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Thank you for this article, and noting the importance of balance. I read it after feeding the animals here on the homestead I am overseeing, before I head to one of the two organic farms I work at. This lifestyle keeps me sane, fit, and secure in insane times. There are many benefits to getting to know your local farmers!

Have you been able to gather with others in person? Have you found a community in the real world, offline? Are there strategies people are using to find like-minded humans to work and play and organize with? I am considering attending the greater reset convention in january. Are there other networks of aware people?

My mother grew up in nazi Germany and my dad is southern Italian, so I knew early on growing up (on Long Island) that all is not as it appears. Totalitarianism, as Hannah Arendt points out so often, is deeply rooted in unreality - in deception, lies, obfuscation, etc. The murder of a sitting president in broad daylight and all the other psyops including 9/11 were fed to us by an absolutely corrupt media (but don't get me started on the CIA). Their general acceptance by the populace primed the way for bigger frauds, now including the covid two-year global shutdown and injection program.

As Arendt said, "the result of a consistent and total substitution of lies for factual truth is not that the lie will now be accepted as truth, and truth be defamed as lie, but that the sense by which we take our bearings in the real world - and the category of truth versus falsehood is among the mental means to this end - is being destroyed."

Thank you for also mentioning mafia tactics. The things that we are seeing today all have massive precedents historically that we should all be well aware of. The problem is that once people buy in far enough to reach middle class living, they fall prey to comfort, forgetting the keen struggle that underpins a life of integrity. Many are also addicted to pharmaceuticals or alcohol or other drugs or junk food, so were already weakened and overwhelmed before covid. People need to cleanse and strengthen, get back to the land, and remember to struggle! Love -

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Thank you, Michael, for your beautiful comment. I agree!

And yes, people need to get real before this can end.... I pray for it. We can all pray for it while also doing the work.

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