Nov 2, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Brilliant article, Tessa. I concur with your conjectures and hypotheses. Like you, I have been down so many rabbit holes since early 2020 that I have felt lost more than once and left wondering why do I keep seeking reason and whatever level of Truth I can find. I am so thankful for souls like you who just want to love and be free yet are willing to get down and dirty as they seek to understand. I think I would probably have drifted too far into alien territory if not for the beacons of goodness and compassion. When I sometimes started to feel too far out there (I live in Portland, OR, so you can imagination what madness our "Health Authority" pushed on us), I would digest articles by you, Naomi Wolf, Charles Eisenstein, Sayer Ji, Dr. Mercola, etc., etc. and know that I was never really alone. Thank you always.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Nicely constructed article all of which reinforces my (personal) view which is: “Why would anyone choose to have a toxic cocktail, masquerading as a vaccine, put into their miraculous self-healing body?”

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It’s parasitic! I thought it was multipronged, however, the parasites cause all the differing symptoms! I am embarking on a cleanse today! Great work!!!! I had bacterial pnemonia for the first time in my life Jan 2021. They called it covid. I had the antibodies in the blood serum test and ground glass in lung. However, I was stressed, going through immense grieving which hits the lungs and coupled with using an unsanitary nasal irrigation bottle with tap water 4-5x - I feel- created it! No one caught it from me. All of it weird! What do you think of their phony blood antibody tests? What was it detecting???????

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Thank-you, enjoyed your article. So many things still unknowns, exactly what you said, examine the vials! We had to wear made in China yellow face masks for 12 shifts at the hospital. That was high risk for lung cancer pretty sure. I remember some younger nurses had maskne (severe). I believe the masks were contaminated too. It felt like asbestos with fiberglass on my skin.

I noticed when I took hydroxychloroquine for Covid, I felt cleansed. I always had an underlying feeling that there were bugs too (the kind that make you eternally sick, but you never know what is wrong/remained undiagnosed)...

I heard from an ICU RN about the Covid lungs 'ground glass'. It wasn't clear to me if this was a distinguishing characteristic for a new illness or something else. This ICU RN also told me, "not one Covid patient lived"(the treatment killed the patients)...she has since left the hospital and went to work in a prison.

I remember hearing from a GI RN at an infusion center that during Covid there was a huge increase in ulcerative colitis and other autoimmune disorders. My girlfriend got kidney disease stage 3 from the shots. Maybe we could make bumper stickers, "I survived Covid"! What a mess, the whole world could use a round of Hydroxycloroquine!

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All I can think of is this statement:

"Don't let them do to myocarditis what the have done to autism."

-Ann Barnhardt

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Of course, nothing like fear to destroy immunity: what did they do, they kept people locked up, no sunlight or exercise, isolated, discouraged vitamin C and D, poor diet - this on its own should have a measurable effect on morbidity and mortality (yes, the bugs would take over even without lethal interventions in hospital where witnesses were kept at bay). Actually, it surprising the toll wasn’t even worse in 2020, all things considered.

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Beautifully written.

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Thank you for this theory and analysis. I have been thinking about toxoplasmosis as a factor, and wondered if ivermectin would effect it. Here's a study: https://pubmed.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/25207063/.

There are just so many variables and con-founders involved in thinking in a lay fashion about one's health or one's animal's health, and there's no research money going into synergistic effects or non-pharma cures. It infuriates me. As I've said since I heard Dr. Kory on DarkHorse, I'd rather take an Uber to the Neptune Society and sit on the curb than go to ANY mainstream medical facility or doctor, so having people like you and MidWestern Doctor and the FLCCC to count on makes the world so much less dystopic.

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Lots of great information, and no doubt vaccines and heavy metals cause autism, particularly for fetuses from vaccinated pregnant woman. I also believe fluoride plays a major role. I got mine as a fetus via my mother’s mercury tooth fillings, her military-grade vaccines and tons of fluorinated water & tooth paste. As far as COVID, it’s always helpful to begin in the 1800’s, then skip forward with the understanding Coronavirus was first isolated for weaponizing in 1965 in the United States by the DoD and CIA, then sent to the UK…and eventually all over the globe, and yes, even to China by 2015-20. I’ve got several audio and video clips on my most popular post, below. Most are short and to the point, and no B.S. Anyone who’s got additional info, comments or videos you’d like me to add, please leave them on my substack, please. I’ll have to upgrade you to a free paid sub for life, then you can give your spare tips and donations to Tessa instead. She’s so worth it. Seriously. https://open.substack.com/pub/jeffreyplubina/p/the-most-important-video-and-audio?r=1qpmjb&utm_campaign=post&utm_medium=web

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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Beautiful songbird! Gorgeous soul... yours won’t get eaten Tessa. God Bless

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News of the Weird: Rats are stricken with Alzheimers by transplant of human poop from Alzheimer's patients. ("I don't think it means what you think it means.")

Breakthrough Study 'Infects' Animals With Human Alzheimer’s Through Microbiome


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Nov 2, 2023Liked by Tessa Lena

Tessa, I think you meant NOT behind the paywall. Keep on fighting!

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During WWI it wasn't unusual to bury your fellow soldiers in the trenches. During WWI it wasn't unusual to have your mucosal membranes attacked by mustard gas. When soldiers came home from "over there" they were already debilitated. Dr. Cunningham did save a great many with his hyperbaric oxygen therapy (HBOT) chamber.

In 2020, in Winthrop Hospital in Mineola NY, the unrandomized clinical trial of 20 "COVID-19" patients with confirmed lung ground glass opacity showed that 90% were successfully treated.

Our medical establishment with oodles of government money dangling for genetic therapy shots would never call for HBOT because as one chief pulmonologist told me, the money was with the experimental shots in hospitals and drugs and use of ventilators. (And so were the politicians) They both did evil for profit.

One hospital chain of just over 50 hopitals I searched got $3 billion from the federal government during the plandemic...

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There was nothing new on 2020 besides the medical protocols that injured people and sending sick people home telling them to take toxic Tylenol.

The stats don't lie. There was very little difference from previous years.


Autism and dementia (and Alzheimer's ) being an infection is a stretch that has been promoted in order to cover up the elephant in the room: aluminum .

Dr Christopher Exley has studied this for a long time.


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Just belatedly throwing out there that there's a very fine book called 'How to End the Autism Epidemic,' by autism parent & amazing writer, J.B. Handley. Highly recommended for those who want to better understand the autism epidemic.

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