Wow Tessa that's quite a Hollywood-ish photo of you looking so glamorous! :)

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Oh, if you want a really glamorous photo, here's one. I did so many photo shoots for the band ... I miss the innocence of those simple, shallow times. But then I also don't.


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Oh kaleidoscopic yooouuu! 🤩😍

Bowie would have loved this, and the bob is gorgeous!

So looking forward to hearing what you and Matthew have to say. Two such wonderful guests in a matter of days ✊🏼🙏🏻🤍

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Thank you, Plum!!! I think it was a very good conversation, I really enjoyed it. And we talked about the important things, the foundational issues, the things that can help us be joyous despite what's going on around us.

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Not to mention Riley 🥰😎🤩

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RILEY yes. :)

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Vogue material for sure. Beauty and brains and wit. That's your combination.

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You are so kind!!! Thank you!!

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Thank you!! Here is the story it is from. I don't remember when it was written, a coupe of years before COVID. https://tessafightsrobots.com/tessa-lena/social-story/

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Both interviews were great listening. Thanks to you all. It felt relieving to relate to so much discussed! 🙏🤗

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Thank you, Kelly!!

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we know the spike protein wipes out the immune system so your theory about a pathology with the same mechanism as toxoplasmosis makes perfect sense. for example, how the covid shot activates dormant shingles and herpes infections.

and is there some secret transformative ingredient that would mimic toxoplasmosis and create an entirely new pathogen? wouldn't surprise me.

loved how you made the connection between how the oligarchs dispossessed the euro peasants. and then sent them to the new world to be their genocidal invading army - and now how 200 years later the oligarchs are driving the libyans into france, for example, to do the same thing.

my mantra from day one has been "this isn't an ordeal, it's an adventure." easier said than done...

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Thank you, I think I am onto something with my theory, and I've been shoring from the rooftops about it and telling anyone who would listen.... :) Now it's up to the doctors to listen and look into it!! There is currently an abyss between research and medicine, and I just happened to dig in and connect the dots!!!

And yes, the oligarchs keep doing it again and again!!

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i think another theory you are onto is the possibility that we were sprayed with something in spring 2020 (and who knows, maybe the spraying continues)

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Thank you, and I think we are constantly being strayed with something, possibly in relation to this or just as a matter of geoenginering. The reason I don't argue with people about viruses (beyond y right to think whatever I please at each given moment) is because there is such a complexity of factors and such a ready availability of synthetic chemicals and synthetic biology that this is like arguing about the brand of the dildo raping us. Good to know but the important part is that there is rape happening!

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ewwwww i know!

virus-vs-no-virus is a divide-and-conquer scheme (and also involves chaos agents). as i understand it, germ theory and terrain theory are a) not theories, both are real and b) are not mutually exclusive. pathogens exist. the stronger we are, the better we fight them off. kinda commonsense when you think about it...

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Exactly, not either or!! And I think that the chaos agents exploit any topic and any human vulnerability! I think most people are sincere, however, it takes one or two insincere people to poke the insecurities and the historical lack of respect (for anyone), and people start focusing on the feeling of being hurt or underappreciated, and all goes to hell!!

I like everyone, I don't like the "missionary position." :)

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the dog in dogma tends to bite you in the ass. even if you are in the missionary position

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Thanks, Tessa. I look forward to listening.

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Thank you, Kathleen!

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Both segments terrific. So stimulating intellectually, in the best sense of the term. Thank you.

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Thank you, Howard!! xo

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I hated to see this discussion end. You two are my foundations. Mathew is how I learned about Tessa and I trust Mathew. He was right again. Thank you both.

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Thank you!! It is a very happy thing to hear for me. I interviewed Mathew about his DMED findings last year and I had the honor to be the first or the second person to interview him at a time when it was not a super welcome topic, it was before Mathew started his podcast, etc. I feel like the good energy is going around!

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There were so many things you both said that it’s hard to be sure I am highlighting the two most striking - to me. One, about the parasites. The other was the likening of waking up at the end only to discover you had a bank account filled with millions...or something like that. Anyway, I think you are both helping in ways immeasurable.

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Also here is my article on the topic https://takecontrol.substack.com/p/chronic-active-toxoplasmosis

Please let me know if you cannot access it, I will dig out the PDF link

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You are correct about not being able to access it in this format because I’m not a paid Mercola subscriber. (I send lots of money to him by way of supplements, however. ) I welcome the pdf version when you are able. Thank you so very much.

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Thank you!! xoxoxo

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Great interview!

I just wanted to give you my view on your parasites theory which might help clarify the big picture and the variables that have been hidden.

1) COVID was nothing new:

We know that before the jabs, in 2020, the total death count was close to previous years in most nations. Also, the average age of death from convid was a bit above life expectancy.

A lot of the issues came from stress, fear and hospital poisoning and venting protocols.

Read gato malo post on it where he goes into the Spanish flu, etc.

2) long COVID is a result of being poisoned by jabs, remdesevir and/or venting...

After the jabs came out, issues with them were diagnosed as long convid.

There's another interesting link. Chronic fatigue syndrome, Lyme disease, and other autoimmune conditions are big among middle class women who tend to get their flu shots etc. I know there's a bacterial theory of Lyme, but despite that, treatments are not very effective and somehow there's not much progress in finding out what exactly is causing it!

And here's a good article on why even past jabs are a huge problem: aluminum, which is in most vaccines besides the convid ones.


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Also, you may find the work of Dr. Garth Nicolson interesting. His theory is that "Guf Syndrome" is linked to mycoplasma contamination in vaccines. https://tessa.substack.com/p/weaponized-mycoplasma

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Thank you, Rob!! All good thoughts. What I am trying to avoid is the "either / or" fervor that we see sometimes in the "virus" debates. Germ and terrain theories are not mutually exclusive at all, and it applies to both biology and psychology! :)

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I have to say that the problem I have with germ theory is that it ignores the wisdom of the body and the life that isn't us, but is in our body.

Terrain theory follows Occam's razor and explains it beautifully.

For example, you have strep A in your throat, but you aren't sick.

Same with e coli in your intestines.

Koch's postulates says that the cause of the sickness should not be found in a healthy person. That fails badly with that bacteria example. Same issue with whatever they detect as viruses. Many have both and are perfectly fine!

The bacteria multiply when there's damage from vaccine toxicity. Bacteria eat only dead cells, not living ones.

With parasites there it's not as clear. They supposedly can process toxins, but I haven't looked much into that.

Fungus tend to multiply when there's excess sugar.

Thanks for the link on the gulf syndrome stuff. I also heard some of their shots used a highly toxic adjuvant called squalene. Meryl Nass fought against the anthrax jab which has it.


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I completely agree that the terrain is extremely important!! But then I don't know too many people (outside of the very mainstream circle) who think that terrain is not important, of course it is important! But microbes also do exist, they exist undeniably, and that is regardless of what anyone thinks about viruses. There are many microbes and bigger parasites, and some have the potential to kill their host without a proper immune response.

Similarly, everyone has a different reaction to poisons. After all, didn't the royals in the middle ages (and who knows, maybe now as well) get trained to take small amounts of poison so that their body knows how to deal with it (since the ryoyals just kept poisoning one another out of competition for power?)

So. What I passionately object to is the genre of "either / or" as well as heated attacks on imaginary arguments, similar to what the mainstream does with making this crazy image of an "antivaxxer" and then mocking that piece of fiction. While the career propagandists do it on purpose, some sincere people do it out of feeling under-appreciated or not heard. and then it's just this ridiculous brawl over something that people in all actuality may not even disagree about. Which is why I keep saying that I refuse to argue about this. Everyone can think whatever they please, and once every side has heard each other a couple of times, it is not necessary to launch a fully blown missionary campaign. :)) There is no need for everyone to march in line, or to agree with each other on every single point every single time, especially given that it's impossible. :)

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Well, with this case I was not trying to convert you but point out that there are many factors that people ignore because they are so focused on finding 'demons' when the cause is much more simple.

That's my problem with germ theory.. it's dogmatic and narrow minded.

(It must be caused by this, ignoring the many other factors)

Anyway, hopefully the information and thought process we shared will help you and others figure out the things that the educated system refuses to. Hopefully, naturopathic approaches will become part of the mainstream system. Then there can be a true choice for people.

The established system will not like this because it will show that there are alternatives that are much less toxic and in cases more effective than the hammer and the nail approach 🤑

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I didn't think you were trying to convert me. Sometimes you do but this time, I think you weren't, thank you for that. A side note: convert from what to what? :) it seems like any time people try to convert me, they are talking to their mostly fictional image of my ideas i their head, vs. my actual thoughts. Never fails!

I hope that the exchange was bi-directionally educational! And I, too, hope that the naturopathic approach will be respected again.

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Tessa, in the video with Matthew & Riley you explained how it was sort of a society standard when you were growing up in Russia that everyone be miserable, share misery so that those who are or have reason to be truly unhappy do not feel out of place.  I'm mangling what you said, but something like that.   What instantly came to mind was the "do your part" mantra for masking that we all went through, healthy people being dictated to wear the miserable masks for the benefit of all.  It strikes me as so Bolshevikian, similar to we must all be miserable together.  Does that comparison ring true to you?  

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