The guy in the video promoting the idea of human engineering so people can’t tolerate red meat, where he refers to folks bitten by an infected lone star tick, and thus can no longer tolerate eating beef. Where he wants to, I’m sure, get some government grant to study such fucking evilness…I can’t even find the words. I feel like throwing a bucket of infected ticks down his pants (let’s see how HE likes contracting tickborne diseases). The overt evilness is stultifying. What the FUCK is wrong with these people?! And I’m sick to death of the elites and giant corporations, who are the ones poisoning our Earth, blaming everything on us: Take shorter showers! Use Smaller toilet tanks! (So we can flush twice, by the way). Don’t use incandescent light bulbs! (Instead, use LEDs which damage our health). Use less air conditioning and heating! Stop driving around in your car! Take these dangerous drugs! Don’t question our authority! Don’t water your lawn! Don’t drink fresh water! Recycle plastic stuff! (How about they stop manufacturing all that crap in the first place). Don’t cook with gas stoves! Buy an electric car! This bullshit started in the 1970’s as far as I can determine. It’s all a bunch of propaganda. To hell with all of them. People: please, please, wake the hell up! P.S. My apologies, Tessa. I’m up to here with these assholes.

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I think you are not alone in being "up to here with these assholes"! They are heartless.

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Hi Tessa. Long time no chat. I am still struggling a bit with a response to Anneke Lucas forgiving her sex-slave captors as themselves being victims of childhood trauma. I admire her willingness and capacity to dive down the rabbit hole of human nature. But I don't think all 'evil' is part of a trauma-chain. Some people are just born with neither the capacity or willingness to love. Morphologically, they don't have the neural structure to allow for empathy or shame. From the viewpoint of the more neurotypical majority, yes. They are heartless, and I am at a loss as to how forgive a scorpion for being a scorpion, the devil for being the devil. If, as Robert Sapolsky suggests, free will is just an illusion (though I have some problems with that kind of materialist reductionism), maybe 'forgiveness' is the wrong tool to treat such sickness. Or, by temperament, maybe some of us have no choice but to forgive? No choice but to despise? (sigh) Maybe I should change my name to Ouroboros?

Cheers Tessa.

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Hi Steve, I am very happy to hear from you after a long while!! How are you doing?

My own understanding of forgiveness is internal peace and being able to look at it from high above and seeing the big picture. People in general do a lot of "stupid shit," for the lack of a better term. I believe that in the end, there is always learning and healing. So in a way, forgiveness is letting go of control and and allowing the higher powers to fix it. That kind of forgiveness is reserved for situations when good people misguidedly do horrible things.

Then there is immediate forgiveness and healing when the time is ripe, and the person who did something hurtful has recognized it apologized.

Then there are situations when people knowingly do bad things and harm others, I don't usually thinking about them a whole lot, they are walking their own journey, in the grand scheme of things they will come to the place where they will have to fix the harm in some way but that may be in another lifetime, and no point in thinking about it too much since we are here and now, with work to do.

So it's all very complex, the way I see it.


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Hi again Tessa, and thanks for taking time out to chat with me.

Your explanation of different shades of meaning of 'forgiveness' makes a lot of sense. Much thanks. I think this is what Tereza C. was trying to tell me in a YouTube comment about the topic, and I just couldn't catch it at the time, probably because I have not yet come to the point of forgiving a few people who've been instrumental in my loss of career. I will have to spend a bit more time forging my thoughts to her substack post about forgiveness ... and that is a problem because I am a bit slower than the average bear. Or maybe more easily distracted?

Regarding my life situation ... I owe an unpayable debt of gratitude to a couple of close friends here in Japan, but without family or self sustaining assets, I still have to reconcile forgiveness with the loss of hope for anything resembling prosperity in the future. Japan has never been known as a land of opportunity or second chances. I guess my best therapy is to forget about "me" and spend what resources I have left on those even more marginalized. Now trying to increase connections at a new local community center to address that.

But a wrench in the works is my physical health. In the next three weeks, will have a minimum of 6 visits to medical clinics and a hospital. Got my one-year general check-up coming up, another two visits for a one-year post-operation check to see if the daily thyroxine dose is compensating for my right thyroid gland removal. And while getting a diagnosis and prescription for what I thought was a long summer cold, a blood test revealed I had developed allergies to sesame and nuts, and a second visit prompted the doctor to verify I was suffering from atrial fibrillation while in his office. He immediately put me on medication to stabilize the rhythm and thin my blood to prevent clotting, but I am hoping further tests will show it was just the result of too much coffee. Now trying to ween myself from that favorite addiction. God help me, I love my coffee.

But enough of the grumpy old man stuff.

Still trying to find my rhythm and groove in substack, but gaining more traction in comments than from posts. At least some of those like-minded substack connections live here in Japan. Otherwise isolated by our anti-plandemic stance here in a culture of compliance, Kitsune, Guy Gin, and myself have started a monthly "attitude adjustment session' over a beer, and that number of substack activist-drinkers will probably double over the next month or so. Hoping something more will come of it, but learning the hard way that immediate, personal health comes first.

I read about how Dr. Mercola and family have been shafted by the bank, so I am hoping you are not part of the collateral damage. How are things with you Tessa? Your name has been passed around the monthly beer mugs as among substack favorites.

Cheers Tessa, and again, honored you took time out to write me.


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I am so sorry to hear you are having health problems!!

Do you have any opportunity to see a naturopath? How does it work in Japan? I am most certainly not a doctor but all those seemingly separate things could be a part of one root issue (maybe, maybe not, only you and a qualified open-minded doctor would be able to figure it out probably).

I am hanging in there like many of us!! xoxo

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The guy in the video, I saw this a few years back and thought immediately they would engineer a tick to do this. And they most likely have. Since then I have read the book Bitten by Kris Newby and it all makes sense.

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Thanks for the beautiful rant!

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“The overt evilness is stultifying. What the FUCK is wrong with these people?!”

Does this explain why? http://www.hare.org/links/saturday.html

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thats so interesting; I've always thought I have a pretty good bull shit meter and secretly suspected many of the ppl I've met in my life were "psychos". Hare's work confirms I'm probably right!

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A bullshit meter is one thing. Being able to spot deception from psychopaths, who are expertly skilled liars, is another thing.

I think that we culturally evolved to be cooperative, which necessitates a certain level of trust. It’s this trust that psychopaths take advantage of.

There are some pretty decent books which go into in-depth descriptions of psychopathy.

Have you heard of the book “Political Ponerology”?

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Aug 12, 2023Edited
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There’s evidence -- if one is courageous enough and willing enough to utilize the highest form of logic (namely, critical analysis) to separate evidence from belief systems -- that some people are born without consciences and without the ability to experience empathy and remorse. This evidence is mostly rejected, with that rejection being the result of utilizing various unconscious mental processes, aka defense mechanisms.

Fortunately, these essential psychopaths are only approximately 1% of the world’s population. Unfortunately, they are at the pinnacle of the power hierarchy.

Perhaps they are counterbalanced by another 1% of the world’s population. If Tolstoy is correct, maybe there are saints (natural heirs of the kingdom of heaven) among us too. Genuine holy people, born that way.

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True. Most leadership is psychopathic and they rise faster in the ranks that way. I speculate that they can make people believe what the people want to believe, and somehow these manipulated people miss the red flags and danger signs. We love the psycho's charisma (for telling us what we want to hear), and they thrive on manipulating us to do what they want and damn the cost which will be born by OTHERS not by the psycho

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Aug 12, 2023Edited
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I think that you make valid points, especially how the spirit of humanity is broken. Consider the argument that civilization itself favors psychopaths, who are a combination of predator with parasite with cancer (unrestrained growth of their power). Now their twin goals are eugenics and depopulation. Not their own depopulation of course.

Additionally, psychopaths are master deceivers. What’s their natural specialty? Throughout nature, a variety of predatory and parasitic organisms employ a combination of mimicry and adaptability to prevent other organisms on which they depend from detecting their energy-draining motives. Among humans, psychopaths are the keepers of this tradition. Does our culture, our global civilization with its power hierarchy, select for the masses to be susceptible to deception? Maybe. I was just reading about it and offer the following quoted information, which includes information about how the masses have been overcome:

“Throughout nearly all of our species’ hundreds of thousands of years on this planet, we lived in relatively egalitarian bands and tribes of just a few hundred people at most... This all changed drastically with the rise of modern civilization only several thousand years ago – the blink of an eye in the timeline of human history. Small egalitarian entities were supplanted by massive, hierarchical governmental, military, business and religious institutions. Suddenly, for the first time, positions actually existed in which a person or small group of people could wield arsenals of economic and technological weapons with the potential to cause massive suffering and destruction in order to exert power over thousands, hundreds of thousands or even millions of people. And, while the masses may still have had an incentive to detect and neutralize deceitful, destructive individuals, powerful forces now often had both the incentive and the means to limit investigation and control communications so as to obfuscate the true nature of some of their devious activities.”

The next part, taken from the same online article on psychopathy, has the following subtitle:

“Psychopathy May Have Even Been Instrumental in the Genesis of Civilization Itself”.

<begin quote> It may be no coincidence that modern civilization is flush with opportunities for psychopathic exploitation and image-shaping. Some, including myself, have hypothesized that exactly this type of psychopathic influence may have played a role in the transformation of human societies from hunter-gatherer bands and tribes to civilization in the first place. A look at the nature of civilization’s emergence explains why.

Our modern civilization was born when a certain form of agriculture, which Daniel Quinn calls "totalitarian agriculture," began to be practiced around 10,000 years ago in the Middle East. Quinn describes how early practitioners of this intensive form of agriculture, driven both by its inherently expansive nature and a possibly religious belief in its status as the "one right way" to live, began to conquer neighboring cultures and force them – violently, if necessary - to similarly "take up the plow”.

This new, expanding form of food production enabled, in an unprecedented fashion, a sedentary lifestyle characterized by large surpluses of food and storable goods which required guarding. And it was out of this newfound need for security that hierarchical power structures and militaries emerged. The ultimate result of this process was the growth of cities and the modern civilization within which nearly all surviving humans live today.

The question that must be asked and which leads to hypotheses about the role of psychopathy in civilization’s rise is this:

What kind of people would develop such a dominating form of agriculture that literally requires constant expansion, insist on it as the "one right way" for everyone to live and then set about ruthlessly forcing them to do so through often violent conquest, setting in motion a process that would eventually engulf nearly the entire world?

Given what we know of their nature, it must at least be considered that psychopathic individuals may have been centrally involved.<end quote>

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I keep coming back to Steven Newcomb's "System of Domination," I think his work is just brilliant https://tessa.substack.com/p/how-domination-drives-genocides

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Hello Raphael.

Just a quick interjection in a good dialogue you have going. Having lived in Japan for 40 years, I see patterns of behavior that are a fractal of what is happening on the world stage, and can't help but to see assumptions about "human nature' as at the heart of the problem ... particularly the problem of scaling. The small percentage of psychopaths in any population might be identified and kept somewhat under control within families, friends, and small communities. Sometimes.

But in populations larger than Dunbar's number, the edge goes to the psychopaths because the necessary hierarchies are rule-driven rather than empathy driven. This also has some interesting implications for any algorithmic "morality' trying to solve the A.I. / human alignment problem.

Another way I've tried to reconcile the inevitable fall of every empire is that humans are at their best as 'social primates' ... members of small, collaborative groups ... not as 'herding primates'. atomized, anonymous individuals competing for attention, love, identity, etc. in large herds.

And yet another angle from where I've thought about this is in the moral dilemma of the Trolley Car problem. I suppose one's choices depend largely on how personally familiar one is to those who will live or die. By extension, if that trolley car is in another town, state, or country ... or if one is charge of deciding multiple trolley car problems all day long, I am guessing the further removed from one's own family, friends, and community, the greater the step over a moral line one is willing to make. Or perhaps has to make by virtue of personal distance and scale.

Just some thoughts on a rainy day in Tokyo.

Cheers from Japan.


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Aug 13, 2023Edited
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We installed a three-stage filtration system for our kitchen sink and a simpler filter for the bathroom sink. This was intended to reduce micro plastics in our water but maybe it will help with hidden sewage as well. Our society seems hell-bent on re-primitivization but without the good parts. No extended families,no big broods of kids, no unspoiled natural. But all the warlords, plagues, and bad hygiene.

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That's exactly it!! Without the good parts, without the camaradeire, without joy, and without a healthy microbiome that protects from the crap. You nailed it!

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Quit drinking tap water got an alexapure 2 gallon filter. Only drink that and cook with. Buy an occasional gal distilled water and that's the best of all. Put it in sun jars and make structured water with the sun's help. Currently feeding it to my basil that grows hydroponically. Best rooting system I've seen developed using that solar structured distilled water.

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I have a distiller at home. I wanted to test the quality of that OTC distilled water so I bought a gallon and put it through the distiller. There was almost as much sediment etc in the distiller afterwards as there is with water straight from the tap. I do not trust any store bought distilled water. The process is long and I think it's impossible for them to put out thousands upon thousands of gallons of truly distilled water. Been distilling at home for 15 years and am still using the same 250$ distiller. They are well worth the investment. We don't use the distilled water for drinking, but for medicinal purposes, mixing our own Hydrogen Peroxide solution, sinus cleansing, canning vegetables (keeps the brine nice and clear), and a myriad of other incredible uses. Again... worth the investment to make our own just like most everything we make ourselves. It's always of a higher quality.

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hum good thing then that I run it through the filter as well! I will say, I'm sure you are correct in that. Which brand of distiller did you get?

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Aloha Tessa, it’s so refreshing to read & feel your Feline/Feminine Energy!

May I suggest a couple of books by Dr. Vandana Shiva: “Water Wars: Privatization, Pollution, and Profit.” “Ecofeminism (co-authored with Maria Miles). “Biopiracy: The Plunder of Nature and Knowledge). “Staying Alive: Women, Ecology, and Survival in India.)

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Thank you, Larry! I like Vandana quite a bit!!

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I LOVE Dr. V. Shiva! She is one helluva a Woman! She can make a grown man cry…

Pedal to the metal…full speed ahead...

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Vandana Shiva is one of my heroes. A REAL hero.

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Dr. Shiva is a very brave Soul. I agree Cathleen, thank you for your comment.

Aloha & Mahalo. Enjoy the weekend.. More Heroes lest Zeroes…

Stay healthy, stay strong, and be Cool...

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your articles are horrifying. but not only are they infecting our water with sewage they are poisoning it, you should see what fluoride does to the glass and pipes in the treatment plants. i have a pic somewhere. I was so mad a few years ago when I returned some unused medicine to the vet to be "disposed of properly" like they are supposed to do in liberal oregon, and this know-it-all vet tech poured it down the toilet where it ended up in the streams etc. And you know all those drugs we take get into the water. And of course they deliberately kill off the river life with their train derailments.

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Unfortunately, this it true, too. I was aware of the toxins, and fluoride (although I never thought about what it does to the pipes), and the drugs. But after I looked into the basic lack of sanitary norms as far as sewage overflow and insufficient filtering, I am appalled. And now this whole poop-to-the-glass thing is even more insane!

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I feel very fortunate to be living out in the woods, with a well (not on a municipal water system). We test our water every few years.

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That is indeed very fortunate! When I was a kid, I spent my summers in the country, and there was a beautiful source of spring water. It was so tasty!!

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It is appalling. I'm glad you're bringing awareness to it. I had no idea. I bought the propaganda. I mentioned the pipes because think of what it does to the body, if it corrodes the pipes so bad, it burns holes.

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They tried this in Queensland over a decade ago in a country town called Toowoomba. Funny enough everyone in the state started calling the town Poowoomba. 😋

From 2006








I filter my water anyway, as it's fluoridated and chlorinated.

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Oh wow, so in 2006 it was "controversial," and now it's "planet-saving." How times change...

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Check out this original country singer, he has hair like my Granddad did.

It's great song which is resonating among the working class.

Mind and thought can change the world.


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12% of Scottish people have red hair.

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Filtration will not remove soluble chemicals dissolved in water such as sodium chloride or sodium fluoride.

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you can distill water yourself. There are machines to do it for home use, limited like a gallon a day or so. Reverse osmosis which is what I use takes out 300 chemicals and cryptosporidium etc. Do not think it gets EVERY thing but a huge help with fluoride, chlorine, Atrazine and the like. Then, take that water filter again, for minerals to soften it. Our water is very hard mineral water. I hear that if I drill 120 ft down here in Fla, I can hit fresh water, not the Sulphurous smelling water that the shallower wells pump.

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When I first left school in 1958 I worked as a lab technician in an organic chemistry lab in Langley, near Oldbury. There was a device that produced completely pure water. It tasted awful. Birmingham City had excellent tap water that came by pipe from the Elan Valley in Wales. The superb Flowers bitter beer served up in the local pub in Langley at lunchtime bings back happy memories.

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Did you test that tap water later, did it still taste good?

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I have not lived in Birmingham since 1967, so I have no idea, except that my father told me that Birmingham City Council introduced sodium fluoride into the water supply, that would reduce tooth decay in children.

When I was growing up my family drank tea. At school I drank a free pint of milk a day delivered to every school in England produced by local dairy farms. Margaret Thatcher put a stop to that in 1971.

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It seems like many, many politicians are just not at peace until they mess everything up!!

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Depends on what filter you use.

Yes you can filter it out. You can even get whole house filter, though its a bit pricy that one. Cheapest to do just drinking water.

Best water is well water or filtered rain water from tank. I miss the clean water out country.

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Allegedly hi-end filters filter everything out. Have you ever tested the results?

And I think we no longer have the rain water as an ideal, with all the geoengineering and nanoparticle craze, rain water is likely very contaminated, alas!

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Oh you have to filter the rain water, easier to filter as it only has 20 to 40 ppm, so filters last longer too. Tap water has 700ppm, 20 years ago tap water use to be 200ppm. Yeah it's all contaminated to a degree. All filtering is another expense.

Unless you have access to good ground water or natural spring, which is already filtered, which is the best water, also being the cheapest if you have it on the land you live on.

I've tested the results from high end filter it came out 0.0 EC. Just reverse osmosis. which is 4 stage filter. 7 stage reverse osmosis is better for drinking as it alkalizes and mineralizes the water.

You can also structure your water with resonance frequency.

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Would human engineering of politicians be considered moral or tick-like?

Google images of "Knysna Estuary", true paradise. I lived there for 9 years, and sewerage was a regular problem. For two years, I lived alongside Salt River, and was the only one in my area cleaning it (but that was useless considering what I couldn't see which, for example, was the pesticide run-off from the exclusive golf course on the hill).

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I raised the alph-GAL (has been used as an adjuvant in previous vaxxx apparently) issue on another blog, but had no response. I have seen an explosion of this syndrome in patients in my own limited practice. It strikes me that this, too, is part of the biowar - immunize everyone against meat and - Voila! - we can mover everyone to crickets!. I suspect that there are alpha-galactose variants within the vaxxx that are triggering these reactions... It is not just ticks.

And, re: water treatment: We lived in the Seattle (AKA Emerald City or Inslee-stan) area for a time (on Bainbridge Island) and that "progressive" burg is on the forefront of infrastructure disintegration. While we were in the area, there were multiple massive dumps of raw sewage into Puget Sound following their periodic heavy rains. Not surprisingly, 100% of Puget Sound salmon are contaminated with psych drugs.

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Can you please share the link to the blog? I am curious!

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Tessa... Not sure what you need, but here are some links on alpha-GAL syndrome:




I brought this up on WMC's substack several weeks ago, but haven't been able to find exact location (https://substack.com/@wmcresearch)

And, re: Puget Sound contamination:



Hope this helps.

Peace and hope!

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Thank you!! Oh I thought you wrote an article about it and wanted to read your article. I will read these links!!

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The Fluoride Deception by Christopher Bryson, copyright 2004. Seven Stories Press, 140 Watts St.,New York, NY 10013. ($18.36). Distributed by Penguin Random House,LLC.


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They're so unethical they can't see their own repulsive, disgustingness and desperate need to control others out of some deluded, grand insecurity and insatiable greed.

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I think the ones at the very top can see it, I think they might be scared that people will wake up and what it may entail for them (they will be expelled for good at the very least). So they try to maintain the dysfunctional charade, and they have been at it for quite a while. I think they are so deep in bad deeds that they are terrified of being held accountable, spiritually or in a worldly way, and they are trying to prolong the upside-down arrangement. But they can't do it forever. Nothing dysfunctional lasts forever. The question is, when many people will start coming back to their senses in a lasting manner.

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I’ve reached the point where I don’t care whether they realize it or not. It doesn’t seem to matter…the results are the same, are they not?

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Oh Tessa, did you hear about the massive Fire in Lahaina, Maui? So far 63 people died, over 1200 homes burned to the ground, over 200 businesses burned down too. The whole town, no electricity, cell phone service, many tourists had to flee into the bay. Check out www.civilbeat.org. (Honolulu Civil Beat, Inc. (online independent news media). Maui News.

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Very sad!!!! What a tragedy!

Sasha wrote about it very convincingly, it looks like there had been a plan to turn it into a high-tech development area, and now they can do that. It is very suspicious!!

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Yes Tessa, absolutely … Lahaina was a whaling town before it transformed into a”Tourist Trap.’

There are many WOKE people in Maui. PRISON ISLAND…

“RESTORING THE KINGDOM OF HAWAII; The Kanaka Maoli Route To Independence, By

Francis A. Boyle, copyright 2015, www.claritypress.com.

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word is out that the death toll is possibly 1000+ but MSM are under reporting the numbers

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Aloha zeb11, thanks for the update.

Check out www.civilbeat.org. (Maui News).

civilbeat.org is a online only news web site. It is a moderately independent Journalism source.

Honolulu Civil Beat. Inc

PO Box 10857

Honolulu, HI 96816

I don’t watch cable TV. I cut the cable over ten years ago. Cable TV sucks.

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I've been filtering (with a *high quality* filtering system) and/or distilling my drinking and cooking water for years. It's an investment every one of us needs to make. If one can't afford the top of the line filtering system, even one of the many pitcher filters are better than nothing. Every single one of us *must* be filtering our drinking water. Boiling can help as well. If you don't have the money for a filter, at a minimum at least boil the hell out of your water before you drink it.

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Good for you! I have been filtering my drinking water as well! But there is still dish washing, and showers, etc, etc. I am now very suspicious, on top of already being suspicious about the chemicals :)

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5 gallon jugs of self-fill R-O drinking water are always around at our house.

Cheaper than going to Starbucks, for sure.

Still have my tonsils, though my appendix tried to kill me when I was 4.

Body parts all have good reasons for existing, but the appendix is sort of a developmental remnant of the past.

I don't suggest a pre-emptive strike, though. Not worth it statistically...

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Good for you on the drinking water! I am somehow not surprised, John! :)

You are lucky with the tonsils!!

And believe it or not, I read recently that they are discovering that appendix is really really good for breeding good gut bacteria, including in adults (I think). But of course, emergencies are another matter!!


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My Mom's appendix tried to kill her in Arizona whan she was 12. She survived surgery (1950, Yay Penicillin!)

My older son's appendix tried to kill him in Cambodia, on our big trip. I injected him with antibiotics and we hightailed it for Bangkok "You should avoid surgery in Cambodia", they say.

A troubled vestigial organ, the humbling appendix is...

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Oh wow, I am so glad it all ended well!!!

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you want to spread prions you either eat brains or you eat poop

guess we aren't at eating brains yet

but I'm not holding my breath on it staying that way for long

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Don't worry about the lone star tick... it's more likely from vaccines etc


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I think it's impossible to know, and there could be several factors. "Vaccines" come with a ton of crap, that's for sure. Contagion as such exists though, alas, and that's regardless of what anyone thinks about viruses specifically. :)

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Please remain diligent about ticks (all types). They carry and transmit dangerous infections. Unfortunately, I speak from personal experience.

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Lyme, Babesia, Anaplasmosis, Mycoplasm(s) (the last very hard to treat), Ricketts, Rocky Mountain spotted Fever, Relapsing fever... all from your friendly little ticks. Animals that consume ticks? Chickens/Guinea fowl. Possums. Frogs. Lizards. Spiders. Ants and fire ants. All excellent at eating ticks.

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Am I the only one to notice (probably not!) that Bill Gates complexion resembles that of a Gila monster recently run over by a freight truck?

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I have missed that story!

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Texas man released from prison after killing 8-year-old girl now charged with 2 more murders Decades earlier, Meza caused an uproar in Texas towns where he tried settling down after serving about a third of a 30-year sentence in the rape and killing of 8-year-old Kendra Page. He was released in 1993 with credit for good time served. https://www.nbcnews.com/news/amp/rcna99495.

Tennessee is in Special Session on Red Flag Laws, one of the areas is an expansion of Mental Health issues, without a clear understanding of the Pandora's box they are opening. Red Flag Laws for mental health is a wider scope than they are leading you to believe. https://rumble.com/v36n6hd-we-are-playing-with-fire-putting-more-federal-money-into-mental-health-in-t.html Gun violence is not all mental health issues, Some are just born with no ability to tell right from wrong, come from abusive homes. Watch too much gratuitous violence play those violent Games, You can add in TicTox. They need to know the difference between a Sociopath and a Psychopath.

Can you see the Pandora's box this opens? This needs more investigation before it is allowed to be a Red Flag Law. https://www.webmd.com/mental-health/psychopath-sociopath-differences#:~:text=They%20use%20a%20different%20term,the%20former%20name%20for%20ASPD. They are caused by Transitioning drugs and Physche drugs. ADD, ADHD. Several like Ozempic are in that category, as are many others in a wide range of Meds. And suicide by cop, as in a mass shooting can be used. This is a very dangerous area, we don't want on the books. Our legislators can't go this direction as it affects too many people who are stable on their meds. Then you can add in PSTD. UNTREATED REPEATED HEAD INJURIES, MILITARY ARE TOLD NOT TO REPORT. NOT IN YOUR RECORDS A TBI IS DENIED, AND THEY CAN/WILL KILL THEMSELVES OR OTHERS. https://www.forbes.com/sites/ariannajohnson/2023/07/11/can-ozempic-cause-suicidal-thoughts-heres-what-the-research-says/?sh=301ba59c2b03 ANTI CONVULSION DRUGS https://jamanetwork.com/journals/jama/fullarticle/185674

200 COMMON DRUGS https://www.vox.com/science-and-health/2018/6/14/17458726/depression-drugs-suicide-side-effect

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