It is certainly time to stand awake and eyes open for the tear gas and rubber bullets, as the protesters in Melbourne have been doing. My friend in Australia sent me this 4 minute video from Rebel News. It really speaks for itself. All the violence is from the heavily armed side.
We are in the times like the US revolutionary war, the civil war and the Depression/WW-2 again. The entire political economy is dysfunctional, failing, and needs to be recreated. The owners want to remain in control. Their control is breaking the economy. It's an impasse. How bad does it get before a lot of owners capitulate? We cannot begin to form a new political economy until a LOT of owners capitulate.
...the roots of the Great Reset agenda can very clearly be traced back to 80 years ago, when an American, former Trotskyist who later joined the OSS, followed by the CIA, and went on to become the founding father of neo-conservatism, James Burnham, wrote a book on his vision for “The Managerial Revolution.”
In fact, it was the ideologies of Burnham’s “The Managerial Revolution” that triggered Orwell to write his “1984”.
I agree with top of article, but rest is more of controlled opposition. BTW, University of Oxford is 900 years old institution! Did you know that Henry Kissinger (Nobel Price?) was accused by LaRouche of being British spy and should be charged with treason? Browse DuckDuckGo: LaRouche indict Kissinger for treason…
This down is a only appetizer and link for pandemic forecast in USA ( vaccines hunting seasons).
“The Strange Case and Many Faces of James Burnham
“[James Burnham is] the real intellectual founder of the neoconservative movement and the original proselytizer, in America, of the theory of ‘totalitarianism.’”
– Christopher Hitchens,
He would graduate from Princeton followed by the Balliol College, Oxford University and in 1929 would become a professor in philosophy at the New York University.”
Rhodes Scholarship(University of Oxford).
The scholarships were founded for two reasons: to promote unity within the British empire, and to strengthen diplomatic ties between Britain and the United States of America. In Rhodes's own words, "I ... desire to encourage and foster an appreciation of the advantages which I implicitly believe will result from the union of the English-speaking peoples throughout the world and to encourage in the students from North America who would benefit from the American Scholarships."[5] Rhodes also bequeathed scholarships to German students in the hope that, "a good understanding between England, Germany and the United States of America will secure the peace of the world."
At least "a half dozen" 1990s Rhodes Scholars became partners at Goldman Sachs and, since the 1980s, McKinsey has had numerous Rhodes Scholars as partners.
On March 26, 2021, McKinsey & Company published a paper with a pandemic forecast. McKinsey & Company literally: "Herd immunity could be achieved as early as the second quarter of 2021 if vaccines are highly effective and are introduced smoothly or if significant cross-immunity is discovered in a population (...) On the other hand, the epidemiological end of the pandemic might not end by 2022 or until Achieved at a later stage when the early vaccine candidates have efficacy or safety issues - or when their diffusion and adoption is slow. At worst, we see a long-term possibility that the US could fight COVID-19 through 2023 and beyond if a constellation of factors (such as poor vaccine effectiveness and short duration of natural immunity) emerges. "
To confuse people, just add more names, more buildings, more NGO’s, enemies…
All roads lead over Oxford to …… Sorry, a little longer replay
“School of Government launched at Oxford University. Published 20 September 2010
Oxford University hopes it will become the number one centre for training future world leaders with the launch of its School of Government.
Blavatnik School of Government.
The University is contributing an additional £26 million as well as land in the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter which will house the new building.
It is hoped more than 40 academic posts will be created.
The first students will start a one-year Master's degree in 2012 and student numbers will increase to approximately 120 within the next few years.
An international search for the inaugural Dean is currently under way and planning has begun to design the building to house the new School.
Oxford School of Government: Learning to lead the world
Big things are expected of the first intake at Oxford’s new "finishing school for future world leaders". Nothing short of head of state will do, says Tom Rowley. Students have long turned to Google for help with their homework, but few get to ask the boss himself. Yet here is Eric Schmidt, the company’s executive chairman, taking questions from just a few dozen of them. After an hour discussing the future of the internet, he tells them: “I think you made the right choice, to change the world.”..
The University has educated 26 British Prime Ministers and over 30 other world leaders.
Lord Patten, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, said: "This is a once-in-a-century opportunity for Oxford.
"Through the Blavatnik benefaction, Oxford will now become the world's leading centre for the training of future leaders in government and public policy - and in ways that take proper account of the very different traditions, institutions and cultures that those leaders will serve."
Mr Blavatnik, who was the guest of honour at the opening ceremony, said: "Oxford University's reputation provides the school with the opportunity to bring together distinguished teachers and leaders in government to address the entire spectrum of policy issues.
"My family and I look forward to the school's significant contribution to all nations and citizens of the world in the years ahead."
The Prime Minister David Cameron, an Oxford graduate, called Mr Blavatnik's gift "a very generous act of philanthropy".
During the launch a video message was played from Bill Clinton, former President of the USA, in which he said: "We live in a more interdependent world than ever before - certainly more so than when I attended Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar more than forty years ago.
"Oxford's reputation as an international powerhouse of research will help students and the global community to better understand not just politics and economics, but also public health, environmental science, development, genetics, the humanities."
Mr Blavatnik, 53, whose fortune is estimated at £3bn, is founder of Access Industries and made his money in oil and other industries. He is now based in the United States.
Oxford University said Mr Blavatnik was a philanthropist with a long-standing involvement in numerous educational projects in Europe and the US.
The University said Mr Blavatnik's gift was one of the most generous in its 900-year history.
Professor Ngaire Woods appointed inaugural Dean
Following an extensive international search, Oxford University has chosen Professor Ngaire Woods as the inaugural Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government. Professor Woods is a recognized world authority on international relations, global economic governance, the challenges of globalization, and the role of international institutions. Regularly called upon by governments and global institutions to offer her expertise, she has held advisory roles in the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Commonwealth, the European Parliament, the African Development Bank, and the British government under three successive Prime Ministers. She helped to lead the creation of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and, before her appointment as Dean, served as the School’s Academic Director.
Professor Joseph Nye, former Harvard Kennedy School Dean, commented: 'Ngaire Woods is an ideal choice to become the first Dean of Oxford's exciting new Blavatnik School of Government. She is a renowned scholar of global governance whose vision has been crucial in creating the School, and whose inspiring leadership will now assure its success.'
Kishore Mahbubani, Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Government in Singapore, said: 'Professor Ngaire Woods will be an excellent Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government. She has made important intellectual contributions to the theory and practice of global governance, she is globally networked and she straddles comfortably the worlds of policy and practice. Much of her work has focused on how global markets and institutions can better serve the needs of people in developing countries, and many governments have turned to her for advice.'
He has named former central bankers to his board and gone on to secure lucrative contracts with their former institutions. Stanley Fisher, former head of the Bank of Israel and also later Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve is now Senior Adviser at BlackRock. Philipp Hildebrand, former Swiss National Bank president, is vice chairman at BlackRock, where he oversees the BlackRock Investment Institute. Jean Boivin, the former deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, is the global head of research at BlackRock’s investment institute
Philipp Hildebrand…. Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. In 1994 he received his PhD from the University of Oxford. Hildebrand began his professional career in 1994 at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, where he was a member of the executive board and responsible for Europe and the WEF activities in the area of financial services. In 1995 he moved to the US ….
Time after resigning as President of the National Bank Edit source]
In March 2012 it was announced that Philipp Hildebrand had accepted a guest position as research officer at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University. [9] [32] Since October 2012 he has been responsible for institutional investors in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia as well as the Pacific as Vice Chairman of the world's largest asset manager BlackRock in London. [33] [34]
From June 11th to 14th, 2015 he took part in the 63rd Bilderberg Conference in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.
May 21 2020. BlackRock and Microsoft - the strongest alliance in the world. Alliance between the largest asset manager and the largest software company in the world. That a company like BlackRock, which was only founded in 1988, could become so unimaginably powerful has one main reason: deregulation. Above all, however, it was Larry Fink's decision to use the ALADDIN information system that ensured that BlackRock pulled its competitors away. It only became clear last month that Fink, despite his success, did not want to retire: As it became known in the first week of April, BlackRock and Microsoft entered into a strategic alliance in the wake of the Corona crisis, which the world domination of the two companies does not only to consolidate, but rather to expand considerably.
According to Rob Goldstein, BlackRock's Chief Operating Officer, the Aladdin infrastructure will in future be provided on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and equipped with advanced functions "to deliver the best results to our Aladdin customers" The soup of success is relationships - this also applies to BlackRock, where the foundations for an empire have been laid in this regard. In the world of finance, who could possibly have better contacts than a fund that is co-owner of almost 18,000 companies 90 percent of the 500 largest US corporations, including the stock market giants Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft? Who could be better connected than a company that sells blocks of shares in most banks on Wall Street and Western Europe as well as in the most important armaments , Energy and chemical companies, airlines and car companies in the world?
And who could exert more influence as a lobbyist worldwide than a company that advises the British Treasury or the central banks of Canada, Ireland and Greece in addition to the FED and the ECB? and whose payroll includes illustrious names such as Philipp Hildebrand, former head of the Swiss National Bank, George Osborne, ex-UK Treasury Secretary and Stanley Fisher, ex-vice-head of the Fed, show up?”
I am not sure that Oxford graduates are on his payroll……
Thank you Tessa! Always appreciate your willingness to approach the world before us with clarity, focus and courage. You are being heard... cheers from the northern Thai Mountains.
We are mass computing the "solution" to this problems with our lives, our actions and our fervent prayers. It is happening now, everywhere, whether we "consent" or not.
[Both of them!] Thanks for keeping up the pace - while not getting caught up in it...and...for bringing some necessary balance to some of the heaviness.
“China's central bank has announced that all transactions with cryptocurrencies will be illegal in the future.
That China started this "cryptocurrency war" makes perfect sense. In the new global monetary system, digital central bank currencies are to largely replace cash. Almost all of the world's central banks in association with the IMF agree on this. Decentralized cryptocurrencies have so far posed a danger here because they are not subject to any central control.
It should always be remembered that the IMF is the originator of this process. The central banks rank second as executive bodies, while the finance ministers of the individual states rank third.
The current IMF boss Kristalina Georgieva has repeatedly put forward arguments against the use of decentralized cryptocurrencies in the past. Recently she said that Bitcoin is far from becoming a currency. It can be assumed that the digital infrastructure for the introduction of digital central bank currencies should be completed by May 2022. In the course of the current corona crisis, there is a comprehensive digital upheaval.
And who knows: maybe the digital vaccination records, which many people now have, will experience a phase of transformation in order to convert them into digital wallets.
Then it would also be possible to make payments with digital central bank currencies using these new digital wallets.
All of this would of course only be due to “total coincidence”.”
Martin Armstrong hit a nail on the head, long time ago, with:
“For years, I have watched behind the curtain how they operate. I believe that Bitcoin was “ALLOWED” to be created for the sole purpose of moving to a digital currency. Just as they float a balloon in first to see how the market reacts, which allows them to always deny it.
Nobody knows who invented blockchain. Don’t you find it curious that such a major invention takes place and nobody takes credit? Even the notorious government propaganda site, Wikipedia, states: “The blockchain was invented by a person (or group of people) using the name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to serve as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin.” This appears to be the perfect COVERT operation, for blockchain allows the government to trace every person who handled that Bitcoin.
This entire cryptocurrency has been sold as somehow circumventing the central banks, and it will defeat fiat currency when in fact it too is not backed by anything tangible. It has been a creative sales job just like COVID telling people their lives are at risk and we have to lock down the world because you only have a 99.5% chance of survival.
They always float a balloon, and it is done by someone who is NOT part of the current government, as was the case with Larry Summers — the father of NEGATIVE interest rates. All the intellectuals hail it as brilliant as they are now doing with the Great Reset. Once it becomes accepted, they move in for the kill.
Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are doing precisely that. This is the BALLOON they are floating, and the governments need not risk their lives this way. They are allowing this to unfold one drop at a time. When they are done, you will have lost everything, and your posterity will become economic slaves fed prearranged propaganda, which is not really that different from “The Matrix.”
All governments in the West are on board. They have allowed Schwab to sell this idea to the people, and as they are conditioned, they will move forward. This is the enslavement of the population all because of their fiscal mismanagement of borrowing endlessly year after year with no intention of EVER paying anything back.
This entire Build Back Better agenda also requires a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. They are now trying to sell that idea, and I believe that is why they needed the Biden and Harris team, as they may not be intelligent enough to understand the implications.
Listen to Schwab talking about the unrest because those with the “gray market” jobs will be unemployed. This is the objective. We will surrender all rights so they can try a totalitarian form of government. Once a politician tastes power, they can never relinquish it.”
Numero Due: ( Europa Central)” What is the vaccine-mad left doing now? Black Lives Matter protests against "racist corona vaccination passports"? It is THE social turn in the drama of the corona dictatorship that many observers have already been waiting for: minorities are now officially against the green corona vaccination passports because they are racist from their point of view . "Black Lives Matter (BLM)" dared to take the first step in the USA. How will the politically correct and more than vaccine-mad left react to this worldwide? What do the globalists do with their suddenly unruly protégés?
BLM protests against green vaccination certificate
Fox News, Universities, BLM ? Next is CNN? Na ja, too many skeletons are hidden from the Covid victims in the closets and the closets are falling apart. British medicine will be blessed, as 95% of the victims there are cremated? Perfect crime evaporated in the air. The next phase is on the launch pad, because the Covid terror “story” is losing ground under the feet of “believers” as well? Among the people is hot separation, and it is time to forge… new future( NWO)?
Who will “they” throw under the bus first? Klaus Schwab (83), Biden (78), Billy “the Kid Killer” Gates (the Irish newspaper called him so, 65), Fauci (80), Internet Big Tech Censure?
Open the floodgates of Censure Dam, to make it white hot online first? A small spark from a Chinese embattled developer Evergrande company in October, as an appetizer, before Big February-April?
Do I have time to read: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations : shaping the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic decline of the United States of America? NO, not this.
Lawrence Henry Summers( London School of Economics and Political Science, grounded 1895), in administration of Bill Clinton ( University of Oxford, Rhodes scholarship),and Obama administration. Inventor of negativ interest rate. Brilliant. Inside job Movie.
He is a former president of Harvard University (2001–2006),[3][5] where he is currently (as of March 2017) a professor and director of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.[3]
He is a former president of Harvard University (2001–2006),[3][5] where he is currently (as of March 2017) a professor and director of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.[3] Not to Africa, but Europe is their heavy poluted industry moving from Germany, to south and east Europe. Absolutely not downgrading, because of New Green Deal, just transfering, investing more in them east. No polution for polution owners. England did same. From real economy to uncovered.
USA with Bill Clinton moved 60 000 companies to China. NWO order?
Considering the very real possibility that Obama might still be impeached and Glass-Steagall restored in the United States, bringing America back towards its constitutional roots as outlined by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, the desire by the British oligarchy to keep a tight grip on its North American colony in recent years has been more desperate now during the economic collapse than ever before.
Thanks Tessa,
It is certainly time to stand awake and eyes open for the tear gas and rubber bullets, as the protesters in Melbourne have been doing. My friend in Australia sent me this 4 minute video from Rebel News. It really speaks for itself. All the violence is from the heavily armed side.
There are a lot of links and excerpts from the stories here:
We are in the times like the US revolutionary war, the civil war and the Depression/WW-2 again. The entire political economy is dysfunctional, failing, and needs to be recreated. The owners want to remain in control. Their control is breaking the economy. It's an impasse. How bad does it get before a lot of owners capitulate? We cannot begin to form a new political economy until a LOT of owners capitulate.
...the roots of the Great Reset agenda can very clearly be traced back to 80 years ago, when an American, former Trotskyist who later joined the OSS, followed by the CIA, and went on to become the founding father of neo-conservatism, James Burnham, wrote a book on his vision for “The Managerial Revolution.”
In fact, it was the ideologies of Burnham’s “The Managerial Revolution” that triggered Orwell to write his “1984”.
I agree with top of article, but rest is more of controlled opposition. BTW, University of Oxford is 900 years old institution! Did you know that Henry Kissinger (Nobel Price?) was accused by LaRouche of being British spy and should be charged with treason? Browse DuckDuckGo: LaRouche indict Kissinger for treason…
This down is a only appetizer and link for pandemic forecast in USA ( vaccines hunting seasons).
“The Strange Case and Many Faces of James Burnham
“[James Burnham is] the real intellectual founder of the neoconservative movement and the original proselytizer, in America, of the theory of ‘totalitarianism.’”
– Christopher Hitchens,
He would graduate from Princeton followed by the Balliol College, Oxford University and in 1929 would become a professor in philosophy at the New York University.”
Rhodes Scholarship(University of Oxford).
The scholarships were founded for two reasons: to promote unity within the British empire, and to strengthen diplomatic ties between Britain and the United States of America. In Rhodes's own words, "I ... desire to encourage and foster an appreciation of the advantages which I implicitly believe will result from the union of the English-speaking peoples throughout the world and to encourage in the students from North America who would benefit from the American Scholarships."[5] Rhodes also bequeathed scholarships to German students in the hope that, "a good understanding between England, Germany and the United States of America will secure the peace of the world."
At least "a half dozen" 1990s Rhodes Scholars became partners at Goldman Sachs and, since the 1980s, McKinsey has had numerous Rhodes Scholars as partners.
On March 26, 2021, McKinsey & Company published a paper with a pandemic forecast. McKinsey & Company literally: "Herd immunity could be achieved as early as the second quarter of 2021 if vaccines are highly effective and are introduced smoothly or if significant cross-immunity is discovered in a population (...) On the other hand, the epidemiological end of the pandemic might not end by 2022 or until Achieved at a later stage when the early vaccine candidates have efficacy or safety issues - or when their diffusion and adoption is slow. At worst, we see a long-term possibility that the US could fight COVID-19 through 2023 and beyond if a constellation of factors (such as poor vaccine effectiveness and short duration of natural immunity) emerges. "
To confuse people, just add more names, more buildings, more NGO’s, enemies…
All roads lead over Oxford to …… Sorry, a little longer replay
“School of Government launched at Oxford University. Published 20 September 2010
Oxford University hopes it will become the number one centre for training future world leaders with the launch of its School of Government.
Blavatnik School of Government.
The University is contributing an additional £26 million as well as land in the Radcliffe Observatory Quarter which will house the new building.
It is hoped more than 40 academic posts will be created.
The first students will start a one-year Master's degree in 2012 and student numbers will increase to approximately 120 within the next few years.
An international search for the inaugural Dean is currently under way and planning has begun to design the building to house the new School.
Oxford School of Government: Learning to lead the world
Big things are expected of the first intake at Oxford’s new "finishing school for future world leaders". Nothing short of head of state will do, says Tom Rowley. Students have long turned to Google for help with their homework, but few get to ask the boss himself. Yet here is Eric Schmidt, the company’s executive chairman, taking questions from just a few dozen of them. After an hour discussing the future of the internet, he tells them: “I think you made the right choice, to change the world.”..
World Leading
The University has educated 26 British Prime Ministers and over 30 other world leaders.
Lord Patten, Chancellor of the University of Oxford, said: "This is a once-in-a-century opportunity for Oxford.
"Through the Blavatnik benefaction, Oxford will now become the world's leading centre for the training of future leaders in government and public policy - and in ways that take proper account of the very different traditions, institutions and cultures that those leaders will serve."
Mr Blavatnik, who was the guest of honour at the opening ceremony, said: "Oxford University's reputation provides the school with the opportunity to bring together distinguished teachers and leaders in government to address the entire spectrum of policy issues.
"My family and I look forward to the school's significant contribution to all nations and citizens of the world in the years ahead."
The Prime Minister David Cameron, an Oxford graduate, called Mr Blavatnik's gift "a very generous act of philanthropy".
During the launch a video message was played from Bill Clinton, former President of the USA, in which he said: "We live in a more interdependent world than ever before - certainly more so than when I attended Oxford as a Rhodes Scholar more than forty years ago.
"Oxford's reputation as an international powerhouse of research will help students and the global community to better understand not just politics and economics, but also public health, environmental science, development, genetics, the humanities."
Mr Blavatnik, 53, whose fortune is estimated at £3bn, is founder of Access Industries and made his money in oil and other industries. He is now based in the United States.
Oxford University said Mr Blavatnik was a philanthropist with a long-standing involvement in numerous educational projects in Europe and the US.
The University said Mr Blavatnik's gift was one of the most generous in its 900-year history.
Professor Ngaire Woods appointed inaugural Dean
Following an extensive international search, Oxford University has chosen Professor Ngaire Woods as the inaugural Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government. Professor Woods is a recognized world authority on international relations, global economic governance, the challenges of globalization, and the role of international institutions. Regularly called upon by governments and global institutions to offer her expertise, she has held advisory roles in the International Monetary Fund, the United Nations, the World Economic Forum, the Commonwealth, the European Parliament, the African Development Bank, and the British government under three successive Prime Ministers. She helped to lead the creation of the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University and, before her appointment as Dean, served as the School’s Academic Director.
Professor Joseph Nye, former Harvard Kennedy School Dean, commented: 'Ngaire Woods is an ideal choice to become the first Dean of Oxford's exciting new Blavatnik School of Government. She is a renowned scholar of global governance whose vision has been crucial in creating the School, and whose inspiring leadership will now assure its success.'
Kishore Mahbubani, Dean of the Lee Kuan Yew School of Government in Singapore, said: 'Professor Ngaire Woods will be an excellent Dean of the Blavatnik School of Government. She has made important intellectual contributions to the theory and practice of global governance, she is globally networked and she straddles comfortably the worlds of policy and practice. Much of her work has focused on how global markets and institutions can better serve the needs of people in developing countries, and many governments have turned to her for advice.'
Blavatnik School of Government -
BlackRock Larry Fink
He has named former central bankers to his board and gone on to secure lucrative contracts with their former institutions. Stanley Fisher, former head of the Bank of Israel and also later Vice Chairman of the Federal Reserve is now Senior Adviser at BlackRock. Philipp Hildebrand, former Swiss National Bank president, is vice chairman at BlackRock, where he oversees the BlackRock Investment Institute. Jean Boivin, the former deputy governor of the Bank of Canada, is the global head of research at BlackRock’s investment institute
Philipp Hildebrand…. Center for International Affairs at Harvard University. In 1994 he received his PhD from the University of Oxford. Hildebrand began his professional career in 1994 at the World Economic Forum in Geneva, where he was a member of the executive board and responsible for Europe and the WEF activities in the area of financial services. In 1995 he moved to the US ….
Time after resigning as President of the National Bank Edit source]
In March 2012 it was announced that Philipp Hildebrand had accepted a guest position as research officer at the Blavatnik School of Government at Oxford University. [9] [32] Since October 2012 he has been responsible for institutional investors in Europe, the Middle East, Africa and Asia as well as the Pacific as Vice Chairman of the world's largest asset manager BlackRock in London. [33] [34]
From June 11th to 14th, 2015 he took part in the 63rd Bilderberg Conference in Telfs-Buchen, Austria.
May 21 2020. BlackRock and Microsoft - the strongest alliance in the world. Alliance between the largest asset manager and the largest software company in the world. That a company like BlackRock, which was only founded in 1988, could become so unimaginably powerful has one main reason: deregulation. Above all, however, it was Larry Fink's decision to use the ALADDIN information system that ensured that BlackRock pulled its competitors away. It only became clear last month that Fink, despite his success, did not want to retire: As it became known in the first week of April, BlackRock and Microsoft entered into a strategic alliance in the wake of the Corona crisis, which the world domination of the two companies does not only to consolidate, but rather to expand considerably.
According to Rob Goldstein, BlackRock's Chief Operating Officer, the Aladdin infrastructure will in future be provided on the Microsoft Azure cloud platform and equipped with advanced functions "to deliver the best results to our Aladdin customers" The soup of success is relationships - this also applies to BlackRock, where the foundations for an empire have been laid in this regard. In the world of finance, who could possibly have better contacts than a fund that is co-owner of almost 18,000 companies 90 percent of the 500 largest US corporations, including the stock market giants Amazon, Google, Facebook, Apple and Microsoft? Who could be better connected than a company that sells blocks of shares in most banks on Wall Street and Western Europe as well as in the most important armaments , Energy and chemical companies, airlines and car companies in the world?
And who could exert more influence as a lobbyist worldwide than a company that advises the British Treasury or the central banks of Canada, Ireland and Greece in addition to the FED and the ECB? and whose payroll includes illustrious names such as Philipp Hildebrand, former head of the Swiss National Bank, George Osborne, ex-UK Treasury Secretary and Stanley Fisher, ex-vice-head of the Fed, show up?”
I am not sure that Oxford graduates are on his payroll……
Thank you Tessa! Always appreciate your willingness to approach the world before us with clarity, focus and courage. You are being heard... cheers from the northern Thai Mountains.
Thank you Cat!!! We do need clarity, focus, and courage! And also love. Lots of love.
Blog post, "Street Level Experience":
We are mass computing the "solution" to this problems with our lives, our actions and our fervent prayers. It is happening now, everywhere, whether we "consent" or not.
Thanks, Tessa - yes this interview is a must share!
[Both of them!] Thanks for keeping up the pace - while not getting caught up in it...and...for bringing some necessary balance to some of the heaviness.
Pieces of the LEGO puzzle:
Translated from DWN( Sep 24. 2021):
“China's central bank has announced that all transactions with cryptocurrencies will be illegal in the future.
That China started this "cryptocurrency war" makes perfect sense. In the new global monetary system, digital central bank currencies are to largely replace cash. Almost all of the world's central banks in association with the IMF agree on this. Decentralized cryptocurrencies have so far posed a danger here because they are not subject to any central control.
It should always be remembered that the IMF is the originator of this process. The central banks rank second as executive bodies, while the finance ministers of the individual states rank third.
The current IMF boss Kristalina Georgieva has repeatedly put forward arguments against the use of decentralized cryptocurrencies in the past. Recently she said that Bitcoin is far from becoming a currency. It can be assumed that the digital infrastructure for the introduction of digital central bank currencies should be completed by May 2022. In the course of the current corona crisis, there is a comprehensive digital upheaval.
And who knows: maybe the digital vaccination records, which many people now have, will experience a phase of transformation in order to convert them into digital wallets.
Then it would also be possible to make payments with digital central bank currencies using these new digital wallets.
All of this would of course only be due to “total coincidence”.”
Martin Armstrong hit a nail on the head, long time ago, with:
“For years, I have watched behind the curtain how they operate. I believe that Bitcoin was “ALLOWED” to be created for the sole purpose of moving to a digital currency. Just as they float a balloon in first to see how the market reacts, which allows them to always deny it.
Nobody knows who invented blockchain. Don’t you find it curious that such a major invention takes place and nobody takes credit? Even the notorious government propaganda site, Wikipedia, states: “The blockchain was invented by a person (or group of people) using the name Satoshi Nakamoto in 2008 to serve as the public transaction ledger of the cryptocurrency bitcoin.” This appears to be the perfect COVERT operation, for blockchain allows the government to trace every person who handled that Bitcoin.
This entire cryptocurrency has been sold as somehow circumventing the central banks, and it will defeat fiat currency when in fact it too is not backed by anything tangible. It has been a creative sales job just like COVID telling people their lives are at risk and we have to lock down the world because you only have a 99.5% chance of survival.
They always float a balloon, and it is done by someone who is NOT part of the current government, as was the case with Larry Summers — the father of NEGATIVE interest rates. All the intellectuals hail it as brilliant as they are now doing with the Great Reset. Once it becomes accepted, they move in for the kill.
Klaus Schwab and his World Economic Forum are doing precisely that. This is the BALLOON they are floating, and the governments need not risk their lives this way. They are allowing this to unfold one drop at a time. When they are done, you will have lost everything, and your posterity will become economic slaves fed prearranged propaganda, which is not really that different from “The Matrix.”
All governments in the West are on board. They have allowed Schwab to sell this idea to the people, and as they are conditioned, they will move forward. This is the enslavement of the population all because of their fiscal mismanagement of borrowing endlessly year after year with no intention of EVER paying anything back.
This entire Build Back Better agenda also requires a ONE WORLD GOVERNMENT. They are now trying to sell that idea, and I believe that is why they needed the Biden and Harris team, as they may not be intelligent enough to understand the implications.
Listen to Schwab talking about the unrest because those with the “gray market” jobs will be unemployed. This is the objective. We will surrender all rights so they can try a totalitarian form of government. Once a politician tastes power, they can never relinquish it.”
Something makes me thinking, because I heard of "possible problems" in October this year and between February and April next year:
Numero Uno: (Armstrong Economics)” You have to wonder why the universities are suddenly investigating if the vaccines are causing abortions. The government appears to have been playing around with the numbers to hide the fact that there just may be a problem with the vaccines causing spontaneous abortions.
Numero Due: ( Europa Central)” What is the vaccine-mad left doing now? Black Lives Matter protests against "racist corona vaccination passports"? It is THE social turn in the drama of the corona dictatorship that many observers have already been waiting for: minorities are now officially against the green corona vaccination passports because they are racist from their point of view . "Black Lives Matter (BLM)" dared to take the first step in the USA. How will the politically correct and more than vaccine-mad left react to this worldwide? What do the globalists do with their suddenly unruly protégés?
BLM protests against green vaccination certificate
Numero Tre:?
Fox News, Universities, BLM ? Next is CNN? Na ja, too many skeletons are hidden from the Covid victims in the closets and the closets are falling apart. British medicine will be blessed, as 95% of the victims there are cremated? Perfect crime evaporated in the air. The next phase is on the launch pad, because the Covid terror “story” is losing ground under the feet of “believers” as well? Among the people is hot separation, and it is time to forge… new future( NWO)?
Who will “they” throw under the bus first? Klaus Schwab (83), Biden (78), Billy “the Kid Killer” Gates (the Irish newspaper called him so, 65), Fauci (80), Internet Big Tech Censure?
Open the floodgates of Censure Dam, to make it white hot online first? A small spark from a Chinese embattled developer Evergrande company in October, as an appetizer, before Big February-April?
Do I have time to read: The Tavistock Institute of Human Relations : shaping the moral, spiritual, cultural, political and economic decline of the United States of America? NO, not this.
This: Tavistock Institute: Social Engineering the Masses
President of Croatia has something to tell you
Lawrence Henry Summers( London School of Economics and Political Science, grounded 1895), in administration of Bill Clinton ( University of Oxford, Rhodes scholarship),and Obama administration. Inventor of negativ interest rate. Brilliant. Inside job Movie.
He is a former president of Harvard University (2001–2006),[3][5] where he is currently (as of March 2017) a professor and director of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.[3]
He is a former president of Harvard University (2001–2006),[3][5] where he is currently (as of March 2017) a professor and director of the Mossavar-Rahmani Center for Business and Government at Harvard's Kennedy School of Government.[3] Not to Africa, but Europe is their heavy poluted industry moving from Germany, to south and east Europe. Absolutely not downgrading, because of New Green Deal, just transfering, investing more in them east. No polution for polution owners. England did same. From real economy to uncovered.
USA with Bill Clinton moved 60 000 companies to China. NWO order?
Considering the very real possibility that Obama might still be impeached and Glass-Steagall restored in the United States, bringing America back towards its constitutional roots as outlined by American statesman Lyndon LaRouche, the desire by the British oligarchy to keep a tight grip on its North American colony in recent years has been more desperate now during the economic collapse than ever before.
The Economic Meltdown Was Always the Intention.
In the documentary Inside Job, Summers is portrayed as one of the main culprits of the 2007 crisis. [21] [21]
Article written by Charles Ferguson by the time of the film's premiere in the United States of America.