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I'd like to share here something that happened just a few days ago, that kind of demonstrates in actuality what is happening before my very eyes.

First, we live near Vancouver, BC, Canada, and now it is getting colder after an amazing long

warm, summer. But now, darker, colder as winter begins to set in a bit. Normal, really.

What I'll share I don't find normal. I hope I can express this so you get this sense also.

My husband and I often do a weekly shopping and then walk home, that being an

exercise as our carts are quite heavy. So, sometimes we'll say we should stop

at McDonald's for a snack before heading home. A normal idea.

But it hasn't been at all 'normal' there. That McDonald's was cheerful, warm, attractive

for as long as it's been open here, a long time.

The last few times, when we've gone late in the day, early evening, it's really

cold in there, frigid, the air conditioning on. Thus, not many people are eating


This last time was the worst, around 7 pm, darkening quickly, colder and again

when we went in, really cold. But, in addition, they didn't have any lights on and

it was dark! My husband took the time to actually look into the gloom, and

said that none of the people sitting there had anything, that they were all just

homeless people with nowhere to go, not ordering anything!! The place also

seemed not that clean, either.

Now, I don't feel responsible to tell McDonald's their business, and this often

can backfire. But this represents to me an example of what you're saying,

Tessa, the lack of interest or care in service, even survival. Absolutely no pride

or whatever word we should use. This was a very nice restaurant.

In Canada, you may know of the advancements made in euthanasia, and all those

categories of people who might want to or even should 'opt out'.

A few days ago, a very long 'ad', 180 seconds long played about a woman who

had no reason to go on, so hopeless because she had COPD, but upon realizing

she could 'opt out', she was smiling again. This was followed by a form asking if

I wanted to 'opt out'. This ad flipped off before I could write down the information.

I'm on the lookout now, so of course, it's not playing.

As it happens, I have COPD, so was this some kind of 'message' from the

powers that the only way to GO, was TO GO? To consider others, and


Don't think this is a small thing. Over a year ago, over 20 people every day were

'opting out', dying and saving our elites a lot of money in recaptured pensions.

I notice I don't hear of any of them thinking of 'opting out'. Too busy killing,

destroying. Like the purest joy arsonists have at seeing a building burn down.

We're up against a strange group of people, like serpents that care not for their

own young but EAT THEM. That are just interested in themselves.

I'm thinking these are not what we'd refer to as 'people', or as 'human', but using

the biblical term of 'beast'. Cold blooded, calculating, very dangerous.

More normal people, nice people are being trashed, getting trashed, getting

totally down and more and more unable to even cope or even wanting to bother.

There's euthanasia!! One shot stop.

Please keep bringing up what is hard to discuss, what we just hate to face,

because if we don't face it, we likely don't make it.

Thanks for deep and intuitive discussion.

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Please stop giving your money to evil corporations controlled by the likes of BlackRock.

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I'm always amazed when people casually do things that they really ought to understand are directly opposed to their own best interests. I suppose that is why the marketing firms get paid so well, though.

I will admit to buying things at Walmart myself. But not casually or eagerly. They are, literally, the only game in town where I live. Oh, sure, there is a 'Whole Paychecks' an hour away from me. But that's owned by Bezos now, anyway. I didn't buy from Walmart for years when they first came to town. But everybody else did. Now look at it.

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"cold blooded, calculating" - well said 2FH.

I'm guessing that McDonald's was cold so as people would not linger.

Things are getting very blatant where you are.

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Worse, nobody was there EXCEPT homeless. Dark, no lights, cold.

What's that about?

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Regular folk won't want to go there.

One would guess that they would make it takeaways only.

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Nobody except homeless, no one ordering.

Used to be you had to wait for a table!!!

Surprised they let it go.

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