Do your own research. Like I did. On a recent visit to Boston, MA I spent a lot of time in Harvard Square, observing, eavesdropping, studying how the class that believes they were born to lead the masses, the cloth they're cut from finer than the rest of humanity's, thinks, speaks and acts. Quite illuminating.
Do your own research. Like I did. On a recent visit to Boston, MA I spent a lot of time in Harvard Square, observing, eavesdropping, studying how the class that believes they were born to lead the masses, the cloth they're cut from finer than the rest of humanity's, thinks, speaks and acts. Quite illuminating.
Even more illuminating was the public testimony I heard while visiting the MA legislature and sitting in on a public health committee hearing. I found it quite shocking. And so will most people outside of the professional health community. The need for legislation "to prohibit nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients."
Ten minutes of testimony on these bills that when you do your own research and watch you begin to understand how and why the profession of medicine has so easily embraced totalitarianism, elitism, and will rationalize, justify and internalize any atrocity committed against people as long as it's for a declared collective good. You have no right to bodily autonomy in their minds. Your body is theirs to do as they see fit:
Yes. Do your own research. And know that everyone telling you to trust the experts, that you're not a doctor so you couldn't possibly know what's best for our health and that you don't care about others like medical professionals do, know that nearly every last one of them - 90% anyways - will rationalize and justify the sexual assault and rape of people who are under sedation without their consent, their body's violated, penetrative gynecological examinations and prostate examinations of the unconscious, without consent. Standard operating procedure in most hospitals where medical students are allowed in the OR's. Like at Harvard Medical School, where the finest cloth of men are cut. Never trust "experts" with these types of ethics. Never. Ever. Never, ever ever trust them. Always do your own research. Despicable. With the last three years in hindsight it makes it all that much clearer what the medical profession has been allowed to become...while people didn't do their own research.
Do your own research. Like I did. On a recent visit to Boston, MA I spent a lot of time in Harvard Square, observing, eavesdropping, studying how the class that believes they were born to lead the masses, the cloth they're cut from finer than the rest of humanity's, thinks, speaks and acts. Quite illuminating.
Even more illuminating was the public testimony I heard while visiting the MA legislature and sitting in on a public health committee hearing. I found it quite shocking. And so will most people outside of the professional health community. The need for legislation "to prohibit nonconsensual intimate examinations of anesthetized or unconscious patients."
Ten minutes of testimony on these bills that when you do your own research and watch you begin to understand how and why the profession of medicine has so easily embraced totalitarianism, elitism, and will rationalize, justify and internalize any atrocity committed against people as long as it's for a declared collective good. You have no right to bodily autonomy in their minds. Your body is theirs to do as they see fit:
H.2146 / S.1333
(Timestamp Begin 03:24:40 - 03:34:30 End)
Yes. Do your own research. And know that everyone telling you to trust the experts, that you're not a doctor so you couldn't possibly know what's best for our health and that you don't care about others like medical professionals do, know that nearly every last one of them - 90% anyways - will rationalize and justify the sexual assault and rape of people who are under sedation without their consent, their body's violated, penetrative gynecological examinations and prostate examinations of the unconscious, without consent. Standard operating procedure in most hospitals where medical students are allowed in the OR's. Like at Harvard Medical School, where the finest cloth of men are cut. Never trust "experts" with these types of ethics. Never. Ever. Never, ever ever trust them. Always do your own research. Despicable. With the last three years in hindsight it makes it all that much clearer what the medical profession has been allowed to become...while people didn't do their own research.