How I see it. Breggin/Breggin are the spiritual side and love humanity. Desmet is the scientific analyst side and I doubt he puts much deep thought into the spiritual realm. Humans are just something to be observed and studied. He comes from a part of the world that leans that way. Malone, well he worked for fedgov agencies for decades a…
How I see it. Breggin/Breggin are the spiritual side and love humanity. Desmet is the scientific analyst side and I doubt he puts much deep thought into the spiritual realm. Humans are just something to be observed and studied. He comes from a part of the world that leans that way. Malone, well he worked for fedgov agencies for decades and that tends to create a little bit of "how dare you" attitude and having worked for the big machine, he went to part of that the big machine to fix it. The courts.
It's all just human nature, who we were raised by and around, our life and work experiences and paths we took. It takes a lot of introspect and courage to look back at life and recognize the things that shaped you, for better or worse and seeing the worse parts of yourself. Most people who have "made a good life" for themselves, as judged by society/culture, tend to not do that because it might cause that "good life"($$$) to come crashing down.
How I see it. Breggin/Breggin are the spiritual side and love humanity. Desmet is the scientific analyst side and I doubt he puts much deep thought into the spiritual realm. Humans are just something to be observed and studied. He comes from a part of the world that leans that way. Malone, well he worked for fedgov agencies for decades and that tends to create a little bit of "how dare you" attitude and having worked for the big machine, he went to part of that the big machine to fix it. The courts.
It's all just human nature, who we were raised by and around, our life and work experiences and paths we took. It takes a lot of introspect and courage to look back at life and recognize the things that shaped you, for better or worse and seeing the worse parts of yourself. Most people who have "made a good life" for themselves, as judged by society/culture, tend to not do that because it might cause that "good life"($$$) to come crashing down.