Great article and words Tessa. Everything is much better from a place of no fear. Having no fear that your energy will cease when your body does, the knowledge of oneself that one is inherently immortal as CS Lewis said, “You don’t have a soul, you are a soul, you have a body.” I came to the point where I don’t care what the media says, the culture wars, the foolish games “they” have us playing with each other. I’ve walked away from the game to focus on causes, natural law and solutions. Yes, still with my feet planted firmly on ground to guide those who are curious but with patience and humility. Always standing for freedom but not falling for the fear porn cause tyranny hasn’t plowed my door down and if it does I’ll defend it. However I have no fear of death. Death is just a door. I’ve entered 1,000 doors in this incarnation but more recently the one with “Temet Nosce” over the doorway, the final abode until my body rests and my spirit ascends. Fear is the seed of destruction. Abundance, the seed of truth, which leads to love, and Divine Will.

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Mar 7Liked by Tessa Lena

you're still my favorite dissident talking head Tessa

ok, seriously, dissident singing head ;)

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We should be moderate in our judgments, because "they" use overheated people to caricature us and win over the undecided middle.

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I love this reminder to be balanced and steady ourselves in place, without fear, as we go forward.

For those of us counting the dead, and anticipating more in coming months and years, this is a hard task. We must continue the tally without too much emotion, dispassionately even. I am appointed to be a documenter / a scribe. But I must take care not to lose myself in this task. Nor to lose hope.

If 5% die, there are still 95% going on to continue mostly (I hope and trust) meaningful lives. The same argument applies even if that 5% became 50% or even greater. Everyone who is born into a physical body, must also die from that physical body. That is the way of this planet.

I have been asked to get involved in outreach to the injured and dying. Aside from being mum to still young children, an employee, a home-maker, a member on various boards, as active as I can be in our local resistance community, I have declined to get further involved for now. Coldly, cruelly, perhaps, I prefer to be the desktop paper pusher. I am very aware that there are people behind my statistics, but I don't know how I will bear it if I turn each of these hundreds of 1,000s of victims into people I personally know.

I haven't yet lost an intimate friend or relative. That also says something about numbers, doesn't it! Though close friends have. It will be my turn in due course.

There are far more living than dead. Far more still healthy, than injured. Still far more people unsuspicious that their lives have changed forever, than those who know we will never go back to what used to be. And the lives of the living go on, and we must focus on that. We live in a physical plane and in physical bodies on this planet, in a structured society that facilitates our physical lives.

I know that we are far more than the physical vessel that are our bodies. Some (but not me, so far, aside from occasional intuitions and knowing someone will contact me before they do, and frequent goosebumps over multiple issues) can access higher spiritual realms and capabilities, but we still must maintain our body vessels, and our society in functional form, and our hope and belief that it is within our power to create far better from what is currently on shaky ground. I focus on what i can do, expand my mind and my heart to increase that capability. Then let others do what they can too!

Fear is not helpful to that going on! We just need to go on, day by day, step by step, one foot ahead of the other. We will prevail!

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Mar 7Liked by Tessa Lena

Well yes of course to all of this. Though, as far as the title and the word "trying" I would go so far as to say that according to current global statistics they are really succeeding! I've been awake most of my life, I've been on the planet for a long time and I've been expecting the events of the last 4 years for at least 35 years, which is all to say I've had quite a bit of preparation. I am brutally uncompromising on two points. Number one, no fear. We all signed up for this transition and far higher dimensional powers than the deep state and the global cabal are involved. Number two, no matter how egregiously brainwashed my brothers and sisters of the flesh may be or become, I categorically refuse divide and conquer and will treat them with respect, compassion and fraternity, even if they hate me, even if they think I'm a conspiracy theoryed transphobic racist nut job blah blah blah. (I'm not.) United we must stand, despite any and all differences of opinion and belief. Love to all. I enjoyed reading your comments on the thread.

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It ain’t “our” government and likely has never been “our government”. As phony as a $3.00 bill. The good news the public has been hearing about this cure for folly and the fact is they have embraced it with enthusiasm for the government told them something👏. https://www.researchgate.net/publication/236640143/figure/fig7/AS:202988388917260@1425407611644/The-Extraction-of-The-Stone-of-Madness-or-The-Cure-of-Folly-by-Hieronymus-Bosch-Museo.png

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Outstanding article. 🙏👍

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Mar 7Liked by Tessa Lena

I totally agree with you, Tessa. Fear is the real horror that can kill us on the inside. I believe that humans are hard-wired to be empathic. However, if they become possessed by fear, they can also become angry and insane. Joseph Campbell gave us an excellent quote: "The cave you fear to enter holds the treasure that you seek." May we find the courage to slay the dragon, or better yet, overpower it with kindness. Thank you for always reminding us of the better way.

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Justice may be coming to the UK at last, or we will find out our justice system is totally corrupt as well, one of the two!

More here; https://truthaddict.substack.com/p/covid-criminals-soil-underpants

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beautifully expressed, tessa. wonderful, clean, powerful and not a single 'have to' or 'should' buried in there gives it about 5 times as much power. i recently blogged my exploration on 'spiritual by-pass' and have even had nerve enough to define it. what you are writing here is a form of that: take personal responsibility for what you think you know, and where you are looking to find out how much you don't know. stop blaming others for what is happening, even if they are big and bad and scary! be fearless and the bad guys will simply stop feeding vampire-like from the fear and what the fear creates. here's part 2 of my definition: "More simply, spiritual by-pass is to abdicate our absolute personal responsibility of choice in all aspects of our somatic lives, our thoughts, words, and actions, and to blame others for the destructive elements we are experiencing."

and you have a small typo that completely flips what i think you are meaning to say:

"You’ll be better off if you *don’t* [strikeout] take zombie marketing with a giant grain of salt." [Although it might be more accurate to write: you'll be better of taking giant grains of salt, rather than zombie marketing, because it was zombies who marketed the evils of salt. [And there is no scientific literature that supports the evils of salt with things like high blood pressure.]]

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This is brilliant, & brilliantly laid out. And sensible. And helpful. I'm so glad I read it!! So glad you wrote it, & that you write so darn clearly. (I missed it yesterday, but came to it just now after reading your also-brilliant item about fear.) Bless you for your wisdom, kindness, good sense, & great writing skill!

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Mar 7Liked by Tessa Lena

Another great article Tessa! I've always felt that one of the important purposes in life is simply to learn. And fear is definitely a roadblock in your ability to learn. I keep a journal so I have a record of how I feel about current events as they happen. When I review what I have written I realize that I often need to readjust my thinking and how important it is to keep an open mind. You are amazing Tessa and I have learned so much from you.

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Well said. Thank you. Your efforts are appreciated. Government is simply the most successful of the criminal cartels. The collective west is at the point where the vast majority of "government" is unelected. It follows that elected officials now have little power, and that is true at almost all levels. Add in human greed and you have a monster that works only in its own self-interests. Any benefit to the general population is purely coincidental.

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Mar 7Liked by Tessa Lena

Fabulous essay Tessa! This is my favorite part (and I do appreciate ALL of your wisdom)- "There is a giant difference between forming your opinions on any topic as you see fit—and feeling so scared of other people screwing up your world that you turn into a jumpy tyrant and want to mock and condemn them for wrongthink, according to you (or sometimes, according to the you know who in dissident masks). Fear is poison. Fear is poison regardless of whether the danger is real or not. - I've seen this and it's the craziest thing to see. We used to have bigger minds and a greater bandwidth for differences. Now it's like closing in and there is a militancy to adhere to whatever ideas a person holds... not as elastic of brains like we had 50 years ago.

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Mar 7Liked by Tessa Lena

Excellent words as always Tessa!! - more and more of us feel something emerging even if we can't explain it or otherwise put our finger on it.....

Ultimately there is just ONE problem....resolve the ONE problem and the rest fall like a house of cards:

"The egocentricity experiment with human Design has run its course – its climax is our confluence of crises. Virtually all system solutions and ascension paths proposed by even the most enlightened among us fail to breach egocentricity’s stronghold. The forecast for our imminent extinction is well founded and arguably certain unless we become something new. Metamorphosis is appropriate terminology here. At this Moment in history, ages of humanity can be metaphorically distilled into a litter of newborn kittens, blind from birth, whose eyes are now poised to open onto their world for the very first time….are we ready? This is our evolution.

Relieving humanity of egocentricity’s bondage by consensus is impossible. Political proposals are hopelessly impotent. It is now imperative that we develop metamorphic catalysts immediately – means and methods to efficiently transmute egocentricity and profoundly evoke our innate senses of interdependence and compassion. Accelerating selfless (ego free) Love for oneself, one another, Gaia, and the Universe is the principal component at the root of all such action. Progress must manifest virally – just as news that ‘War is Over’ will spread like wildfire. Time is ticking.

This is our evolution."


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Thanks Tessa. This is a well grounded approach you describe.

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