Thank you Tessa! Another powerful and insightful blog. Hey, have you ever thought about putting these out as videos? You could even add some of your music or a little performance art. I'm actually thinking I might like to do that -- pick some of my favorites from you, Steve, and others, and just do a little on-camera read to help spread the word. Anyway, just some food for thought. :))
Thank you Tessa! Another powerful and insightful blog. Hey, have you ever thought about putting these out as videos? You could even add some of your music or a little performance art. I'm actually thinking I might like to do that -- pick some of my favorites from you, Steve, and others, and just do a little on-camera read to help spread the word. Anyway, just some food for thought. :))
Thank you Tessa! Another powerful and insightful blog. Hey, have you ever thought about putting these out as videos? You could even add some of your music or a little performance art. I'm actually thinking I might like to do that -- pick some of my favorites from you, Steve, and others, and just do a little on-camera read to help spread the word. Anyway, just some food for thought. :))
Thank you Jim!! I was thinking about it!!! I have done it with a couple of stories, and maybe I should do more!! Thank you for the idea!! xo