I'm finding how easy it is to get down about all of this. I can only imagine how "awake" people felt during the "3rd Reich" period of history. Hopelessness, despair, feeling alone, thinking maybe they themselves were the crazy ones. I'm betting that many of the same emotions and concerns were in those people's hearts and minds. This being said, we absolutely must not allow that to happen to us. It's difficult, but while we are saying *no* to this entire agenda (we *cannot* say yes to any part of it. *No* to masking, testing, distancing, etc. All of it!) we must not let hopelessness get us down. I have heard a saying recently that I'm sure has been out there awhile and it goes something like this: "If there was no hope of victory, "they" wouldn't be pushing so hard." That must be our mantra. The world has always been changed for the better by an irate and pissed of *minority*. And, we have much more than a minority. Most people are having none of this. Let's not give up as we emerge into 2022, but vow to fight even harder and say *no* even more than we have this year. I'm not enjoying the fight, but I am definitely willing and will do so until my dying breath.

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I think that scaring us and making us feel like this has been "decided" is a part of the bullying campaign. There is really a very small amount of evil people, most people participating in it are just wobbly, and in any case, no matter what they do, we still have the responsibility to our own hearts. And on a positive note, so much love and courage came out of it!!! The past two years gave way to incredible spiritual beauty. I, for one, am grateful to this community for being so brave and wonderful.

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Thanks for fighting the good fight Tessa.

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Thank you!!!

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“We Are the 99%” is trailing pro-vax Elton John on the Apple and Amazon music charts. I encourage everyone to go download this song and kick John outta number one!

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Good idea, thank you!!

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I just met someone who just came from Germany. He said he witnessed the Santa arrest. He bought a vaccine passport to get out of Germany. "It was just like escaping form the Nazis", he said.

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Dear Lord. Such crazy times!

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I have been told that the wealthy Germans wanting to visit their holiday homes in Ibiza buy passports from certain doctors for 800 euros. I should imagine that price is going to go much higher. Fill up needle, squirt it down the toilet, throw everything into hazardous waste, and fill in all the necessary paperwork. Job done. I don't know how any of these people live with themselves. Oh yes, no One is watching them.

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Wow! In the Soviet Union buying medical papers of different kinds was a known practice. It was frowned upon but everybody did it, and it was just there. Amazing how people adapt to abuse, and more abuse, and more abuse.... I just hope that this darkness goes away sooner rather than later!!

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CJ Hopkins commented on the arrest of that same maskless Santa here. The Year of the New Normal Fascist https://consentfactory.org/2021/12/16/the-year-of-the-new-normal-fascist/

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Yes, such a poignant essay!!

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Sorry, this is just a fraction, though... :-(


Young People 40 Times More Likely To Die From Vaccines Than From COVID Says Major Japanese Study

A major Japanese medical bulletin​ ​has warned that the risk of dying from the COVID-19 vaccine for people in their 20s may​ ​be 40 times higher than the disease itself.


​"The Science"​, not "anti-vaxxers"

The FDA approves boosters for minors – without testing boosters on minors

Age group testing? Zero.

​ ​Late last week, on December 9, the FDA approved the Emergency Use Authorization (EUA) for the Pfizer COVID-19 vaccine, “authorizing the use of a single booster dose for administration to individuals 16 and 17 years of age.” The booster is to be given at least 6 months after vaccination...

COVID-19 is not a threat to teenagers aged 16-17.​..

​ The risk of myocarditis for boys 16 – 19 years old is higher after the Pfizer second dose. What happens after the third dose??

That’s a good question.​..​


​It is going to help fully documented people to exist, have money, go places and buy things in the world... (Huh? or else what?)​

Digital Surveillance — the Real Motive Behind Push to Vaccinate Kids

“The real purpose behind the historic, unprecedented push to vaccinate the very young, even against diseases like COVID that do not pose a threat to them, is to fold the current generation of children into the blossoming global digital identity system.”


​More from the anti-vaxxer, vaccinated, vaccine-inventor, Dr. Malone:

Another reason not to jab the children: Omicron

The data are overwhelmingly clear: it is time to stop vaccinating healthy young people

..."Make no mistake, this is 21st century media warfare, and we are fighting against horizontally integrated corporate-sponsored Global Tyranny. This is likely to be the first skirmish in what will be a long war, and we are outgunned and out capitalized by far."​ ...

​ “The Science” is clearly on our side. Jabbing the kids with these genetic Spike vaccines is madness.

The data are clear. Officials have reported​ ​110 Omicron cases as of Saturday in the USA. Of the 66 people for whom vaccination status has been reported, 52 were fully vaccinated and many of those had been boosted. What we don’t know is whether or not those people who have already had COVID-19 actually caught Omicron, but it was so mild that they weren’t aware of it or if prior infection conferred complete immunity. What we do know is that 78% of the people in the USA/CDC report who have contracted Omicron were vaccinated. These data also direc.tly contradict the public relations “data” press release from Pfizer that the third jab would protect against Omicron Clinical data ALWAYS trumps lab test data.​..​

(The UK death "with Omicron" was "reported" by BoJo after this was published. Still no details.) There have been NO DEATHS reported anywhere in the world with Omicron, including in the USA. Now there will be, because older people, people with high co-morbidities will catch Omicron and will die. People die from the common cold too...

...all evidence shows that Omicron is much more mild and vaccinated or unvaccinated will catch this variant.

​ ​Now, let’s talk children. For all the reasons listed above, it is clear that vaccinating children now is a very bad idea. 146 million people in the USA have had SARS-CoV-2 , that is about 45% of the total population. This means 45% of children have had SARS-CoV-2, that is the virus - because children rarely get severe disease from the virus. It is the severe disease that is COVID-19. COVID-19 is the severe disease caused by the virus. Historically, children get infected by the virus.

​ ​Now that Omicron will become dominant very quickly and we know that there is a very good chance that natural infection confers better protection against Omicron and that for everyone this new variant is mild, why would we want to mandate vaccination for our healthy children?

​ Remember, this is what we know already before Omicron emerged:

1 in 2700 male adolescents will get pericarditis/myocarditis from the Pfizer vaccine and the event rate appears to be even higher for Moderna.

1 in 2200 will get some sort of neurological event from the vaccine (based on the curious case of Pfizer clinical trial participant Maddie de Gary).

That the adverse events in children are much higher than originally reported in the phase 3 clinical trials.

That the long term sides effects for this vaccine are unknown.

That after vaccination, there is a 3-4 week period of immunosuppression, where children (and adults) are susceptible to latent viral infections and other viruses.


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Thank you John!! Hugs!!

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Lest we get too pleased with ourselves here....

Pretty much nobody is going to like this but, this would appear to be my dirty job-- tearing down illusions and revealing deeper, more difficult things we all tend to avoid about ourselves.

But as this horror unfolds before us and "we the free-minded" rise & speak (justifiably enough) in self-righteous indignation, shall we not also examine our hearts to see if we ourselves indeed are who we think we are?

Before this self-imposed dark cloud descended upon us in early 2020, was everything really okay? Was humanity really in a "good" place as regards our dominant state of mind, as regards the guiding wisdom behind this thing we call modern civilization?

If one were to step into a crowd of us and ask this question: "Do you believe in the concept of "good gov't"? How many of us would say "Yes!" Or, more to the point-- "Do you believe that it is possible for humanity to live and thrive in a civilization devoid of police, prisons, courts of law, military force, etc." How many of us would say "No" citing as justification the basic truth of our predatory, bestial nature?

I have asked this question of my friends, family and associates and never once received a reply other than to the effect of "Holy Crap! That would be utter chaos! Blood would fill the streets! You mean, like, "Mad Max?"

Before all this went down, did you vote? Did you willingly pay taxes? Did you serve jury duty? Did you wave a national flag? Did you remove your hat, put your hand on your heart and sing the national anthem at a sports event? Do you believe in "Justice"?

Well folks, here it now arrives-- the bitter harvest of all we have sown. If you believe in the basic wisdom of mankind existing peaceably only under forcible rule of law, then those cops arresting unmasked Santa Claus is you. The institution you have supported and believed in all these years is simply doing what it does, what it has always done, what it was always going to do one day, sooner or later. It is doing exactly what YOU want it to do-- controlling bestial man.

If you believe that YOU could rule people better, then that could only be accomplished by YOU doing the thuggery, with those you disagree with on the receiving end of the nightstick because YOU are the one who is thinking straight and THEY are wrong. As with religion, folks who believe in “rule by force” (aka “politics”) are always in passionate, even violent, disagreement on what constitutes “the best way” or “the true way”.

We are fond of saying there is "an awakening" going on. And maybe there is. But it seems to me a true awakening happens only individually, when someone thinking for themselves actually sees the self-perpetuating, self-destructive madness inherent in "belief in authoritarian rule by force" and begins to live the peace, love and freedom that real human beings are entirely capable of. How do we even think healthy lives are possible otherwise? We have only to discover and root out this poisonous mentality of "man as beast".

So then, what is in YOUR heart, I mean, for real? Deep down, what is a human being to you? Are we, at our natural core, essentially nasty beasts who will devour each other given the absence of violence-backed control? Or are we nasty beasts BECAUSE we believe in the so-called wisdom of violence-backed control?

This is how you know what truly is in your heart. If you see mankind existing peaceably only under violence-backed rule, then it is fear that dominates your heart. You are not "awakened", nor are you any different from those you decry as the "evil ones" in all this.

But if you are able to see the entire history of human civilization as a tragic, roiling cauldron of self-induced insanity & misery that endlessly repeats itself then maybe you are starting to know the true depth and beauty of a heart alive with peace and love.

"Who are you?"

--Pete Townshend

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I have been trying to 'crack the mirror' but a friend has reminded me that that could mean seven years of bad luck. I am going to try reflecting back human stories and see how that goes. Best wishes to all who are trying to do what they can during these difficult times.

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Not in the news.. .Last week in my Spanish class in Peru, my teacher told me that his aunt came to visit by bus. The bus was stopped on the highway and all passengers asked for their proof of vaccination. She didn't have - so she was taken off the bus and vaccinated on the side of the road.

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Dear Lord!! This is horrible!!!!!

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Has the whole world gone completely mad? What else is going on that we don't know about? When will this end? For some reason, I am hoping this is not true.

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I'm sorry, are those like, twining DNA strands on his fretboard?

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