That Malone interview is really excellent. I'm sharing it with friends. Thanks for all your great work Tessa. Both your own writing and your research.

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Thank you Gary!! Yes, that interview is so good, I was so happy to encounter it!

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Yup, big pharma is quite upset about all of the money it's losing to the second coming of naturopathic and homeopathy approaches to healing - once the mainstay of medicine in the US before the Rockefellers pulled a rabbit out of the hat and got us onto pharmaceuticals. Clearly, pharmaceuticals have been/are a disaster. There is also the increasing popularity of orthomolecular medicine (supplements). They can't have any of that. Gotta keep everyone sick and coming in for highly profitable patented drugs. So, get the lever pullers behind the curtain to manipulate the set in their favor.

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If only more people learned to see our reality as a competition between high-level mobs (the way it has been for centuries). It's so much easier to analyze and connect the dots with that in mind!!! I think an awakening to what's really important in our lives is inevitable but the question is, now centuries later.

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I'm seeing signs of sooner rather than later.

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People could simply blame Rockefeller family for fluoridation of drinking water, but they, as others, are hiding behind Wall Street. How much power that family still has, is most possible unbelievable. Old art: out of sight, out of mind…

But, not only financial system is crumbling, chronic medicine too has shaking foundation and to many to patch holes.

So, what is Schwab solution? Almighty computer… Full BS as always. Do not talk about nutrition deficiency or environment toxicity….

“ August 26 2021

Fraunhofer Institute about to make a breakthrough: With quantum computing for personalized cancer therapy.

In order to develop individually effective therapy methods against cancer in the future, the German Cancer Research Center wants to use the quantum computer in Ehningen as a partner of the Fraunhofer Competence Network Quantum Computing. The ambitious project is groundbreaking.

(When decoding tumor genomes, huge amounts of sequence data arise, which in the future can possibly be evaluated with the help of the quantum computer. Quantum computers such as the IBM Q System One.)”

And add geo-tagged IBM servant zombies:

“The future of work will no longer require degrees for most people. That legacy system is in the process of being replaced by a perpetual race to attain the next micro-credential needed to qualify to compete for gig work on the global platform.”

Solution is also to keep slaves short lived? So they don’t need Q System One…

Unbelievable how Americans are passive to the news, that 50% of them will get cancer. But instantly high blood pressure if somebody isn’t wearing stupid mask?

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How is that you're not a part of some mob too? Seriously, if one thinks about this without prejudice, the anti- government mib is also has a big agenda. Less government, more profit, fewer protections for consumers etc.

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If you go to my site (beside my name) you'll see that I'm just a small farmer trying to do the right thing for the health and well being of all people.

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That's nice, but 1700 people died today most of whom thought the vaccine was a plot by Big Pharma. I'm also a conscientious person in regard to my own health, but the science has never proved that vitamins, vegetables and healthy habits are adequate protection against disease, viral, bacterial or parasitic. I applaud your small farmer efforts, and do support it against Big Food for all the obvious reasons

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You need to spend more than a few minutes on my site to be able to offer an intelligent, informed response. Get back to me in a few days after you've done some serious research.

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I didn't know being on your site was a pre-requisite to being informed about how to deal with COVID-19. I will definitely take a look though. My mind is open. I do believe good diet and sustainability in farming is important to personal health and the health of the planet, but isn't sufficient protect against this virus.

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Thank you so much for your research. I share with appropriate friends. the vascular damage thing prompted me to search. Found this, about pine needle oil https://rightsfreedoms.wordpress.com/2021/05/15/how-to-guard-against-the-spike-protein-contagion-caused-by-the-covid-vaccinated/

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I really get your aggravation, but have a hard time following your logic. Ivermectin is actually made by "big Pharma", so if it really helped prevent COVID, it would be a big money-maker for them. No clinical trials have proved it's efficacy "in vivo" only some promising results." in vitro". The amount extrapolated from the test tube experiment needed to possibly prevent virus replication in actual living people was found to be prohibitive. I hope you are not encouraging people to act as unsupervised guinea pigs in this latest effort to booster a prejudice against science and established public health policy

Don't get me wrong, I agree that a lot of health policy can be influenced by politics. I know there is money at stake and lobbyists weigh in on every policy that may or may not improve public health. I choose to pick battles that are supported by actual science. For instance, the obscene spectacle of big tobacco using phony science to claim their product was not addictive. I hate that Purdue was allowed to say Oxycontin was a non-addictive wonder drug instead of legal, deadly heroin.

So, your question is, do vaccines work, or do they work 109%?

Well, the vaccines obviously do not work 100%, not was that ever claimed. So, again, using this fact to argue against vaccines us using a "straw man" argument.

Do vaccines substantially prevent severe disease and death? The data says yes if you accept that likelihood of hospitalization and death us decreased by 90% is considered substantial

I m not going to cite all the stats as I'm sure you are aware of the numbers.

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Even before Covid, Americans were pharmaceutical vaccine pigs ( Guinea). Before boarding the plane to US from Germany , I needed to take 4-5 vaccines ( don’t remember exactly)…

If you’re so superior in health, why Americans don’t look better “outside”, then for example Europeans. In Europe isn’t nothing else then copy of Rockefeller Global school Allopathic “medicine”. With little more free hands to explore alternative or natural therapies.

Yes, nobody is protecting the “consumers” in USA. You should be informed voters instead and change the double side of the same coin (pro business) system. To much work for brain? USA is long time chosen from rest of the world, as Terrorist country numero Uno.

Instead gulping chlorinated, fluoridated, chemically loaded drinking water, superior “medicine” should mandate use of UV light for Desinfektion. Before you get in Rockefeller pills, cancer therapies, fake tests, and v-ines mambo jumbo ( Graphene Oxide is human toxin, even sugarcoated), humans need clean water, food, air and ether. Instead you are paying for perpetual wars? Holes in “school medicine”: nutrition, chemicals, toxic metals, liver ( upstream organ with 500+ functions, modern tests are made 1952, updated once( with reason) only 1971 with GGT test), lymph health ( twice amount of blood), oxalates danger( know since 1895?), calcification, daily redox, compartmentalizations of medicine, etc. That’s in plain sight, not invisible danger as fear for profit medicine. TV Zombies…

To big to fail Anglo systems are using Grat Reset to suck rest of life….before they are sucked… To big to fail “ prevention medicine”?

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The question then is, can Americans, who are 70% overweight or obese, have varied access to healthcare, sick days, vacations and childcare, become heathy suddenly health conscious and able to act on t, building "natural" defenses to viral diseases?

Looking at data, one would have to say no at the present time. Wailing about the Great Reset isn't making this happen either. We're all going to reset eventually. Some sooner than later.

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Deborah, I'd like to weigh in on this one. Like with everything in life, making things bad is usually easier and faster than making thing good.

We can't resolve any big problem in five minutes. But the even more looming problem is, the business model that is attached to this v-e rollout is very well thought though and is predicated upon making us completely dependent on a subscription model for immunity. I have written a long and, hopefully, well-researched article about this. This business model is hidden from plain sight but it's what's driving it.


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Thank you Tessa. Very good text. You wrote about two sides, looking at same thing. Thats were American peasants are lacking. Indoctrinated in school is the word? To many of them don’t know, what they are even talking. Since when is dialectical debate/ thinking reserviert only for Elite Parasites? And they are pushing one or separates sides, for them more profitable or more spreading division, on useless eaters. I am sucker too to oft, when I hear one side of story. Only when I know other angle, I can get better understanding and at end better decision. Unable to be in their shoes, and take debate from their angle? What is short and what is long term impact of debate? Then you are closed mind victim and orthodox. For them, parasites, better option was to use majority “democratic” side in this mind war for New World Order, where socialism will be for plebs, but not for Owners. Even stupid child in Europe knows that in real Socialism, means of productions are in hands of workers, public. People had enough of pollution, cronyism, greed, garbage, wars, selfishness … Then parasites, with v-ine rape needle, alienated everybody with critic mind, who don’t like to be in this fear, emotionally loaded, from behind steered stampede in unknown health consequences.

If people just could see who is and why, behind this V-ine for profit?

Tessa, could you write a little more about Dialectic? And how people should get their brains weaponized agains those good lying Psychopaths? And Psyops. People brains are just to lazy for Hegel and some of his heavy stuff or to get same f……..ing simple own life observations. Anybody made Hegel book with pictures ( illustrated) for useless eaters? Only way to avoid this shitstorm, is know yourself.

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Lots of buzzwords, insults, generalities, condescension and snide false superiority in your comment, but few facts. Are you part of a club that believes that only they are the only one who actually see what's "really" going on? I would love to join this club if only there was some verifiable data and evidence other than insinuated stuff, because, you know, it's so WOKE to think an evil cabal rather than a whole slew of interrelated facts are responsible for things.

I have been where you are now, but I widened my perspective, I didn't narrow it, as you are doing.

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“I didn’t narrow it”…. After some time, you should be able to pinpoints where are the problems upstream ( car mechanic).

Most people wants for complicated problems, simple solution in form of pill( doctor working for pharma ).

I would like to see big picture, to take look from 30 000 feet high, but air travel is so “healthy” expensive thanks to “Cabal” ( I hate this term, where it came from? PSYOPS?). I was so happy to take look from 8000 feet( when young, I was paratrooper). So, big picture yes, but I am not Globalist. Look globally, act locally….

Or member of secret sect with secrets, to be used globally secretly, so full of secrets NWO can come to light…. How much they plan to go back with Build Back Better? Pyramids? Great Reset to “Great British Empire”? Opium wars? Smoking time…

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Yes, the pharmaceutical companies are going to make money from this. Is the question, "is the COVID-19 virus and vaccine a plot orchestrated by the pharmaceuticals? In reading the pice you wrote, I cannot find any evidence of that. In our economic system, individuals and companies are paid for their products, even if it would be nice if they paid some of this back in the form of taxes. Which is another subject entirely.

As for "natural immunity", before modern medicine, say two hundred years ago, half of the children born in the US died before the age of eighteen. Half of these before the age of five. They were not eating processed foods, but they were defenseless against various viruses, bacterial infections (especially pneumonia) and parasites. I'm sure I don't have to list the reasons why childhood survival rate in the US has increased to over 99% . Vaccines play a large part, as do antibiotics and sanitation. As I noted earlier, this medical model allows us to now live successfully in cities without fear that half our children will perish. Close quarters and big cities are perfect for viruses. Scientists, especially epidemiologists have warned us about this for decades. But, our memories, as a species, is short. We, especially, Americans EXPECT not to have to deal with disease. If one appears, our first reaction is denial and suspicion instead of logic and intelligent discussion.

I don't find the business model argument convincing. All businesses whose products are medicines exploit, in some sense, the facts of disease,. This doesn't prove that they are causing the disease. That's a logical leap that actually helps the pharmaceutical companies more than it hinders them. It just means more people, due to suspicion, refuse the vaccine and get sick, and/or die which will, in the end, continue the demand for vaccines.

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That's 5.8 per thousand which translates to 99.42 survival rate.

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Robotroll… Hallo Watson….

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