The Addictive Hopium of Celebrity Culture
We have the power to create change, and it has nothing to do with the people on TV
A brief observation. We are sooooo conditioned to act like our life happens around famous people, big events, impactful decisions made by those who sit high and speak loud…. it’s amazing to watch how after being deceived so many times, we still believe that they are the ones who’ll save us, somehow. They, the important people, the ones in the limelight.
I keep repeating that everything is energy… Everything is energy!
And in that light, yes, they, the VIPs, the ones who sit high, collect a lot of energy from all of us, and use our energy to build, promote, and elevate what they want.
(Example: the promise to satisfy us, justice-hungry peasants, and drain the swamp … quickly morphing into the Pfizer-friendly OperationWarp Speed).
But who is the most important person in our lives? It’s us, no? The so called leaders on TV are only important because we give them our energy.
If we stop making them the center of our existence or our hope, if we stop socializing around what they do or say, and instead, start paying more attention to what we want, and strategize around how we can generate the energy toward the changes that we want in the world, they will … well, first, they will get very worried and try to put up a show with ponies and fireworks to distract us from ourselves and pull us back in into their matrix… that, they will do. But we don’t have to cooperate.
And we can change the world, we really can change the world! That change starts with putting the focus of our own energy back on us—and not giving them more power or attention than they deserve.
End of rant.
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Dear Tessa, you have stolen a march on me, I've been contemplating an essay on just this phenomenon! Brava! We must free ourselves from the nonsense of no-nothing celebrities and the aspirations to become 'one' of their ilk!