got crazy for awhile. Everything was turned upside down. Everyone, everywhere understood from every source we ever encounter in a normal life, work, news, friends, shopping, entertainment, seemingly everyone, everywhere were telling us a really, really bad contagious disease was going around. Public health officials, doctors, everyone we trust to be nonpolitical were drilling the message home. The thing was bad, really bad, and we needed to do what we could to keep each other safe.

Sure, some information was coming in to contradict that, first, we knew we never took such extreme precautions before, so that was a shift away from the norm, common sense. So instead of questioning the need to shift away from the norm we decided to just accept that it was necessary, I mean who would make such a large demand of sacrifice unless it was worth it, right? So that first defense, common sense, was rationalized away for most, only the most rebellious types, risk-takers, the selfish, the foolish would ignore a serious threat and endanger others.

And those were the same ones we began hearing about the wrong-headedness of authorities, health officials, media, society. The same reckless disobedient types. And we're more responsible, caring people than them. Sure those people are fun to watch adventure, take risks in ordinary times, hear stories of adventure and pushing boundaries that we live vicariously through, sometimes even try pushing the boundaries ourselves, but this was different, this was serious, that frivolity was for normal times when there wasn't so much danger about us. So we saw them as just trying to justify their reckless disobedience. Ignore.

It didn't matter that every single thing that authorities said kept changing, they'd say one thing and then something else the next week. Every two weeks kept on becoming another two weeks, and another, and another. Every goalpost kept shifting further down the field. We saw public official after public official, media scold after media scold get caught breaking the rules we were dutifully following. Or trying to, at least. There were those occasions we let our guard down, so when we saw the hypocrisy we understood and excused it, we sometimes slipped up, too, it happens, they just live under a public eye and get caught. No big deal. Happens.

Then this long-promised and anticipated panacea comes along, a vaccine! The miracle vaccine that would let us get back to normal! Just get it and get back to living. But...everyone needs to get it. The dangerous virus was so evasive, so great a threat that the miracle vaccine wasn't going to work like most vaccines that protect me. No, this virus needed every single person in the world to take it. This virus even eluded natural immunity, one mean little spikey thing. And I'm over this whole sacrifice my lifestyle thing so I'm going to take it. And I want everyone hang out with, everyone I encounter...everyone to take it too. Because I'm f'n over it. And those same idiots, he selfish, rebellious risk takers, the disobedient fools aren't taking the damn shot. I'm f'n over them. I'm done with them, they're bad people, don't need people like that in my life. And it serves them right if they get sick and nobody wants them around. Let them order in and shop by mail. They deserve it.

Weird times continue, much longer than authorities told us. Most everyone is jabbed up like they were supposed to. The same fools I now hate are still going about life, but I hate them, things still aren't totally back to normal. Now I see those idiots telling everyone how dangerous the shots were and the people dying suddenly are dying from the shots. Nobody I know has died from the shots. I'm ok. Sure, we all get sick a lot, but that's normal. The people dying, that always happened, we just weren't paying attention before. More lies from those bad people telling us the shots are bad. I really don't like them.

More time passes. Now more people around me are dying. Young people. People who are diagnosed with something one day and dead the next. It's sad. But, that's normal, right? Always been normal. I just never noticed, right? But it keeps happening. And I keep getting sick all the time. It's never really bad, but I never got sick so often. I wonder if it's because those anti-vaxxers never got their jabs? Yeah, that's it, we're still dealing with people getting sick and dying all the time because of them! But...not many people are dying from the virus. It's all different things, heart attacks, cancer, stroke. Weird.

Well, at least I'm ok, my family is OK. Except Uncle Willy...and cousin Lois, and the neighbor's kid. And a lot of people I know lost older parents. Sure is sad. Seems to be happening more often now. But, we're all getting older, these things happen. And it tragic to see what's happening with younger people. I guess it's always happened, I just never paid attention. They say things happen in three's, this too will pass.

So, it's been awhile, life is pretty much back to normal. I ran into Mick the other day. I really hated him for how flippant he was when we needed to come together and protect one another from the bad, bad virus. But, bygones be bygones, I'm curious to hear how he's doing, catch up. It's been crazy times. Hope we don't talk about pandemic stuff, I might go off on him.

So I'm here with him. all's good. Uh-oh, here comes pandemic talk. Oh boy, now he's telling me about people dying from the vaccines. Of course he would. He's in so much denial, grasping at straws. I'm not going to lose my cool, I'll just ignore him, placate him, he'll eventually shut up about it and move on. Oh boy, now he's telling me everyone who took it might have a ticking time bomb in them and end up dying suddenly like the stories I'm noticing. No way! Nope. Not going there. I can't hear you. Nah, nah, nah, nah! I'm so over it, him. It'll be awhile before I subject myself to his crazy conspiracy stuff again.

Much better people, more caring, educated, reasonable, normal people than Mick said it was safe. And effective. Maybe it wasn't as effective as they said, they were hopeful. But it was safe...mostly...and I'm ok. Most people I know are ok. A few not so much. But, there's always risk for anything new. And it had to be done. Or we never would've been able to get back to normal. That bad, bad, very bad virus would've killed millions, billions if we didn't get the vax. A few were harmed, for the greater good.

Let's just forget about it, quit trying to blame anyone for anything, it was crazy times, let's all move on, can we?"

And for Bob and all the Bob's, who wants to hear they may have a ticking time bomb in them. That they put inside them. Bad news from the Mick's, no matter how truthful it turns out to be is just too unpleasant to contemplate for most. Those who are capable of reconnecting with their logic would want to know so they could do what they can to mitigate the problem, to address any ticking time bomb they unwittingly, trustingly took in. Those who are stuck in their emotional thought processes don't want to know. What they don't know can't hurt them, and if they come to know it would scare them, paralyze them. "Nah, nah, nah, nah, I can't hear you."

That's where we're at, folks. What it's like in Bob's shoes. We love and care about these people. We want to reach them, help them, let them know there are things they can do to protect themselves from any ticking time bombs that may lurk within. But how we do it, our patience, our creativity, our compassion, our tenacity, all of those are challenged if we choose to take on the hard work it is. It may be an impossible task. But if we love someone enough...it ain't easy.

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I like your diplomacy but all we need to do to put ourselves in Bob's shoes is to stick our heads in the sand and follow the media bullhorn like all the rest of them. It's too sad.

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well said 🙂

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I once masked for a policewoman who searched my apartment on my birthday.

Not because I was intimidated, but because I felt compassion. A seemingly healthy woman in her mid-thirties completely shaken upon hearing I was unvaccinated and yet to be infected (this was in October 2022), making a run for the balcony to save her life. How could I not feel sorry?

Needless to say, she didn't thank me for it. On the contrary, but that's another story.

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Huh? Feeling sorry while your 4th is being aired out? On your bday? Got it.

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My 4th is being aired out? I'm not a native speaker. Is that synonymous with my place being raided? :D

In case it is: Tt wasn't their choice to search my apartment. A judge decided that. So why give them a hard time?

They didn't mess up my place, they were done before my daughter came home from school, so... Why not treat them like any other human being?

I was falsely accused of growing cannabis by a neighbour. Turned out I was only growing chilli in the apartment I share with my daughter lol.

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[4th Amendment U.S. Law], right to be free from illegal search and seizure in your papers, effect, property and such. Its the LAW of the land. I did not know the situation, sorry. Your neighbor is "F" rat. You must be in another country, right?

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What happened in consequence was so much worse though. I was framed to take the prescription medication of my wife. None of them were scheduled drugs of abuse. She handed in all the prescriptions and they even talked to the doctor, but since we were living separated, they alleged I'd abuse them lol.

It's beyond me why anyone would do this. Seriously. They searched my place on my birthday over some bogus accusation and then feel butthurt, so they tell the road traffic office I'd abuse drugs? Go crazy on me like that and actually take the time to investigate me for what, exactly?

So... It was either: Let them take away my driver's license by power of law and then try to get it back by legal means OR agree to be examined. Urine, hair, psychological evaluation. I picked the latter, because I've seen some weird shit happen in German courts and knew I'd pass the tests for sure. However this process costs a thousand bucks which I had to pay and a few summer months where I couldn't travel.

I've really seen the best and the worst of our legal system. This experience clearly belonging to the former. :D

I'd still wear a mask again in such a situation. It was just the polite to do and at the time there was no reason not to be polite.

She completely lost her shit. Probably the most shocking display of COVID madness I had seen.

I stopped wearing masks at some point without being exempt. It was really fucking challenging. In that situation, I would've just been an asshole if I hadn't put on the mask.

Or maybe, maybe it was their position of power, but I don't really think so. It didn't feel like it.

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I am sorry you went thought that, Fabian!!! What a mess!!!!

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Thank you, but it really wasn't that bad. A nuisance really. I've had worse experiences with this system. It was still pretty bizarre and I was surprised to hear how limited my options were. And what these cops ended up doing was just really low.

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It wasn't illegal.

Just unjust.

I live in Germany, yes.

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Sorry to hear that.

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That I live in Germany? Haha yeah, thank you. What a shithole this place has turned into, seemingly overnight. Just amazing.

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I stomp on eggshells so I'm unable to relate.

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