If you are sane and kind, and find yourself among the people who are not quite in their soul element, you also have to be very patient and not get too hurt as they keep making choices that are bad for everyone, betraying themselves, betraying you, coming up with word salad to justify the position of their metaphorical handler in the ghost world (the manager of their bad habits) that they mistake for their own position, and so on.

You have to be very strong. And you cannot really have an ego because you have an ego you will die from pain.

A very strange situation but a very empowering way to grow your soul and get very confident about who you are.


It also helps to find people like you who bring us together so we can talk about these things and not feel like we're so lost in the wilderness! The worst part of the covid years was not having like-minded people to talk/vent with.

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That's a really great point! I actually found some of my best friendships in the past three years. Those new friendships are quite amazing, I feel so grateful for them!

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I have too !!! I lost all my friends from the past because I would not buy into these lies but the new friend are true friends there trying to open doors that were closed they research they are not the Zombies I see who buy into the crap that there selling

Long story short they have a brain not part of the Matrix

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Yes! One of the good things the Internet did.

It connected us geeks up who are trying to find their community.

Now it's global. Censorship only tricks the masses, but these days there's more and more of us than in the past 😂

And Tessa, yes we have to be strong, but also bend like a tree branch... I think that's when the ego disappears for moments. It comes back with a new way of perceiving. Perhaps it's like a "system update" of the ego? Hehe 😂

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love this! - thank you:

“'enchanted and dangerous children with matches,' are significantly messed up in the head but sincere. You can watch them think out loud, defend their respective positions, talk about morality and preserving the human species, even argue with each other about the finer details of their extremely disrespectful and destructive proposals, etc."

well put - and to wit:

"There is an abundance of spirited discussion about Artificial Intelligence (AI) and its application to our species to manifest a more “evolved human” enhanced by technology. Proponents of this “technological singularity” proceed with reckless abandon in pursuit of the colossal prospect of installing a metaphorical steam engine (i.e.: technology) inside a human body as the path to a contrived and barbaric concept of an evolution they have theoretically and unaccountably decided is inevitable. Sadly, at the time of this post, it is already out of control – even by their own admission."


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Thank you, Beau!! I came to believe that the proponents of singularity are charlatans, at the top level at least. I think they are putting the people on knowingly!

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O no - these morons are serious, and have quite a rich history.


Leading proponent Ray Kurzweil is obviously so afraid to die that he's been full on with this for years. All a sign of a whole human contingent that is unaware they have a heart, and as such, have no clue what real Love really is. Therein lies a root problem. But they are so well funded and proceeding 'hell bent for election', it's frightening!!

"We have long lost sight of our true nature as fundamentally HEART centered spiritual creatures of energy, functionally supported in life by the processor that is our brain. Artificial Intelligence profoundly exacerbates the long standing capture of culture by the Cartesian delusion that we are mind centered beings – cold, calculating data processors serviced by a simple pump in our chest, who traverse an exclusively physical Universe. In all worlds AI, ‘Love’ can never be more than an empty word peeling off of a line of code."


rock on girl!! - peace love

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I used to think that Kurzweil is serious. When I started writing about transhumanism about 10 years ago, I thought he was. Now I am not so sure, I think he is lying. In any case, it almost doesn't matter but I think he is lying, a lot of people are putting money into it, like they did into Theranos. :)

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Surely the Technocrats are milking it for all they can - but so many full-on tech heads, like Kurzweil (who perhaps never take a walk among the trees), really believe in this - cling to a vain misguided response to our global dysfunction. "We're hackable animals" - Harari

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It could be, I think he doesn't believe in it but of course only he knows. Singularity is VERY lucrative.

Thee is a segment about him here, from last year https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/mind-of-a-technocrat

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I saw that post when it came out on Mercola's site - a good piece of writing Tessa - resonates with my own thinking profoundly. And the 1min video of Kurzweil's schpeel, OMG what a steaming dog pile - the man desperately needs to connect to the One Heart!!

My conviction is that there is surely a path to transform even the most ruthless, psychopathic power elite into Ebenezer Scrooge on Christmas Day, and it MUST be done!

"Our challenge is to engineer the Moonshot of an evolutionary path wherein we permanently catalyze our inherent human experience into a broader and deeper perceptual dimension – a transition that reifies a heart-centered, personal/collective human experience, as consciously interconnected individuals integrated within a coherent network – simultaneously separate and all together, like 7.x billion fingers on one ‘Whole’ hand. Once done, perhaps the best part will be an undeniable and perpetual sense of BELONGING – to one another everywhere, as constituent cells of a ‘Whole’ Humanity, integral to our living Earth."


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And thank you, back at ya! xoxo

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The road to hell is paved with good intentions.

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“I’m a good person, therefore, whatever I do is good.” No deep analysis necessary.

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Paul (Saul) nailed it long ago:

"...Although they claimed to be wise, they became fools,..."

Romans 1:22

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Fortunately, what they're proposing is unlikely to work. However, that won't stop them from doing quite a bit of damage along the way. Dr. Mengele, anyone?

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I haven’t seen the Oppenheimer film but we need to get back to the idea that technology (perhaps that is a less misleading term than “science”) can be transgressive: being able to commit theft, murder, rape is not an excuse for doing it. Meanwhile, idiot politicians just rub their hands together, mostly creating wealth for the oppressive and morally degenerate - while convincing themselves very possible of their own rectitude (more or less). Most don’t of course understand what has happened to them. Trust the science!


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And thank you for the link!!!

A while ago (in 2021) I interviewed a former UN employee and then consultant, Marry Otto-Chang. She laid it all out as well, how people get used to the perks, how hard it is for many to break away from it, and that's not even politics proper!

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I think it was a nice article - Andrew Bridgen tweeted it. So very down to earth and real.

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Yep. It is very hard to say what is in the head of each individual politician, I think that some are enchanted, and some are cold-blooded. But regardless, none of them seem to have respect for the people they "serve." There are a few exceptions but they are few, the rest of them are just taking space and promoting nonsense at this point.

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i had a split second moment where i thought of engaging with chat gpt to see if it could replicate the idiosyncratic style of a substack which brands itself as the #1 "boutique" stack in the "conspiracy" space but which is actually a front for the DHS truth ministry.

then i realized that would only feed the beast.


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Good for you!! I used it to test its abilities since everyone was bragging about it, and I was disappointed. It was useless. I don't know how people use it to create class material or legal briefs (both of which is happening). I found it to be utterly unreliable in terms of being able to produce factually accurate text.

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Very true :)

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Steve Kirsch in, Steve Kirsch out.

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IMO steve serves a useful purpose. even if his motives are CYA because of his involvement in the real ID scheme.

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Yeah, he's doing a lot of hype.

Hype men are good for the cause lol

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Whom would you choose to nourish an AI ?

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nourishment is for the living

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on S Matthew---the delusion is hard to witness!

All of this for PTSD??? we could do what he says or we could use some emotional freedom techniques (tapping) separately or along with MDMA therapy and 💥 no more ptsd. These folks need to get their heads out of the sand!

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I know, there is something about him that evokes a great compassion in me. I don't know what his life has been like but he gives out this vibe of an abused child, like his opinions are not really his, and he is continuing to live his life as a zombie, and it's not his fault per se, but all very sad. And he has a soul that is beautiful and it wants him to be whole.

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Love your mind, Tessa. I’m so glad you are on humanity’s side—and to hear your growing subscriber base loves and supports you for it. I have much more to say in my Substack Notes: https://substack.com/profile/105331799-jeffrey-p-lubina/note/c-36808306?utm_source=notes-share-action&r=1qpmjb

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Thank you so much, Jeffrey!!!

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My instinct tells me that the next step is doing all the interferences in life with the mind. That we do not need the machines. That biology and all its frequencies are information TOO.

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I think there have always been people trying to mess with other people's minds, they used to be mostly unsuccessful, in the past few thousand years they became more successful in influencing a lot of people, I think it's a learning experience for the human species. We will be fine. Just takes a long time probably. And as far as all this gene editing craze, they will probably create a lot of havoc if unchecked but they are not going to end up with what they hope. I hope the majority of people wake up the soonest!!

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OMG! Thank you for sharing this

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Thank you, Alyssa!!

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I'll have to return to treat your article and videos diligently, but, right now, I'm 'stealing' that YouTube vid of "the most sensible thing said during the entire event, coming from a child". It offers crazy contrast to a baby drum video I'm also sharing. Thanks.

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Sasha, this is a wonderful piece. I mean to print it out and use it as a way of righting myself in the face of moral confusion and so much ill will. Thank you from the bottom of my heart.

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I join you in praising Sasha. :)

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What a standout article, excellent work. Thank you

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Thank you, Fabian!! xo

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Thank you Tessa

The “Scientists” and technocrats in your article have one thing in common: No empathy, no soul, no heart feelings, no love.

About the A.I. read this and think the implications:

(My take is that she is 100% on the mark)

“The question of A.I. is probably the most serious moral crisis facing our planet today, because it calls in to stake what means to be human, what it means to be conscious, what it means to Love, … it really calls the question of how far we’ve drifted off the mark to think this is okay.”

Cynthia Bourgeault (Modern day Mystic)

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No longer legally owned by the Slave Master, the modern slave OWNS himself, and sees himself as a salable commodity. Whereas, the old Slave was Sold at the Master’s whim, the new Slave must SELL himself. By means of the fictions of both time and money, he cuts his life into segments called hourd, or years and SELLs these precisely measured slices of Human life for dollars. The English author John Ruskin said, “The distinguishing sign of Slavery is to have a price, and to be bought for it.”

Lantern Cove...

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