Doing our own research is always more rewarding, psychologically and spiritually. This way we can not only speak from our mind, but from our heart as well, eh?
I , for one, frequently think I've seen it all, but then I Get Fooled Again by some- slick shyster like Dane Wigington, then I have to go back and recant all the times I promoted said shyster. doing your own research is Grand, but full of pitfalls!!
oh! very sorry. Dane Wigington (DW) is the name who comes up whenever you Google or search for geoengineering information. I believe it is DW impressed me right away as a pioneering truth teller about chemtrails. however, later on, I watched a very long video by Jim Lee from, where Jim Lee talks all about the history of the sort of watching the skies movement, about how he and three other people testified to the EPA about how jets were affecting our atmosphere, how the other three people had their lives ruined one way or another and are now dead... Although Jim Lee is a little bit rough, he is clearly not being funded by the CIA or the Gates Foundation! that is not so clear in the case of Dane Wigington. the danger of DW is that he draws your attention away from the damage being done by jets flying between the troposphere and the stratosphere, and backs up the idea of climate change due to ground level CO2 emissions - since that last idea seems to be one that the globalists are going to use to help enslave us, it puts a DW solidly on the side of the globalists once you spend some time sorting out these issues. here is the video - I put in the link in the comments, where Jim Lee talks about DW. thank you for asking this question again I'm sorry I missed it before.
and, since we are on Tessa's stack, Tessa had a very long interview with the person from what save the bees or something? that first opened my eyes to the whole issue of what was happening in the skies. honestly it was so heartbreaking I could only watch a little bit at a time. the kicker was when she said the tops of the trees are dying because of the stuff that's coming out of the sky, and now whenever I'm outside I have to notice that the tops of the trees are dying. I think the person's name is Nikki Florio . you can look back on Tessa's Stacks to find it. the other person working on this stuff now is Reinette Senum, you can also find her stack.
If you happen to be a brainless sort who will do only what daddy/mommy INCORPORATED tells you to do (sometimes after hacking your natural biological bits to pieces to satisfy "sustainable development goals" or whatever insanity happens to be the flavor of the day), then you're in the fake-club of pretend-land nothingsville nowhere.
If you think for yourself, you're not in that club.
Knowing how it's made isn't always a deal-breaker. Most traditional food products. from cheese to beer to bread to sauerkraut, are made with mold. Our digestion depends on a mass of bacteria, which is a sizable part of our weight.
Modern industrial processes are often WEIRD. Hydrogen peroxide is a supersimple chemical, but the way it's made involves synthesizing a hugely complex organic molecule then splitting it up.
It's more important to know what happens when we consume or use a product. Does it nourish us or harm us?
I agree in general. In case of citric acid (as in other cases), the devil is in the detail, and it looks like the process leaves a lot of room for mycotoxin contamination. It's in the story.
Thanks Tessa for the selfish video. Living off-grid in my 10 acre permaculture homestead trying to get out of the way of crazies and meditate is my MO.
Do your own research. Like I did. On a recent visit to Boston, MA I spent a lot of time in Harvard Square, observing, eavesdropping, studying how the class that believes they were born to lead the masses, the cloth they're cut from finer than the rest of humanity's, thinks, speaks and acts. Quite illuminating.
Even more illuminating was the public testimony I heard while visiting the MA legislature and sitting in on a public health committee hearing. I found it quite shocking. And so will most people outside of the professional health community. The need for legislation "to prohibit nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients."
Ten minutes of testimony on these bills that when you do your own research and watch you begin to understand how and why the profession of medicine has so easily embraced totalitarianism, elitism, and will rationalize, justify and internalize any atrocity committed against people as long as it's for a declared collective good. You have no right to bodily autonomy in their minds. Your body is theirs to do as they see fit:
Yes. Do your own research. And know that everyone telling you to trust the experts, that you're not a doctor so you couldn't possibly know what's best for our health and that you don't care about others like medical professionals do, know that nearly every last one of them - 90% anyways - will rationalize and justify the sexual assault and rape of people who are under sedation without their consent, their body's violated, penetrative gynecological examinations and prostate examinations of the unconscious, without consent. Standard operating procedure in most hospitals where medical students are allowed in the OR's. Like at Harvard Medical School, where the finest cloth of men are cut. Never trust "experts" with these types of ethics. Never. Ever. Never, ever ever trust them. Always do your own research. Despicable. With the last three years in hindsight it makes it all that much clearer what the medical profession has been allowed to become...while people didn't do their own research.
I agree wholeheartedly with "peasant gut." There is no other "gut" worth the bother of having as one's own barometer of what truly is. Reality matters!
Now, what I do not understand is why, if I'm already subscribed to Dr. Mercola, and have been for the entire past year, I never see your article posts there. What's up with that?
was there a maybe a darpa lab somewhere (in ukraine?) working on synthetic jewel wasp poison in, say, 2019? can that stuff be chemtrailed? just doing my own research here :)
I appreciate this bit of good advice very much, in fact I live by it. I’m always coaching my children to never take anyones word for it, to always search for there own answers. Taking what makes sense to them from every possible perspective they can find about what it is they are researching. They can then take what works best for them from all of the perspectives they sample, and piece together the most efficient answers possible. The First things that come up on mainstream search’s are always deceitful.
I love it, thank you. I love you are doing it your way and I admire that so much and concur with your perceptions so clearly that I TOO will do that. thanks for making me laugh a thousand laughs. That keeps me healthy enough that I am dangerous. Love, Sharon
Mornings are so taxing and depressing for me as I start with financial headlines (never reading the body of the stories or any of the mainstream news bullshit, ever, because I already know how it goes). Then I start going through tech news and Substack articles, mostly science & engineering, and then others. Tessa’s publications are in the other category I look forward to. Jesus this was so good. But I’m still very depressed about Jamie Fox being forced to get the vaxx. If only this clip was his final word on the issue from the very beginning—he’d been spared. I’d like to believe he’ll fully recover, but he’s been too silent so far and it’s been eating at me for months now.
"Purchaser acknowledge that the long-term effects and efficacy are not currently known, and there may be adverse affects that are not currently known."
Soon after the magically speedy injections (they call Vaccines) appeared on the market some of us proud Conspiracy Theorists stated the Cellular 5G technology might be a trigger to destroy even more humans than have been terminated by the DEADLY injections they call VACCINES! Under powerful magnification, we saw evidence of strange activity in VAXXED blood samples where a mobile phone being used in proximity of the magnified blood samples showed 'illumination' of unrealistic regular-shaped materials that continued to be 'active' for several minutes. So, even though we were being sceptical about this potential, it seems this could be part of the Master Plan to depopulate the planet!
So, it seems that Marburg might be one of the vax additives that was secreted into vaxxed humans along with Graphene Oxide being used as an activating agent. I feel there will be other deadly illnesses included within the deadly vax cocktails that have been injected with NO LIABILITY for the murderers who designed the plot!
And these DEADLY Covid injections (they pass off as VACCINES) are still distributed with NO LIABILITY!
I wish I was wrong but it seems that most of our bizarre suspicions may have been accurate!
Doing our own research is always more rewarding, psychologically and spiritually. This way we can not only speak from our mind, but from our heart as well, eh?
so much faked, so hard to discern things,
I can see how this has made us hesitant to
take a stand, when we surely need to...
I , for one, frequently think I've seen it all, but then I Get Fooled Again by some- slick shyster like Dane Wigington, then I have to go back and recant all the times I promoted said shyster. doing your own research is Grand, but full of pitfalls!!
Can you expand upon "Dane Wiggington" please?
Think I asked you once, however you didn't reply...
oh! very sorry. Dane Wigington (DW) is the name who comes up whenever you Google or search for geoengineering information. I believe it is DW impressed me right away as a pioneering truth teller about chemtrails. however, later on, I watched a very long video by Jim Lee from, where Jim Lee talks all about the history of the sort of watching the skies movement, about how he and three other people testified to the EPA about how jets were affecting our atmosphere, how the other three people had their lives ruined one way or another and are now dead... Although Jim Lee is a little bit rough, he is clearly not being funded by the CIA or the Gates Foundation! that is not so clear in the case of Dane Wigington. the danger of DW is that he draws your attention away from the damage being done by jets flying between the troposphere and the stratosphere, and backs up the idea of climate change due to ground level CO2 emissions - since that last idea seems to be one that the globalists are going to use to help enslave us, it puts a DW solidly on the side of the globalists once you spend some time sorting out these issues. here is the video - I put in the link in the comments, where Jim Lee talks about DW. thank you for asking this question again I'm sorry I missed it before.
Thanks so much for expanding on that comment.
I've touched base with Dane, and that site, on and off since 2005.
That was when I first began noticing thick criss-crossing lines which appeared suddenly in an otherwise bright blue summer sky. Above my house.
I remarked to a self professed brilliant ex: "What in the HECK is THAT?"
He proceeded to explain to me, slowly, as if he were speaking to a child of 4:
"Those are contrails..." And began explaining what contrails are... 😉
I responded: I KNOW what a contrail is... What are THOSE?"
They didn't dissipate quickly, like "normal" airplane contrails dud, and still do.
Instead, these trails spread across the previously blue skies until the skies were completely "overcast". As far as my eyes could see.
Anyway, I chucked the guy shortly thereafter and began my investigation.
Which is how I bumped into Dane. (His site was far less sophisticated, back then, and it wasn't called "geoengineering".)
Thanks for the heads up, and for replying. 💖
Will investigate your data. 😉
so you saw what was going on in 2005 !? definitely ahead of your time!
you gotta love a self professed brilliant EX haha ... oh wait you don't have to anymore! that is so excellent!
I hope you enjoy Jim Day, sometimes I'm just in a mood and I want to hear somebody as cynical as I am.
"so you saw what was going on in 2005 !? definitely ahead of your time!"
Been at this a while Phar. Since 1984. The year a few pennies dropped. (Prophetic eh?)
Nothing has stopped me since.
(I is old.)
you is awesome . I old too 😹
and, since we are on Tessa's stack, Tessa had a very long interview with the person from what save the bees or something? that first opened my eyes to the whole issue of what was happening in the skies. honestly it was so heartbreaking I could only watch a little bit at a time. the kicker was when she said the tops of the trees are dying because of the stuff that's coming out of the sky, and now whenever I'm outside I have to notice that the tops of the trees are dying. I think the person's name is Nikki Florio . you can look back on Tessa's Stacks to find it. the other person working on this stuff now is Reinette Senum, you can also find her stack.
Yes, it was Nikki Florio, whom I like quite a bit. I like Dane as well, I will check out your link, you got me curious.Thank you, Phar!
link to Jim Lee's video about DW:
Thanks Phar. 💖
It appears we're to believe that if you don't comply with the DOD psyops narratives then you're considered "selfish." 😵💫
If you happen to be a brainless sort who will do only what daddy/mommy INCORPORATED tells you to do (sometimes after hacking your natural biological bits to pieces to satisfy "sustainable development goals" or whatever insanity happens to be the flavor of the day), then you're in the fake-club of pretend-land nothingsville nowhere.
If you think for yourself, you're not in that club.
Count yourself lucky!
Knowing how it's made isn't always a deal-breaker. Most traditional food products. from cheese to beer to bread to sauerkraut, are made with mold. Our digestion depends on a mass of bacteria, which is a sizable part of our weight.
Modern industrial processes are often WEIRD. Hydrogen peroxide is a supersimple chemical, but the way it's made involves synthesizing a hugely complex organic molecule then splitting it up.
It's more important to know what happens when we consume or use a product. Does it nourish us or harm us?
I agree in general. In case of citric acid (as in other cases), the devil is in the detail, and it looks like the process leaves a lot of room for mycotoxin contamination. It's in the story.
Thanks Tessa for the selfish video. Living off-grid in my 10 acre permaculture homestead trying to get out of the way of crazies and meditate is my MO.
Love to you
Do your own research. Like I did. On a recent visit to Boston, MA I spent a lot of time in Harvard Square, observing, eavesdropping, studying how the class that believes they were born to lead the masses, the cloth they're cut from finer than the rest of humanity's, thinks, speaks and acts. Quite illuminating.
Even more illuminating was the public testimony I heard while visiting the MA legislature and sitting in on a public health committee hearing. I found it quite shocking. And so will most people outside of the professional health community. The need for legislation "to prohibit nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients."
Ten minutes of testimony on these bills that when you do your own research and watch you begin to understand how and why the profession of medicine has so easily embraced totalitarianism, elitism, and will rationalize, justify and internalize any atrocity committed against people as long as it's for a declared collective good. You have no right to bodily autonomy in their minds. Your body is theirs to do as they see fit:
H.2146 / S.1333
(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)
Yes. Do your own research. And know that everyone telling you to trust the experts, that you're not a doctor so you couldn't possibly know what's best for our health and that you don't care about others like medical professionals do, know that nearly every last one of them - 90% anyways - will rationalize and justify the sexual assault and rape of people who are under sedation without their consent, their body's violated, penetrative gynecological examinations and prostate examinations of the unconscious, without consent. Standard operating procedure in most hospitals where medical students are allowed in the OR's. Like at Harvard Medical School, where the finest cloth of men are cut. Never trust "experts" with these types of ethics. Never. Ever. Never, ever ever trust them. Always do your own research. Despicable. With the last three years in hindsight it makes it all that much clearer what the medical profession has been allowed to become...while people didn't do their own research.
Laughing quite hard at the KJP video. 😂
I agree wholeheartedly with "peasant gut." There is no other "gut" worth the bother of having as one's own barometer of what truly is. Reality matters!
Now, what I do not understand is why, if I'm already subscribed to Dr. Mercola, and have been for the entire past year, I never see your article posts there. What's up with that?
was there a maybe a darpa lab somewhere (in ukraine?) working on synthetic jewel wasp poison in, say, 2019? can that stuff be chemtrailed? just doing my own research here :)
I appreciate this bit of good advice very much, in fact I live by it. I’m always coaching my children to never take anyones word for it, to always search for there own answers. Taking what makes sense to them from every possible perspective they can find about what it is they are researching. They can then take what works best for them from all of the perspectives they sample, and piece together the most efficient answers possible. The First things that come up on mainstream search’s are always deceitful.
Yes, I am with you, I do my own research. And I love the F* you song........
Okay, I laughed at the last one. Yes, I did. I confess it. Thank you.
And all the rest great, as usual. Thank you.
I love it, thank you. I love you are doing it your way and I admire that so much and concur with your perceptions so clearly that I TOO will do that. thanks for making me laugh a thousand laughs. That keeps me healthy enough that I am dangerous. Love, Sharon
Thank you, Sharon!!! xo
Mornings are so taxing and depressing for me as I start with financial headlines (never reading the body of the stories or any of the mainstream news bullshit, ever, because I already know how it goes). Then I start going through tech news and Substack articles, mostly science & engineering, and then others. Tessa’s publications are in the other category I look forward to. Jesus this was so good. But I’m still very depressed about Jamie Fox being forced to get the vaxx. If only this clip was his final word on the issue from the very beginning—he’d been spared. I’d like to believe he’ll fully recover, but he’s been too silent so far and it’s been eating at me for months now.
Pfizer COVID vaccine contract with South Africa:
"Purchaser acknowledge that the long-term effects and efficacy are not currently known, and there may be adverse affects that are not currently known."
Pg26 at
Love your work x
Doing our own research can be scary!
Soon after the magically speedy injections (they call Vaccines) appeared on the market some of us proud Conspiracy Theorists stated the Cellular 5G technology might be a trigger to destroy even more humans than have been terminated by the DEADLY injections they call VACCINES! Under powerful magnification, we saw evidence of strange activity in VAXXED blood samples where a mobile phone being used in proximity of the magnified blood samples showed 'illumination' of unrealistic regular-shaped materials that continued to be 'active' for several minutes. So, even though we were being sceptical about this potential, it seems this could be part of the Master Plan to depopulate the planet!
So, it seems that Marburg might be one of the vax additives that was secreted into vaxxed humans along with Graphene Oxide being used as an activating agent. I feel there will be other deadly illnesses included within the deadly vax cocktails that have been injected with NO LIABILITY for the murderers who designed the plot!
And these DEADLY Covid injections (they pass off as VACCINES) are still distributed with NO LIABILITY!
I wish I was wrong but it seems that most of our bizarre suspicions may have been accurate!
Mick from Hooe (UK) Unjabbed to live longer!