deletedJul 4
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Thats why I gave up smoking the reefer and quit drinking the alcohol

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To clarify, the comment was deleted by the author, to which he is entitled!

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What she is saying makes sense.

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She is incredibly beautiful, and so humble.

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I'm so happy for you. Truly, I know exactly the feeling; it's like for the first time you see yourself, all of who you are, and you can't help but cry tears of joy, but also relief. You feel seen, and being the person who sees yourself is beautiful. That moment for me was when life actually started being worth it. I went from going through life, to living life :)

May that self-love reign strong and true for the remainder of your days, Tessa. <3

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WoW ~ Beautiful Deeply Felt RAW Love Great post!

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Another great resource for this is oraclegirl.org. I’m so glad you found this and shared it with us!

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Hi Tessa.

Just past lunch time here in Tokyo, and experiencing a bit of synchronicity. No, not the minor earthquake that just hit, but something closer to a mind-heart quake ... an unexpected triangulation of three "things" or "experiences".

1 — While organizing my saved podcasts, I was re-watching, re-evaluating, and saving the following as a step-up from typical self-help podcast peddlers. JMHO, but it is a pretty good breakdown showing the confluence of applied psychology, therapy, and the dark-triad machiavellianism of Edward Bernays and large scale populations ... how he empowered other opportunists to herd us without regard for the path of Platonic ideals of truth, goodness, or beauty. And the host shared a good strategy for overcoming the sociopathic designs of others. https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=wXuW8xwzBsc.

2 — While listening to the podcast with half-a-brain, I skimmed through your post. At first, not understanding what you were referring to, I wondered if you had just found a new life partner, a new guru, or ?

3 — When I finished the skim, I put the still running YouTube podcast on pause, clicked the FB link you referred to, and listened to her until the end. Without hesitation, I hit the "Follow" button ... thinking she should spread her insights on other platforms, including substack. But I guess she has kind of done that through you.

There was so much overlap between the three — what I needed to hear and when I needed to hear it — that I couldn't help but to think of the goose-bump magic of "synchronicity" ... but then again, I suspect "synchronicity" is the norm when one is consciously aware that fundamentally, everything and everyone is connected ... that "spiritual naturalist / god as metaphor for nature in its entirety" thingy that the likes of Spinoza, William Blake, and Einstein were all about.

A tricky part is in trying to capture that awareness and share it through the double-edged sword of language. When we restrict ourselves to the linguistic register of conversation or even good prose, sociopaths can throw around words such as "love" just as easily as those who are swimming in the experience, or in your case, dancing in it.

Sociopaths are keen observers and clever imitators of the real thing. But they do it as a zero-sum game serving a stunted and pathological definition of "self" as distinct from "other" ... rather than "self" as a reflection of "other", "love", "god", "nature in its entirety" ... whatever linguistic street signs we use pointing to the experience.

I need to remind myself that these sociopathic imitations are not restricted to the domain of wordsmiths. Though a necessarily blunt distinction here, the bread and circuses of "mere" entertainment constantly play a cat-and-mouse game of imitating "art" at its best.

Despite my attempts at avoiding the same limits of language, no doubt a clever sociopath can copy-paste and distort my own words to serve their selfish ends. And so, over and over again, we are compelled to aspire to authenticity ... to re-cast that ageless joy into new stories, songs, and dances, or just lending a hand to those who need it.

Thank you Tessa, for sharing your joy, and a new voice for a truth older than the hills.

You made my day with this post.

Now I can finish my cup of coffee, and get back to some much needed house-cleaning, but with more deliberateness and clarity than usual.

Warm regards,


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Thank you again, Steve! And I am so glad you enjoyed her talk. She is very healing.

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Indeed, Tessa ... healing, inspiring, and authentic ... and in a conversational way that invites the listener to feel it in their bones.

Cheers Tessa, and thank YOU!

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But why the vaccines. Why did The WHO mandate the vaccines from 2020 after disinformation laws had been put in place in all of the 196 member WHO countries which donate to WHO, from early 2020 to 2023 and nudging to get the majority of you all vaccinated by telling you their vaccines were safe and effective and what did those vaccines legally make you - do you really want to know the legal back story:

“The Supreme Court (2013) ruled that if there is anything synthetic, not from nature, inside of our genome, then whoever owns the patent on those synthetic parts now owns part or all of you as a human. That means Bill and Melinda Gates, The Department of Defense, [and others] can literally own a human being. If this synthetic code is taken up into your genome, by law, you could be owned overnight.”

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a 5-4 decision, affirmed. It ruled, in part:

Living, man-made micro-organism is patentable subject matter as a “manufacture” or “composition of matter” within the meaning of the Patent Act of 1952. The fact that the organism sought to be patented is alive is no bar to patentability.

Patentability of human genes (mRNA and DNA)

Ultimately the Supreme Court ruled that only cDNA (synthetic DNA) is patentable. Isolated, natural DNA is not patentable, But in a nutshell, biotechnology companies can own living things if said things are genetically-modified and not naturally-occurring.

The synthetic mRNA of Pfizer and Moderna, along with the viral vector DNA delivery systems of Johnson & Johnson and AstraZeneca, change your genetic code, making you “genetically-modified.” Moderna Chief Medical Officer Tal Zaks tells you straight up that 1) the shots change your genetic code and 2) the shots do not stop the spread of COVID-19. He says the Moderna shot is “hacking the software of life”

Viral vectors do the same thing.

So do these companies “own you” once you get the shots? Well, they own mice and bacteria created with their inventions. Once you get these shots, you are no longer a “naturally-occurring” human being.

Gene therapy is irreversible.

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There are two things that are simultaneously true, in my opinion. There are people who try to do many wicked things, and sometimes, temporarily, they get their way (usually when people are yet to learn how to protect themselves). At the same time, fear is toxic to our soul, and love is what allows us to be effective (but it needs to be authentic, free, strong love).

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Jul 4Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you Tessa.

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Thank you so much, Michael!

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Thank you for publishing this. I think it will be helpful to many. We are here precisely for the lessons this playground has to offer. It is easy to love when you suffer no negative consequences for doing so. It is much harder to love you are attacked and harmed. It is only when you become aware of the big picture that the value of this becomes apparent. When you are secure within infinity it all starts to make sense, no?

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Thank you, William!! Hugs!

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Most folks love themselves. They revel in themselves. They worship themselves. I was thinking that you would be a rare case that didn't love yourself. Maybe it is mostly a male thing. Idk. Anorexia and bulimia seem to be mostly feminine afflictions. Maybe the female is more subject to the loving and loathing of themselves phenomenon. Thus, they do things like this or become cutters and the like. Where the boys may just go along unthinking until they blow completely or adapt naturally or logically. Thinking about something like 'Love' only confuses and confounds, at the very least, this man. I could wish to banish the thought, even though Love is what is probably needed more than anything else. A non-perverted love that is. The kind that would not confuse and confound.

As for the not-so-great reset. What a circle jerk of wet dreams. I could also wish Tessa would not spend her energies on such a subject. Tessa will mind what Tessa minds to mind. Either way, I will likely still read your writings and may occasionally comment. Hopefully not like a troll. Maybe more like a brother or a father. Even then, with reservations. Take care of yourself

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Paul dear, I pray that your soul guides you to feel more comfortable with exploring the feeling of love, however it feels right to you when you think about it, or become open to feeling it, rather. Your own Soul knows it better than anyone, when other people say things, true or not, if the words don't speak to you in the moment, it's just words

As far as the societal overtake that is currently being aggressively attempted (in this version), situational awareness is important. Love is the power that helps us make sense of what's going on in a way that helps us deal with it in the best way possible. Again, not words like "love," the actual state. Hugs to you!

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Thank you for your prayer. Love exists. Love is something to be shared. I'd rather experience it than explore it. To explore it seems more like trying to define it instead of having the experience of love without sharing love... Egad! you see my dilemma. Me running away!

And situational awareness becomes a state of mind as well. Circumstance tends to be the author. Then who authors the circumstance? What a twisting turning seesaw of a puzzle. The more truth presented, the less the power of delusion. As far as societal overtake; societies have been taken over and over again. This day may be the biggest nastiest ugly to date. Okay then, maybe I could wish you would stop using that term. That one, like so many others are presented and pushed by maybe we-know-who, and then used by folks. I'd prefer Tessa, and other folks start using terms that more resemble the truth. Terms like the-not-so-great-reset-attempt et al

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Thank you for sharing your mind, Paul! What I've noticed subjectively about myself, and I am speaking of myself, as only you can know yourself truly, so what I noticed about myself is that when something "triggers" me on some level, it is because it touches something on the inside that I don't like, or something that is true in some way but I don't know how to harmonize it. etc. Of course the great reset is not great, and of course it is an attempt. I usually say "aspiring masters" even though they do currently control a lot of what's happening in the world. It is temporary, it is not forever, they know it, they are so aggressive because they know that it is temporary and sooner or later the world will come back to love, so even when I say "the great reset," the assumption is that it is not great, and it is temporary. I hope it feels better to your senses!

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'as only you can know yourself truly', I may have some contention here as life seems a journey of discovery. A discovery of what for some, a discovery of who for others. Some mixture of this for sure for most perhaps. Without the journey, there would be no discovery. Thank you for responding with a discussion, Tessa. It has been evocative at a minimum. It is time for me to go for a walk and a nice walk is usually good for my senses.

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Thank you, Paul! enjoy your walk!

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I need to correct something. I didn't think you were a case where you didn't love yourself. And I do not think that you didn't. You clarified this, um (nuance?) in your article. Sometimes writing/texting conversation can be difficult for me. I do have some dyslexic type thought formations that spill into my writing and make editing a must if it can't be talked out. I'm not very practiced either. Sometimes every word or phrase should not be picked apart. But this phrasing in the fourth sentence of my opening needed some help. I re-read it, and it was not quite what I was thinking and not anywhere near what you what you wrote. You wrote that there were parts of yourself that you didn't love. I am also like that, and many probably are as well. I can be such a dolt sometimes Tessa. Forgive me. But you write of difficult subjects that interest me and I want to converse. But I write and it makes me wish that I hadn't. Thank you again.

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Paul and Tessa, Am going to try to share thoughts that as Paul said are hard to express sometimes. We all wrestle with who we are when we look deep inside because we see both good and evil components. This is the reality. We want to think of ourselves as good all the time, but we truly are not. We want to think of ourselves as able to love others as we love ourselves but we cannot. Why? Because honestly, we know we have things imperfect in us and it still comes out from time to time - in words (as Paul was referring to) and actions. The basis of this struggle is bound up in our thoughts the very heart of us. So when we focus in or on ourselves, we see both good and bad elements and that is the reason we continually struggle to come to grips with "truly feeling love for ourself, and truly giving that true love to others. We are also living in an imperfect world, so when we look at nature we see the same struggle between the two sides going on. This is why we can not look to ourselves, to anything in the world or to others for our source of the perfect love, perfect acceptance, perfect goodness that we desire. There is One source of such perfect love and that is our Creator and His only Holy Son Jesus who is alive and well today. This is where we must look to find our Source for all goodness, love, truth and freedom from the present struggle. Which is why God sent His Son to this world as the blending of God’s Spirit in human form, to show us the way to find our great desire. [John 3:16] Jesus epitomizes the Desire of all Ages and of all humanity. We have been given the Words spoken by the Spirit of God either through the words of Jesus or through the lips and pen of His true prophets recorded in Holy Scripture. There are many “worldly wise and knowing” people and ways - false prophets, and false gods and false books and false words aplenty, but we cannot waste our time on them. Our life age is short and while we look for ways to extend our life and to live long and enjoy perfect health, joy, love, etc. we will not achieve this “forever life” without the help of our Creator. Why do we continually look in all the wrong places and not look to the True Source? We insist on mingling Truth with error and miss much of the lessons the Creator is trying to teach us and the gifts He has in store. Why not read His Holy Book, the Bible, and study it with earnest desire to know our Creator and to know Truth? He already knows all about us (yet ‘artificial’ intelligence thinks to and claims to know all). Can’t we see the “fake” in all of the established ways of the world? Why do we not leave off our stubborn resistance to the Creator’s invitation to come and find true wisdom and knowledge and rest in Him alone? Read His 10 commandments [recorded in Exodus 20: 1-20] and see if there is anything that is not clearly understood and ask for His wisdom to truly follow it which is possible by His True Holy and Good Spirit. Creator spoke these with His own voice and wrote them with His own finger. If His Spirit and His true wisdom is what we truly desire then the choices are easy and the requirements are easy and the following along relationship with Him is easy. Does that mean we have to humbly admit that “the truth the whole truth and nothing but the truth” is not in us? That the true love and wisdom we need and want is not to be found within us or in the world as we currently examine things to be in comparison to Him? Yes, that is the truth. But no worry, no fear, He has promised to not only show us our defects but teach us and fix what is broken in us. He will fill us to overflowing. He will give us the new heart, new mind and new life we’ve always sought after – the desire of all ages of mankind as long as we each walk this journey. Please, hear what I am trying to share (not my flawed words) and pick up the Word of God and really look into it with all the longing that you express in your writings to find the keys to life, to love and happiness and to be able to share it with the world. One day we will see our Creator face to face and those who have truly looked for Him, looking for true love in order to receive and to give it, they will not be afraid. But woe to those who have sought to hide or run from His Truth all their lives rejecting His Word, His voice, His love, His hand of mercy and His invitation to reason wisely together and know Him, to “Come unto me all you who labor and who are heavy laden and I will give you rest.” Matthew 11:25-30 [At that time Jesus answered and said, I thank thee, O Father, Lord of heaven and earth, because thou hast hid these things from the wise and prudent, and hast revealed them unto babes. Even so, Father: for so it seemed good in thy sight. All things are delivered unto me of my Father: and no man knoweth the Son, but the Father; neither knoweth any man the Father, save the Son, and he to whomsoever the Son will reveal him. Come unto me, all ye that labour and are heavy laden, and I will give you rest. Take my yoke upon you, and learn of me; for I am meek and lowly in heart: and ye shall find rest unto your souls. For my yoke is easy, and my burden is light.]

It is not hard to find Truth. It is found by looking to Jesus and learning from Him.

And remember also this: If anyone speaks or teaches other than the Creator’s truth, the Creator’s words, there is no light in them. Follow the True Light and the True Spirit. Do not look within you or other humans or nature or the world’s ways for that True Light, True Love, True Wisdom, True Peace, True Joy. Always look in the Word of God and His law of liberty. James 1:25

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Jul 8·edited Jul 8

Paul your first paragraph speaks to my heart. I recognize how I wasted energy and years looking in the wrong places for love and support. It caused years of self-abuse and physical suffering. I received a sense of love from my father and mother, but even so it was imperfect and had its flaws. During the retired 'golden years' of my father's life I saw him studying the Holy Scriptures and praying with deep longing desire. It was inner peace he sought and he became a man who could love and forgive. That is the power of the Creator and the best legacy my earthly father gave me. At this time in my life dealing with the world's mess of confusion and all my broken dreams I'm finally recognizing that I will only receive the desires of my own heart from the Creator. I can't rely on anything else but His loving promises and having a solid relationship with Him. Having patience to wait for fulfillment of promise is not easy for me but I'm learning... A relationship of love and trust in someone trustworthy and loving are vital for all of us. While the world lets us all see that it is not coming from here, let us look up to the True Source. Keeping our eyes on that Truth is the rock that will steady us and give us hope in the storms we're passing thru and will continue to go thru until it's finally ended. The world will never give us what we need or desire, as it's all perverted. We have all wasted our valuable time and years of our life trying, searching and thinking on how to produce the impossible where there is no true love.

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As I read your comments I feel some response in the making. One was about the potential of AI in being very much like a child and the possibilities of future are quite in the zone of the fantastical. Beyond that, I may need to edit later for being quite saturated from driving the interstate near all day and my comprehension is a bit muddled at the moment. After writing to Tessa and her audience about the thoughts of 'Love' can confuse and confound, I thought of how sometimes reading of the Holy Scripture can also serve to confuse and confound. I'm rather certain that there are even passages that allude to the mind that must be opened to the message. I certainly read from a different perspective these days (when I do read) compared to the perspective of the past. Things are happening rather quickly today.

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Since I only have my phone at the moment, I can not edit my comment directly. As you wrote of the Holy Scriptures, with a beautiful sentiment, I responded but maybe not so beautifully. I am not advocating banishing the thought of them. In fact, will likely eventually dwell on them more and more, maybe like your father. Your story sounds like my story. Even though many years seem to have been wasted, wouldn't it be nice to find out there really is only true love and always has been. Or am I still dreaming?

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for those of us not on fb (i suspect there are many ;) can someone with access to fb please put the video up at a platform (rumble/dropbox/bitchute etc) where the rest of us can see it?

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Does FB refuse to show it if you are not logged in?

Oba puts a lot of genuine love into her work, it is her energy, I think it would be disrespectful to take it and upload it. It would be like stealing (well-intended stealing but stealing none the less, this is how I feel about it, it would be counter to the spirit of love and respect).

I will reach out and see if she is willing to do an interview, I will let you know!!!

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Jul 4·edited Jul 4Liked by Tessa Lena

yeah i get the logon page when i click the link

MLGA interview yes please!!!!

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The New World Order is very busy modifying Bird Flu and many other diseases for maximum impact upon humans (it's called Gain of Function). They'll soon be ready to launch the most dangerous to us.

Bring back hanging for all involved in the manufactured Covid and DEADLY mRNA injection SCAM!

Lambs to the slaughter. It seems very few questions were asked about 'EXPERIMENTAL mRNA (Gene Editing) injections'. No evidence was requested about the origins and background of the man-modified disease before millions took the giant leap of faith. No investigation as to why and how Big Pharma enjoyed ZERO LIABILITY for any/all adverse effects (serious, long term or even DEATHS) that follow many 'vaccines'?

It's excusable, I suppose, because it was early days in the Covid depopulating scam and the 'pretend vaccine' CULL!

Now, after 4 years of data (much of which is deliberately hidden or falsified by Big Pharma) there is considerable evidence that Covid was designed, engineered, modified and intensified by Fauici & his associates in order to justify the magically quick 'CURE' which can, and do, KILL recipients. The jabs seem to have little or NO IMPACT on stopping Covid spreading or Covid being caught more frequently by the gullible 'vaxxed' amongst us.

Now that most of our early Conspiracy Theories seem to have been proven accurate - if not understated, many have accepted the 'pretend vaccines' make recipients more susceptible with every shot. The injections exacerbate pre-existing illnesses and even re-introduce illnesses that were cured many years ago.

Do not accept another shot until Pfizer et al, are held financially responsible for injuries and DEATHS caused by their deadly depopulating (money-making) injections.

You were warned - but now it's probably too late. Each extra injection you take reduces your Life Expectancy!

Those of us that suspected the sinister intentions behind Covid & the DEADLY Vax, are now ready to retaliate and terminate all involved in the Covid scam and mass murder by injection.

NO MORE mRNA injections until creators accept LIABILITY for the CULLING injections, and the New World Order (their leaders) are executed for Pre-meditated Mass Murder!

Unjabbed mick! I'll live longer without medical intervention!

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Of course, forgive me for using this interpretation, but I am writing what I have seen. What I saw of you in the world of dreams has a simple interpretation. Unfortunately or fortunately, you are like laboratory rats who attack this and that and finally get trampled. This can have three states: in your past, present and future ;) What is the solution? If you keep your courage and continue your attacks one after another, you will win. Remember this cruel world, I pray for you with love...

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We enrich, but also destroy pieces of ourselves with Love unexpressed.

Is the Spirit here? Yes!

Let us share it with others, and within our Self.

Love to you.

Love to myself.

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"Throughout my life, I went through many tough situations, and for some reason, they made me stronger but I was resisting the call to love myself. And today, I find myself in the position of a baby who has been shocked and who doesn’t know how to walk and learns how to walk for the first time."

Yes... the deepest hook wielded by authoritarian societies / people: self-hate....

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The deep love we all need comes from our Creator, source of life of all. We learn to accept that love and then to let it flow out to others. It is a free gift from the Creator. When we don't look to the Source (which is in heaven above) and focus instead on other people, things, world establishments or kingdoms) we miss out and lose valuable days with unfulfilled desire. As Tessa said, these situations will make us stronger and should teach us where to look instead. Why resist the Source of love? Look to Jesus and to the Creator's Words of life. They have more than enough love to give each of us. More than enough forgiveness of each of our foibles and mistakes and yes, we need to learn to forgive one another too (forgive us our debts AS WE Forgive our debtors - Matthew 6:12) So if we don't want to forgive and allow for the Spirit of love instead of hatred, well could that be the reason there is trouble, self-abuse, etc. filling the world and fear of all sorts?

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Tessa, I wanted to send you a link by email. Not sure what happened to the reply feature for the messages I've received from you. Would there be a good way to reach out to you in a private message?

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