The old Lakota was wise. He knew that man’s Heart away from Nature becomes hard; he knew that lack of respect for growing, living things soon led to lack of respect for Humans too.

(Chief Luther Standing Bear).

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Aug 25, 2023Edited
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Aloha Rose, A Native Prayer: O Great Creator, I come before you in a humble manner and offer you this sacred pipe. With tears in my eyes and an ancient song from my heart I pray.

To the four powers of Creation, to the Grandfather Sun, to the Grandmother Moon, to Mother Earth, and to my ancestors.

I Pray for my relations in Nature, all those who walk, crawl, fly and swim, seen and unseen, to the good spirits that exist in every part of Creation.

May there be good health and healing for this Earth. May there be Beauty above me, May there be Beauty below me. May there be Beauty in me. May there be Beauty all around me.

I ask that this world be filled with Peace, Love and Beauty..(Medicine Grizzly Bear- Earth Healing Ceremony, Spokane, Washington, 1990.

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that's why the WHO wants to plunder and patent all the world's traditional medicine, especially from africa

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They are bandits, continuing the tradition of the bandits who came before them.

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Why they want to wipe em out. Knowledge spiritual, that is no Bueno, not good to know... they don't want you to remember to live in harmony, not to be covetous... that last one to covet what your neighbor has?? Yuge... as the Orange man would say. Don't want you to remember you are a spiritual being having a physical experience! This goes for the Church and all religions. They simply do NOT want you to focus on that. You have to ask why don't YOU?

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Who is John Trudell? A Santee Sioux poet/musician renowned activist for social justice, and one the most powerful voices of the Human spirit. He came to prominence as the National Spokesperson during the Indians of All Tribes Occupation of Alcatraz Island in 1969. This culminated in the formation of the American Indian Movement, he was the chairman from 1973- 1979.

From his activism, Trudell earned the dubious honor of being the subject of a 17,000 page FBI file bearing his name. Trudell had been warned by the authorities to watch what he was saying, or better yet, “yo not say it at all.” Soon after, Trudell’s wife, their three children and his mother-in-law were murdered by the FBI in an arson fire. To handle this devastating loss, John turned to writing free verse. It was through the heartache and pain that followed his lost that his spirit began the process of

speaking through poetry, then music.

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Treat everyone as oneself, for it is in doing unto others that one does unto oneself.

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Aug 26, 2023
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Well up to them.

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I can only imagine how much he misses his family, and am touched. It's this love that connects us all...even beyond worlds.

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Aug 26, 2023Edited
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Ah so he is with his family :)

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heartbreaking story that. thanks for putting it up here.

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Aug 25, 2023Edited
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In 1492 Columbus and his crew, lost, battered, and stricken with dysentery, were helped ashore by a people he described as “neither black nor white…fairly tall good looking and well proportioned.” Believing he had landed in the East Indies, he called these people INDIANS. In fact, they were part os a great population that had made its home on this continent for centuries.

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Aug 26, 2023Edited
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There were atrocities on both sides :( Where does the karmic cycle begin? Where does it end?

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Aug 26, 2023Edited
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Well there were violent Europeans yes, but there were also ruthless Indigenous. And there were people on both sides who decried war and stealing, but were ignored...

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Thanks again, Raphael!

Listening to John Trudell this afternoon (thanks to you), triggered a memory of a Farm Aid Concert featuring John Trudell. The date of the concert summer 1993. After his last song he

asked the audience if they were paying attention to the masacre occuring at Waco, Texas.April 19, 1993) . He warned the non-indigenous people you may become the “new” Indians. If anyone would like to challenge the News Media’s “story” of the Branch Davidian Compound, please read: WACO: A Survivor’s Story, by David Thibodeau.copyright 2018. Hachette Books, www.hachettebooks,com. or twitter.com/hachettebooks.

The Indian, the “savage”, understood a simple Truth. Man does not own the Earth. Indeed, the idea of ownership is as estranged from truth as is the notion that one man can own the Soul of another. Upon being asked for his signature on a treaty with the USA, a chief of the Northern Blackfeet said, “The land was put here for us by the Great Spirit and we cannot sell it because it does not belong to us.” Instead, the Indian belonged to the Land. So,western man often gets things backwards. From the book: From Freedom to Slavery: The Rebirth of Tyranny in America, by Gerry Spence. copyright 1993, St. Martin’s Press.

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Aug 26, 2023Edited
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Nouns = Commodities, Possessive- Pronouns= To possess life, to possess humans, animals, Possession is the motivation to Hoard, and Hoard, and Hoard...

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Where does the cycle of possession/possessed begin? Where does it end?

Where does the cycle of any wound/wounded begin? Where does it end?

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Aug 26, 2023Edited
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And what is the root cause? How to resolve it?

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The current America is repeating the mistakes of the previous America...when the dust settles, civility wins.

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Aug 26, 2023
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And also freedom from the cycle of repeating history.

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Hm this contradicts what Larry said, that John's family were murdered by the FBI not the deep state.

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Aug 26, 2023
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Sounds complicated.

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Your thoughts are very classic for healing. You could take this Conversation and apply it to any of the tragedies that are occurring around the globe today and not just the war between Russia and the Ukraine. Can we look at healing afterwards, after the plandemic‘s, after the set fires, the engineered floods, the HAARP earthquakes, these words apply to all those situation‘s! The oligarchs are getting richer and the people are suffering. Is there a plan for post tragedy healing. The oligarchs never go there.

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That's a very good point, Debra! And the oligarchs never go there because if a lot of people went there, they would lose power.

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Well there are whistleblowers on all sides.

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Thanks Riley an Tessa for a wonderful conversation.

A dream which is not understood is a letter which is not opened.

Sleep takes off the costume of circumstance, arms us with terrible freedom, so that every will rushes to a deed. A skillful person reads his or her dreams for self knowledge; yet not for details but for the Quality. ( Emerson).

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Thank you, Larry!!

And Riley is just such a great writer and human being, for real.

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good gawd!

More trite crapola in a paragraph that Old Dead Joe says in a month of reading teleprompter.

Cut the dumb cute!

It's painful.

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well, I won't be looking at your newsletter! I can just assume it's snark Central 😝

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Whoa Man

Too harsh

Cruel and Unusual Punishment!

"But Rhett, what shall I do?

Where shall I go?"

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Here is a link to the series Civilisation on BBC https://www.bbc.co.uk/programmes/p050q44y

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Thank you, Jacquelyn!!

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actually none of them are viewable so pls remove the link perhaps ok

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Can you post this on your rumble channel too?

I want to share it but substack video player doesn't work for some and it's too complicated to explain that they should use a different browser lol.

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I have a big projects on my hands to organize all of my interviews and move them to different platforms. Thank you for the nudge, Rob!

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Thanks, it's also good in case substack has an issue and loses them or if they get bought up by some conglomerate, lol.

I just wish substack would fix the player, which is buggy, especially on Android.

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Agreed. Thank you. :)

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Conservative estimates have the dead from the Ukraine war at over 300,000. Let that sink in. 300,000!

All the blood, all the horrific pain, for what? Yes, Russia invaded Ukraine, but the US goaded them into it and wanted it to happen. There are no good guys at the top involved in this, both sides are evil. Everywhere the US goes there is untold death and destruction. Entire countries are wiped out, all for control and dominance. When will it end? At least evil is more exposed than ever before. In all arenas it seems. The obfuscation, subterfuge, and manipulations are more out in the open than ever, and people are becoming aware, perhaps more than we realize. The Normie code of just skating along the surface is getting harder and harder to do. Change will come! Lord, I pray that the good who have the will ( like Riley and Tessa) have the means to confront evil and destroy it. Amen.

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Thank you, Jim. You have such a good heart. And yes, for what?!!! So much pain to feed the monster who is insatiable, and it will take all of us to figure out that this is a deadend.

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May love melt the greed, clear away the confusions, and heal us all!!

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Yes Tessa, Love is the answer. When vicious psychopaths rule and are murdering people, what is the loving thing to do? They must be removed from positions of authority and power. Humanity is running out of time now. We can't go on like this.

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I would also like to say that Spiritual removal of psychopaths is much more effective than physical removal. After all, if they are only physically removed, it's very likely they will eventually just be replaced by another psychopath. So what should we do? Do the opposite of what they do. Instead of lies, tell the truth. Instead of confusing make things clear. Instead of manipulating, empower and raise up. Instead of promoting strife and division, promote harmony and love. Instead of murdering others, bring life. Use these tools to expose them and disempower them. Of course laughing at them and ridiculing them is effective too. They can't stand that. Something you and Riley did so effectively in your first interview.

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Yes, exactly!! Thank you, Jim!!

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Thank you for wonderful hour, again❤️

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Thank you Johanna!! xoxo

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as rachelle garniez once told a crowd, it's better to laugh through your tears than cry through your laughter

“lies are more labor intensive than truth” - even more so on a macro level

seems to me there's an upside to losing subs who can't handle your philosophical pieces. better to have an engaged subscriber base who are down for the long haul rather than a revolving door of fly by night readers looking for “the latest thing”

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Indeed, and laughing through tears is a Russian national sport almost, seems like. It is also true that I ran away from the gloom. It was just overbearing, and very sincere, and very logical given the nature of the explicit abuse of my people by the leaders for centuries... but yes. :)

As far as gaining and losing subscribers, I welcome people who want to talk about anything sincerely. But I think it is very important to understand the depth because without that, we will be walking in circles,, and I want this great reset mentality to end sooner or later, preferably sooner. And for that, we need to get in touch with our internals. Which is a timeless, non-glamorous task we all do, and it's not super sexy but this is what will eventually get us out of it, I think.

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yes the great awakening requires a lot of heavy lifting, which you are doing right now - and it makes you strong!

the reason i subscribed to your very first substack is because it was philosophical and made so much sense in the context of may 2020 (I think it was may?)

"the physical world is the only one we know" compared to the fakeness of the virtual world

i personally think timelessness is super sexy but that's just me 🙄

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Thank you!!!! Your own writing and your comments have been educational and inspiring all along! xoxo

That first Substack was April 30, 2020, and I had I think 12 subscribers. :)

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I felt for you when you were discussing what to write about, and the preponderance of philosophy rather than news.

Upon reflection almost all my articles are about what is always true, rather than "what's new".

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Thank you, Jonathan, and it is great that you have the courage to focus on what you really want to talk about!! xo

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War is always evil but tears for the past will not help the future. Geopolitics isn't rubbish when it's undeniably reality. Regarding loving people, the civil war in Donbas was real, and no one cared except the people abusing it. What counts is the current war ending. That acceptance requires taking a position or side, something more definitive that emotions alone.

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To my sense, geopolitics is simultaneously a major driving force and rubbish. It is really about various monsters fighting each other, and peasants' heads flying as a casualty of their fighting

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I appreciate that definition so long as we try mitigate it when we can. It's not much, but I try present the truth better than propaganda. I'm anti-imperialism so I despise how the USA has manipulated Ukraine, leading it down a bloody path that will affect generations. Hundreds of thousands of Ukrainians dead and crippled for profit. It disgusts me.

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War is the ultimate evil!

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War is a Racket: The Antiwar Classic by America's Most Decorated Soldier by Smedley D. Butler

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interesting detail here: Smedley D Butler the D is for Darlington, and since he is from West Chester PA, I'm assuming that's the West Chester Darlington's, the same Quaker family that educated Bayard Rustin, the gay black man who went to India to learn about nonviolence from Gandhi, and taught it to Martin Luther King.


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and when did he write that? like 100 years ago or something?

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for anyone who is lamenting the loss of America's Noble past: " "I spent thirty-three years and four months in the Marine Corps. During that period I spent most of my time being a high-class muscle man for Big Business, for Wall Street and for bankers. In short, I was a racketeer for capitalism. I helped make Mexico safe for American oil interests in 1914. I helped make Haiti and Cuba a decent place for the National City Bank boys to collect revenues. I helped purify Nicaraguans for the international banking house of Brown Brothers in 1909-1912. I brought light to the Dominican Republic for American sugar interests in 1916. I helped make Honduras 'right' for American fruit companies in 1903."

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And yet, it is still completely on point.

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This is for you Tessa Lena, after the conversation:


Jah or whatever bless you...

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A confession: Writing has been a personal weakness. Science a personal strength. Reason: I was raised on Science. In third grade, I learned the Scientific Method when Science was REAL Science. Today, Scientism Rules… I was so left Brained, I figuratively walked in circles going left, until I fell on the left side of my Brain. This is when I awakened, and began to work on the right side of my Brain.

From Kindergarten thru College, I secretly admired students who wrote so well. This is why I signed up to Tessa Fights Robots. I love the way Tessa & you write. Excellent role models.

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In classical Greece they called fellow greeks "milk fellows" from the same mothers milk. Ukrainian and Russians are largely "milk fellows" raised on the same mothers milk.

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At the same time yes the war etc is grievous. At the same time I'm going yaaaaasss you see the light! We can't control the outside, but we can control ourselves. We can't choose the situation, but we can choose our response.

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I guess the author rather not talk about the CIA's Maidan revolution or the Minsk agreements that the Ukraine could have avoided the SMO by honoring.

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It is possible to be aware of geopolitical trick and care more about the people on the ground. When the people are being slaughtered on both sides because of the geopolitical "chess," and they are your people, the slaughter is the first thing that stands out. I cannot be dry about this cold-blooded annihilation of live human beings, no different than any other war but closer to home, for me.

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Most of the wars involving American troops or their allies have been engineered by the CIA.

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