
I fixed the second link to go to the correct story! It should be this one


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The passive attack points grow daily against the alt-narrative, honest, free thinkers... Search engine delistings & downrating, social media ghosting & deplatforming, antivirus flagging, isp dns filtering, email spam filters, denial of service attacks, targeted IP address sniffers.... and on, and on... the dark-triad of BigTech, BigMedia, and BigGov seek to silence the non-compliant, shut-down the independent, and abolish free speech online.

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Glad to see you read CAF (Fitts) - she is hopeful, so is James Corbett, as are others. Nick Hudson of PANDA in South Africa, who I followed for COVID sanity, thinks it is a different model of global governance. He agrees they're awful, but focuses less on fear & malevolence. We shouldn't attribute mental power to them, i.e. keep chanting how powerful WEF is. "Thoughts are things," and I follow you, Tessa, because you believe in humanity, not the hatred of the world they have, seeing it as a dead planet they have to "improve." Ironically they are the worst "racists," for all their "Diversity, Inclusivity, Equity" talk, because they're against the wonder of the natural world, just as Cory Morningstar points out their green hypocrisy. They prefer machines to living systems - perhaps because their thinking is so primitive and imperialistic. I still believe the wheel will turn and all their clever strategies will fail. BTW, Rocco Galati, the Canadian lawyer, said to CAF that Canada gave its pension funds to China to manage. Wonder how that's going for them. Esp w China not siding against Russia.

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And this same bullshit is happening in Russia and China. They're on board with convid and this crap because it gives them power to control their people.

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Mar 27, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Wonderful article about energy (Mercola) Tessa!!! I pray that more and more people will open their eyes to the corruption and work together to create solutions steeped in peace and love.

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Thank you Janice!! And yes!!

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Removed (Banned)Mar 28, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena
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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I love the hope and optimism in your poem

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Thank you Emily!

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Ha, I realize my question is a double-entendre. You know what sucks, Tessa? People are too afraid to face the dismal reality of what's coming to pass. It's so hard to awaken-pill the fearful, cowardly, complacent, and comfortable... (my nearest and dearest included)

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Apr 3, 2022·edited Apr 3, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

I finally had time to read through the rest of your article. What an excellent analysis of the glorification of centralized nuclear power projects and an illuminating exploration of who is pushing those ideas and why. I also really appreciated your heart-centered, poignant and insightful comments on what it will take for us to get to a place where we can create energy generation systems (which are decentralized) that could power our civilization (without being destructive to nature and/or humanity).

Personally, even IF 'hot fusion' was "sustainable", safe and "effective" I would not be a proponent of that technology because the immense facilities, rare materials and expertise required to initiate nuclear fusion (as it takes place in the sun, at extreme temperatures and or with extreme pressure required) is going to inevitably be something that is centralized, monopolized, and thus just another extension of the same slavery system of dependence we have been in for over a century now on Earth.

Hot fusion projects and their relentless funding funnels from billionaires and tax dollars makes me think of similar dynamics in the cancer research industry. It all reeks of making profits 'sustainable' (and not the practices) at the cost of the lives and wellbeing of everyday people and the planet.

I do think there may one day be hope for relatively low tech (or at least easily reproducible with common materials) and decentralized forms of LENR based energy generation tech, but that being said, I do not see it as "the answer", rather just one potential that is better than what we are currently doing to power our civilization. The fact that some scientists theorize that LENR (Low energy nuclear reactions) actually take place endogenously within humans (and other organisms) in the form of the "biotransmutation of chemical elements" says to me that this is at least potentially a path that seeks to learn from nature and emulate her living systems.

Some interesting data on these phenomena:



This also relates to your question of if inventors of efficient energy systems (that can be created to empower people in a decentralized way and thus threaten the existing energy monopolies) are being "shot down" as some people that have worked to move various expressions of LENR forward eg. "Cold Fusion" ended up dead (people such as Dr. Eugene Mallove https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Q_A4XJhV1y4 )

For further info, Sayer Ji also explores the topic of biological LENR phenomena in his book called "Regenerate: Unlocking Your Body's Radical Resilience Through the New Biology" ( https://www.penguinrandomhouse.com/books/599585/regenerate-by-sayer-ji/ )

For me, despite the seductive potential of what a spiritually aware, compassion driven, love centered Humanity (empowered by advanced energy technology) offers, I do not place my faith or hope in high tech energy generation projects (whether they are hyper centralized or decentralized) as I do not feel that the medicine humanity needs is a way to keep running all of our gadgets, industries and machines. Rather, I think we need to learn to crawl and walk before we sprint or fly, and right now much of our family of humanity is still laying flat on it's back. Infantilized and dependent after multiple generations of systemic programming. So many outsourcing their innate power, their sovereignty, their ability to shape this consensus reality we live in to institutions, gurus, priests, demagogues, tyrants and psychopaths dressed up like philanthropists. So many always seeking more distractions, digital, chemical, emotional.. never still, never knowing and exploring the immensity of their own being. This is not a world that needs more technology and a better way to power it, rather (in my humble opinion) it is a world of humans that needs to reacquaint itself with the spark that dwells within, a world that needs to nurture our intrinsic connection to the living Earth we depend on to survive, and to take steps within our own individual sphere's of influence to fan that spark to become a flame and nurture our connection to Mother Earth to become unbreakable. This does not require technology, it requires courage, humility, gumption, compassion, love and getting our hands dirty. That path to 'taking baby steps' as a human family, remembering/redefining who and what we are, and caring for the Earth is not necessarily mutually exclusive to high tech, but it certainly does not need high tech to be embarked upon. Thus, my current efforts are devoted to the embarking upon that path, and helping others to do the same... whether we have high tech tools to make it easier, or not.

In closing, I will share a book that I feel helps to bridge the gap between "honoring life's mystery" and wanting to continue to have the high tech comforts we have become accustomed to.

"Hidden Energy: Tesla-inspired Inventors and a Mindful Path to Energy Abundance"

Book by Jeane Manning and Susan Manewich https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/53171425-hidden-energy

Thanks again for the great article, you rock Tessa! :)

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Thank you, Gavin!! And I think that nuclear is very dangerous regardless, we are simply too random and hold too little knowledge about how things work... NOT a good idea!

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I share your attitude of placing a priority on humility and reverence for nature over pushing forward for the sake of "progress" with technologies we barely understand.

Speaking of the dangers of nuclear technologies, I just created a substack post aimed at providing viable solutions and preventative measures we can take as individuals (in a dietary sense) which can serve to protect our bodies from the harmful effects of various kinds of radiation. Here is a link: https://gavinmounsey.substack.com/p/turning-to-mother-natures-medicine?s=w

I hope you find the info I put together in that article helpful/empowering.

Keep up the great work Tessa :)

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This is a great article! Thank you Gavin!

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Your article above actually inspired me to look for solutions rooted in nature and write it so thank you! :) I know it is unreasonably long but I wanted to try and include a wide range of radioprotective foods that can be grown, foraged for and/or easily purchased in as many places on Earth as possible (and then I had to provide all the studies and references with supporting data) so it ended up being quite unreadably huge. I am going to try to not make a habit of that in the future as my last article on the medicinal benefits of pine needles was also super long. I appreciate you taking the time to check it out and giving me some feedback :)

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Apr 2, 2022·edited Apr 2, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

About the censorship and the spam mail. There is too much paranoia assuming deliberate intent and clear motive, since humans are at large absurd, ambiguous and confused beings, deliberate intent and motive is difficult to determine, and technology has troubles finding out human intent and finding out the logic in human confusion. Censorship doesn't work well with chaos. So to execute rules of deliberate intent in the form of censorship like that is a difficult thing. Moreover, group-think and societal consensus trance is the foremost and most powerful situation of implicit or subconscious censorship, which applies also to alternative media.

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I agree with what you say. However, I have dealt with this issue for years, and looked into it. At least at the time I looked, it seemed like email clients / services / systems were all relying on shared spam-discerning algorithms provided more or less bu Big Tech. I had my emails not only go to spam bu bounce when I started criticizing Big Tech some years ago. And my FB reach for a page that had like 30K followers (something along those line, don't remember) got to ONE person (me, lol). So the censorship is real, unfortunately, even though nobody has cancelled regular glitches, either.

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I am part way through reading your excellent article on the Great Reset For Energy and just wanted to thank you for putting together such a succinct, hard hitting and informative article before I head off to work. I look forward to reading the rest later tonight.

Keep up the great work Tessa. These are important issues you are shining a light onto.

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Thank you! xo

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Never allow anything tessalena to remain in any jail, spam or otherwise-

Fecund fun and free-

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I have been aware of predictions that the world would face an oil supply crisis in 2023 since late 2021. It seems to me that the price shock early this year will reduce the demand for oil at these high prices by depressing economies. That "heads it off at the pass", softening the hard supply-inadequacy shock.

The control-narrative of war-with-Russia is tried and true, worked well for the "owners" for most of my life, and has now been fully-rehabilitated for the peak-oil crisis.

Last June Gail Tverberg had this analysis: Where Energy Modeling Goes Wrong

Summary: The economy is approaching near-term collapse, not peak oil. The result is quite different.

The modeling that comes closest to being correct is that which underlies the 1972 book, The Limits to Growth by Donella Meadows and others. This modeling was based on physical quantities of resources, with no financial system whatsoever. The base model, shown here, indicates that limits would be reached a few years later than we actually seem to be reaching them. The dotted black line in Figure 1 indicates where I saw the world economy to be in January 2019, based on the limits we already seemed to be reaching at that time.(I think that line is drawn at 2010, myself.) https://ourfiniteworld.com/2021/02/03/where-energy-modeling-goes-wrong/

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Limits of Growth are nonsense. Anyone who is so foolish to believe this Malthusian Fear Porn, all wrapped up with Climate Change hysteria, that the Club of Rome/WEF $billionaires are spouting endlessly to justify their destruction of the World economy. Look at this site:

https://galepooley.substack.com/ Malthusianism Debunked.

Fission energy supply is essentially unlimited. The energy density of ordinary dirt is 26X that of coal in MJ/kg just from the uranium & thorium contained in that dirt. The energy contained in the World's depleted uranium and spent nuclear fuel is worth $3,000 trillion @ an energy price of $100/bbl of oil.

One rare earth mine that makes materials for wind turbines will produce enough waste thorium & uranium annually to supply all the energy needs of the entire planet every year burnt in Molten Salt Reactors. They will pay you to take the thorium and uranium away. And any metal mine you can extract the uranium & thorium by adding an additional flotation circuit. We will never run out of uranium & thorium to power our civilization. We will long run out of regular construction materials before we will run out of fission fuel. And then there is fusion. And asteroids. And the Moon.

Solar & wind use >18X the material inputs, >300X the land area and generate >300X the waste of current NPP's. Multiply those numbers by 2 for MSR's.

If you have plentiful energy, you can recycle everything, so in fact you don't need to use any more resources except uranium/thorium/deuterium/tritium/helium4. And those are unlimited supply. And there are lots of mineral resources on the asteroids, Moon & Mars. One asteroid has 10's of $trillions worth of minerals.

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It is not economically feasible to recover and use what you mention, so it cannot be done.

We are inescapably wedded to fossil fuels, and already past the tipping point to economic downturn.

The excess fossil fuel and mineral ore to do the "green" projects, on top of base-economy does not exist at all.

We need to adapt now to the severe downturn.

That's what this war is about.

Wars are a coping-mechanism for economic resets.

Ugly, but true.

Good luck mining asteroids.

You forgot the Helium 3 on the moon, which mining is actually planned by NASA.


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It is easily economically feasible. The fuel cost is negligible. Other than that you just need fast reactors which is nothing new. Look up the Elysium Molten Chloride Fast Reactor, runs on spent nuclear fuel or depleted uranium, more economical to build and operate than current light water reactors. So indeed what I said can EASILY be one. The only problem is corruption.

We aren't inescapably welded to fossil fuels. France replaced 100% of their domestic electricity supply with nuclear in 20yrs (& 12% legacy hydro) using ancient reactors & one-at-a-time archaic construction methods. 1/2 of their total primary energy supply. Do that once more and job is done. 40yrs - max - start to finish.

The energy & resources to do a nuclear transformation are negligible, <1% of one years world energy production spent over the 40yr period. Insignificant.

You got that backwards, the Davos gang of Malthusian Parasites WANT us to have a severe downturn to cement their fascist dream of total world power so they are creating wars, pandemics & economic chaos

Helium 3 isn't necessary. Helion energy plans on producing all the He-3 they need from the D2-D2 fusion reaction.

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We shall see, but the fossil fuel surplus needed to do all of this work, and the time, is already gone.

Grow vegetables, friend. Ride a bike. Be a neighbor...

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I already explained that the fossil fuels needed are insignificant. And home-grown produce, bicycling & friendly neighborhoods are all very laudable but will have insignificant effect on our energy consumption. And to make matters much worse by far the demand for developing nations to have basic things like pensions, health care, education systems, military & legal systems, housing with reliable electricity will require a rapidly expanding energy supply, there is no feasible way to achieve that sustainably without a rapid growth in nuclear energy.

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"We shall see".

Your speculation relieves you of any burden to prepare.

Is that wise?

Do you think you are important enough to be provided for in this techno future?


I am clearly not...

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The 'limits to growth' aspect is what I first assumed this 'Reset' was about back in mid 2020. The 'why are they doing this?' part led me to either some climate disaster or some energy (economy) collapse that was coming, and that the 'noble lie' of needing to scare the world and lockdown due to C19 was being done to condition us into obedience for our own good.

Since then it seems to go in circles. 'It can't be ALL chalked up to them being evil greedy psychopaths', 'it's only about control', 'it's because the fiat system is collapsing' etc. Then when the age-old 'limits to growth' reason came back, I felt immediate pushback of 'well that's what the elites WANT us to think'. In parallel I've read lots from Iain Davis and Jordan Peterson who feel we will continuously invent ever more leaps of efficiencies to sustain a world of 15 billion by year 2100 just fine without elites controlling and guiding our behavior and consumption.

This recent interview with Gail Tverberg summarized it well:


I think it's still a combination of these. Maybe assuming endless increases in efficiencies such as soils/fertilizers and other energy supplies is already built in and the 'limits to growth' were simply delayed from the 1970s/80s till 2018.

The forced mRNA via mandates even down to children seems to point to even greater future control over minds and behavior.

It seems to be a fitting 'noble lie' explanation on why they are doing this to us for our own good ('us' = the future bewildered herd). I don't like it or agree with it. But pushing/leveling the West down and controlling us is their goal, and either method will have 'them' enriching themselves, owning/controlling all supply/demand, and able to live amongst a stable yet zombied world of masses. We won't really get the chance to see which path was correct, of course!

Just in case I too am growing veggies, riding bikes, being in life outdoors and offline as much as possible.

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It has nothing to do with "limits to growth". If it had why are the ruling elites pushing every nutty scam that can be invented to reduce our efficiency to the max? Pushing wind/solar and other nutty renewable energy scams that have done zip to reduce our fossil fuel consumption. Over $4T blown on wind/solar with zero results.

The Tyrants have enforced a blockade on nuclear energy which unlike wind/solar is actually proven to greatly reduce fossil consumption. They push idiotic agrofuels which use up large amounts of farmland to produce a fuel with a <1 EROI (energy return on invested), and solar farms blocking farmland. And a blockade on methanol which actually is an effective alternative to petroleum.

You don't need increased efficiency, the efficiency we have right now is far more than adequate to give a good living standard to the 12B peak population ~2050. As an example, Japan supplies 70% of their food on 13% of their land mass, with 157m people on a small resource poor island and very high living standard. Just copying Japan would enable 48B to live comfortably on the Earth land area. And Bangladesh is 3x the population density of Japan. And China is using simple poly covered agricultural land that decreases water use by >5x with large productivity increases.

Conclusion: it is blatantly obvious that the ruling Psychopath Parasites are deliberately trying to impoverish the World population (not including them & their minions) and even possibly resorting to mass murder or genocide to reduce World population.

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The reason they have been able to get so far so quickly with their agenda is simple. They have been mind controlling us for hundreds if not thousands of years. If people understood what the plan is , the vast majority would reject it out of hand. This is why they called it a vaccine. Asking someone to inject themselves with an untested CRISPR technology really wouldn't have had people queuing up in the staggering numbers we witnessed.

Their skill is their ability to deceive. I have to confess it has taken me a while to appreciate the scope of what is going on. This started a long time ago. Potentially thousands of years ago. For sure the plan was in place before the French revolution. You have to marvel at their mendacity. This is why they are always one step ahead. They think in terms of centuries. The common folk never do because they simply can't imagine there is a curtain let alone a wizard behind it.

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And not to mention the lack of memory in people anymore! Talk about staggering.

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When you write or speak we are 'this or that' or 'I am this or that' you are giving a word of definition, that you both teach and learn.

Nearly all commentators are focused in the 'world' as seen through narrative identity, and this will always say much about the commentator and perhaps something about the world - but filtered and ruled by judgements.

A war of Principalities is at a higher or more fundamental level to which we perceive results as if causes or agents in their own right.

Errors or uncorrected fallacies at a fundamental level rule out a true or whole appreciation such that partial truths are taken as ultimate or fixed and untruths are taken as true. Such active ignorances effectively attack, deny and undermine our awareness of truth, of life, our self and each other.

This can also be looked at as separation conflicts or trauma, that remain unhealed under masking denial, to actively but unknowing rule and filter our thought, perceptions and responses.

Look at how we seek and find identity relative to conflicts, coercions and deceits as an automatic reaction, and so are delivered to such deceits because we are not consciously responsible for our own thought.

Narrative identity becomes masking persona becomes a sense of lack driven to seek externally for validation , reinforcement and support.

These are the stories we are constantly running or referring to within our own mind as well as in collective cultural scripts.

That our reality is a psycho-physical expression of spiritual qualities - indeed love - is to say it is all about love. But what we seek to substitute from a sense of lack of love is a manipulative mimicry of forms of communication and exchange that mask a lack in seeming virtues or contracts and exchanges as attempt to organise or manage conflict and risk of threat in fear of pain and loss.

The masking and control mind is progressively unmasking itself and unable to maintain its sense of continuity, and so is driven to increase control & expose itself loveless and therefore meaningless in truth, in the unwillingness to release invested self-illusion.

We can see the pattern out there, but I invite bringing it home to where our realm of fractal responsibility for wholeness in all abides, for love is ours to receive and extend - but for the ruling out of a gaslighting narrative that we can learn to recognise and disregard.

The still small voice of a true discernment within all that is, remains as loud as our willingness to listen. We have taught and learned a world where love comes to struggle, suffer, sicken and die such as to internalise and crystallise the thinking that be-lives it as the mortal human condition, rather than a deep set conditioning.

We are and have the power to teach and learn differently, by releasing a false sense of self-protective futility to a presence of life revealing. This does not support our dependency on prediction and control and so it seems a void and is avoided by minds set in structure.

But there is another and better way to see than by a gaslight darkly. The pain of futility helps to loosen the grip of habits that ran unseen, so as to release energy and attention to the grace of noticing and the wonder that questions as a movement of intimate curiosity.

Problem solving can be addictively compelling but before Abraham was, I Am.

Prior awareness is not a commodity resource for private exploitation, but if you insist, and you can, you receive in the measure of your giving but do not recognise your own participation in an ill outcome. And so true principals are lost to conditional expediencies that perpetuate rather than release from conflict in ever new 'solutions'.

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Hey there, Binra. Always good to hear from you. You know, we might be interested in higher consciousness but, you see we are all trying to enjoy our tyranny fear porn here.

Tessa, you don't know how lucky you are. Give tired ol' Malidoma (a form of cancer) the boot. You got the real thing right here in your own room.

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"We are ruled by human being"

Please define "human being" and provide evidence that such animal exists...

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I mean I am not a biologist.... how can I provide a definition of a human being? :)))) On a serious note,I think you have the best idea about what you are getting at here. What do you think on the topic?

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Whole decades passed, since I arrived at this tinny space rock, during which I never saw a human being... at least those mythical entities the philosophers enjoy to spew around and write about ignoring the actual uman animal.

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China is going to build Thorium reactors. The nuclear 'renaissance' may take place over there.

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Managed by AI? I don't have good words for all this!

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Mar 28, 2022Liked by Tessa Lena

Managed by AI or "runs on Windows", what could go wrong?

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